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package org.apache.batik.ext.swing;

import java.awt.Component;
import java.awt.GridBagConstraints;
import java.awt.GridBagLayout;
import java.awt.Insets;
import java.awt.LayoutManager;

import javax.swing.JPanel;

An implementation of JPanel that uses the GridBagLayout.
Author: Vincent Hardy
Version:$Id: JGridBagPanel.java 1808023 2017-09-11 12:43:22Z ssteiner $
/** * An implementation of JPanel that uses the GridBagLayout. * * @author <a href="mailto:vincent.hardy@eng.sun.com">Vincent Hardy</a> * @version $Id: JGridBagPanel.java 1808023 2017-09-11 12:43:22Z ssteiner $ */
public class JGridBagPanel extends JPanel implements GridBagConstants{
Provides insets desired for a given grid cell
/** * Provides insets desired for a given grid cell */
public interface InsetsManager{
Returns the insets for cell (gridx, gridy);
/** * Returns the insets for cell (gridx, gridy); */
Insets getInsets(int gridx, int gridy); }
Always use 0 insets
/** * Always use 0 insets */
private static class ZeroInsetsManager implements InsetsManager{ private Insets insets = new Insets(0, 0, 0, 0); public Insets getInsets(int gridx, int gridy){ return insets; } }
Default implemenation
/** * Default implemenation */
private static class DefaultInsetsManager implements InsetsManager{
leftInset is the space used by default as a padding to the left of each grid cell.
/** * leftInset is the space used by default as a padding to the * left of each grid cell. */
int leftInset=5;
topInset is the space used by default as a padding to the top of each grid cell.
/** * topInset is the space used by default as a padding to the * top of each grid cell. */
int topInset=5; public Insets positiveInsets = new Insets(topInset, leftInset, 0, 0); public Insets leftInsets = new Insets(topInset, 0, 0, 0); public Insets topInsets = new Insets(0, leftInset, 0, 0); public Insets topLeftInsets = new Insets(0, 0, 0, 0); public Insets getInsets(int gridx, int gridy){ if(gridx > 0){ if(gridy > 0) return positiveInsets; else return topInsets; } else{ if(gridy > 0) return leftInsets; else return topLeftInsets; } } }
An InsetsManager that uses zero insets
/** * An InsetsManager that uses zero insets */
public static final InsetsManager ZERO_INSETS = new ZeroInsetsManager();
An InsetsManager that uses padding for inside cells
/** * An InsetsManager that uses padding for inside cells */
public static final InsetsManager DEFAULT_INSETS = new DefaultInsetsManager();
Used to get insets at any given cell location
/** * Used to get insets at any given cell location */
public InsetsManager insetsManager;
Sets the layout manager to GridBagLayout
/** * Sets the layout manager to GridBagLayout */
public JGridBagPanel(){ this(new DefaultInsetsManager()); }
Initializes panel with a given insets manager
/** * Initializes panel with a given insets manager */
public JGridBagPanel(InsetsManager insetsManager){ super(new GridBagLayout()); if(insetsManager != null) this.insetsManager = insetsManager; else this.insetsManager = new DefaultInsetsManager(); }
This method only takes effect if the LayoutManager is a GridBagLayout
/** * This method only takes effect if the LayoutManager is a GridBagLayout */
public void setLayout(LayoutManager layout){ if(layout instanceof GridBagLayout) super.setLayout(layout); }
This version uses default insets and assumes that components are added in positive cell coordinates. Top inset for components added to the top is 0. Left inset for components added to the left is 0. For compoents at index gridx more than zero and index gridy more than zero, the insets are set to a default value.
  • cmp – Component to add to the panel
  • gridx – x position of the cell into which component should be added
  • gridy – y position of the cell into which component should be added
  • gridwidth – width, in cells, of the space occupied by the component in the grid
  • gridheight – height, in cells, of the space occupied by the component in the grid
  • anchor – placement of the component in its allocated space: WEST, NORTH, SOUTH, NORTHWEST, ...
  • fill – out should the component be resized within its space? NONE, BOTH, HORIZONTAL, VERTICAL.
  • weightx – what amount of extra horizontal space, if any, should be given to this component?
  • weighty – what amount of extra vertical space, if any, should be given to this component?
/** * This version uses default insets and assumes that components are added in * positive cell coordinates. Top inset for components added to the top * is 0. Left inset for components added to the left is 0. For compoents at * index gridx more than zero and index gridy more than zero, the insets * are set to a default value. * * @param cmp Component to add to the panel * @param gridx x position of the cell into which component should be added * @param gridy y position of the cell into which component should be added * @param gridwidth width, in cells, of the space occupied by the component in the grid * @param gridheight height, in cells, of the space occupied by the component in the grid * @param anchor placement of the component in its allocated space: WEST, NORTH, SOUTH, NORTHWEST, ... * @param fill out should the component be resized within its space? NONE, BOTH, HORIZONTAL, VERTICAL. * @param weightx what amount of extra horizontal space, if any, should be given to this component? * @param weighty what amount of extra vertical space, if any, should be given to this component? */
public void add(Component cmp, int gridx, int gridy, int gridwidth, int gridheight, int anchor, int fill, double weightx, double weighty){ Insets insets = insetsManager.getInsets(gridx, gridy); GridBagConstraints constraints = new GridBagConstraints(); constraints.gridx = gridx; constraints.gridy = gridy; constraints.gridwidth = gridwidth; constraints.gridheight = gridheight; constraints.anchor = anchor; constraints.fill = fill; constraints.weightx = weightx; constraints.weighty = weighty; constraints.insets = insets; add(cmp, constraints); } }