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package org.apache.batik.bridge;

import java.awt.font.TextAttribute;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.StringTokenizer;

import org.apache.batik.css.engine.SVGCSSEngine;
import org.apache.batik.css.engine.value.Value;
import org.apache.batik.util.CSSConstants;
import org.w3c.dom.Element;
import org.w3c.dom.Node;
import org.w3c.dom.css.CSSPrimitiveValue;

A collection of utility method for text.
Author:Stephane Hillion, Bill Haneman
Version:$Id: TextUtilities.java 1802297 2017-07-18 13:58:12Z ssteiner $
/** * A collection of utility method for text. * * @author <a href="mailto:stephane@hillion.org">Stephane Hillion</a> * @author <a href="mailto:bill.haneman@ireland.sun.com">Bill Haneman</a> * @version $Id: TextUtilities.java 1802297 2017-07-18 13:58:12Z ssteiner $ */
public abstract class TextUtilities implements CSSConstants, ErrorConstants {
Returns the content of the given element.
/** * Returns the content of the given element. */
public static String getElementContent(Element e) { StringBuffer result = new StringBuffer(); for (Node n = e.getFirstChild(); n != null; n = n.getNextSibling()) { switch (n.getNodeType()) { case Node.ELEMENT_NODE: result.append(getElementContent((Element)n)); break; case Node.CDATA_SECTION_NODE: case Node.TEXT_NODE: result.append(n.getNodeValue()); } } return result.toString(); }
Returns the float list that represents a set of horizontal values or percentage.
  • element – the element that defines the specified coordinates
  • attrName – the name of the attribute (used by error handling)
  • valueStr – the delimited string containing values of the coordinate
  • ctx – the bridge context
/** * Returns the float list that represents a set of horizontal * values or percentage. * * @param element the element that defines the specified coordinates * @param attrName the name of the attribute (used by error handling) * @param valueStr the delimited string containing values of the coordinate * @param ctx the bridge context */
public static ArrayList svgHorizontalCoordinateArrayToUserSpace(Element element, String attrName, String valueStr, BridgeContext ctx) { UnitProcessor.Context uctx = UnitProcessor.createContext(ctx, element); ArrayList values = new ArrayList(); StringTokenizer st = new StringTokenizer(valueStr, ", ", false); while (st.hasMoreTokens()) { values.add (UnitProcessor.svgHorizontalCoordinateToUserSpace (st.nextToken(), attrName, uctx)); } return values; }
Returns the float list that represents a set of values or percentage.
  • element – the element that defines the specified coordinates
  • attrName – the name of the attribute (used by error handling)
  • valueStr – the delimited string containing values of the coordinate
  • ctx – the bridge context
/** * Returns the float list that represents a set of values or percentage. * * * @param element the element that defines the specified coordinates * @param attrName the name of the attribute (used by error handling) * @param valueStr the delimited string containing values of the coordinate * @param ctx the bridge context */
public static ArrayList svgVerticalCoordinateArrayToUserSpace(Element element, String attrName, String valueStr, BridgeContext ctx) { UnitProcessor.Context uctx = UnitProcessor.createContext(ctx, element); ArrayList values = new ArrayList(); StringTokenizer st = new StringTokenizer(valueStr, ", ", false); while (st.hasMoreTokens()) { values.add (UnitProcessor.svgVerticalCoordinateToUserSpace (st.nextToken(), attrName, uctx)); } return values; } public static ArrayList svgRotateArrayToFloats(Element element, String attrName, String valueStr, BridgeContext ctx) { StringTokenizer st = new StringTokenizer(valueStr, ", ", false); ArrayList values = new ArrayList(); String s; while (st.hasMoreTokens()) { try { s = st.nextToken(); values.add ((float) Math.toRadians (SVGUtilities.convertSVGNumber(s))); } catch (NumberFormatException nfEx ) { throw new BridgeException (ctx, element, nfEx, ERR_ATTRIBUTE_VALUE_MALFORMED, new Object [] {attrName, valueStr}); } } return values; }
Converts the font-size CSS value to a float value.
  • e – the element
/** * Converts the font-size CSS value to a float value. * @param e the element */
public static Float convertFontSize(Element e) { Value v = CSSUtilities.getComputedStyle (e, SVGCSSEngine.FONT_SIZE_INDEX); return v.getFloatValue(); }
Converts the font-style CSS value to a float value.
  • e – the element
/** * Converts the font-style CSS value to a float value. * @param e the element */
public static Float convertFontStyle(Element e) { Value v = CSSUtilities.getComputedStyle (e, SVGCSSEngine.FONT_STYLE_INDEX); switch (v.getStringValue().charAt(0)) { case 'n': return TextAttribute.POSTURE_REGULAR; default: return TextAttribute.POSTURE_OBLIQUE; } }
Converts the font-stretch CSS value to a float value.
  • e – the element
/** * Converts the font-stretch CSS value to a float value. * @param e the element */
public static Float convertFontStretch(Element e) { Value v = CSSUtilities.getComputedStyle (e, SVGCSSEngine.FONT_STRETCH_INDEX); String s = v.getStringValue(); switch (s.charAt(0)) { case 'u': if (s.charAt(6) == 'c') { return TextAttribute.WIDTH_CONDENSED; } else { return TextAttribute.WIDTH_EXTENDED; } case 'e': if (s.charAt(6) == 'c') { return TextAttribute.WIDTH_CONDENSED; } else { if (s.length() == 8) { return TextAttribute.WIDTH_SEMI_EXTENDED; } else { return TextAttribute.WIDTH_EXTENDED; } } case 's': if (s.charAt(6) == 'c') { return TextAttribute.WIDTH_SEMI_CONDENSED; } else { return TextAttribute.WIDTH_SEMI_EXTENDED; } default: return TextAttribute.WIDTH_REGULAR; } }
Converts the font-weight CSS value to a float value.
  • e – the element
/** * Converts the font-weight CSS value to a float value. * @param e the element */
public static Float convertFontWeight(Element e) { Value v = CSSUtilities.getComputedStyle (e, SVGCSSEngine.FONT_WEIGHT_INDEX); int weight = (int)v.getFloatValue(); //Note: the mapping from CSS2 to TextAttribute's weights is somewhat arbitrary. //Important is to map 400/normal to REGULAR and 700/bold to BOLD. switch (weight) { case 100: return TextAttribute.WEIGHT_EXTRA_LIGHT; case 200: return TextAttribute.WEIGHT_LIGHT; case 300: return TextAttribute.WEIGHT_DEMILIGHT; case 400: return TextAttribute.WEIGHT_REGULAR; case 500: return TextAttribute.WEIGHT_SEMIBOLD; default: String javaVersionString = System.getProperty("java.specification.version"); float javaVersion = (javaVersionString != null ? Float.parseFloat(javaVersionString) : 1.5f); if (javaVersion < 1.5) { // Would like to do this but the JDK 1.3 & 1.4 // seems to drop back to 'REGULAR' instead of 'BOLD' // if there is not a match. return TextAttribute.WEIGHT_BOLD; } switch (weight) { case 600: return TextAttribute.WEIGHT_MEDIUM; case 700: return TextAttribute.WEIGHT_BOLD; case 800: return TextAttribute.WEIGHT_HEAVY; case 900: return TextAttribute.WEIGHT_ULTRABOLD; default: return TextAttribute.WEIGHT_REGULAR; //No matching CSS value (probably illegal) } } }
Converts the text-anchor CSS value to a TextNode.Anchor.
  • e – the element
/** * Converts the text-anchor CSS value to a TextNode.Anchor. * @param e the element */
public static TextNode.Anchor convertTextAnchor(Element e) { Value v = CSSUtilities.getComputedStyle (e, SVGCSSEngine.TEXT_ANCHOR_INDEX); switch (v.getStringValue().charAt(0)) { case 's': return TextNode.Anchor.START; case 'm': return TextNode.Anchor.MIDDLE; default: return TextNode.Anchor.END; } }
Converts a baseline-shift CSS value to a value usable as a text attribute, or null.
  • e – the element
/** * Converts a baseline-shift CSS value to a value usable as a text * attribute, or null. * @param e the element */
public static Object convertBaselineShift(Element e) { Value v = CSSUtilities.getComputedStyle (e, SVGCSSEngine.BASELINE_SHIFT_INDEX); if (v.getPrimitiveType() == CSSPrimitiveValue.CSS_IDENT) { String s = v.getStringValue(); switch (s.charAt(2)) { case 'p': //suPerscript return TextAttribute.SUPERSCRIPT_SUPER; case 'b': //suBscript return TextAttribute.SUPERSCRIPT_SUB; default: return null; } } else { return v.getFloatValue(); } }
Converts a kerning CSS value to a value usable as a text attribute, or null.
  • e – the element
/** * Converts a kerning CSS value to a value usable as a text * attribute, or null. * @param e the element */
public static Float convertKerning(Element e) { Value v = CSSUtilities.getComputedStyle (e, SVGCSSEngine.KERNING_INDEX); if (v.getPrimitiveType() == CSSPrimitiveValue.CSS_IDENT) { return null; } return v.getFloatValue(); }
Converts a letter-spacing CSS value to a value usable as a text attribute, or null.
  • e – the element
/** * Converts a letter-spacing CSS value to a value usable as a text * attribute, or null. * @param e the element */
public static Float convertLetterSpacing(Element e) { Value v = CSSUtilities.getComputedStyle (e, SVGCSSEngine.LETTER_SPACING_INDEX); if (v.getPrimitiveType() == CSSPrimitiveValue.CSS_IDENT) { return null; } return v.getFloatValue(); }
Converts a word-spacing CSS value to a value usable as a text attribute, or null.
  • e – the element
/** * Converts a word-spacing CSS value to a value usable as a text * attribute, or null. * @param e the element */
public static Float convertWordSpacing(Element e) { Value v = CSSUtilities.getComputedStyle (e, SVGCSSEngine.WORD_SPACING_INDEX); if (v.getPrimitiveType() == CSSPrimitiveValue.CSS_IDENT) { return null; } return v.getFloatValue(); } }