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package org.apache.batik.bridge;

import java.security.AccessControlContext;
import java.security.AccessController;
import java.security.PrivilegedAction;

import org.mozilla.javascript.Context;
import org.mozilla.javascript.Function;
import org.mozilla.javascript.ImporterTopLevel;
import org.mozilla.javascript.NativeObject;
import org.mozilla.javascript.Scriptable;
import org.mozilla.javascript.ScriptableObject;

import org.w3c.dom.Document;
import org.w3c.dom.Node;
import org.apache.batik.w3c.dom.Location;

This class wraps a Window object to expose it to the interpreter. This will be the Global Object of our interpreter.
Author:Christophe Jolif, Stephane Hillion
Version:$Id: WindowWrapper.java 1830543 2018-04-30 10:17:31Z ssteiner $
/** * This class wraps a Window object to expose it to the interpreter. * This will be the Global Object of our interpreter. * * @author <a href="mailto:cjolif@ilog.fr">Christophe Jolif</a> * @author <a href="mailto:stephane@hillion.org">Stephane Hillion</a> * @version $Id: WindowWrapper.java 1830543 2018-04-30 10:17:31Z ssteiner $ */
public class WindowWrapper extends ImporterTopLevel { private static final Object[] EMPTY_ARGUMENTS = new Object[0];
The rhino interpreter.
/** * The rhino interpreter. */
protected RhinoInterpreter interpreter;
The wrapped window.
/** * The wrapped window. */
protected Window window;
Creates a new WindowWrapper.
/** * Creates a new WindowWrapper. */
public WindowWrapper(Context context) { super(context); String[] names = { "setInterval", "setTimeout", "clearInterval", "clearTimeout", "parseXML", "printNode", "getURL", "postURL", "alert", "confirm", "prompt" }; this.defineFunctionProperties(names, WindowWrapper.class, ScriptableObject.DONTENUM); this.defineProperty("location", WindowWrapper.class, ScriptableObject.PERMANENT); } public String getClassName() { return "Window"; } public String toString() { return "[object Window]"; }
Wraps the 'setInterval' methods of the Window interface.
/** * Wraps the 'setInterval' methods of the Window interface. */
public static Object setInterval(Context cx, Scriptable thisObj, Object[] args, Function funObj) { int len = args.length; WindowWrapper ww = (WindowWrapper)thisObj; Window window = ww.window; if (len < 2) { throw Context.reportRuntimeError("invalid argument count"); } long to = (Long) Context.jsToJava(args[1], Long.TYPE); if (args[0] instanceof Function) { RhinoInterpreter interp = (RhinoInterpreter)window.getInterpreter(); FunctionWrapper fw; fw = new FunctionWrapper(interp, (Function)args[0], EMPTY_ARGUMENTS); return Context.toObject(window.setInterval(fw, to), thisObj); } String script = (String)Context.jsToJava(args[0], String.class); return Context.toObject(window.setInterval(script, to), thisObj); }
Wraps the 'setTimeout' methods of the Window interface.
/** * Wraps the 'setTimeout' methods of the Window interface. */
public static Object setTimeout(Context cx, Scriptable thisObj, Object[] args, Function funObj) { int len = args.length; WindowWrapper ww = (WindowWrapper)thisObj; Window window = ww.window; if (len < 2) { throw Context.reportRuntimeError("invalid argument count"); } long to = (Long) Context.jsToJava(args[1], Long.TYPE); if (args[0] instanceof Function) { RhinoInterpreter interp = (RhinoInterpreter)window.getInterpreter(); FunctionWrapper fw; fw = new FunctionWrapper(interp, (Function)args[0], EMPTY_ARGUMENTS); return Context.toObject(window.setTimeout(fw, to), thisObj); } String script = (String)Context.jsToJava(args[0], String.class); return Context.toObject(window.setTimeout(script, to), thisObj); }
Wraps the 'clearInterval' method of the Window interface.
/** * Wraps the 'clearInterval' method of the Window interface. */
public static void clearInterval(Context cx, Scriptable thisObj, Object[] args, Function funObj) { int len = args.length; WindowWrapper ww = (WindowWrapper)thisObj; Window window = ww.window; if (len >= 1) { window.clearInterval(Context.jsToJava(args[0], Object.class)); } }
Wraps the 'clearTimeout' method of the Window interface.
/** * Wraps the 'clearTimeout' method of the Window interface. */
public static void clearTimeout(Context cx, Scriptable thisObj, Object[] args, Function funObj) { int len = args.length; WindowWrapper ww = (WindowWrapper)thisObj; Window window = ww.window; if (len >= 1) { window.clearTimeout(Context.jsToJava(args[0], Object.class)); } }
Wraps the 'parseXML' method of the Window interface.
/** * Wraps the 'parseXML' method of the Window interface. */
public static Object parseXML(Context cx, Scriptable thisObj, final Object[] args, Function funObj) { int len = args.length; WindowWrapper ww = (WindowWrapper)thisObj; final Window window = ww.window; if (len < 2) { throw Context.reportRuntimeError("invalid argument count"); } RhinoInterpreter interp = (RhinoInterpreter)window.getInterpreter(); AccessControlContext acc = interp.getAccessControlContext(); PrivilegedAction pa = new PrivilegedAction() { public Object run() { return window.parseXML ((String)Context.jsToJava(args[0], String.class), (Document)Context.jsToJava(args[1], Document.class)); } }; Object ret; // If acc is null we are running in an Applet (or some other // restrictive environment) so don't sweat security it's // the "Browsers" problem... if (acc != null) ret = AccessController.doPrivileged(pa , acc); else ret = AccessController.doPrivileged(pa); return Context.toObject(ret, thisObj); }
Wraps the 'printNode' method of the Window interface.
/** * Wraps the 'printNode' method of the Window interface. */
public static Object printNode(Context cx, Scriptable thisObj, final Object[] args, Function funObj) { if (args.length != 1) { throw Context.reportRuntimeError("invalid argument count"); } WindowWrapper ww = (WindowWrapper)thisObj; final Window window = ww.window; AccessControlContext acc = ((RhinoInterpreter)window.getInterpreter()).getAccessControlContext(); Object ret = AccessController.doPrivileged(new PrivilegedAction() { public Object run() { return window.printNode ((Node) Context.jsToJava(args[0], Node.class)); } }, acc); return Context.toString(ret); }
Wraps the 'getURL' method of the Window interface.
/** * Wraps the 'getURL' method of the Window interface. */
public static void getURL(Context cx, Scriptable thisObj, final Object[] args, Function funObj) { int len = args.length; WindowWrapper ww = (WindowWrapper)thisObj; final Window window = ww.window; if (len < 2) { throw Context.reportRuntimeError("invalid argument count"); } RhinoInterpreter interp = (RhinoInterpreter)window.getInterpreter(); final String uri = (String)Context.jsToJava(args[0], String.class); Window.URLResponseHandler urlHandler = null; if (args[1] instanceof Function) { urlHandler = new GetURLFunctionWrapper (interp, (Function)args[1], ww); } else { urlHandler = new GetURLObjectWrapper (interp, (NativeObject)args[1], ww); } final Window.URLResponseHandler fw = urlHandler; AccessControlContext acc = ((RhinoInterpreter)window.getInterpreter()).getAccessControlContext(); if (len == 2) { AccessController.doPrivileged(new PrivilegedAction() { public Object run(){ window.getURL(uri, fw); return null; } }, acc); } else { AccessController.doPrivileged(new PrivilegedAction() { public Object run() { window.getURL (uri, fw, (String)Context.jsToJava(args[2], String.class)); return null; } }, acc); } }
Wraps the 'postURL' method of the Window interface.
/** * Wraps the 'postURL' method of the Window interface. */
public static void postURL(Context cx, Scriptable thisObj, final Object[] args, Function funObj) { int len = args.length; WindowWrapper ww = (WindowWrapper)thisObj; final Window window = ww.window; if (len < 3) { throw Context.reportRuntimeError("invalid argument count"); } RhinoInterpreter interp = (RhinoInterpreter)window.getInterpreter(); final String uri = (String)Context.jsToJava(args[0], String.class); final String content = (String)Context.jsToJava(args[1], String.class); Window.URLResponseHandler urlHandler = null; if (args[2] instanceof Function) { urlHandler = new GetURLFunctionWrapper (interp, (Function)args[2], ww); } else { urlHandler = new GetURLObjectWrapper (interp, (NativeObject)args[2], ww); } final Window.URLResponseHandler fw = urlHandler; AccessControlContext acc; acc = interp.getAccessControlContext(); switch (len) { case 3: AccessController.doPrivileged(new PrivilegedAction() { public Object run(){ window.postURL(uri, content, fw); return null; } }, acc); break; case 4: AccessController.doPrivileged(new PrivilegedAction() { public Object run() { window.postURL (uri, content, fw, (String)Context.jsToJava(args[3], String.class)); return null; } }, acc); break; default: AccessController.doPrivileged(new PrivilegedAction() { public Object run() { window.postURL (uri, content, fw, (String)Context.jsToJava(args[3], String.class), (String)Context.jsToJava(args[4], String.class)); return null; } }, acc); } }
Wraps the 'alert' method of the Window interface.
/** * Wraps the 'alert' method of the Window interface. */
public static void alert(Context cx, Scriptable thisObj, Object[] args, Function funObj) { int len = args.length; WindowWrapper ww = (WindowWrapper)thisObj; Window window = ww.window; if (len >= 1) { String message = (String)Context.jsToJava(args[0], String.class); window.alert(message); } }
Wraps the 'confirm' method of the Window interface.
/** * Wraps the 'confirm' method of the Window interface. */
public static Object confirm(Context cx, Scriptable thisObj, Object[] args, Function funObj) { int len = args.length; WindowWrapper ww = (WindowWrapper)thisObj; Window window = ww.window; if (len >= 1) { String message = (String)Context.jsToJava(args[0], String.class); if (window.confirm(message)) return Context.toObject(Boolean.TRUE, thisObj); else return Context.toObject(Boolean.FALSE, thisObj); } return Context.toObject(Boolean.FALSE, thisObj); }
Wraps the 'prompt' method of the Window interface.
/** * Wraps the 'prompt' method of the Window interface. */
public static Object prompt(Context cx, Scriptable thisObj, Object[] args, Function funObj) { WindowWrapper ww = (WindowWrapper)thisObj; Window window = ww.window; Object result; switch (args.length) { case 0: result = ""; break; case 1: String message = (String)Context.jsToJava(args[0], String.class); result = window.prompt(message); break; default: message = (String)Context.jsToJava(args[0], String.class); String defVal = (String)Context.jsToJava(args[1], String.class); result = window.prompt(message, defVal); break; } if (result == null) { return null; } return Context.toString(result); }
Return the Location for this Window.
/** * Return the Location for this Window. */
public Location getLocation() { return window.getLocation(); }
Return the Location for this Window.
/** * Return the Location for this Window. */
public void setLocation(Object val) { String url = (String)Context.jsToJava(val, String.class); window.getLocation().assign(url); }
To wrap a function in an handler.
/** * To wrap a function in an handler. */
protected static class FunctionWrapper implements Runnable {
The current interpreter.
/** * The current interpreter. */
protected RhinoInterpreter interpreter;
The function wrapper.
/** * The function wrapper. */
protected Function function;
The arguments.
/** * The arguments. */
protected Object[] arguments;
Creates a function wrapper.
/** * Creates a function wrapper. */
public FunctionWrapper(RhinoInterpreter ri, Function f, Object[] args) { interpreter = ri; function = f; arguments = args; }
Calls the function.
/** * Calls the function. */
public void run() { interpreter.callHandler(function, arguments); } }
To wrap a function passed to getURL().
/** * To wrap a function passed to getURL(). */
protected static class GetURLFunctionWrapper implements Window.URLResponseHandler {
The current interpreter.
/** * The current interpreter. */
protected RhinoInterpreter interpreter;
The function wrapper.
/** * The function wrapper. */
protected Function function;
The WindowWrapper
/** * The WindowWrapper */
protected WindowWrapper windowWrapper;
Creates a wrapper.
/** * Creates a wrapper. */
public GetURLFunctionWrapper(RhinoInterpreter ri, Function fct, WindowWrapper ww) { interpreter = ri; function = fct; windowWrapper = ww; }
Called before 'getURL()' returns.
  • success – Whether the data was successfully retreived.
  • mime – The data MIME type.
  • content – The data.
/** * Called before 'getURL()' returns. * @param success Whether the data was successfully retreived. * @param mime The data MIME type. * @param content The data. */
public void getURLDone(final boolean success, final String mime, final String content) { interpreter.callHandler (function, new GetURLDoneArgBuilder(success, mime, content, windowWrapper)); } }
To wrap an object passed to getURL().
/** * To wrap an object passed to getURL(). */
private static class GetURLObjectWrapper implements Window.URLResponseHandler {
The current interpreter.
/** * The current interpreter. */
private RhinoInterpreter interpreter;
The object wrapper.
/** * The object wrapper. */
private ScriptableObject object;
The Scope for the callback.
/** * The Scope for the callback. */
private WindowWrapper windowWrapper; private static final String COMPLETE = "operationComplete";
Creates a wrapper.
/** * Creates a wrapper. */
public GetURLObjectWrapper(RhinoInterpreter ri, ScriptableObject obj, WindowWrapper ww) { interpreter = ri; object = obj; windowWrapper = ww; }
Called before 'getURL()' returns.
  • success – Whether the data was successfully retreived.
  • mime – The data MIME type.
  • content – The data.
/** * Called before 'getURL()' returns. * @param success Whether the data was successfully retreived. * @param mime The data MIME type. * @param content The data. */
public void getURLDone(final boolean success, final String mime, final String content) { interpreter.callMethod (object, COMPLETE, new GetURLDoneArgBuilder(success, mime, content, windowWrapper)); } } static class GetURLDoneArgBuilder implements RhinoInterpreter.ArgumentsBuilder { boolean success; String mime, content; WindowWrapper windowWrapper; public GetURLDoneArgBuilder(boolean success, String mime, String content, WindowWrapper ww) { this.success = success; this.mime = mime; this.content = content; this.windowWrapper = ww; } public Object[] buildArguments() { ScriptableObject so = new NativeObject(); so.put("success", so, (success) ? Boolean.TRUE : Boolean.FALSE); if (mime != null) { so.put("contentType", so, Context.toObject(mime, windowWrapper)); } if (content != null) { so.put("content", so, Context.toObject(content, windowWrapper)); } return new Object [] { so }; } } }