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package org.apache.lucene.search.spans;

import java.io.IOException;
import java.util.List;

import org.apache.lucene.util.PriorityQueue;

Similar to NearSpansOrdered, but for the unordered case. Expert: Only public for subclassing. Most implementations should not need this class
/** * Similar to {@link NearSpansOrdered}, but for the unordered case. * * Expert: * Only public for subclassing. Most implementations should not need this class */
public class NearSpansUnordered extends ConjunctionSpans { private final int allowedSlop; private SpanTotalLengthEndPositionWindow spanWindow; public NearSpansUnordered(int allowedSlop, List<Spans> subSpans) throws IOException { super(subSpans); this.allowedSlop = allowedSlop; this.spanWindow = new SpanTotalLengthEndPositionWindow(); }
Maintain totalSpanLength and maxEndPosition
/** Maintain totalSpanLength and maxEndPosition */
private class SpanTotalLengthEndPositionWindow extends PriorityQueue<Spans> { int totalSpanLength; int maxEndPosition; public SpanTotalLengthEndPositionWindow() { super(subSpans.length); } @Override protected final boolean lessThan(Spans spans1, Spans spans2) { return positionsOrdered(spans1, spans2); } void startDocument() throws IOException { clear(); totalSpanLength = 0; maxEndPosition = -1; for (Spans spans : subSpans) { assert spans.startPosition() == -1; spans.nextStartPosition(); assert spans.startPosition() != NO_MORE_POSITIONS; add(spans); if (spans.endPosition() > maxEndPosition) { maxEndPosition = spans.endPosition(); } int spanLength = spans.endPosition() - spans.startPosition(); assert spanLength >= 0; totalSpanLength += spanLength; } } boolean nextPosition() throws IOException { Spans topSpans = top(); assert topSpans.startPosition() != NO_MORE_POSITIONS; int spanLength = topSpans.endPosition() - topSpans.startPosition(); int nextStartPos = topSpans.nextStartPosition(); if (nextStartPos == NO_MORE_POSITIONS) { return false; } totalSpanLength -= spanLength; spanLength = topSpans.endPosition() - topSpans.startPosition(); totalSpanLength += spanLength; if (topSpans.endPosition() > maxEndPosition) { maxEndPosition = topSpans.endPosition(); } updateTop(); return true; } boolean atMatch() { boolean res = (maxEndPosition - top().startPosition() - totalSpanLength) <= allowedSlop; return res; } }
Check whether two Spans in the same document are ordered with possible overlap.
Returns:true iff spans1 starts before spans2 or the spans start at the same position, and spans1 ends before spans2.
/** Check whether two Spans in the same document are ordered with possible overlap. * @return true iff spans1 starts before spans2 * or the spans start at the same position, * and spans1 ends before spans2. */
static boolean positionsOrdered(Spans spans1, Spans spans2) { assert spans1.docID() == spans2.docID() : "doc1 " + spans1.docID() + " != doc2 " + spans2.docID(); int start1 = spans1.startPosition(); int start2 = spans2.startPosition(); return (start1 == start2) ? (spans1.endPosition() < spans2.endPosition()) : (start1 < start2); } @Override boolean twoPhaseCurrentDocMatches() throws IOException { // at doc with all subSpans spanWindow.startDocument(); while (true) { if (spanWindow.atMatch()) { atFirstInCurrentDoc = true; oneExhaustedInCurrentDoc = false; return true; } if (! spanWindow.nextPosition()) { return false; } } } @Override public int nextStartPosition() throws IOException { if (atFirstInCurrentDoc) { atFirstInCurrentDoc = false; return spanWindow.top().startPosition(); } assert spanWindow.top().startPosition() != -1; assert spanWindow.top().startPosition() != NO_MORE_POSITIONS; while (true) { if (! spanWindow.nextPosition()) { oneExhaustedInCurrentDoc = true; return NO_MORE_POSITIONS; } if (spanWindow.atMatch()) { return spanWindow.top().startPosition(); } } } @Override public int startPosition() { assert spanWindow.top() != null; return atFirstInCurrentDoc ? -1 : oneExhaustedInCurrentDoc ? NO_MORE_POSITIONS : spanWindow.top().startPosition(); } @Override public int endPosition() { return atFirstInCurrentDoc ? -1 : oneExhaustedInCurrentDoc ? NO_MORE_POSITIONS : spanWindow.maxEndPosition; } @Override public int width() { return spanWindow.maxEndPosition - spanWindow.top().startPosition(); } @Override public void collect(SpanCollector collector) throws IOException { for (Spans spans : subSpans) { spans.collect(collector); } } }