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package org.apache.batik.ext.awt.image.rendered;

import java.awt.Rectangle;
import java.awt.RenderingHints;
import java.awt.image.ColorModel;
import java.awt.image.DataBufferInt;
import java.awt.image.Raster;
import java.awt.image.SinglePixelPackedSampleModel;
import java.awt.image.WritableRaster;

import org.apache.batik.ext.awt.image.ARGBChannel;
import org.apache.batik.ext.awt.image.GraphicsUtil;
import org.apache.batik.ext.awt.image.PadMode;

This implementation of RenderableImage will render its input GraphicsNode on demand for tiles.
Author:Vincent Hardy
Version:$Id: DisplacementMapRed.java 1733416 2016-03-03 07:07:13Z gadams $
/** * This implementation of RenderableImage will render its input * GraphicsNode on demand for tiles. * * @author <a href="mailto:vincent.hardy@eng.sun.com">Vincent Hardy</a> * @version $Id: DisplacementMapRed.java 1733416 2016-03-03 07:07:13Z gadams $ */
public class DisplacementMapRed extends AbstractRed { // Use these to control timing and Nearest Neighbot vs. Bilinear Interp. private static final boolean TIME = false; private static final boolean USE_NN = false;
The displacement scale factor along the x axis
/** * The displacement scale factor along the x axis */
private float scaleX;
The displacement scale factor along the y axis
/** * The displacement scale factor along the y axis */
private float scaleY;
The channel type of the operation on X axis
/** * The channel type of the operation on X axis */
private ARGBChannel xChannel;
The channel type of the operation on Y axis
/** * The channel type of the operation on Y axis */
private ARGBChannel yChannel;
The image to distort.
/** * The image to distort. */
CachableRed image;
The offset image (displacement map).
/** * The offset image (displacement map). */
CachableRed offsets;
The maximum possible offsets in x and y
/** * The maximum possible offsets in x and y */
int maxOffX, maxOffY;
The set of rendering hints
/** * The set of rendering hints */
RenderingHints hints;
Computed tile Offsets Soft referencces to TileOffsets instances...
/** * Computed tile Offsets Soft referencces to TileOffsets instances... */
TileOffsets [] xOffsets; TileOffsets [] yOffsets; static class TileOffsets { int [] tile; int [] off; TileOffsets(int len, int base, int stride, int loc, int endLoc, int slop, int tile, int endTile) { this.tile = new int[len+1]; this.off = new int[len+1]; if (tile == endTile) endLoc -= slop; for (int i=0; i<len; i++) { this.tile[i] = tile; this.off [i] = base+(loc*stride); loc++; if (loc == endLoc) { loc = 0; tile++; if (tile == endTile) endLoc -=slop; } } this.tile[len] = this.tile[len-1]; this.off [len] = this.off [len-1]; } }
  • image – the image to distort
  • offsets – the displacement map
  • xChannel – defines the channel of off whose values will be on X-axis operation
  • yChannel – defines the channel of off whose values will be
  • scaleX – defines the scale factor of the filter operation on the X axis.
  • scaleY – defines the scale factor of the filter operation on the Y axis
  • rh – the rendering hints
/** * @param image the image to distort * @param offsets the displacement map * @param xChannel defines the channel of off whose values will be * on X-axis operation * @param yChannel defines the channel of off whose values will be * @param scaleX defines the scale factor of the filter operation * on the X axis. * @param scaleY defines the scale factor of the filter operation * on the Y axis * @param rh the rendering hints */
public DisplacementMapRed(CachableRed image, CachableRed offsets, ARGBChannel xChannel, ARGBChannel yChannel, float scaleX, float scaleY, RenderingHints rh) { if(xChannel == null){ throw new IllegalArgumentException("Must provide xChannel"); } if(yChannel == null){ throw new IllegalArgumentException("Must provide yChannel"); } this.offsets = offsets; this.scaleX = scaleX; this.scaleY = scaleY; this.xChannel = xChannel; this.yChannel = yChannel; this.hints = rh; maxOffX = (int)Math.ceil(scaleX/2); maxOffY = (int)Math.ceil(scaleY/2); Rectangle rect = image.getBounds(); Rectangle r = image.getBounds(); r.x -= maxOffX; r.width += 2*maxOffX; r.y -= maxOffY; r.height += 2*maxOffY; image = new PadRed(image, r, PadMode.ZERO_PAD, null); image = new TileCacheRed(image); this.image = image; ColorModel cm = image.getColorModel(); if (!USE_NN) // For Bilinear we need alpha premult. cm = GraphicsUtil.coerceColorModel(cm, true); init(image, rect, cm, image.getSampleModel(), rect.x, rect.y, null); xOffsets = new TileOffsets[getNumXTiles()]; yOffsets = new TileOffsets[getNumYTiles()]; } public WritableRaster copyData(WritableRaster wr) { copyToRaster(wr); return wr; } public Raster getTile(int tileX, int tileY) { WritableRaster dest = makeTile(tileX, tileY); Rectangle srcR = dest.getBounds(); // Get Raster from offsetes Raster mapRas = offsets.getData(srcR); ColorModel mapCM = offsets.getColorModel(); // ensure map isn't pre-multiplied. GraphicsUtil.coerceData((WritableRaster)mapRas, mapCM, false); TileOffsets xinfo = getXOffsets(tileX); TileOffsets yinfo = getYOffsets(tileY); if (USE_NN) filterNN(mapRas, dest, xinfo.tile, xinfo.off, yinfo.tile, yinfo.off); else if (image.getColorModel().isAlphaPremultiplied()) filterBL(mapRas, dest, xinfo.tile, xinfo.off, yinfo.tile, yinfo.off); else filterBLPre(mapRas, dest, xinfo.tile, xinfo.off, yinfo.tile, yinfo.off); return dest; } public TileOffsets getXOffsets(int xTile) { TileOffsets ret = xOffsets[xTile-getMinTileX()]; if (ret != null) return ret; SinglePixelPackedSampleModel sppsm; sppsm = (SinglePixelPackedSampleModel)getSampleModel(); int base = sppsm.getOffset(0, 0); int tw = sppsm.getWidth(); // The span we need to cover in the input image. int width = tw+2*maxOffX; // The start and end X in image's tile coordinate system... int x0 = getTileGridXOffset() + xTile * tw - maxOffX - image.getTileGridXOffset(); int x1 = x0 + width-1; int tile = (int)Math.floor(x0/(double)tw); int endTile = (int)Math.floor(x1/(double)tw); int loc = x0-(tile*tw); int endLoc = tw; // Amount not used from right edge tile int slop = ((endTile+1)*tw-1) - x1; ret = new TileOffsets(width, base, 1, loc, endLoc, slop, tile, endTile); xOffsets[xTile-getMinTileX()] = ret; return ret; } public TileOffsets getYOffsets(int yTile) { TileOffsets ret = yOffsets[yTile-getMinTileY()]; if (ret != null) return ret; SinglePixelPackedSampleModel sppsm; sppsm = (SinglePixelPackedSampleModel)getSampleModel(); int stride = sppsm.getScanlineStride(); int th = sppsm.getHeight(); // The span we need to cover in the input image. int height = th+2*maxOffY; // The start and end Y in image's tile coordinate system... int y0 = getTileGridYOffset() + yTile * th - maxOffY - image.getTileGridYOffset(); int y1 = y0 + height - 1; int tile = (int)Math.floor(y0/(double)th); int endTile = (int)Math.floor(y1/(double)th); int loc = y0-(tile*th); int endLoc = th; // Amount not used from bottom edge tile int slop = ((endTile+1)*th-1) - y1; ret = new TileOffsets(height, 0, stride, loc, endLoc, slop, tile, endTile); yOffsets[yTile-getMinTileY()] = ret; return ret; } public void filterBL(Raster off, WritableRaster dst, int [] xTile, int [] xOff, int [] yTile, int [] yOff) { final int w = dst.getWidth(); final int h = dst.getHeight(); final int xStart = maxOffX; final int yStart = maxOffY; final int xEnd = xStart+w; final int yEnd = yStart+h; // Access the integer buffer for each image. DataBufferInt dstDB = (DataBufferInt)dst.getDataBuffer(); DataBufferInt offDB = (DataBufferInt)off.getDataBuffer(); // Offset defines where in the stack the real data begin SinglePixelPackedSampleModel dstSPPSM, offSPPSM; dstSPPSM = (SinglePixelPackedSampleModel)dst.getSampleModel(); final int dstOff = dstDB.getOffset() + dstSPPSM.getOffset(dst.getMinX() - dst.getSampleModelTranslateX(), dst.getMinY() - dst.getSampleModelTranslateY()); offSPPSM = (SinglePixelPackedSampleModel)off.getSampleModel(); final int offOff = offDB.getOffset() + offSPPSM.getOffset(dst.getMinX() - off.getSampleModelTranslateX(), dst.getMinY() - off.getSampleModelTranslateY()); // Stride is the distance between two consecutive column elements, // in the one-dimention dataBuffer final int dstScanStride = dstSPPSM.getScanlineStride(); final int offScanStride = offSPPSM.getScanlineStride(); final int dstAdjust = dstScanStride - w; final int offAdjust = offScanStride - w; // Access the pixel value array final int[] dstPixels = dstDB.getBankData()[0]; final int[] offPixels = offDB.getBankData()[0]; // Below is the number of shifts for each axis // e.g when xChannel is ALPHA, the pixel needs // to be shifted 24, RED 16, GREEN 8 and BLUE 0 final int xShift = xChannel.toInt()*8; final int yShift = yChannel.toInt()*8; // The pointer of img and dst indicating where the pixel values are int dp = dstOff, ip = offOff; // Fixed point representation of scale factor. final int fpScaleX = (int)((scaleX/255.0)*(1<<15)+0.5); final int fpAdjX = (int)(-127.5*fpScaleX-0.5); final int fpScaleY = (int)((scaleY/255.0)*(1<<15)+0.5); final int fpAdjY = (int)(-127.5*fpScaleY-0.5); long start = System.currentTimeMillis(); int pel00, pel01, pel10, pel11, xFrac, yFrac, newPel; int sp0, sp1, pel0, pel1; int x, y, x0, y0, xDisplace, yDisplace, dPel; int xt=xTile[0]-1, yt=yTile[0]-1, xt1, yt1; int [] imgPix = null; for (y=yStart; y<yEnd; y++) { for (x=xStart; x<xEnd; x++, dp++, ip++) { dPel = offPixels[ip]; xDisplace = (fpScaleX*((dPel>>xShift)&0xff))+fpAdjX; yDisplace = (fpScaleY*((dPel>>yShift)&0xff))+fpAdjY; x0 = x+(xDisplace>>15); y0 = y+(yDisplace>>15); if ((xt != xTile[x0]) || (yt != yTile[y0])) { xt = xTile[x0]; yt = yTile[y0]; imgPix = ((DataBufferInt)image.getTile(xt, yt) .getDataBuffer()).getBankData()[0]; } pel00 = imgPix[xOff[x0]+yOff[y0]]; xt1 = xTile[x0+1]; yt1 = yTile[y0+1]; if ((yt == yt1)) { // Same tile vertically, check across... if ((xt == xt1)) { // All from same tile.. pel10 = imgPix[xOff[x0+1]+yOff[y0]]; pel01 = imgPix[xOff[x0] +yOff[y0+1]]; pel11 = imgPix[xOff[x0+1]+yOff[y0+1]]; } else { // Different tile horizontally... pel01 = imgPix[xOff[x0]+yOff[y0+1]]; imgPix = ((DataBufferInt)image.getTile(xt1, yt) .getDataBuffer()).getBankData()[0]; pel10 = imgPix[xOff[x0+1]+yOff[y0]]; pel11 = imgPix[xOff[x0+1]+yOff[y0+1]]; xt = xt1; } } else { // Steped into next tile down, check across... if ((xt == xt1)) { // Different tile horizontally. pel10 = imgPix[xOff[x0+1]+yOff[y0]]; imgPix = ((DataBufferInt)image.getTile(xt, yt1) .getDataBuffer()).getBankData()[0]; pel01 = imgPix[xOff[x0] +yOff[y0+1]]; pel11 = imgPix[xOff[x0+1]+yOff[y0+1]]; yt = yt1; } else { // Ugg we are at the 4way intersection of tiles... imgPix = ((DataBufferInt)image.getTile(xt, yt1) .getDataBuffer()).getBankData()[0]; pel01 = imgPix[xOff[x0]+yOff[y0+1]]; imgPix = ((DataBufferInt)image.getTile(xt1, yt1) .getDataBuffer()).getBankData()[0]; pel11 = imgPix[xOff[x0+1]+yOff[y0+1]]; imgPix = ((DataBufferInt)image.getTile(xt1, yt) .getDataBuffer()).getBankData()[0]; pel10 = imgPix[xOff[x0+1]+yOff[y0]]; xt = xt1; } } xFrac = xDisplace&0x7FFF; yFrac = yDisplace&0x7FFF; // Combine the alpha channels. sp0 = (pel00>>>16) & 0xFF00; sp1 = (pel10>>>16) & 0xFF00; pel0 = (sp0 + (((sp1-sp0)*xFrac+0x4000)>>15)) & 0xFFFF; sp0 = (pel01>>>16) & 0xFF00; sp1 = (pel11>>>16) & 0xFF00; pel1 = (sp0 + (((sp1-sp0)*xFrac+0x4000)>>15)) & 0xFFFF; newPel = (((pel0<<15) + (pel1-pel0)*yFrac + 0x00400000) &0x7F800000)<< 1; // Combine the red channels. sp0 = (pel00>> 8) & 0xFF00; sp1 = (pel10>> 8) & 0xFF00; pel0 = (sp0 + (((sp1-sp0)*xFrac+0x4000)>>15)) & 0xFFFF; sp0 = (pel01>> 8) & 0xFF00; sp1 = (pel11>> 8) & 0xFF00; pel1 = (sp0 + (((sp1-sp0)*xFrac+0x4000)>>15)) & 0xFFFF; newPel |= (((pel0<<15) + (pel1-pel0)*yFrac + 0x00400000) &0x7F800000)>>> 7; // Combine the green channels. sp0 = (pel00 ) & 0xFF00; sp1 = (pel10 ) & 0xFF00; pel0 = (sp0 + (((sp1-sp0)*xFrac+0x4000)>>15)) & 0xFFFF; sp0 = (pel01 ) & 0xFF00; sp1 = (pel11 ) & 0xFF00; pel1 = (sp0 + (((sp1-sp0)*xFrac+0x4000)>>15)) & 0xFFFF; newPel |= (((pel0<<15) + (pel1-pel0)*yFrac + 0x00400000) &0x7F800000)>>>15; // Combine the blue channels. sp0 = (pel00<< 8) & 0xFF00; sp1 = (pel10<< 8) & 0xFF00; pel0 = (sp0 + (((sp1-sp0)*xFrac+0x4000)>>15)) & 0xFFFF; sp0 = (pel01<< 8) & 0xFF00; sp1 = (pel11<< 8) & 0xFF00; pel1 = (sp0 + (((sp1-sp0)*xFrac+0x4000)>>15)) & 0xFFFF; newPel |= (((pel0<<15) + (pel1-pel0)*yFrac + 0x00400000) &0x7F800000)>>>23; dstPixels[dp] = newPel; } dp += dstAdjust; ip += offAdjust; } if (TIME) { long end = System.currentTimeMillis(); System.out.println("Time: " + (end-start)); } }// end of the filter() method for Raster public void filterBLPre(Raster off, WritableRaster dst, int [] xTile, int [] xOff, int [] yTile, int [] yOff) { final int w = dst.getWidth(); final int h = dst.getHeight(); final int xStart = maxOffX; final int yStart = maxOffY; final int xEnd = xStart+w; final int yEnd = yStart+h; // Access the integer buffer for each image. DataBufferInt dstDB = (DataBufferInt)dst.getDataBuffer(); DataBufferInt offDB = (DataBufferInt)off.getDataBuffer(); // Offset defines where in the stack the real data begin SinglePixelPackedSampleModel dstSPPSM, offSPPSM; dstSPPSM = (SinglePixelPackedSampleModel)dst.getSampleModel(); final int dstOff = dstDB.getOffset() + dstSPPSM.getOffset(dst.getMinX() - dst.getSampleModelTranslateX(), dst.getMinY() - dst.getSampleModelTranslateY()); offSPPSM = (SinglePixelPackedSampleModel)off.getSampleModel(); final int offOff = offDB.getOffset() + offSPPSM.getOffset(dst.getMinX() - off.getSampleModelTranslateX(), dst.getMinY() - off.getSampleModelTranslateY()); // Stride is the distance between two consecutive column elements, // in the one-dimention dataBuffer final int dstScanStride = dstSPPSM.getScanlineStride(); final int offScanStride = offSPPSM.getScanlineStride(); final int dstAdjust = dstScanStride - w; final int offAdjust = offScanStride - w; // Access the pixel value array final int[] dstPixels = dstDB.getBankData()[0]; final int[] offPixels = offDB.getBankData()[0]; // Below is the number of shifts for each axis // e.g when xChannel is ALPHA, the pixel needs // to be shifted 24, RED 16, GREEN 8 and BLUE 0 final int xShift = xChannel.toInt()*8; final int yShift = yChannel.toInt()*8; // The pointer of img and dst indicating where the pixel values are int dp = dstOff, ip = offOff; // Fixed point representation of scale factor. // Fixed point representation of scale factor. final int fpScaleX = (int)((scaleX/255.0)*(1<<15)+0.5); final int fpAdjX = (int)(-127.5*fpScaleX-0.5); final int fpScaleY = (int)((scaleY/255.0)*(1<<15)+0.5); final int fpAdjY = (int)(-127.5*fpScaleY-0.5); long start = System.currentTimeMillis(); int pel00, pel01, pel10, pel11, xFrac, yFrac, newPel; int sp0, sp1, pel0, pel1, a00, a01, a10, a11; int x, y, x0, y0, xDisplace, yDisplace, dPel; final int norm = (1<<24)/255; int xt=xTile[0]-1, yt=yTile[0]-1, xt1, yt1; int [] imgPix = null; for (y=yStart; y<yEnd; y++) { for (x=xStart; x<xEnd; x++, dp++, ip++) { dPel = offPixels[ip]; xDisplace = (fpScaleX*((dPel>>xShift)&0xff))+fpAdjX; yDisplace = (fpScaleY*((dPel>>yShift)&0xff))+fpAdjY; x0 = x+(xDisplace>>15); y0 = y+(yDisplace>>15); if ((xt != xTile[x0]) || (yt != yTile[y0])) { xt = xTile[x0]; yt = yTile[y0]; imgPix = ((DataBufferInt)image.getTile(xt, yt) .getDataBuffer()).getBankData()[0]; } pel00 = imgPix[xOff[x0]+yOff[y0]]; xt1 = xTile[x0+1]; yt1 = yTile[y0+1]; if ((yt == yt1)) { // Same tile vertically, check across... if ((xt == xt1)) { // All from same tile.. pel10 = imgPix[xOff[x0+1]+yOff[y0]]; pel01 = imgPix[xOff[x0] +yOff[y0+1]]; pel11 = imgPix[xOff[x0+1]+yOff[y0+1]]; } else { // Different tile horizontally... pel01 = imgPix[xOff[x0]+yOff[y0+1]]; imgPix = ((DataBufferInt)image.getTile(xt1, yt) .getDataBuffer()).getBankData()[0]; pel10 = imgPix[xOff[x0+1]+yOff[y0]]; pel11 = imgPix[xOff[x0+1]+yOff[y0+1]]; xt = xt1; } } else { // Steped into next tile down, check across... if ((xt == xt1)) { // Different tile horizontally. pel10 = imgPix[xOff[x0+1]+yOff[y0]]; imgPix = ((DataBufferInt)image.getTile(xt, yt1) .getDataBuffer()).getBankData()[0]; pel01 = imgPix[xOff[x0] +yOff[y0+1]]; pel11 = imgPix[xOff[x0+1]+yOff[y0+1]]; yt = yt1; } else { // Ugg we are at the 4way intersection of tiles... imgPix = ((DataBufferInt)image.getTile(xt, yt1) .getDataBuffer()).getBankData()[0]; pel01 = imgPix[xOff[x0]+yOff[y0+1]]; imgPix = ((DataBufferInt)image.getTile(xt1, yt1) .getDataBuffer()).getBankData()[0]; pel11 = imgPix[xOff[x0+1]+yOff[y0+1]]; imgPix = ((DataBufferInt)image.getTile(xt1, yt) .getDataBuffer()).getBankData()[0]; pel10 = imgPix[xOff[x0+1]+yOff[y0]]; xt = xt1; } } xFrac = xDisplace&0x7FFF; yFrac = yDisplace&0x7FFF; // Combine the alpha channels. sp0 = (pel00>>>16) & 0xFF00; sp1 = (pel10>>>16) & 0xFF00; pel0 = (sp0 + (((sp1-sp0)*xFrac+0x4000)>>15)) & 0xFFFF; a00 = ((sp0>>8)*norm + 0x80)>>8; a10 = ((sp1>>8)*norm + 0x80)>>8; sp0 = (pel01>>>16) & 0xFF00; sp1 = (pel11>>>16) & 0xFF00; pel1 = (sp0 + (((sp1-sp0)*xFrac+0x4000)>>15)) & 0xFFFF; a01 = ((sp0>>8)*norm + 0x80)>>8; a11 = ((sp1>>8)*norm + 0x80)>>8; newPel = (((pel0<<15) + (pel1-pel0)*yFrac + 0x00400000) &0x7F800000)<< 1; // Combine the red channels. sp0 = ((((pel00>> 16) & 0xFF)*a00) + 0x80)>>8; sp1 = ((((pel10>> 16) & 0xFF)*a10) + 0x80)>>8; pel0 = (sp0 + (((sp1-sp0)*xFrac+0x4000)>>15)) & 0xFFFF; sp0 = ((((pel01>> 16) & 0xFF)*a01) + 0x80)>>8; sp1 = ((((pel11>> 16) & 0xFF)*a11) + 0x80)>>8; pel1 = (sp0 + (((sp1-sp0)*xFrac+0x4000)>>15)) & 0xFFFF; newPel |= (((pel0<<15) + (pel1-pel0)*yFrac + 0x00400000) &0x7F800000)>>> 7; // Combine the green channels. sp0 = ((((pel00>> 8) & 0xFF)*a00) + 0x80)>>8; sp1 = ((((pel10>> 8) & 0xFF)*a10) + 0x80)>>8; pel0 = (sp0 + (((sp1-sp0)*xFrac+0x4000)>>15)) & 0xFFFF; sp0 = ((((pel01>> 8) & 0xFF)*a01) + 0x80)>>8; sp1 = ((((pel11>> 8) & 0xFF)*a11) + 0x80)>>8; pel1 = (sp0 + (((sp1-sp0)*xFrac+0x4000)>>15)) & 0xFFFF; newPel |= (((pel0<<15) + (pel1-pel0)*yFrac + 0x00400000) &0x7F800000)>>>15; // Combine the blue channels. sp0 = (((pel00 & 0xFF)*a00) + 0x80)>>8; sp1 = (((pel10 & 0xFF)*a10) + 0x80)>>8; pel0 = (sp0 + (((sp1-sp0)*xFrac+0x4000)>>15)) & 0xFFFF; sp0 = (((pel01 & 0xFF)*a01) + 0x80)>>8; sp1 = (((pel11 & 0xFF)*a11) + 0x80)>>8; pel1 = (sp0 + (((sp1-sp0)*xFrac+0x4000)>>15)) & 0xFFFF; newPel |= (((pel0<<15) + (pel1-pel0)*yFrac + 0x00400000) &0x7F800000)>>>23; dstPixels[dp] = newPel; } dp += dstAdjust; ip += offAdjust; } if (TIME) { long end = System.currentTimeMillis(); System.out.println("Time: " + (end-start)); } }// end of the filter() method for Raster
Does displacement map using Nearest neighbor interpolation
  • off – the displacement map
  • dst – stores the filtered image. If null, a destination will be created. img and dst can refer to the same Raster, in which situation the img will be modified.
/** * Does displacement map using Nearest neighbor interpolation * * @param off the displacement map * @param dst stores the filtered image. If null, a destination will * be created. img and dst can refer to the same Raster, in * which situation the img will be modified. */
public void filterNN(Raster off, WritableRaster dst, int [] xTile, int [] xOff, int [] yTile, int [] yOff) { final int w = dst.getWidth(); final int h = dst.getHeight(); final int xStart = maxOffX; final int yStart = maxOffY; final int xEnd = xStart+w; final int yEnd = yStart+h; // Access the integer buffer for each image. DataBufferInt dstDB = (DataBufferInt)dst.getDataBuffer(); DataBufferInt offDB = (DataBufferInt)off.getDataBuffer(); // Offset defines where in the stack the real data begin SinglePixelPackedSampleModel dstSPPSM, offSPPSM; dstSPPSM = (SinglePixelPackedSampleModel)dst.getSampleModel(); final int dstOff = dstDB.getOffset() + dstSPPSM.getOffset(dst.getMinX() - dst.getSampleModelTranslateX(), dst.getMinY() - dst.getSampleModelTranslateY()); offSPPSM = (SinglePixelPackedSampleModel)off.getSampleModel(); final int offOff = offDB.getOffset() + offSPPSM.getOffset(off.getMinX() - off.getSampleModelTranslateX(), off.getMinY() - off.getSampleModelTranslateY()); // Stride is the distance between two consecutive column elements, // in the one-dimention dataBuffer final int dstScanStride = dstSPPSM.getScanlineStride(); final int offScanStride = offSPPSM.getScanlineStride(); final int dstAdjust = dstScanStride - w; final int offAdjust = offScanStride - w; // Access the pixel value array final int[] dstPixels = dstDB.getBankData()[0]; final int[] offPixels = offDB.getBankData()[0]; // Below is the number of shifts for each axis // e.g when xChannel is ALPHA, the pixel needs // to be shifted 24, RED 16, GREEN 8 and BLUE 0 final int xShift = xChannel.toInt()*8; final int yShift = yChannel.toInt()*8; final int fpScaleX = (int)((scaleX/255.0)*(1<<15)+0.5); final int fpScaleY = (int)((scaleY/255.0)*(1<<15)+0.5); // Calculate the shift to make '.5' no movement. // This also includes rounding factor (0x4000) for Fixed Point stuff. final int fpAdjX = (int)(-127.5*fpScaleX-0.5) + 0x4000; final int fpAdjY = (int)(-127.5*fpScaleY-0.5) + 0x4000; // The pointer of img and dst indicating where the pixel values are int dp = dstOff, ip = offOff; long start = System.currentTimeMillis(); int y=yStart, xt=xTile[0]-1, yt=yTile[0]-1; int [] imgPix = null; int x0, y0, xDisplace, yDisplace, dPel; while (y<yEnd) { int x=xStart; while (x<xEnd) { dPel = offPixels[ip]; xDisplace = (fpScaleX*((dPel>>xShift)&0xff))+fpAdjX; yDisplace = (fpScaleY*((dPel>>yShift)&0xff))+fpAdjY; x0 = x+(xDisplace>>15); y0 = y+(yDisplace>>15); if ((xt != xTile[x0]) || (yt != yTile[y0])) { xt = xTile[x0]; yt = yTile[y0]; imgPix = ((DataBufferInt)image.getTile(xt, yt) .getDataBuffer()).getBankData()[0]; } dstPixels[dp] = imgPix[xOff[x0]+yOff[y0]]; dp++; ip++; x++; } dp += dstAdjust; ip += offAdjust; y++; } if (TIME) { long end = System.currentTimeMillis(); System.out.println("Time: " + (end-start)); } }// end of the filter() method for Raster }