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package org.apache.batik.parser;

import java.io.IOException;
import java.util.Calendar;
import java.util.SimpleTimeZone;

import org.apache.batik.xml.XMLUtilities;

An abstract base class for SMIL timing value parsers.
Author:Cameron McCormack
Version:$Id: TimingParser.java 1802297 2017-07-18 13:58:12Z ssteiner $
/** * An abstract base class for SMIL timing value parsers. * * @author <a href="mailto:cam%40mcc%2eid%2eau">Cameron McCormack</a> * @version $Id: TimingParser.java 1802297 2017-07-18 13:58:12Z ssteiner $ */
public abstract class TimingParser extends AbstractParser { // Constants used in the return values of parseTimingSpecifier. protected static final int TIME_OFFSET = 0; protected static final int TIME_SYNCBASE = 1; protected static final int TIME_EVENTBASE = 2; protected static final int TIME_REPEAT = 3; protected static final int TIME_ACCESSKEY = 4; protected static final int TIME_ACCESSKEY_SVG12 = 5; protected static final int TIME_MEDIA_MARKER = 6; protected static final int TIME_WALLCLOCK = 7; protected static final int TIME_INDEFINITE = 8;
Allows the use of accessKey() timing specifiers with a single character, as specified in SVG 1.1.
/** * Allows the use of accessKey() timing specifiers with a single * character, as specified in SVG 1.1. */
protected boolean useSVG11AccessKeys;
Allows the use of accessKey() timing specifiers with a DOM 3 key name, as specified in SVG 1.2.
/** * Allows the use of accessKey() timing specifiers with a DOM 3 * key name, as specified in SVG 1.2. */
protected boolean useSVG12AccessKeys;
Creates a new TimingParser.
  • useSVG11AccessKeys – allows the use of accessKey() timing specifiers with a single character
  • useSVG12AccessKeys – allows the use of accessKey() with a DOM 3 key name
/** * Creates a new TimingParser. * @param useSVG11AccessKeys allows the use of accessKey() timing * specifiers with a single character * @param useSVG12AccessKeys allows the use of accessKey() with a * DOM 3 key name */
public TimingParser(boolean useSVG11AccessKeys, boolean useSVG12AccessKeys) { this.useSVG11AccessKeys = useSVG11AccessKeys; this.useSVG12AccessKeys = useSVG12AccessKeys; }
Parses a timing specifier. Returns an array of Objects of the form:
  • { TIME_OFFSET, offset }
  • { TIME_SYNCBASE, offset, id, time-symbol }
  • { TIME_EVENTBASE, offset, id, event-ref }
  • { TIME_REPEAT, offset, id, repeat-count }
  • { TIME_ACCESSKEY, offset, character }
  • { TIME_ACCESSKEY_SVG12, offset, key-name }
  • { TIME_MEDIA_MARKER, id, marker-name }
  • { TIME_WALLCLOCK, wallclock-value }
/** * Parses a timing specifier. Returns an array of Objects of the * form: * <ul> * <li>{ TIME_OFFSET, offset }</li> * <li>{ TIME_SYNCBASE, offset, id, time-symbol }</li> * <li>{ TIME_EVENTBASE, offset, id, event-ref }</li> * <li>{ TIME_REPEAT, offset, id, repeat-count }</li> * <li>{ TIME_ACCESSKEY, offset, character }</li> * <li>{ TIME_ACCESSKEY_SVG12, offset, key-name }</li> * <li>{ TIME_MEDIA_MARKER, id, marker-name }</li> * <li>{ TIME_WALLCLOCK, wallclock-value }</li> * <li>{ TIME_INDEFINITE }</li> * </ul> */
protected Object[] parseTimingSpecifier() throws ParseException, IOException { skipSpaces(); boolean escaped = false; if (current == '\\') { escaped = true; current = reader.read(); } Object[] ret = null; if (current == '+' || (current == '-' && !escaped) || (current >= '0' && current <= '9')) { float offset = parseOffset(); ret = new Object[] {TIME_OFFSET, offset}; } else if (XMLUtilities.isXMLNameFirstCharacter((char) current)) { ret = parseIDValue(escaped); } else { reportUnexpectedCharacterError( current ); } return ret; }
Parses an XML name with optional escaping in the middle.
/** * Parses an XML name with optional escaping in the middle. */
protected String parseName() throws ParseException, IOException { StringBuffer sb = new StringBuffer(); boolean midEscaped = false; do { sb.append((char) current); current = reader.read(); midEscaped = false; if (current == '\\') { midEscaped = true; current = reader.read(); } } while (XMLUtilities.isXMLNameCharacter((char) current) && (midEscaped || (current != '-' && current != '.'))); return sb.toString(); }
Parses a timing specifier that starts with a word.
  • escaped – whether a backslash appeared before this timing specifier
/** * Parses a timing specifier that starts with a word. * @param escaped whether a backslash appeared before this timing specifier */
protected Object[] parseIDValue(boolean escaped) throws ParseException, IOException { String id = parseName(); if ((id.equals("accessKey") && useSVG11AccessKeys || id.equals("accesskey")) && !escaped) { if (current != '(') { reportUnexpectedCharacterError( current ); } current = reader.read(); if (current == -1) { reportError("end.of.stream", new Object[0]); } char key = (char) current; current = reader.read(); if (current != ')') { reportUnexpectedCharacterError( current ); } current = reader.read(); skipSpaces(); float offset = 0; if (current == '+' || current == '-') { offset = parseOffset(); } return new Object[] {TIME_ACCESSKEY, offset, key}; } else if (id.equals("accessKey") && useSVG12AccessKeys && !escaped) { if (current != '(') { reportUnexpectedCharacterError( current ); } current = reader.read(); StringBuffer keyName = new StringBuffer(); while (current >= 'A' && current <= 'Z' || current >= 'a' && current <= 'z' || current >= '0' && current <= '9' || current == '+') { keyName.append((char) current); current = reader.read(); } if (current != ')') { reportUnexpectedCharacterError( current ); } current = reader.read(); skipSpaces(); float offset = 0; if (current == '+' || current == '-') { offset = parseOffset(); } return new Object[] {TIME_ACCESSKEY_SVG12, offset, keyName.toString() }; } else if (id.equals("wallclock") && !escaped) { if (current != '(') { reportUnexpectedCharacterError( current ); } current = reader.read(); skipSpaces(); Calendar wallclockValue = parseWallclockValue(); skipSpaces(); if (current != ')') { reportError("character.unexpected", new Object[] {current}); } current = reader.read(); return new Object[] {TIME_WALLCLOCK, wallclockValue }; } else if (id.equals("indefinite") && !escaped) { return new Object[] {TIME_INDEFINITE}; } else { if (current == '.') { current = reader.read(); if (current == '\\') { escaped = true; current = reader.read(); } if (!XMLUtilities.isXMLNameFirstCharacter((char) current)) { reportUnexpectedCharacterError( current ); } String id2 = parseName(); if ((id2.equals("begin") || id2.equals("end")) && !escaped) { skipSpaces(); float offset = 0; if (current == '+' || current == '-') { offset = parseOffset(); } return new Object[] {TIME_SYNCBASE, offset, id, id2 }; } else if (id2.equals("repeat") && !escaped) { Integer repeatIteration = null; if (current == '(') { current = reader.read(); repeatIteration = parseDigits(); if (current != ')') { reportUnexpectedCharacterError( current ); } current = reader.read(); } skipSpaces(); float offset = 0; if (current == '+' || current == '-') { offset = parseOffset(); } return new Object[] {TIME_REPEAT, offset, id, repeatIteration }; } else if (id2.equals("marker") && !escaped) { if (current != '(') { reportUnexpectedCharacterError( current ); } String markerName = parseName(); if (current != ')') { reportUnexpectedCharacterError( current ); } current = reader.read(); return new Object[] {TIME_MEDIA_MARKER, id, markerName }; } else { skipSpaces(); float offset = 0; if (current == '+' || current == '-') { offset = parseOffset(); } return new Object[] {TIME_EVENTBASE, offset, id, id2 }; } } else { skipSpaces(); float offset = 0; if (current == '+' || current == '-') { offset = parseOffset(); } return new Object[] {TIME_EVENTBASE, offset, null, id }; } } }
Parses a clock value.
/** * Parses a clock value. */
protected float parseClockValue() throws ParseException, IOException { int d1 = parseDigits(); float offset; if (current == ':') { current = reader.read(); int d2 = parseDigits(); if (current == ':') { current = reader.read(); int d3 = parseDigits(); offset = d1 * 3600 + d2 * 60 + d3; } else { offset = d1 * 60 + d2; } if (current == '.') { current = reader.read(); offset += parseFraction(); } } else if (current == '.') { current = reader.read(); offset = (parseFraction() + d1) * parseUnit(); } else { offset = d1 * parseUnit(); } return offset; }
Parses an offset value.
/** * Parses an offset value. */
protected float parseOffset() throws ParseException, IOException { boolean offsetNegative = false; if (current == '-') { offsetNegative = true; current = reader.read(); skipSpaces(); } else if (current == '+') { current = reader.read(); skipSpaces(); } if (offsetNegative) { return -parseClockValue(); } return parseClockValue(); }
Parses a sequence of digits and returns the integer.
/** * Parses a sequence of digits and returns the integer. */
protected int parseDigits() throws ParseException, IOException { int value = 0; if (current < '0' || current > '9') { reportUnexpectedCharacterError( current ); } do { value = value * 10 + (current - '0'); current = reader.read(); } while (current >= '0' && current <= '9'); return value; }
Parses a '.' and a sequence of digits and returns the float.
/** * Parses a '.' and a sequence of digits and returns the float. */
protected float parseFraction() throws ParseException, IOException { float value = 0; if (current < '0' || current > '9') { reportUnexpectedCharacterError( current ); } float weight = 0.1f; do { value += weight * (current - '0'); weight *= 0.1f; current = reader.read(); } while (current >= '0' && current <= '9'); return value; }
Parses a time unit and returns the float for the multiplier.
/** * Parses a time unit and returns the float for the multiplier. */
protected float parseUnit() throws ParseException, IOException { if (current == 'h') { current = reader.read(); return 3600; } else if (current == 'm') { current = reader.read(); if (current == 'i') { current = reader.read(); if (current != 'n') { reportUnexpectedCharacterError( current ); } current = reader.read(); return 60; } else if (current == 's') { current = reader.read(); return 0.001f; } else { reportUnexpectedCharacterError( current ); } } else if (current == 's') { current = reader.read(); } return 1; }
Parses a wallclock value and returns it as a Calendar.
/** * Parses a wallclock value and returns it as a {@link Calendar}. */
protected Calendar parseWallclockValue() throws ParseException, IOException { int y = 0, M = 0, d = 0, h = 0, m = 0, s = 0, tzh = 0, tzm = 0; float frac = 0; boolean dateSpecified = false; boolean timeSpecified = false; boolean tzSpecified = false; boolean tzNegative = false; String tzn = null; int digits1 = parseDigits(); do { if (current == '-') { dateSpecified = true; y = digits1; current = reader.read(); M = parseDigits(); if (current != '-') { reportUnexpectedCharacterError( current ); } current = reader.read(); d = parseDigits(); if (current != 'T') { break; } current = reader.read(); digits1 = parseDigits(); if (current != ':') { reportUnexpectedCharacterError( current ); } } if (current == ':') { timeSpecified = true; h = digits1; current = reader.read(); m = parseDigits(); if (current == ':') { current = reader.read(); s = parseDigits(); if (current == '.') { current = reader.read(); frac = parseFraction(); } } if (current == 'Z') { tzSpecified = true; tzn = "UTC"; current = reader.read(); } else if (current == '+' || current == '-') { StringBuffer tznb = new StringBuffer(); tzSpecified = true; if (current == '-') { tzNegative = true; tznb.append('-'); } else { tznb.append('+'); } current = reader.read(); tzh = parseDigits(); if (tzh < 10) { tznb.append('0'); } tznb.append(tzh); if (current != ':') { reportUnexpectedCharacterError( current ); } tznb.append(':'); current = reader.read(); tzm = parseDigits(); if (tzm < 10) { tznb.append('0'); } tznb.append(tzm); tzn = tznb.toString(); } } } while (false); if (!dateSpecified && !timeSpecified) { reportUnexpectedCharacterError( current ); } Calendar wallclockTime; if (tzSpecified) { int offset = (tzNegative ? -1 : 1) * (tzh * 3600000 + tzm * 60000); wallclockTime = Calendar.getInstance(new SimpleTimeZone(offset, tzn)); } else { wallclockTime = Calendar.getInstance(); } if (dateSpecified && timeSpecified) { wallclockTime.set(y, M, d, h, m, s); } else if (dateSpecified) { wallclockTime.set(y, M, d, 0, 0, 0); } else { wallclockTime.set(Calendar.HOUR, h); wallclockTime.set(Calendar.MINUTE, m); wallclockTime.set(Calendar.SECOND, s); } if (frac == 0.0f) { wallclockTime.set(Calendar.MILLISECOND, (int) (frac * 1000)); } else { wallclockTime.set(Calendar.MILLISECOND, 0); } return wallclockTime; } }