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package org.apache.batik.ext.awt.image.rendered;

import java.awt.Rectangle;
import java.awt.Transparency;
import java.awt.color.ColorSpace;
import java.awt.image.ColorModel;
import java.awt.image.ComponentColorModel;
import java.awt.image.ComponentSampleModel;
import java.awt.image.DataBuffer;
import java.awt.image.DataBufferByte;
import java.awt.image.DataBufferInt;
import java.awt.image.PixelInterleavedSampleModel;
import java.awt.image.Raster;
import java.awt.image.SampleModel;
import java.awt.image.SinglePixelPackedSampleModel;
import java.awt.image.WritableRaster;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.List;

This implements a masking operation by multiply the alpha channel of one image by a luminance image (the mask).
Author:Thomas DeWeese
Version:$Id: MultiplyAlphaRed.java 1831630 2018-05-15 12:56:55Z ssteiner $
/** * This implements a masking operation by multiply the alpha channel of * one image by a luminance image (the mask). * * @author <a href="mailto:Thomas.DeWeeese@Kodak.com">Thomas DeWeese</a> * @version $Id: MultiplyAlphaRed.java 1831630 2018-05-15 12:56:55Z ssteiner $ */
public class MultiplyAlphaRed extends AbstractRed {
Multiply the alpha of one image with a mask image. The size of the resultant image is the intersection of the two image bounds. If you want the end image to be the size of one or the other please use the PadRed operator.
  • src – The image to convert to multiply the alpha of
  • alpha – The mask image to multiply the alpha channel of src with.
/** * Multiply the alpha of one image with a mask image. * The size of the resultant image is the intersection of the * two image bounds. If you want the end image to be the size * of one or the other please use the PadRed operator. * * @param src The image to convert to multiply the alpha of * @param alpha The mask image to multiply the alpha channel of src * with. */
public MultiplyAlphaRed(CachableRed src, CachableRed alpha) { super(makeList(src, alpha), makeBounds(src,alpha), fixColorModel(src), fixSampleModel(src), src.getTileGridXOffset(), src.getTileGridYOffset(), null); } public boolean is_INT_PACK_BYTE_COMP(SampleModel srcSM, SampleModel alpSM) { // Check SampleModel types DirectColorModel if(!(srcSM instanceof SinglePixelPackedSampleModel)) return false; if(!(alpSM instanceof ComponentSampleModel)) return false; // Check transfer types if(srcSM.getDataType() != DataBuffer.TYPE_INT) return false; if(alpSM.getDataType() != DataBuffer.TYPE_BYTE) return false; SinglePixelPackedSampleModel sppsm; sppsm = (SinglePixelPackedSampleModel)srcSM; int [] masks = sppsm.getBitMasks(); if(masks.length != 4) return false; if(masks[0] != 0x00ff0000) return false; if(masks[1] != 0x0000ff00) return false; if(masks[2] != 0x000000ff) return false; if(masks[3] != 0xff000000) return false; ComponentSampleModel csm; csm = (ComponentSampleModel)alpSM; if (csm.getNumBands() != 1) return false; if (csm.getPixelStride() != 1) return false; return true; } public WritableRaster INT_PACK_BYTE_COMP_Impl (WritableRaster wr) { // Get my source. CachableRed srcRed = (CachableRed)getSources().get(0); CachableRed alphaRed = (CachableRed)getSources().get(1); // Already has alpha channel so we use it. srcRed.copyData(wr); Rectangle rgn = wr.getBounds(); rgn = rgn.intersection(alphaRed.getBounds()); Raster r = alphaRed.getData(rgn); ComponentSampleModel csm; csm = (ComponentSampleModel)r.getSampleModel(); final int alpScanStride = csm.getScanlineStride(); DataBufferByte alpDB = (DataBufferByte)r.getDataBuffer(); final int alpBase = (alpDB.getOffset() + csm.getOffset(rgn.x-r.getSampleModelTranslateX(), rgn.y-r.getSampleModelTranslateY())); // Access the pixel data array final byte[] alpPixels = alpDB.getBankData()[0]; SinglePixelPackedSampleModel sppsm; sppsm = (SinglePixelPackedSampleModel)wr.getSampleModel(); final int srcScanStride = sppsm.getScanlineStride(); DataBufferInt srcDB = (DataBufferInt)wr.getDataBuffer(); final int srcBase = (srcDB.getOffset() + sppsm.getOffset(rgn.x-wr.getSampleModelTranslateX(), rgn.y-wr.getSampleModelTranslateY())); // Access the pixel data array final int[] srcPixels = srcDB.getBankData()[0]; ColorModel cm = srcRed.getColorModel(); if (cm.isAlphaPremultiplied()) { // For alpha premult we need to multiply all comps. for (int y=0; y<rgn.height; y++) { int sp = srcBase + y*srcScanStride; int ap = alpBase + y*alpScanStride; int end = sp + rgn.width; while (sp<end) { int a = alpPixels[ap++] &0xFF; final int pix = srcPixels[sp]; srcPixels[sp] = ((((((pix>>>24) ) *a)&0xFF00)<<16) | (((((pix>>>16)&0xFF) *a)&0xFF00)<<8 ) | (((((pix>>> 8)&0xFF) *a)&0xFF00) ) | (((((pix )&0xFF) *a)&0xFF00)>>8 )); sp++; } } } else { // For non-alpha premult we only need to multiply alpha. for (int y=0; y<rgn.height; y++) { int sp = srcBase + y*srcScanStride; int ap = alpBase + y*alpScanStride; int end = sp + rgn.width; while (sp<end) { int a = alpPixels[ap++] &0xFF; int sa = srcPixels[sp]>>>24; srcPixels[sp] = ((((sa*a) & 0xFF00)<<16)| srcPixels[sp]&0x00FFFFFF); sp++; } } } return wr; } public WritableRaster copyData(WritableRaster wr) { // Get my source. CachableRed srcRed = (CachableRed)getSources().get(0); CachableRed alphaRed = (CachableRed)getSources().get(1); if (is_INT_PACK_BYTE_COMP(srcRed.getSampleModel(), alphaRed.getSampleModel())) return INT_PACK_BYTE_COMP_Impl(wr); ColorModel cm = srcRed.getColorModel(); if (cm.hasAlpha()) { // Already has alpha channel so we use it. srcRed.copyData(wr); Rectangle rgn = wr.getBounds(); if (rgn.intersects(alphaRed.getBounds())) rgn = rgn.intersection(alphaRed.getBounds()); else return wr; int [] wrData = null; int [] alphaData = null; Raster r = alphaRed.getData(rgn); int w = rgn.width; final int bands = wr.getSampleModel().getNumBands(); if (cm.isAlphaPremultiplied()) { for (int y=rgn.y; y<rgn.y+rgn.height; y++) { wrData = wr.getPixels (rgn.x, y, w, 1, wrData); alphaData = r .getSamples(rgn.x, y, w, 1, 0, alphaData); int i=0, a, b; // 4 is the most common case. // 2 is probably next most common... switch (bands) { case 2: for (int anAlphaData2 : alphaData) { a = anAlphaData2 & 0xFF; wrData[i] = ((wrData[i] & 0xFF) * a) >> 8; ++i; wrData[i] = ((wrData[i] & 0xFF) * a) >> 8; ++i; } break; case 4: for (int anAlphaData1 : alphaData) { a = anAlphaData1 & 0xFF; wrData[i] = ((wrData[i] & 0xFF) * a) >> 8; ++i; wrData[i] = ((wrData[i] & 0xFF) * a) >> 8; ++i; wrData[i] = ((wrData[i] & 0xFF) * a) >> 8; ++i; wrData[i] = ((wrData[i] & 0xFF) * a) >> 8; ++i; } break; default: for (int anAlphaData : alphaData) { a = anAlphaData & 0xFF; for (b = 0; b < bands; b++) { wrData[i] = ((wrData[i] & 0xFF) * a) >> 8; ++i; } } } wr.setPixels(rgn.x, y, w, 1, wrData); } } else { int b = srcRed.getSampleModel().getNumBands()-1; for (int y=rgn.y; y<rgn.y+rgn.height; y++) { wrData = wr.getSamples(rgn.x, y, w, 1, b, wrData); alphaData = r .getSamples(rgn.x, y, w, 1, 0, alphaData); for (int i=0; i<wrData.length; i++) { wrData[i] = ((wrData[i]&0xFF)*(alphaData[i]&0xFF))>>8; } wr.setSamples(rgn.x, y, w, 1, b, wrData); } } return wr; } // No alpha in source, so we hide the alpha channel in wr and // have our source fill wr with color info... int [] bands = new int[wr.getNumBands()-1]; for (int i=0; i<bands.length; i++) bands[i] = i; WritableRaster subWr; subWr = wr.createWritableChild(wr.getMinX(), wr.getMinY(), wr.getWidth(), wr.getHeight(), wr.getMinX(), wr.getMinY(), bands); srcRed.copyData(subWr); Rectangle rgn = wr.getBounds(); rgn = rgn.intersection(alphaRed.getBounds()); bands = new int [] { wr.getNumBands()-1 }; subWr = wr.createWritableChild(rgn.x, rgn.y, rgn.width, rgn.height, rgn.x, rgn.y, bands); alphaRed.copyData(subWr); return wr; } public static List makeList(CachableRed src1, CachableRed src2) { List ret = new ArrayList(2); ret.add(src1); ret.add(src2); return ret; } public static Rectangle makeBounds(CachableRed src1, CachableRed src2) { Rectangle r1 = src1.getBounds(); Rectangle r2 = src2.getBounds(); return r1.intersection(r2); } public static SampleModel fixSampleModel(CachableRed src) { ColorModel cm = src.getColorModel(); SampleModel srcSM = src.getSampleModel(); if (cm.hasAlpha()) return srcSM; int w = srcSM.getWidth(); int h = srcSM.getHeight(); int b = srcSM.getNumBands()+1; int [] offsets = new int[b]; for (int i=0; i < b; i++) offsets[i] = i; // Really should check DataType range in srcSM... return new PixelInterleavedSampleModel(DataBuffer.TYPE_BYTE, w, h, b, w*b, offsets); } public static ColorModel fixColorModel(CachableRed src) { ColorModel cm = src.getColorModel(); if (cm.hasAlpha()) return cm; int b = src.getSampleModel().getNumBands()+1; int [] bits = new int[b]; for (int i=0; i < b; i++) bits[i] = 8; ColorSpace cs = cm.getColorSpace(); return new ComponentColorModel(cs, bits, true, false, Transparency.TRANSLUCENT, DataBuffer.TYPE_BYTE); } }