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package org.apache.lucene.search;

import java.io.IOException;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.Arrays;
import java.util.Comparator;
import java.util.List;

import org.apache.lucene.index.LeafReaderContext;
import org.apache.lucene.search.TotalHits.Relation;

A Rescorer that re-sorts according to a provided Sort.
/** * A {@link Rescorer} that re-sorts according to a provided * Sort. */
public class SortRescorer extends Rescorer { private final Sort sort;
Sole constructor.
/** Sole constructor. */
public SortRescorer(Sort sort) { this.sort = sort; } @Override public TopDocs rescore(IndexSearcher searcher, TopDocs firstPassTopDocs, int topN) throws IOException { // Copy ScoreDoc[] and sort by ascending docID: ScoreDoc[] hits = firstPassTopDocs.scoreDocs.clone(); Comparator<ScoreDoc> docIdComparator = Comparator.comparingInt(sd -> sd.doc); Arrays.sort(hits, docIdComparator); List<LeafReaderContext> leaves = searcher.getIndexReader().leaves(); TopFieldCollector collector = TopFieldCollector.create(sort, topN, Integer.MAX_VALUE); // Now merge sort docIDs from hits, with reader's leaves: int hitUpto = 0; int readerUpto = -1; int endDoc = 0; int docBase = 0; LeafCollector leafCollector = null; ScoreAndDoc scoreAndDoc = new ScoreAndDoc(); while (hitUpto < hits.length) { ScoreDoc hit = hits[hitUpto]; int docID = hit.doc; LeafReaderContext readerContext = null; while (docID >= endDoc) { readerUpto++; readerContext = leaves.get(readerUpto); endDoc = readerContext.docBase + readerContext.reader().maxDoc(); } if (readerContext != null) { // We advanced to another segment: leafCollector = collector.getLeafCollector(readerContext); leafCollector.setScorer(scoreAndDoc); docBase = readerContext.docBase; } scoreAndDoc.score = hit.score; scoreAndDoc.doc = docID - docBase; leafCollector.collect(scoreAndDoc.doc); hitUpto++; } TopDocs rescoredDocs = collector.topDocs(); // set scores from the original score docs assert hits.length == rescoredDocs.scoreDocs.length; ScoreDoc[] rescoredDocsClone = rescoredDocs.scoreDocs.clone(); Arrays.sort(rescoredDocsClone, docIdComparator); for (int i = 0; i < rescoredDocsClone.length; ++i) { rescoredDocsClone[i].score = hits[i].score; } return rescoredDocs; } @Override public Explanation explain(IndexSearcher searcher, Explanation firstPassExplanation, int docID) throws IOException { TopDocs oneHit = new TopDocs(new TotalHits(1, Relation.EQUAL_TO), new ScoreDoc[] {new ScoreDoc(docID, firstPassExplanation.getValue().floatValue())}); TopDocs hits = rescore(searcher, oneHit, 1); assert hits.totalHits.value == 1; List<Explanation> subs = new ArrayList<>(); // Add first pass: Explanation first = Explanation.match(firstPassExplanation.getValue(), "first pass score", firstPassExplanation); subs.add(first); FieldDoc fieldDoc = (FieldDoc) hits.scoreDocs[0]; // Add sort values: SortField[] sortFields = sort.getSort(); for(int i=0;i<sortFields.length;i++) { subs.add(Explanation.match(0.0f, "sort field " + sortFields[i].toString() + " value=" + fieldDoc.fields[i])); } // TODO: if we could ask the Sort to explain itself then // we wouldn't need the separate ExpressionRescorer... return Explanation.match(0.0f, "sort field values for sort=" + sort.toString(), subs); } }