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package org.apache.tomcat.util.http;

import org.apache.tomcat.util.res.StringManager;

This class is not thread-safe.
/** * This class is not thread-safe. */
public class ServerCookies { private static final StringManager sm = StringManager.getManager(ServerCookies.class); private ServerCookie[] serverCookies; private int cookieCount = 0; private int limit = 200; public ServerCookies(int initialSize) { serverCookies = new ServerCookie[initialSize]; }
Register a new, initialized cookie. Cookies are recycled, and most of the time an existing ServerCookie object is returned. The caller can set the name/value and attributes for the cookie.
Returns:the new cookie
/** * Register a new, initialized cookie. Cookies are recycled, and most of the * time an existing ServerCookie object is returned. The caller can set the * name/value and attributes for the cookie. * @return the new cookie */
public ServerCookie addCookie() { if (limit > -1 && cookieCount >= limit) { throw new IllegalArgumentException( sm.getString("cookies.maxCountFail", Integer.valueOf(limit))); } if (cookieCount >= serverCookies.length) { int newSize = limit > -1 ? Math.min(2*cookieCount, limit) : 2*cookieCount; ServerCookie scookiesTmp[] = new ServerCookie[newSize]; System.arraycopy(serverCookies, 0, scookiesTmp, 0, cookieCount); serverCookies = scookiesTmp; } ServerCookie c = serverCookies[cookieCount]; if (c == null) { c = new ServerCookie(); serverCookies[cookieCount] = c; } cookieCount++; return c; } public ServerCookie getCookie(int idx) { return serverCookies[idx]; } public int getCookieCount() { return cookieCount; } public void setLimit(int limit) { this.limit = limit; if (limit > -1 && serverCookies.length > limit && cookieCount <= limit) { // shrink cookie list array ServerCookie scookiesTmp[] = new ServerCookie[limit]; System.arraycopy(serverCookies, 0, scookiesTmp, 0, cookieCount); serverCookies = scookiesTmp; } } public void recycle() { for (int i = 0; i < cookieCount; i++) { serverCookies[i].recycle(); } cookieCount = 0; } }