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package org.apache.lucene.search;

import java.io.IOException;
import java.util.Arrays;
import java.util.List;

import org.apache.lucene.index.IndexReader;
import org.apache.lucene.index.IndexReaderContext;
import org.apache.lucene.index.LeafReaderContext;
import org.apache.lucene.index.Term;
import org.apache.lucene.index.TermState;
import org.apache.lucene.index.TermStates;
import org.apache.lucene.search.BooleanClause.Occur;
import org.apache.lucene.util.ArrayUtil;
import org.apache.lucene.util.InPlaceMergeSorter;

A Query that blends index statistics across multiple terms. This is particularly useful when several terms should produce identical scores, regardless of their index statistics.

For instance imagine that you are resolving synonyms at search time, all terms should produce identical scores instead of the default behavior, which tends to give higher scores to rare terms.

An other useful use-case is cross-field search: imagine that you would like to search for john on two fields: first_name and last_name. You might not want to give a higher weight to matches on the field where john is rarer, in which case BlendedTermQuery would help as well.

/** * A {@link Query} that blends index statistics across multiple terms. * This is particularly useful when several terms should produce identical * scores, regardless of their index statistics. * <p>For instance imagine that you are resolving synonyms at search time, * all terms should produce identical scores instead of the default behavior, * which tends to give higher scores to rare terms. * <p>An other useful use-case is cross-field search: imagine that you would * like to search for {@code john} on two fields: {@code first_name} and * {@code last_name}. You might not want to give a higher weight to matches * on the field where {@code john} is rarer, in which case * {@link BlendedTermQuery} would help as well. * @lucene.experimental */
public final class BlendedTermQuery extends Query {
A Builder for BlendedTermQuery.
/** A Builder for {@link BlendedTermQuery}. */
public static class Builder { private int numTerms = 0; private Term[] terms = new Term[0]; private float[] boosts = new float[0]; private TermStates[] contexts = new TermStates[0]; private RewriteMethod rewriteMethod = DISJUNCTION_MAX_REWRITE;
Sole constructor.
/** Sole constructor. */
public Builder() {}
Set the RewriteMethod. Default is to use BlendedTermQuery.DISJUNCTION_MAX_REWRITE. @see RewriteMethod
/** Set the {@link RewriteMethod}. Default is to use * {@link BlendedTermQuery#DISJUNCTION_MAX_REWRITE}. * @see RewriteMethod */
public Builder setRewriteMethod(RewriteMethod rewiteMethod) { this.rewriteMethod = rewiteMethod; return this; }
Add a new Term to this builder, with a default boost of 1. @see #add(Term, float)
/** Add a new {@link Term} to this builder, with a default boost of {@code 1}. * @see #add(Term, float) */
public Builder add(Term term) { return add(term, 1f); }
Add a Term with the provided boost. The higher the boost, the more this term will contribute to the overall score of the BlendedTermQuery.
/** Add a {@link Term} with the provided boost. The higher the boost, the * more this term will contribute to the overall score of the * {@link BlendedTermQuery}. */
public Builder add(Term term, float boost) { return add(term, boost, null); }
Expert: Add a Term with the provided boost and context. This method is useful if you already have a TermStates object constructed for the given term.
/** * Expert: Add a {@link Term} with the provided boost and context. * This method is useful if you already have a {@link TermStates} * object constructed for the given term. */
public Builder add(Term term, float boost, TermStates context) { if (numTerms >= BooleanQuery.getMaxClauseCount()) { throw new BooleanQuery.TooManyClauses(); } terms = ArrayUtil.grow(terms, numTerms + 1); boosts = ArrayUtil.grow(boosts, numTerms + 1); contexts = ArrayUtil.grow(contexts, numTerms + 1); terms[numTerms] = term; boosts[numTerms] = boost; contexts[numTerms] = context; numTerms += 1; return this; }
Build the BlendedTermQuery.
/** Build the {@link BlendedTermQuery}. */
public BlendedTermQuery build() { return new BlendedTermQuery( ArrayUtil.copyOfSubArray(terms, 0, numTerms), ArrayUtil.copyOfSubArray(boosts, 0, numTerms), ArrayUtil.copyOfSubArray(contexts, 0, numTerms), rewriteMethod); } }
A RewriteMethod defines how queries for individual terms should be merged. @lucene.experimental @see BlendedTermQuery#BOOLEAN_REWRITE @see BlendedTermQuery.DisjunctionMaxRewrite
/** A {@link RewriteMethod} defines how queries for individual terms should * be merged. * @lucene.experimental * @see BlendedTermQuery#BOOLEAN_REWRITE * @see BlendedTermQuery.DisjunctionMaxRewrite */
public static abstract class RewriteMethod {
Sole constructor
/** Sole constructor */
protected RewriteMethod() {}
Merge the provided sub queries into a single Query object.
/** Merge the provided sub queries into a single {@link Query} object. */
public abstract Query rewrite(Query[] subQueries); }
A RewriteMethod that adds all sub queries to a BooleanQuery. This RewriteMethod is useful when matching on several fields is considered better than having a good match on a single field.
/** * A {@link RewriteMethod} that adds all sub queries to a {@link BooleanQuery}. * This {@link RewriteMethod} is useful when matching on several fields is * considered better than having a good match on a single field. */
public static final RewriteMethod BOOLEAN_REWRITE = new RewriteMethod() { @Override public Query rewrite(Query[] subQueries) { BooleanQuery.Builder merged = new BooleanQuery.Builder(); for (Query query : subQueries) { merged.add(query, Occur.SHOULD); } return merged.build(); } };
A RewriteMethod that creates a DisjunctionMaxQuery out of the sub queries. This RewriteMethod is useful when having a good match on a single field is considered better than having average matches on several fields.
/** * A {@link RewriteMethod} that creates a {@link DisjunctionMaxQuery} out * of the sub queries. This {@link RewriteMethod} is useful when having a * good match on a single field is considered better than having average * matches on several fields. */
public static class DisjunctionMaxRewrite extends RewriteMethod { private final float tieBreakerMultiplier;
This RewriteMethod will create DisjunctionMaxQuery instances that have the provided tie breaker. @see DisjunctionMaxQuery
/** This {@link RewriteMethod} will create {@link DisjunctionMaxQuery} * instances that have the provided tie breaker. * @see DisjunctionMaxQuery */
public DisjunctionMaxRewrite(float tieBreakerMultiplier) { this.tieBreakerMultiplier = tieBreakerMultiplier; } @Override public Query rewrite(Query[] subQueries) { return new DisjunctionMaxQuery(Arrays.asList(subQueries), tieBreakerMultiplier); } @Override public boolean equals(Object obj) { if (obj == null || getClass() != obj.getClass()) { return false; } DisjunctionMaxRewrite that = (DisjunctionMaxRewrite) obj; return tieBreakerMultiplier == that.tieBreakerMultiplier; } @Override public int hashCode() { return 31 * getClass().hashCode() + Float.floatToIntBits(tieBreakerMultiplier); } }
DisjunctionMaxRewrite instance with a tie-breaker of 0.01.
/** {@link DisjunctionMaxRewrite} instance with a tie-breaker of {@code 0.01}. */
public static final RewriteMethod DISJUNCTION_MAX_REWRITE = new DisjunctionMaxRewrite(0.01f); private final Term[] terms; private final float[] boosts; private final TermStates[] contexts; private final RewriteMethod rewriteMethod; private BlendedTermQuery(Term[] terms, float[] boosts, TermStates[] contexts, RewriteMethod rewriteMethod) { assert terms.length == boosts.length; assert terms.length == contexts.length; this.terms = terms; this.boosts = boosts; this.contexts = contexts; this.rewriteMethod = rewriteMethod; // we sort terms so that equals/hashcode does not rely on the order new InPlaceMergeSorter() { @Override protected void swap(int i, int j) { Term tmpTerm = terms[i]; terms[i] = terms[j]; terms[j] = tmpTerm; TermStates tmpContext = contexts[i]; contexts[i] = contexts[j]; contexts[j] = tmpContext; float tmpBoost = boosts[i]; boosts[i] = boosts[j]; boosts[j] = tmpBoost; } @Override protected int compare(int i, int j) { return terms[i].compareTo(terms[j]); } }.sort(0, terms.length); } @Override public boolean equals(Object other) { return sameClassAs(other) && equalsTo(getClass().cast(other)); } private boolean equalsTo(BlendedTermQuery other) { return Arrays.equals(terms, other.terms) && Arrays.equals(contexts, other.contexts) && Arrays.equals(boosts, other.boosts) && rewriteMethod.equals(other.rewriteMethod); } @Override public int hashCode() { int h = classHash(); h = 31 * h + Arrays.hashCode(terms); h = 31 * h + Arrays.hashCode(contexts); h = 31 * h + Arrays.hashCode(boosts); h = 31 * h + rewriteMethod.hashCode(); return h; } @Override public String toString(String field) { StringBuilder builder = new StringBuilder("Blended("); for (int i = 0; i < terms.length; ++i) { if (i != 0) { builder.append(" "); } Query termQuery = new TermQuery(terms[i]); if (boosts[i] != 1f) { termQuery = new BoostQuery(termQuery, boosts[i]); } builder.append(termQuery.toString(field)); } builder.append(")"); return builder.toString(); } @Override public final Query rewrite(IndexReader reader) throws IOException { final TermStates[] contexts = ArrayUtil.copyOfSubArray(this.contexts, 0, this.contexts.length); for (int i = 0; i < contexts.length; ++i) { if (contexts[i] == null || contexts[i].wasBuiltFor(reader.getContext()) == false) { contexts[i] = TermStates.build(reader.getContext(), terms[i], true); } } // Compute aggregated doc freq and total term freq // df will be the max of all doc freqs // ttf will be the sum of all total term freqs int df = 0; long ttf = 0; for (TermStates ctx : contexts) { df = Math.max(df, ctx.docFreq()); ttf += ctx.totalTermFreq(); } for (int i = 0; i < contexts.length; ++i) { contexts[i] = adjustFrequencies(reader.getContext(), contexts[i], df, ttf); } Query[] termQueries = new Query[terms.length]; for (int i = 0; i < terms.length; ++i) { termQueries[i] = new TermQuery(terms[i], contexts[i]); if (boosts[i] != 1f) { termQueries[i] = new BoostQuery(termQueries[i], boosts[i]); } } return rewriteMethod.rewrite(termQueries); } @Override public void visit(QueryVisitor visitor) { Term[] termsToVisit = Arrays.stream(terms).filter(t -> visitor.acceptField(t.field())).toArray(Term[]::new); if (termsToVisit.length > 0) { QueryVisitor v = visitor.getSubVisitor(Occur.SHOULD, this); v.consumeTerms(this, termsToVisit); } } private static TermStates adjustFrequencies(IndexReaderContext readerContext, TermStates ctx, int artificialDf, long artificialTtf) throws IOException { List<LeafReaderContext> leaves = readerContext.leaves(); final int len; if (leaves == null) { len = 1; } else { len = leaves.size(); } TermStates newCtx = new TermStates(readerContext); for (int i = 0; i < len; ++i) { TermState termState = ctx.get(leaves.get(i)); if (termState == null) { continue; } newCtx.register(termState, i); } newCtx.accumulateStatistics(artificialDf, artificialTtf); return newCtx; } }