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package org.apache.tomcat.util.descriptor.web;

import java.util.Arrays;
import java.util.HashMap;
import java.util.Iterator;
import java.util.Map;

Representation of a web service reference for a web application, as represented in a <service-ref> element in the deployment descriptor.
Author:Fabien Carrion
/** * Representation of a web service reference for a web application, as * represented in a <code>&lt;service-ref&gt;</code> element in the * deployment descriptor. * * @author Fabien Carrion */
public class ContextService extends ResourceBase { private static final long serialVersionUID = 1L; // ------------------------------------------------------------- Properties
The WebService reference name.
/** * The WebService reference name. */
private String displayname = null; public String getDisplayname() { return this.displayname; } public void setDisplayname(String displayname) { this.displayname = displayname; }
A large icon for this WebService.
/** * A large icon for this WebService. */
private String largeIcon = null; public String getLargeIcon() { return this.largeIcon; } public void setLargeIcon(String largeIcon) { this.largeIcon = largeIcon; }
A small icon for this WebService.
/** * A small icon for this WebService. */
private String smallIcon = null; public String getSmallIcon() { return this.smallIcon; } public void setSmallIcon(String smallIcon) { this.smallIcon = smallIcon; }
The fully qualified class name of the JAX-WS Service interface that the client depends on.
/** * The fully qualified class name of the JAX-WS Service interface that the * client depends on. */
private String serviceInterface = null; public String getInterface() { return serviceInterface; } public void setInterface(String serviceInterface) { this.serviceInterface = serviceInterface; }
Contains the location (relative to the root of the module) of the web service WSDL description.
/** * Contains the location (relative to the root of * the module) of the web service WSDL description. */
private String wsdlfile = null; public String getWsdlfile() { return this.wsdlfile; } public void setWsdlfile(String wsdlfile) { this.wsdlfile = wsdlfile; }
A file specifying the correlation of the WSDL definition to the interfaces (Service Endpoint Interface, Service Interface).
/** * A file specifying the correlation of the WSDL definition * to the interfaces (Service Endpoint Interface, Service Interface). */
private String jaxrpcmappingfile = null; public String getJaxrpcmappingfile() { return this.jaxrpcmappingfile; } public void setJaxrpcmappingfile(String jaxrpcmappingfile) { this.jaxrpcmappingfile = jaxrpcmappingfile; }
Declares the specific WSDL service element that is being referred to. It is not specified if no wsdl-file is declared or if WSDL contains only 1 service element. A service-qname is composed by a namespaceURI and a localpart. It must be defined if more than 1 service is declared in the WSDL. serviceqname[0] : namespaceURI serviceqname[1] : localpart
/** * Declares the specific WSDL service element that is being referred to. * It is not specified if no wsdl-file is declared or if WSDL contains only * 1 service element. * * A service-qname is composed by a namespaceURI and a localpart. * It must be defined if more than 1 service is declared in the WSDL. * * serviceqname[0] : namespaceURI * serviceqname[1] : localpart */
private String[] serviceqname = new String[2]; public String[] getServiceqname() { return this.serviceqname; } public String getServiceqname(int i) { return this.serviceqname[i]; } public String getServiceqnameNamespaceURI() { return this.serviceqname[0]; } public String getServiceqnameLocalpart() { return this.serviceqname[1]; } public void setServiceqname(String[] serviceqname) { this.serviceqname = serviceqname; } public void setServiceqname(String serviceqname, int i) { this.serviceqname[i] = serviceqname; } public void setServiceqnameNamespaceURI(String namespaceuri) { this.serviceqname[0] = namespaceuri; } public void setServiceqnameLocalpart(String localpart) { this.serviceqname[1] = localpart; }
Declares a client dependency on the container to resolving a Service Endpoint Interface to a WSDL port. It optionally associates the Service Endpoint Interface with a particular port-component.
Returns:the endpoint names
/** * Declares a client dependency on the container to resolving a Service Endpoint Interface * to a WSDL port. It optionally associates the Service Endpoint Interface with a * particular port-component. * @return the endpoint names */
public Iterator<String> getServiceendpoints() { return this.listProperties(); } public String getPortlink(String serviceendpoint) { return (String) this.getProperty(serviceendpoint); } public void addPortcomponent(String serviceendpoint, String portlink) { if (portlink == null) portlink = ""; this.setProperty(serviceendpoint, portlink); }
A list of Handlers to use for this service-ref. The instantiation of the handler have to be done.
/** * A list of Handlers to use for this service-ref. * * The instantiation of the handler have to be done. */
private final Map<String, ContextHandler> handlers = new HashMap<>(); public Iterator<String> getHandlers() { return handlers.keySet().iterator(); } public ContextHandler getHandler(String handlername) { return handlers.get(handlername); } public void addHandler(ContextHandler handler) { handlers.put(handler.getName(), handler); } // --------------------------------------------------------- Public Methods
Return a String representation of this object.
/** * Return a String representation of this object. */
@Override public String toString() { StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder("ContextService["); sb.append("name="); sb.append(getName()); if (getDescription() != null) { sb.append(", description="); sb.append(getDescription()); } if (getType() != null) { sb.append(", type="); sb.append(getType()); } if (displayname != null) { sb.append(", displayname="); sb.append(displayname); } if (largeIcon != null) { sb.append(", largeIcon="); sb.append(largeIcon); } if (smallIcon != null) { sb.append(", smallIcon="); sb.append(smallIcon); } if (wsdlfile != null) { sb.append(", wsdl-file="); sb.append(wsdlfile); } if (jaxrpcmappingfile != null) { sb.append(", jaxrpc-mapping-file="); sb.append(jaxrpcmappingfile); } if (serviceqname[0] != null) { sb.append(", service-qname/namespaceURI="); sb.append(serviceqname[0]); } if (serviceqname[1] != null) { sb.append(", service-qname/localpart="); sb.append(serviceqname[1]); } if (this.getServiceendpoints() != null) { sb.append(", port-component/service-endpoint-interface="); sb.append(this.getServiceendpoints()); } if (handlers != null) { sb.append(", handler="); sb.append(handlers); } sb.append("]"); return sb.toString(); } @Override public int hashCode() { final int prime = 31; int result = super.hashCode(); result = prime * result + ((displayname == null) ? 0 : displayname.hashCode()); result = prime * result + ((handlers == null) ? 0 : handlers.hashCode()); result = prime * result + ((jaxrpcmappingfile == null) ? 0 : jaxrpcmappingfile.hashCode()); result = prime * result + ((largeIcon == null) ? 0 : largeIcon.hashCode()); result = prime * result + ((serviceInterface == null) ? 0 : serviceInterface.hashCode()); result = prime * result + Arrays.hashCode(serviceqname); result = prime * result + ((smallIcon == null) ? 0 : smallIcon.hashCode()); result = prime * result + ((wsdlfile == null) ? 0 : wsdlfile.hashCode()); return result; } @Override public boolean equals(Object obj) { if (this == obj) { return true; } if (!super.equals(obj)) { return false; } if (getClass() != obj.getClass()) { return false; } ContextService other = (ContextService) obj; if (displayname == null) { if (other.displayname != null) { return false; } } else if (!displayname.equals(other.displayname)) { return false; } if (handlers == null) { if (other.handlers != null) { return false; } } else if (!handlers.equals(other.handlers)) { return false; } if (jaxrpcmappingfile == null) { if (other.jaxrpcmappingfile != null) { return false; } } else if (!jaxrpcmappingfile.equals(other.jaxrpcmappingfile)) { return false; } if (largeIcon == null) { if (other.largeIcon != null) { return false; } } else if (!largeIcon.equals(other.largeIcon)) { return false; } if (serviceInterface == null) { if (other.serviceInterface != null) { return false; } } else if (!serviceInterface.equals(other.serviceInterface)) { return false; } if (!Arrays.equals(serviceqname, other.serviceqname)) { return false; } if (smallIcon == null) { if (other.smallIcon != null) { return false; } } else if (!smallIcon.equals(other.smallIcon)) { return false; } if (wsdlfile == null) { if (other.wsdlfile != null) { return false; } } else if (!wsdlfile.equals(other.wsdlfile)) { return false; } return true; } }