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package org.apache.lucene.spatial.bbox;

import java.util.concurrent.atomic.AtomicReference;

import org.apache.lucene.search.Explanation;
import org.apache.lucene.spatial.ShapeValuesSource;
import org.locationtech.spatial4j.shape.Rectangle;

The algorithm is implemented as envelope on envelope (rect on rect) overlays rather than complex polygon on complex polygon overlays.

Spatial relevance scoring algorithm:

the area of the input query envelope
the area of the target envelope (per Lucene document)
the area of the intersection between the query and target envelopes
A 0-1 factor that divides the score proportion between query and target. 0.5 is evenly.
intersectionArea / queryArea; (see note)
intersectionArea / targetArea; (see note)
queryRatio * queryTargetProportion;
targetRatio * (1 - queryTargetProportion);
queryFactor + targetFactor;
Additionally, note that an optional minimum side length minSideLength may be used whenever an area is calculated (queryArea, targetArea, intersectionArea). This allows for points or horizontal/vertical lines to be used as the query shape and in such case the descending order should have smallest boxes up front. Without this, a point or line query shape typically scores everything with the same value since there is 0 area.

Note: The actual computation of queryRatio and targetRatio is more complicated so that it considers points and lines. Lines have the ratio of overlap, and points are either 1.0 or 0.0 depending on whether it intersects or not.

Originally based on Geoportal's SpatialRankingValueSource but modified quite a bit. GeoPortal's algorithm will yield a score of 0 if either a line or point is compared, and it doesn't output a 0-1 normalized score (it multiplies the factors), and it doesn't support minSideLength, and it had dateline bugs.

/** * The algorithm is implemented as envelope on envelope (rect on rect) overlays rather than * complex polygon on complex polygon overlays. * <p> * Spatial relevance scoring algorithm: * <DL> * <DT>queryArea</DT> <DD>the area of the input query envelope</DD> * <DT>targetArea</DT> <DD>the area of the target envelope (per Lucene document)</DD> * <DT>intersectionArea</DT> <DD>the area of the intersection between the query and target envelopes</DD> * <DT>queryTargetProportion</DT> <DD>A 0-1 factor that divides the score proportion between query and target. * 0.5 is evenly.</DD> * * <DT>queryRatio</DT> <DD>intersectionArea / queryArea; (see note)</DD> * <DT>targetRatio</DT> <DD>intersectionArea / targetArea; (see note)</DD> * <DT>queryFactor</DT> <DD>queryRatio * queryTargetProportion;</DD> * <DT>targetFactor</DT> <DD>targetRatio * (1 - queryTargetProportion);</DD> * <DT>score</DT> <DD>queryFactor + targetFactor;</DD> * </DL> * Additionally, note that an optional minimum side length {@code minSideLength} may be used whenever an * area is calculated (queryArea, targetArea, intersectionArea). This allows for points or horizontal/vertical lines * to be used as the query shape and in such case the descending order should have smallest boxes up front. Without * this, a point or line query shape typically scores everything with the same value since there is 0 area. * <p> * Note: The actual computation of queryRatio and targetRatio is more complicated so that it considers * points and lines. Lines have the ratio of overlap, and points are either 1.0 or 0.0 depending on whether * it intersects or not. * <p> * Originally based on Geoportal's * <a href="http://geoportal.svn.sourceforge.net/svnroot/geoportal/Geoportal/trunk/src/com/esri/gpt/catalog/lucene/SpatialRankingValueSource.java"> * SpatialRankingValueSource</a> but modified quite a bit. GeoPortal's algorithm will yield a score of 0 * if either a line or point is compared, and it doesn't output a 0-1 normalized score (it multiplies the factors), * and it doesn't support minSideLength, and it had dateline bugs. * * @lucene.experimental */
public class BBoxOverlapRatioValueSource extends BBoxSimilarityValueSource { private final boolean isGeo;//-180/+180 degrees (not part of identity; attached to parent strategy/field) private final Rectangle queryExtent; private final double queryArea;//not part of identity private final double minSideLength; private final double queryTargetProportion; //TODO option to compute geodetic area
  • rectValueSource – mandatory; source of rectangles
  • isGeo – True if ctx.isGeo() and thus dateline issues should be attended to
  • queryExtent – mandatory; the query rectangle
  • queryTargetProportion – see class javadocs. Between 0 and 1.
  • minSideLength – see class javadocs. 0.0 will effectively disable.
/** * * @param rectValueSource mandatory; source of rectangles * @param isGeo True if ctx.isGeo() and thus dateline issues should be attended to * @param queryExtent mandatory; the query rectangle * @param queryTargetProportion see class javadocs. Between 0 and 1. * @param minSideLength see class javadocs. 0.0 will effectively disable. */
public BBoxOverlapRatioValueSource(ShapeValuesSource rectValueSource, boolean isGeo, Rectangle queryExtent, double queryTargetProportion, double minSideLength) { super(rectValueSource); this.isGeo = isGeo; this.minSideLength = minSideLength; this.queryExtent = queryExtent; this.queryArea = calcArea(queryExtent.getWidth(), queryExtent.getHeight()); assert queryArea >= 0; this.queryTargetProportion = queryTargetProportion; if (queryTargetProportion < 0 || queryTargetProportion > 1.0) throw new IllegalArgumentException("queryTargetProportion must be >= 0 and <= 1"); }
Construct with 75% weighting towards target (roughly GeoPortal's default), geo degrees assumed, no minimum side length.
/** Construct with 75% weighting towards target (roughly GeoPortal's default), geo degrees assumed, no * minimum side length. */
public BBoxOverlapRatioValueSource(ShapeValuesSource rectValueSource, Rectangle queryExtent) { this(rectValueSource, true, queryExtent, 0.25, 0.0); } @Override public boolean equals(Object o) { if (!super.equals(o)) return false; BBoxOverlapRatioValueSource that = (BBoxOverlapRatioValueSource) o; if (Double.compare(that.minSideLength, minSideLength) != 0) return false; if (Double.compare(that.queryTargetProportion, queryTargetProportion) != 0) return false; if (!queryExtent.equals(that.queryExtent)) return false; return true; } @Override public int hashCode() { int result = super.hashCode(); long temp; result = 31 * result + queryExtent.hashCode(); temp = Double.doubleToLongBits(minSideLength); result = 31 * result + (int) (temp ^ (temp >>> 32)); temp = Double.doubleToLongBits(queryTargetProportion); result = 31 * result + (int) (temp ^ (temp >>> 32)); return result; } @Override protected String similarityDescription() { return queryExtent.toString() + "," + queryTargetProportion; } @Override protected double score(Rectangle target, AtomicReference<Explanation> exp) { // calculate "height": the intersection height between two boxes. double top = Math.min(queryExtent.getMaxY(), target.getMaxY()); double bottom = Math.max(queryExtent.getMinY(), target.getMinY()); double height = top - bottom; if (height < 0) { if (exp != null) { exp.set(Explanation.noMatch("No intersection")); } return 0;//no intersection } // calculate "width": the intersection width between two boxes. double width = 0; { Rectangle a = queryExtent; Rectangle b = target; if (a.getCrossesDateLine() == b.getCrossesDateLine()) { //both either cross or don't double left = Math.max(a.getMinX(), b.getMinX()); double right = Math.min(a.getMaxX(), b.getMaxX()); if (!a.getCrossesDateLine()) {//both don't if (left <= right) { width = right - left; } else if (isGeo && (Math.abs(a.getMinX()) == 180 || Math.abs(a.getMaxX()) == 180) && (Math.abs(b.getMinX()) == 180 || Math.abs(b.getMaxX()) == 180)) { width = 0;//both adjacent to dateline } else { if (exp != null) { exp.set(Explanation.noMatch("No intersection")); } return 0;//no intersection } } else {//both cross width = right - left + 360; } } else { if (!a.getCrossesDateLine()) {//then flip a = target; b = queryExtent; } //a crosses, b doesn't double qryWestLeft = Math.max(a.getMinX(), b.getMinX()); double qryWestRight = b.getMaxX(); if (qryWestLeft < qryWestRight) width += qryWestRight - qryWestLeft; double qryEastLeft = b.getMinX(); double qryEastRight = Math.min(a.getMaxX(), b.getMaxX()); if (qryEastLeft < qryEastRight) width += qryEastRight - qryEastLeft; if (qryWestLeft > qryWestRight && qryEastLeft > qryEastRight) { if (exp != null) { exp.set(Explanation.noMatch("No intersection")); } return 0;//no intersection } } } // calculate queryRatio and targetRatio double intersectionArea = calcArea(width, height); double queryRatio; if (queryArea > 0) { queryRatio = intersectionArea / queryArea; } else if (queryExtent.getHeight() > 0) {//vert line queryRatio = height / queryExtent.getHeight(); } else if (queryExtent.getWidth() > 0) {//horiz line queryRatio = width / queryExtent.getWidth(); } else { queryRatio = queryExtent.relate(target).intersects() ? 1 : 0;//could be optimized } double targetArea = calcArea(target.getWidth(), target.getHeight()); assert targetArea >= 0; double targetRatio; if (targetArea > 0) { targetRatio = intersectionArea / targetArea; } else if (target.getHeight() > 0) {//vert line targetRatio = height / target.getHeight(); } else if (target.getWidth() > 0) {//horiz line targetRatio = width / target.getWidth(); } else { targetRatio = target.relate(queryExtent).intersects() ? 1 : 0;//could be optimized } assert queryRatio >= 0 && queryRatio <= 1 : queryRatio; assert targetRatio >= 0 && targetRatio <= 1 : targetRatio; // combine ratios into a score double queryFactor = queryRatio * queryTargetProportion; double targetFactor = targetRatio * (1.0 - queryTargetProportion); double score = queryFactor + targetFactor; if (exp!=null) { String minSideDesc = minSideLength > 0.0 ? " (minSide="+minSideLength+")" : ""; exp.set(Explanation.match((float) score, this.getClass().getSimpleName()+": queryFactor + targetFactor", Explanation.match((float)intersectionArea, "IntersectionArea" + minSideDesc, Explanation.match((float)width, "width"), Explanation.match((float)height, "height"), Explanation.match((float)queryTargetProportion, "queryTargetProportion")), Explanation.match((float)queryFactor, "queryFactor", Explanation.match((float)targetRatio, "ratio"), Explanation.match((float)queryArea, "area of " + queryExtent + minSideDesc)), Explanation.match((float)targetFactor, "targetFactor", Explanation.match((float)targetRatio, "ratio"), Explanation.match((float)targetArea, "area of " + target + minSideDesc)))); } return score; }
Calculates the area while applying the minimum side length.
/** Calculates the area while applying the minimum side length. */
private double calcArea(double width, double height) { return Math.max(minSideLength, width) * Math.max(minSideLength, height); } }