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package org.apache.lucene.search.suggest.document;

import java.io.IOException;

import org.apache.lucene.index.IndexReader;
import org.apache.lucene.index.LeafReaderContext;
import org.apache.lucene.search.BulkScorer;
import org.apache.lucene.search.CollectionTerminatedException;
import org.apache.lucene.search.IndexSearcher;
import org.apache.lucene.search.Weight;

Adds document suggest capabilities to IndexSearcher. Any CompletionQuery can be used to suggest documents. Use PrefixCompletionQuery for analyzed prefix queries, RegexCompletionQuery for regular expression prefix queries, FuzzyCompletionQuery for analyzed prefix with typo tolerance and ContextQuery to boost and/or filter suggestions by contexts
/** * Adds document suggest capabilities to IndexSearcher. * Any {@link CompletionQuery} can be used to suggest documents. * * Use {@link PrefixCompletionQuery} for analyzed prefix queries, * {@link RegexCompletionQuery} for regular expression prefix queries, * {@link FuzzyCompletionQuery} for analyzed prefix with typo tolerance * and {@link ContextQuery} to boost and/or filter suggestions by contexts * * @lucene.experimental */
public class SuggestIndexSearcher extends IndexSearcher { // NOTE: we do not accept an ExecutorService here, because at least the dedup // logic in TopSuggestDocsCollector/NRTSuggester would not be thread safe (and maybe other things)
Creates a searcher with document suggest capabilities for reader.
/** * Creates a searcher with document suggest capabilities * for <code>reader</code>. */
public SuggestIndexSearcher(IndexReader reader) { super(reader); }
Returns top n completion hits for query
/** * Returns top <code>n</code> completion hits for * <code>query</code> */
public TopSuggestDocs suggest(CompletionQuery query, int n, boolean skipDuplicates) throws IOException { TopSuggestDocsCollector collector = new TopSuggestDocsCollector(n, skipDuplicates); suggest(query, collector); return collector.get(); }
Lower-level suggest API. Collects completion hits through collector for query.

TopSuggestDocsCollector.collect(int, CharSequence, CharSequence, float) is called for every matching completion hit.

/** * Lower-level suggest API. * Collects completion hits through <code>collector</code> for <code>query</code>. * * <p>{@link TopSuggestDocsCollector#collect(int, CharSequence, CharSequence, float)} * is called for every matching completion hit. */
public void suggest(CompletionQuery query, TopSuggestDocsCollector collector) throws IOException { // TODO use IndexSearcher.rewrite instead // have to implement equals() and hashCode() in CompletionQuerys and co query = (CompletionQuery) query.rewrite(getIndexReader()); Weight weight = query.createWeight(this, collector.scoreMode(), 1f); for (LeafReaderContext context : getIndexReader().leaves()) { BulkScorer scorer = weight.bulkScorer(context); if (scorer != null) { try { scorer.score(collector.getLeafCollector(context), context.reader().getLiveDocs()); } catch (CollectionTerminatedException e) { // collection was terminated prematurely // continue with the following leaf } } } } }