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package org.apache.lucene.document;

import org.apache.lucene.search.Query;

DocValues field for FloatRange. This is a single valued field per document due to being an extension of BinaryDocValuesField.
/** * DocValues field for FloatRange. This is a single valued field per document * due to being an extension of BinaryDocValuesField. */
public class FloatRangeDocValuesField extends BinaryRangeDocValuesField{ final String field; final float[] min; final float[] max;
Sole constructor.
/** Sole constructor. */
public FloatRangeDocValuesField(String field, final float[] min, final float[] max) { super(field, FloatRange.encode(min, max), min.length, FloatRange.BYTES); checkArgs(min, max); this.field = field; this.min = min; this.max = max; }
Get the minimum value for the given dimension.
/** Get the minimum value for the given dimension. */
public float getMin(int dimension) { if (dimension > 4 || dimension > min.length) { throw new IllegalArgumentException("Dimension out of valid range"); } return min[dimension]; }
Get the maximum value for the given dimension.
/** Get the maximum value for the given dimension. */
public float getMax(int dimension) { if (dimension > 4 || dimension > min.length) { throw new IllegalArgumentException("Dimension out of valid range"); } return max[dimension]; } private static Query newSlowRangeQuery(String field, final float[] min, final float[] max, RangeFieldQuery.QueryType queryType) { checkArgs(min, max); return new FloatRangeSlowRangeQuery(field, min, max, queryType); }
Create a new range query that finds all ranges that intersect using doc values. NOTE: This doesn't leverage indexing and may be slow. @see FloatRange#newIntersectsQuery
/** Create a new range query that finds all ranges that intersect using doc values. * NOTE: This doesn't leverage indexing and may be slow. * @see FloatRange#newIntersectsQuery */
public static Query newSlowIntersectsQuery(String field, final float[] min, final float[] max) { return newSlowRangeQuery(field, min, max, RangeFieldQuery.QueryType.INTERSECTS); }
validate the arguments
/** * validate the arguments */
private static void checkArgs(final float[] min, final float[] max) { if (min == null || max == null || min.length == 0 || max.length == 0) { throw new IllegalArgumentException("min/max range values cannot be null or empty"); } if (min.length != max.length) { throw new IllegalArgumentException("min/max ranges must agree"); } for (int i = 0; i < min.length; i++) { if (min[i] > max[i]) { throw new IllegalArgumentException("min should be less than max"); } } } }