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package org.apache.tomcat.util.http.parser;

import java.io.IOException;
import java.io.Reader;

import org.apache.tomcat.util.res.StringManager;

HTTP header value parser implementation. Parsing HTTP headers as per RFC2616 is not always as simple as it first appears. For headers that only use tokens the simple approach will normally be sufficient. However, for the other headers, while simple code meets 99.9% of cases, there are often some edge cases that make things far more complicated. The purpose of this parser is to let the parser worry about the edge cases. It provides tolerant (where safe to do so) parsing of HTTP header values assuming that wrapped header lines have already been unwrapped. (The Tomcat header processing code does the unwrapping.)
/** * HTTP header value parser implementation. Parsing HTTP headers as per RFC2616 * is not always as simple as it first appears. For headers that only use tokens * the simple approach will normally be sufficient. However, for the other * headers, while simple code meets 99.9% of cases, there are often some edge * cases that make things far more complicated. * * The purpose of this parser is to let the parser worry about the edge cases. * It provides tolerant (where safe to do so) parsing of HTTP header values * assuming that wrapped header lines have already been unwrapped. (The Tomcat * header processing code does the unwrapping.) * */
public class HttpParser { private static final StringManager sm = StringManager.getManager(HttpParser.class); private static final int ARRAY_SIZE = 128; private static final boolean[] IS_CONTROL = new boolean[ARRAY_SIZE]; private static final boolean[] IS_SEPARATOR = new boolean[ARRAY_SIZE]; private static final boolean[] IS_TOKEN = new boolean[ARRAY_SIZE]; private static final boolean[] IS_HEX = new boolean[ARRAY_SIZE]; private static final boolean[] IS_HTTP_PROTOCOL = new boolean[ARRAY_SIZE]; private static final boolean[] IS_ALPHA = new boolean[ARRAY_SIZE]; private static final boolean[] IS_NUMERIC = new boolean[ARRAY_SIZE]; private static final boolean[] IS_UNRESERVED = new boolean[ARRAY_SIZE]; private static final boolean[] IS_SUBDELIM = new boolean[ARRAY_SIZE]; private static final boolean[] IS_USERINFO = new boolean[ARRAY_SIZE]; private static final boolean[] IS_RELAXABLE = new boolean[ARRAY_SIZE]; private static final HttpParser DEFAULT; static { for (int i = 0; i < ARRAY_SIZE; i++) { // Control> 0-31, 127 if (i < 32 || i == 127) { IS_CONTROL[i] = true; } // Separator if ( i == '(' || i == ')' || i == '<' || i == '>' || i == '@' || i == ',' || i == ';' || i == ':' || i == '\\' || i == '\"' || i == '/' || i == '[' || i == ']' || i == '?' || i == '=' || i == '{' || i == '}' || i == ' ' || i == '\t') { IS_SEPARATOR[i] = true; } // Token: Anything 0-127 that is not a control and not a separator if (!IS_CONTROL[i] && !IS_SEPARATOR[i] && i < 128) { IS_TOKEN[i] = true; } // Hex: 0-9, a-f, A-F if ((i >= '0' && i <='9') || (i >= 'a' && i <= 'f') || (i >= 'A' && i <= 'F')) { IS_HEX[i] = true; } // Not valid for HTTP protocol // "HTTP/" DIGIT "." DIGIT if (i == 'H' || i == 'T' || i == 'P' || i == '/' || i == '.' || (i >= '0' && i <= '9')) { IS_HTTP_PROTOCOL[i] = true; } if (i >= '0' && i <= '9') { IS_NUMERIC[i] = true; } if (i >= 'a' && i <= 'z' || i >= 'A' && i <= 'Z') { IS_ALPHA[i] = true; } if (IS_ALPHA[i] || IS_NUMERIC[i] || i == '-' || i == '.' || i == '_' || i == '~') { IS_UNRESERVED[i] = true; } if (i == '!' || i == '$' || i == '&' || i == '\'' || i == '(' || i == ')' || i == '*' || i == '+' || i == ',' || i == ';' || i == '=') { IS_SUBDELIM[i] = true; } // userinfo = *( unreserved / pct-encoded / sub-delims / ":" ) if (IS_UNRESERVED[i] || i == '%' || IS_SUBDELIM[i] || i == ':') { IS_USERINFO[i] = true; } // The characters that are normally not permitted for which the // restrictions may be relaxed when used in the path and/or query // string if (i == '\"' || i == '<' || i == '>' || i == '[' || i == '\\' || i == ']' || i == '^' || i == '`' || i == '{' || i == '|' || i == '}') { IS_RELAXABLE[i] = true; } } DEFAULT = new HttpParser(null, null); } private final boolean[] IS_NOT_REQUEST_TARGET = new boolean[ARRAY_SIZE]; private final boolean[] IS_ABSOLUTEPATH_RELAXED = new boolean[ARRAY_SIZE]; private final boolean[] IS_QUERY_RELAXED = new boolean[ARRAY_SIZE]; public HttpParser(String relaxedPathChars, String relaxedQueryChars) { for (int i = 0; i < ARRAY_SIZE; i++) { // Not valid for request target. // Combination of multiple rules from RFC7230 and RFC 3986. Must be // ASCII, no controls plus a few additional characters excluded if (IS_CONTROL[i] || i == ' ' || i == '\"' || i == '#' || i == '<' || i == '>' || i == '\\' || i == '^' || i == '`' || i == '{' || i == '|' || i == '}') { IS_NOT_REQUEST_TARGET[i] = true; } /* * absolute-path = 1*( "/" segment ) * segment = *pchar * pchar = unreserved / pct-encoded / sub-delims / ":" / "@" * * Note pchar allows everything userinfo allows plus "@" */ if (IS_USERINFO[i] || i == '@' || i == '/') { IS_ABSOLUTEPATH_RELAXED[i] = true; } /* * query = *( pchar / "/" / "?" ) * * Note query allows everything absolute-path allows plus "?" */ if (IS_ABSOLUTEPATH_RELAXED[i] || i == '?') { IS_QUERY_RELAXED[i] = true; } } relax(IS_ABSOLUTEPATH_RELAXED, relaxedPathChars); relax(IS_QUERY_RELAXED, relaxedQueryChars); } public boolean isNotRequestTargetRelaxed(int c) { // Fast for valid request target characters, slower for some incorrect // ones try { return IS_NOT_REQUEST_TARGET[c]; } catch (ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException ex) { return true; } } public boolean isAbsolutePathRelaxed(int c) { // Fast for valid user info characters, slower for some incorrect // ones try { return IS_ABSOLUTEPATH_RELAXED[c]; } catch (ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException ex) { return false; } } public boolean isQueryRelaxed(int c) { // Fast for valid user info characters, slower for some incorrect // ones try { return IS_QUERY_RELAXED[c]; } catch (ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException ex) { return false; } } public static String unquote(String input) { if (input == null || input.length() < 2) { return input; } int start; int end; // Skip surrounding quotes if there are any if (input.charAt(0) == '"') { start = 1; end = input.length() - 1; } else { start = 0; end = input.length(); } StringBuilder result = new StringBuilder(); for (int i = start ; i < end; i++) { char c = input.charAt(i); if (input.charAt(i) == '\\') { i++; result.append(input.charAt(i)); } else { result.append(c); } } return result.toString(); } public static boolean isToken(int c) { // Fast for correct values, slower for incorrect ones try { return IS_TOKEN[c]; } catch (ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException ex) { return false; } } public static boolean isHex(int c) { // Fast for correct values, slower for some incorrect ones try { return IS_HEX[c]; } catch (ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException ex) { return false; } } public static boolean isNotRequestTarget(int c) { return DEFAULT.isNotRequestTargetRelaxed(c); } public static boolean isHttpProtocol(int c) { // Fast for valid HTTP protocol characters, slower for some incorrect // ones try { return IS_HTTP_PROTOCOL[c]; } catch (ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException ex) { return false; } } public static boolean isAlpha(int c) { // Fast for valid alpha characters, slower for some incorrect // ones try { return IS_ALPHA[c]; } catch (ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException ex) { return false; } } public static boolean isNumeric(int c) { // Fast for valid numeric characters, slower for some incorrect // ones try { return IS_NUMERIC[c]; } catch (ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException ex) { return false; } } public static boolean isUserInfo(int c) { // Fast for valid user info characters, slower for some incorrect // ones try { return IS_USERINFO[c]; } catch (ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException ex) { return false; } } private static boolean isRelaxable(int c) { // Fast for valid user info characters, slower for some incorrect // ones try { return IS_RELAXABLE[c]; } catch (ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException ex) { return false; } } public static boolean isAbsolutePath(int c) { return DEFAULT.isAbsolutePathRelaxed(c); } public static boolean isQuery(int c) { return DEFAULT.isQueryRelaxed(c); } // Skip any LWS and position to read the next character. The next character // is returned as being able to 'peek()' it allows a small optimisation in // some cases. static int skipLws(Reader input) throws IOException { input.mark(1); int c = input.read(); while (c == 32 || c == 9 || c == 10 || c == 13) { input.mark(1); c = input.read(); } input.reset(); return c; } static SkipResult skipConstant(Reader input, String constant) throws IOException { int len = constant.length(); skipLws(input); input.mark(len); int c = input.read(); for (int i = 0; i < len; i++) { if (i == 0 && c == -1) { return SkipResult.EOF; } if (c != constant.charAt(i)) { input.reset(); return SkipResult.NOT_FOUND; } if (i != (len - 1)) { c = input.read(); } } return SkipResult.FOUND; }
Returns: the token if one was found, the empty string if no data was available to read or null if data other than a token was found
/** * @return the token if one was found, the empty string if no data was * available to read or <code>null</code> if data other than a * token was found */
static String readToken(Reader input) throws IOException { StringBuilder result = new StringBuilder(); skipLws(input); input.mark(1); int c = input.read(); while (c != -1 && isToken(c)) { result.append((char) c); input.mark(1); c = input.read(); } // Use mark(1)/reset() rather than skip(-1) since skip() is a NOP // once the end of the String has been reached. input.reset(); if (c != -1 && result.length() == 0) { return null; } else { return result.toString(); } }
Returns: the digits if any were found, the empty string if no data was found or if data other than digits was found
/** * @return the digits if any were found, the empty string if no data was * found or if data other than digits was found */
static String readDigits(Reader input) throws IOException { StringBuilder result = new StringBuilder(); skipLws(input); input.mark(1); int c = input.read(); while (c != -1 && isNumeric(c)) { result.append((char) c); input.mark(1); c = input.read(); } // Use mark(1)/reset() rather than skip(-1) since skip() is a NOP // once the end of the String has been reached. input.reset(); return result.toString(); }
Returns: the number if digits were found, -1 if no data was found or if data other than digits was found
/** * @return the number if digits were found, -1 if no data was found * or if data other than digits was found */
static long readLong(Reader input) throws IOException { String digits = readDigits(input); if (digits.length() == 0) { return -1; } return Long.parseLong(digits); }
Returns:the quoted string if one was found, null if data other than a quoted string was found or null if the end of data was reached before the quoted string was terminated
/** * @return the quoted string if one was found, null if data other than a * quoted string was found or null if the end of data was reached * before the quoted string was terminated */
static String readQuotedString(Reader input, boolean returnQuoted) throws IOException { skipLws(input); int c = input.read(); if (c != '"') { return null; } StringBuilder result = new StringBuilder(); if (returnQuoted) { result.append('\"'); } c = input.read(); while (c != '"') { if (c == -1) { return null; } else if (c == '\\') { c = input.read(); if (returnQuoted) { result.append('\\'); } result.append((char) c); } else { result.append((char) c); } c = input.read(); } if (returnQuoted) { result.append('\"'); } return result.toString(); } static String readTokenOrQuotedString(Reader input, boolean returnQuoted) throws IOException { // Peek at next character to enable correct method to be called int c = skipLws(input); if (c == '"') { return readQuotedString(input, returnQuoted); } else { return readToken(input); } }
Token can be read unambiguously with or without surrounding quotes so this parsing method for token permits optional surrounding double quotes. This is not defined in any RFC. It is a special case to handle data from buggy clients (known buggy clients for DIGEST auth include Microsoft IE 8 & 9, Apple Safari for OSX and iOS) that add quotes to values that should be tokens.
Returns:the token if one was found, null if data other than a token or quoted token was found or null if the end of data was reached before a quoted token was terminated
/** * Token can be read unambiguously with or without surrounding quotes so * this parsing method for token permits optional surrounding double quotes. * This is not defined in any RFC. It is a special case to handle data from * buggy clients (known buggy clients for DIGEST auth include Microsoft IE 8 * &amp; 9, Apple Safari for OSX and iOS) that add quotes to values that * should be tokens. * * @return the token if one was found, null if data other than a token or * quoted token was found or null if the end of data was reached * before a quoted token was terminated */
static String readQuotedToken(Reader input) throws IOException { StringBuilder result = new StringBuilder(); boolean quoted = false; skipLws(input); input.mark(1); int c = input.read(); if (c == '"') { quoted = true; } else if (c == -1 || !isToken(c)) { return null; } else { result.append((char) c); } input.mark(1); c = input.read(); while (c != -1 && isToken(c)) { result.append((char) c); input.mark(1); c = input.read(); } if (quoted) { if (c != '"') { return null; } } else { // Use mark(1)/reset() rather than skip(-1) since skip() is a NOP // once the end of the String has been reached. input.reset(); } if (c != -1 && result.length() == 0) { return null; } else { return result.toString(); } }
LHEX can be read unambiguously with or without surrounding quotes so this parsing method for LHEX permits optional surrounding double quotes. Some buggy clients (libwww-perl for DIGEST auth) are known to send quoted LHEX when the specification requires just LHEX.

LHEX are, literally, lower-case hexadecimal digits. This implementation allows for upper-case digits as well, converting the returned value to lower-case.

Returns: the sequence of LHEX (minus any surrounding quotes) if any was found, or null if data other LHEX was found
/** * LHEX can be read unambiguously with or without surrounding quotes so this * parsing method for LHEX permits optional surrounding double quotes. Some * buggy clients (libwww-perl for DIGEST auth) are known to send quoted LHEX * when the specification requires just LHEX. * * <p> * LHEX are, literally, lower-case hexadecimal digits. This implementation * allows for upper-case digits as well, converting the returned value to * lower-case. * * @return the sequence of LHEX (minus any surrounding quotes) if any was * found, or <code>null</code> if data other LHEX was found */
static String readLhex(Reader input) throws IOException { StringBuilder result = new StringBuilder(); boolean quoted = false; skipLws(input); input.mark(1); int c = input.read(); if (c == '"') { quoted = true; } else if (c == -1 || !isHex(c)) { return null; } else { if ('A' <= c && c <= 'F') { c -= ('A' - 'a'); } result.append((char) c); } input.mark(1); c = input.read(); while (c != -1 && isHex(c)) { if ('A' <= c && c <= 'F') { c -= ('A' - 'a'); } result.append((char) c); input.mark(1); c = input.read(); } if (quoted) { if (c != '"') { return null; } } else { // Use mark(1)/reset() rather than skip(-1) since skip() is a NOP // once the end of the String has been reached. input.reset(); } if (c != -1 && result.length() == 0) { return null; } else { return result.toString(); } } static double readWeight(Reader input, char delimiter) throws IOException { skipLws(input); int c = input.read(); if (c == -1 || c == delimiter) { // No q value just whitespace return 1; } else if (c != 'q') { // Malformed. Use quality of zero so it is dropped. skipUntil(input, c, delimiter); return 0; } // RFC 7231 does not allow whitespace here but be tolerant skipLws(input); c = input.read(); if (c != '=') { // Malformed. Use quality of zero so it is dropped. skipUntil(input, c, delimiter); return 0; } // RFC 7231 does not allow whitespace here but be tolerant skipLws(input); c = input.read(); // Should be no more than 3 decimal places StringBuilder value = new StringBuilder(5); int decimalPlacesRead = -1; if (c == '0' || c == '1') { value.append((char) c); c = input.read(); while (true) { if (decimalPlacesRead == -1 && c == '.') { value.append('.'); decimalPlacesRead = 0; } else if (decimalPlacesRead > -1 && c >= '0' && c <= '9') { if (decimalPlacesRead < 3) { value.append((char) c); decimalPlacesRead++; } } else { break; } c = input.read(); } } else { // Malformed. Use quality of zero so it is dropped and skip until // EOF or the next delimiter skipUntil(input, c, delimiter); return 0; } if (c == 9 || c == 32) { skipLws(input); c = input.read(); } // Must be at delimiter or EOF if (c != delimiter && c != -1) { // Malformed. Use quality of zero so it is dropped and skip until // EOF or the next delimiter skipUntil(input, c, delimiter); return 0; } double result = Double.parseDouble(value.toString()); if (result > 1) { return 0; } return result; }
Returns:If inIPv6 is false, the position of ':' that separates the host from the port or -1 if it is not present. If inIPv6 is true, the number of characters read
/** * @return If inIPv6 is false, the position of ':' that separates the host * from the port or -1 if it is not present. If inIPv6 is true, the * number of characters read */
static int readHostIPv4(Reader reader, boolean inIPv6) throws IOException { int octet = -1; int octetCount = 1; int c; int pos = 0; // readAheadLimit doesn't matter as all the readers passed to this // method buffer the entire content. reader.mark(1); do { c = reader.read(); if (c == '.') { if (octet > -1 && octet < 256) { // Valid octetCount++; octet = -1; } else if (inIPv6 || octet == -1) { throw new IllegalArgumentException( sm.getString("http.invalidOctet", Integer.toString(octet))); } else { // Might not be an IPv4 address. Could be a host / FQDN with // a fully numeric component. reader.reset(); return readHostDomainName(reader); } } else if (isNumeric(c)) { if (octet == -1) { octet = c - '0'; } else if (octet == 0) { // Leading zero in non-zero octet. Not valid (ambiguous). if (inIPv6) { throw new IllegalArgumentException(sm.getString("http.invalidLeadingZero")); } else { // Could be a host/FQDN reader.reset(); return readHostDomainName(reader); } } else { octet = octet * 10 + c - '0'; } } else if (c == ':') { break; } else if (c == -1) { if (inIPv6) { throw new IllegalArgumentException(sm.getString("http.noClosingBracket")); } else { pos = -1; break; } } else if (c == ']') { if (inIPv6) { pos++; break; } else { throw new IllegalArgumentException(sm.getString("http.closingBracket")); } } else if (!inIPv6 && (isAlpha(c) || c == '-')) { // Go back to the start and parse as a host / FQDN reader.reset(); return readHostDomainName(reader); } else { throw new IllegalArgumentException(sm.getString( "http.illegalCharacterIpv4", Character.toString((char) c))); } pos++; } while (true); if (octetCount != 4 || octet < 0 || octet > 255) { // Might not be an IPv4 address. Could be a host name or a FQDN with // fully numeric components. Go back to the start and parse as a // host / FQDN. reader.reset(); return readHostDomainName(reader); } return pos; }
Returns:The position of ':' that separates the host from the port or -1 if it is not present
/** * @return The position of ':' that separates the host from the port or -1 * if it is not present */
static int readHostIPv6(Reader reader) throws IOException { // Must start with '[' int c = reader.read(); if (c != '[') { throw new IllegalArgumentException(sm.getString("http.noOpeningBracket")); } int h16Count = 0; int h16Size = 0; int pos = 1; boolean parsedDoubleColon = false; int precedingColonsCount = 0; do { c = reader.read(); if (h16Count == 0 && precedingColonsCount == 1 && c != ':') { // Can't start with a single : throw new IllegalArgumentException(sm.getString("http.singleColonStart")); } if (HttpParser.isHex(c)) { if (h16Size == 0) { // Start of a new h16 block precedingColonsCount = 0; h16Count++; } h16Size++; if (h16Size > 4) { throw new IllegalArgumentException(sm.getString("http.invalidHextet")); } } else if (c == ':') { if (precedingColonsCount >=2 ) { // ::: is not allowed throw new IllegalArgumentException(sm.getString("http.tooManyColons")); } else { if(precedingColonsCount == 1) { // End of :: if (parsedDoubleColon ) { // Only allowed one :: sequence throw new IllegalArgumentException( sm.getString("http.tooManyDoubleColons")); } parsedDoubleColon = true; // :: represents at least one h16 block h16Count++; } precedingColonsCount++; // mark if the next symbol is hex before the actual read reader.mark(4); } h16Size = 0; } else if (c == ']') { if (precedingColonsCount == 1) { // Can't end on a single ':' throw new IllegalArgumentException(sm.getString("http.singleColonEnd")); } pos++; break; } else if (c == '.') { if (h16Count == 7 || h16Count < 7 && parsedDoubleColon) { reader.reset(); pos -= h16Size; pos += readHostIPv4(reader, true); h16Count++; break; } else { throw new IllegalArgumentException(sm.getString("http.invalidIpv4Location")); } } else { throw new IllegalArgumentException(sm.getString( "http.illegalCharacterIpv6", Character.toString((char) c))); } pos++; } while (true); if (h16Count > 8) { throw new IllegalArgumentException( sm.getString("http.tooManyHextets", Integer.toString(h16Count))); } else if (h16Count != 8 && !parsedDoubleColon) { throw new IllegalArgumentException( sm.getString("http.tooFewHextets", Integer.toString(h16Count))); } c = reader.read(); if (c == ':') { return pos; } else { if(c == -1) { return -1; } throw new IllegalArgumentException( sm.getString("http.illegalAfterIpv6", Character.toString((char) c))); } }
Returns:The position of ':' that separates the host from the port or -1 if it is not present
/** * @return The position of ':' that separates the host from the port or -1 * if it is not present */
static int readHostDomainName(Reader reader) throws IOException { DomainParseState state = DomainParseState.NEW; int pos = 0; while (state.mayContinue()) { state = state.next(reader.read()); pos++; } if (DomainParseState.COLON == state) { // State identifies the state of the previous character return pos - 1; } else { return -1; } }
Skips all characters until EOF or the specified target is found. Normally used to skip invalid input until the next separator.
/** * Skips all characters until EOF or the specified target is found. Normally * used to skip invalid input until the next separator. */
static SkipResult skipUntil(Reader input, int c, char target) throws IOException { while (c != -1 && c != target) { c = input.read(); } if (c == -1) { return SkipResult.EOF; } else { return SkipResult.FOUND; } } private void relax(boolean[] flags, String relaxedChars) { if (relaxedChars != null && relaxedChars.length() > 0) { char[] chars = relaxedChars.toCharArray(); for (char c : chars) { if (isRelaxable(c)) { flags[c] = true; IS_NOT_REQUEST_TARGET[c] = false; } } } } private enum DomainParseState { NEW( true, false, false, false, "http.invalidCharacterDomain.atStart"), ALPHA( true, true, true, true, "http.invalidCharacterDomain.afterLetter"), NUMERIC( true, true, true, true, "http.invalidCharacterDomain.afterNumber"), PERIOD( true, false, false, true, "http.invalidCharacterDomain.afterPeriod"), HYPHEN( true, true, false, false, "http.invalidCharacterDomain.afterHyphen"), COLON( false, false, false, false, "http.invalidCharacterDomain.afterColon"), END( false, false, false, false, "http.invalidCharacterDomain.atEnd"); private final boolean mayContinue; private final boolean allowsHyphen; private final boolean allowsPeriod; private final boolean allowsEnd; private final String errorMsg; private DomainParseState(boolean mayContinue, boolean allowsHyphen, boolean allowsPeriod, boolean allowsEnd, String errorMsg) { this.mayContinue = mayContinue; this.allowsHyphen = allowsHyphen; this.allowsPeriod = allowsPeriod; this.allowsEnd = allowsEnd; this.errorMsg = errorMsg; } public boolean mayContinue() { return mayContinue; } public DomainParseState next(int c) { if (c == -1) { if (allowsEnd) { return END; } else { throw new IllegalArgumentException( sm.getString("http.invalidSegmentEndState", this.name())); } } else if (HttpParser.isAlpha(c)) { return ALPHA; } else if (HttpParser.isNumeric(c)) { return NUMERIC; } else if (c == '.') { if (allowsPeriod) { return PERIOD; } else { throw new IllegalArgumentException(sm.getString(errorMsg, Character.toString((char) c))); } } else if (c == ':') { if (allowsEnd) { return COLON; } else { throw new IllegalArgumentException(sm.getString(errorMsg, Character.toString((char) c))); } } else if (c == '-') { if (allowsHyphen) { return HYPHEN; } else { throw new IllegalArgumentException(sm.getString(errorMsg, Character.toString((char) c))); } } else { throw new IllegalArgumentException(sm.getString( "http.illegalCharacterDomain", Character.toString((char) c))); } } } }