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package org.apache.lucene.queries.function.valuesource;

import java.io.IOException;
import java.util.Map;

import org.apache.lucene.index.DocValues;
import org.apache.lucene.index.LeafReaderContext;
import org.apache.lucene.index.NumericDocValues;
import org.apache.lucene.queries.function.FunctionValues;
import org.apache.lucene.queries.function.ValueSourceScorer;
import org.apache.lucene.queries.function.docvalues.IntDocValues;
import org.apache.lucene.search.Weight;
import org.apache.lucene.util.mutable.MutableValue;
import org.apache.lucene.util.mutable.MutableValueInt;

Obtains int field values from LeafReader.getNumericDocValues and makes those values available as other numeric types, casting as needed. strVal of the value is not the int value, but its string (displayed) value
/** * Obtains int field values from {@link org.apache.lucene.index.LeafReader#getNumericDocValues} and makes * those values available as other numeric types, casting as needed. * strVal of the value is not the int value, but its string (displayed) value */
public class EnumFieldSource extends FieldCacheSource { static final Integer DEFAULT_VALUE = -1; final Map<Integer, String> enumIntToStringMap; final Map<String, Integer> enumStringToIntMap; public EnumFieldSource(String field, Map<Integer, String> enumIntToStringMap, Map<String, Integer> enumStringToIntMap) { super(field); this.enumIntToStringMap = enumIntToStringMap; this.enumStringToIntMap = enumStringToIntMap; } private static Integer tryParseInt(String valueStr) { Integer intValue = null; try { intValue = Integer.parseInt(valueStr); } catch (NumberFormatException e) { } return intValue; } private String intValueToStringValue(Integer intVal) { if (intVal == null) return null; final String enumString = enumIntToStringMap.get(intVal); if (enumString != null) return enumString; // can't find matching enum name - return DEFAULT_VALUE.toString() return DEFAULT_VALUE.toString(); } private Integer stringValueToIntValue(String stringVal) { if (stringVal == null) return null; Integer intValue; final Integer enumInt = enumStringToIntMap.get(stringVal); if (enumInt != null) //enum int found for string return enumInt; //enum int not found for string intValue = tryParseInt(stringVal); if (intValue == null) //not Integer intValue = DEFAULT_VALUE; final String enumString = enumIntToStringMap.get(intValue); if (enumString != null) //has matching string return intValue; return DEFAULT_VALUE; } @Override public String description() { return "enum(" + field + ')'; } @Override public FunctionValues getValues(Map context, LeafReaderContext readerContext) throws IOException { final NumericDocValues arr = DocValues.getNumeric(readerContext.reader(), field); return new IntDocValues(this) { final MutableValueInt val = new MutableValueInt(); int lastDocID; private int getValueForDoc(int doc) throws IOException { if (doc < lastDocID) { throw new AssertionError("docs were sent out-of-order: lastDocID=" + lastDocID + " vs doc=" + doc); } lastDocID = doc; int curDocID = arr.docID(); if (doc > curDocID) { curDocID = arr.advance(doc); } if (doc == curDocID) { return (int) arr.longValue(); } else { return 0; } } @Override public int intVal(int doc) throws IOException { return getValueForDoc(doc); } @Override public String strVal(int doc) throws IOException { Integer intValue = intVal(doc); return intValueToStringValue(intValue); } @Override public boolean exists(int doc) throws IOException { getValueForDoc(doc); return arr.docID() == doc; } @Override public ValueSourceScorer getRangeScorer(Weight weight, LeafReaderContext readerContext, String lowerVal, String upperVal, boolean includeLower, boolean includeUpper) { Integer lower = stringValueToIntValue(lowerVal); Integer upper = stringValueToIntValue(upperVal); // instead of using separate comparison functions, adjust the endpoints. if (lower == null) { lower = Integer.MIN_VALUE; } else { if (!includeLower && lower < Integer.MAX_VALUE) lower++; } if (upper == null) { upper = Integer.MAX_VALUE; } else { if (!includeUpper && upper > Integer.MIN_VALUE) upper--; } final int ll = lower; final int uu = upper; return new ValueSourceScorer(weight, readerContext, this) { @Override public boolean matches(int doc) throws IOException { if (!exists(doc)) return false; int val = intVal(doc); return val >= ll && val <= uu; } }; } @Override public ValueFiller getValueFiller() { return new ValueFiller() { private final MutableValueInt mval = new MutableValueInt(); @Override public MutableValue getValue() { return mval; } @Override public void fillValue(int doc) throws IOException { mval.value = intVal(doc); mval.exists = arr.docID() == doc; } }; } }; } @Override public boolean equals(Object o) { if (this == o) return true; if (o == null || getClass() != o.getClass()) return false; if (!super.equals(o)) return false; EnumFieldSource that = (EnumFieldSource) o; if (!enumIntToStringMap.equals(that.enumIntToStringMap)) return false; if (!enumStringToIntMap.equals(that.enumStringToIntMap)) return false; return true; } @Override public int hashCode() { int result = super.hashCode(); result = 31 * result + enumIntToStringMap.hashCode(); result = 31 * result + enumStringToIntMap.hashCode(); return result; } }