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package org.apache.batik.svggen;

import java.io.IOException;
import java.io.OutputStreamWriter;
import java.io.Writer;

import org.apache.batik.util.SVGConstants;
import org.w3c.dom.Attr;
import org.w3c.dom.CDATASection;
import org.w3c.dom.Comment;
import org.w3c.dom.Document;
import org.w3c.dom.Element;
import org.w3c.dom.NamedNodeMap;
import org.w3c.dom.Node;
import org.w3c.dom.NodeList;
import org.w3c.dom.Text;

Writes a Node as text output. Package access. This is *not* a full Xml printout implementation. It only covers what is needed by the Graphics2D class. The code for this class draws heavily from the work done for Sun's Project X by David Brownell.
Author:Vincent Hardy
Version:$Id: XmlWriter.java 1808001 2017-09-11 09:51:29Z ssteiner $
/** * Writes a Node as text output. Package access. This is * *not* a full Xml printout implementation. It only covers * what is needed by the Graphics2D class. * The code for this class draws heavily from the work done * for Sun's Project X by David Brownell. * * @author <a href="mailto:vincent.hardy@eng.sun.com">Vincent Hardy</a> * @version $Id: XmlWriter.java 1808001 2017-09-11 09:51:29Z ssteiner $ */
class XmlWriter implements SVGConstants { private static String EOL; private static final String TAG_END = "/>"; private static final String TAG_START = "</"; private static final char[] SPACES = { ' ',' ',' ',' ',' ',' ',' ',' ',' ',' ',' ',' ',' ',' ',' ', ' ',' ',' ',' ',' ',' ',' ',' ',' ',' ',' ',' ',' ',' ',' ' }; private static final int SPACES_LEN = SPACES.length; static { String temp; try { temp = System.getProperty ("line.separator", "\n"); } catch (SecurityException e) { temp = "\n"; } EOL = temp; } static class IndentWriter extends Writer { protected Writer proxied; protected int indentLevel; protected int column; public IndentWriter(Writer proxied){ if (proxied == null) throw new SVGGraphics2DRuntimeException (ErrorConstants.ERR_PROXY); this.proxied = proxied; } public void setIndentLevel(int indentLevel){ this.indentLevel = indentLevel; } public int getIndentLevel(){ return indentLevel; } public void printIndent() throws IOException{ proxied.write(EOL); int temp = indentLevel; while(temp > 0){ if (temp > SPACES_LEN) { proxied.write(SPACES, 0, SPACES_LEN); temp -= SPACES_LEN; } else { proxied.write(SPACES, 0, temp); break; } } column = indentLevel; } public Writer getProxied(){ return proxied; } public int getColumn() { return column; } public void write(int c) throws IOException { column++; proxied.write(c); } public void write(char[] cbuf) throws IOException { column+=cbuf.length; proxied.write(cbuf); } public void write(char[] cbuf, int off, int len) throws IOException{ column+=len; proxied.write(cbuf, off, len); } public void write(String str) throws IOException { column+=str.length(); proxied.write(str); } public void write(String str, int off, int len) throws IOException { column+=len; proxied.write(str, off, len); } public void flush() throws IOException{ proxied.flush(); } public void close() throws IOException{ column = -1; proxied.close(); } } private static void writeXml(Attr attr, IndentWriter out, boolean escaped) throws IOException{ String name = attr.getName(); out.write (name); out.write ("=\""); writeChildrenXml(attr, out, escaped); out.write ('"'); }
Writes the attribute's value.
/** * Writes the attribute's value. */
private static void writeChildrenXml(Attr attr, IndentWriter out, boolean escaped) throws IOException { char[] data = attr.getValue().toCharArray(); if (data == null) return; int length = data.length; int start=0, last=0; while (last < length) { char c = data[last]; switch (c) { case '<': out.write (data, start, last - start); start = last + 1; out.write ("&lt;"); break; case '>': out.write (data, start, last - start); start = last + 1; out.write ("&gt;"); break; case '&': out.write (data, start, last - start); start = last + 1; out.write ("&amp;"); break; case '"': out.write (data, start, last - start); start = last + 1; out.write ("&quot;"); break; default: // to be able to escape characters if allowed if (escaped && (c > 0x007F)) { out.write (data, start, last - start); String hex = "0000"+Integer.toHexString(c); out.write("&#x"+hex.substring(hex.length()-4)+";"); start = last + 1; } break; } last++; } out.write (data, start, last - start); }
Writes out the comment. Note that spaces may be added to prevent illegal comments: between consecutive dashes ("--") or if the last character of the comment is a dash.
/** * Writes out the comment. Note that spaces may be added to * prevent illegal comments: between consecutive dashes ("--") * or if the last character of the comment is a dash. */
private static void writeXml(Comment comment, IndentWriter out, boolean escaped) throws IOException { char[] data = comment.getData().toCharArray(); if (data == null) { out.write("<!---->"); return; } out.write ("<!--"); boolean sawDash = false; int length = data.length; int start=0, last=0; // "--" illegal in comments, insert a space. while (last < length) { char c = data[last]; if (c == '-') { if (sawDash) { out.write (data, start, last - start); start = last; out.write (' '); } sawDash = true; } else { sawDash = false; } last++; } out.write (data, start, last - start); if (sawDash) out.write (' '); out.write ("-->"); } private static void writeXml(Text text, IndentWriter out, boolean escaped) throws IOException { writeXml(text, out, false, escaped); } private static void writeXml(Text text, IndentWriter out, boolean trimWS, boolean escaped) throws IOException { char[] data = text.getData().toCharArray(); // XXX saw this once -- being paranoid if (data == null) { System.err.println ("Null text data??"); return; } int length = data.length; int start = 0, last = 0; if (trimWS) { while (last < length) { char c = data[last]; switch (c) { case ' ': case '\t': case '\n': case '\r': last++; continue; default: break; } break; } start = last; } while (last < length) { char c = data [last]; // escape markup delimiters only ... and do bulk // writes wherever possible, for best performance // // note that character data can't have the CDATA // termination "]]>"; escaping ">" suffices, and // doing it very generally helps simple parsers // that may not be quite correct. // switch(c) { case ' ': case '\t': case '\n': case '\r': if (trimWS) { int wsStart = last; last++; while (last < length) { switch(data[last]) { case ' ': case '\t': case '\n': case '\r': last++; continue; default: break; } break; } if (last == length) { out.write(data, start, wsStart-start); return; } else { continue; } } break; case '<': // not legal in char data out.write (data, start, last - start); start = last + 1; out.write ("&lt;"); break; case '>': // see above out.write (data, start, last - start); start = last + 1; out.write ("&gt;"); break; case '&': // not legal in char data out.write (data, start, last - start); start = last + 1; out.write ("&amp;"); break; default: // to be able to escape characters if allowed if (escaped && (c > 0x007F)) { out.write (data, start, last - start); String hex = "0000"+Integer.toHexString(c); out.write("&#x"+hex.substring(hex.length()-4)+";"); start = last + 1; } break; } last++; } out.write (data, start, last - start); } private static void writeXml(CDATASection cdataSection, IndentWriter out, boolean escaped) throws IOException { char[] data = cdataSection.getData().toCharArray(); if (data == null) { out.write ("<![CDATA[]]>"); return; } out.write ("<![CDATA["); int length = data.length; int start = 0, last = 0; while (last < length) { char c = data [last]; // embedded "]]>" needs to be split into adjacent // CDATA blocks ... can be split at either point if (c == ']') { if (((last + 2) < data.length) && (data [last + 1] == ']') && (data [last + 2] == '>')) { out.write (data, start, last - start); start = last + 1; out.write ("]]]]><![CDATA[>"); continue; } } last++; } out.write (data, start, last - start); out.write ("]]>"); } private static void writeXml(Element element, IndentWriter out, boolean escaped) throws IOException, SVGGraphics2DIOException { out.write (TAG_START, 0, 1); // "<" out.write (element.getTagName()); NamedNodeMap attributes = element.getAttributes(); if (attributes != null){ int nAttr = attributes.getLength(); for(int i=0; i<nAttr; i++){ Attr attr = (Attr)attributes.item(i); out.write(' '); writeXml(attr, out, escaped); } } boolean lastElem = (element.getParentNode().getLastChild()==element); // // Write empty nodes as "<EMPTY />" to make sure version 3 // and 4 web browsers can read empty tag output as HTML. // XML allows "<EMPTY/>" too, of course. // if (!element.hasChildNodes()) { if (lastElem) out.setIndentLevel(out.getIndentLevel()-2); out.printIndent (); out.write(TAG_END, 0, 2); // "/>" return; } Node child = element.getFirstChild(); out.printIndent (); out.write(TAG_END, 1, 1); // ">" if ((child.getNodeType() != Node.TEXT_NODE) || (element.getLastChild() != child)) { // one text node child.. out.setIndentLevel(out.getIndentLevel()+2); } writeChildrenXml(element, out, escaped); out.write (TAG_START, 0, 2); // "</" out.write (element.getTagName()); if (lastElem) out.setIndentLevel(out.getIndentLevel()-2); out.printIndent (); out.write (TAG_END, 1, 1); // ">" } private static void writeChildrenXml(Element element, IndentWriter out, boolean escaped) throws IOException, SVGGraphics2DIOException { Node child = element.getFirstChild(); while (child != null) { writeXml(child, out, escaped); child = child.getNextSibling(); } } private static void writeDocumentHeader(IndentWriter out) throws IOException { String encoding = null; if (out.getProxied() instanceof OutputStreamWriter) { OutputStreamWriter osw = (OutputStreamWriter)out.getProxied(); encoding = java2std(osw.getEncoding()); } out.write ("<?xml version=\"1.0\""); if (encoding != null) { out.write (" encoding=\""); out.write (encoding); out.write ('\"'); } out.write ("?>"); out.write (EOL); // Write DOCTYPE declaration here. Skip until specification is released. out.write ("<!DOCTYPE svg PUBLIC '"); out.write (SVG_PUBLIC_ID); out.write ("'"); out.write (EOL); out.write (" '"); out.write (SVG_SYSTEM_ID); out.write ("'"); out.write (">"); out.write (EOL); } private static void writeXml(Document document, IndentWriter out, boolean escaped) throws IOException, SVGGraphics2DIOException { writeDocumentHeader(out); NodeList childList = document.getChildNodes(); writeXml(childList, out, escaped); } private static void writeXml(NodeList childList, IndentWriter out, boolean escaped) throws IOException, SVGGraphics2DIOException { int length = childList.getLength (); if (length == 0) return; for (int i = 0; i < length; i++) { Node child = childList.item(i); writeXml(child, out, escaped); out.write (EOL); } } static String java2std(String encodingName) { if (encodingName == null) return null; // // ISO-8859-N is a common family of 8 bit encodings; // N=1 is the eight bit subset of UNICODE, and there // seem to be at least drafts for some N >10. // if (encodingName.startsWith ("ISO8859_")) // JDK 1.2 return "ISO-8859-" + encodingName.substring (8); if (encodingName.startsWith ("8859_")) // JDK 1.1 return "ISO-8859-" + encodingName.substring (5); // XXX seven bit encodings ISO-2022-* ... // XXX EBCDIC encodings ... if ("ASCII7".equalsIgnoreCase (encodingName) || "ASCII".equalsIgnoreCase (encodingName)) return "US-ASCII"; // // All XML parsers _must_ support UTF-8 and UTF-16. // (UTF-16 ~= ISO-10646-UCS-2 plus surrogate pairs) // if ("UTF8".equalsIgnoreCase (encodingName)) return "UTF-8"; if (encodingName.startsWith ("Unicode")) return "UTF-16"; // // Some common Japanese character sets. // if ("SJIS".equalsIgnoreCase (encodingName)) return "Shift_JIS"; if ("JIS".equalsIgnoreCase (encodingName)) return "ISO-2022-JP"; if ("EUCJIS".equalsIgnoreCase (encodingName)) return "EUC-JP"; // else we force UTF-8 encoding, better than nothing... return "UTF-8"; } public static void writeXml(Node node, Writer writer, boolean escaped) throws SVGGraphics2DIOException { try { IndentWriter out = null; if (writer instanceof IndentWriter) out = (IndentWriter)writer; else out = new IndentWriter(writer); switch (node.getNodeType()) { case Node.ATTRIBUTE_NODE: writeXml((Attr)node, out, escaped); break; case Node.COMMENT_NODE: writeXml((Comment)node, out, escaped); break; case Node.TEXT_NODE: writeXml((Text)node, out, escaped); break; case Node.CDATA_SECTION_NODE: writeXml((CDATASection)node, out, escaped); break; case Node.DOCUMENT_NODE: writeXml((Document)node, out, escaped); break; case Node.DOCUMENT_FRAGMENT_NODE: writeDocumentHeader(out); NodeList childList = node.getChildNodes(); writeXml(childList, out, escaped); break; case Node.ELEMENT_NODE: writeXml((Element)node, out, escaped); break; default: throw new SVGGraphics2DRuntimeException (ErrorConstants.INVALID_NODE+node.getClass().getName()); } } catch (IOException io) { throw new SVGGraphics2DIOException(io); } } }