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package org.apache.batik.svggen;

import org.apache.batik.util.SVGConstants;

Contains the definition of the SVG tags and attribute names.
Author:Vincent Hardy
Version:$Id: SVGSyntax.java 1733416 2016-03-03 07:07:13Z gadams $
/** * Contains the definition of the SVG tags and attribute names. * * @author <a href="mailto:vincent.hardy@eng.sun.com">Vincent Hardy</a> * @version $Id: SVGSyntax.java 1733416 2016-03-03 07:07:13Z gadams $ */
public interface SVGSyntax extends SVGConstants { // ID prefix constants. Generated IDs have the form <prefix><nn>. String ID_PREFIX_ALPHA_COMPOSITE_CLEAR = "alphaCompositeClear"; String ID_PREFIX_ALPHA_COMPOSITE_DST_IN = "alphaCompositeDstIn"; String ID_PREFIX_ALPHA_COMPOSITE_DST_OUT = "alphaCompositeDstOut"; String ID_PREFIX_ALPHA_COMPOSITE_DST_OVER = "alphaCompositeDstOver"; String ID_PREFIX_ALPHA_COMPOSITE_SRC = "alphaCompositeSrc"; String ID_PREFIX_ALPHA_COMPOSITE_SRC_IN = "alphaCompositeSrcIn"; String ID_PREFIX_ALPHA_COMPOSITE_SRC_OUT = "alphaCompositeSrcOut"; String ID_PREFIX_AMBIENT_LIGHT = "ambientLight"; String ID_PREFIX_BUMP_MAP = "bumpMap"; String ID_PREFIX_CLIP_PATH = "clipPath"; String ID_PREFIX_DEFS = "defs"; String ID_PREFIX_DIFFUSE_ADD = "diffuseAdd"; String ID_PREFIX_DIFFUSE_LIGHTING_RESULT = "diffuseLightingResult"; String ID_PREFIX_FE_CONVOLVE_MATRIX = "convolve"; String ID_PREFIX_FE_COMPONENT_TRANSFER = "componentTransfer"; String ID_PREFIX_FE_COMPOSITE = "composite"; String ID_PREFIX_FE_COMPLEX_FILTER = "complexFilter"; String ID_PREFIX_FE_DIFFUSE_LIGHTING = "diffuseLighting"; String ID_PREFIX_FE_FLOOD = "flood"; String ID_PREFIX_FE_GAUSSIAN_BLUR = "feGaussianBlur"; String ID_PREFIX_FE_LIGHTING_FILTER = "feLightingFilter"; String ID_PREFIX_FE_SPECULAR_LIGHTING = "feSpecularLighting"; String ID_PREFIX_FONT = "font"; String ID_PREFIX_GENERIC_DEFS = "genericDefs"; String ID_PREFIX_IMAGE = "image"; String ID_PREFIX_IMAGE_DEFS = "imageDefs"; String ID_PREFIX_LINEAR_GRADIENT = "linearGradient"; String ID_PREFIX_MASK = "mask"; String ID_PREFIX_PATTERN = "pattern"; String ID_PREFIX_RADIAL_GRADIENT = "radialGradient"; String ID_PREFIX_SPECULAR_ADD = "specularAdd"; String ID_PREFIX_SPECULAR_LIGHTING_RESULT = "specularLightingResult"; // Generic string constants. String CLOSE_PARENTHESIS = ")"; String COMMA = ","; String OPEN_PARENTHESIS = "("; String RGB_PREFIX = "rgb("; String RGB_SUFFIX = ")"; String SIGN_PERCENT = "%"; String SIGN_POUND = "#"; String SPACE = " "; String URL_PREFIX = "url("; String URL_SUFFIX = ")"; String DATA_PROTOCOL_PNG_PREFIX = "data:image/png;base64,"; }