 * Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
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package org.apache.cassandra.transport.messages;

import java.util.HashMap;
import java.util.Map;

import io.netty.buffer.ByteBuf;

import org.apache.cassandra.config.DatabaseDescriptor;
import org.apache.cassandra.service.QueryState;
import org.apache.cassandra.transport.*;
import org.apache.cassandra.utils.CassandraVersion;

The initial message of the protocol. Sets up a number of connection options.
/** * The initial message of the protocol. * Sets up a number of connection options. */
public class StartupMessage extends Message.Request { public static final String CQL_VERSION = "CQL_VERSION"; public static final String COMPRESSION = "COMPRESSION"; public static final String PROTOCOL_VERSIONS = "PROTOCOL_VERSIONS"; public static final String NO_COMPACT = "NO_COMPACT"; public static final String THROW_ON_OVERLOAD = "THROW_ON_OVERLOAD"; public static final Message.Codec<StartupMessage> codec = new Message.Codec<StartupMessage>() { public StartupMessage decode(ByteBuf body, ProtocolVersion version) { return new StartupMessage(upperCaseKeys(CBUtil.readStringMap(body))); } public void encode(StartupMessage msg, ByteBuf dest, ProtocolVersion version) { CBUtil.writeStringMap(msg.options, dest); } public int encodedSize(StartupMessage msg, ProtocolVersion version) { return CBUtil.sizeOfStringMap(msg.options); } }; public final Map<String, String> options; public StartupMessage(Map<String, String> options) { super(Message.Type.STARTUP); this.options = options; } public Message.Response execute(QueryState state, long queryStartNanoTime) { String cqlVersion = options.get(CQL_VERSION); if (cqlVersion == null) throw new ProtocolException("Missing value CQL_VERSION in STARTUP message"); try { if (new CassandraVersion(cqlVersion).compareTo(new CassandraVersion("2.99.0")) < 0) throw new ProtocolException(String.format("CQL version %s is not supported by the binary protocol (supported version are >= 3.0.0)", cqlVersion)); } catch (IllegalArgumentException e) { throw new ProtocolException(e.getMessage()); } if (options.containsKey(COMPRESSION)) { String compression = options.get(COMPRESSION).toLowerCase(); if (compression.equals("snappy")) { if (FrameCompressor.SnappyCompressor.instance == null) throw new ProtocolException("This instance does not support Snappy compression"); connection.setCompressor(FrameCompressor.SnappyCompressor.instance); } else if (compression.equals("lz4")) { connection.setCompressor(FrameCompressor.LZ4Compressor.instance); } else { throw new ProtocolException(String.format("Unknown compression algorithm: %s", compression)); } } if (options.containsKey(NO_COMPACT) && Boolean.parseBoolean(options.get(NO_COMPACT))) state.getClientState().setNoCompactMode(); connection.setThrowOnOverload("1".equals(options.get(THROW_ON_OVERLOAD))); if (DatabaseDescriptor.getAuthenticator().requireAuthentication()) return new AuthenticateMessage(DatabaseDescriptor.getAuthenticator().getClass().getName()); else return new ReadyMessage(); } private static Map<String, String> upperCaseKeys(Map<String, String> options) { Map<String, String> newMap = new HashMap<String, String>(options.size()); for (Map.Entry<String, String> entry : options.entrySet()) newMap.put(entry.getKey().toUpperCase(), entry.getValue()); return newMap; } @Override public String toString() { return "STARTUP " + options; } }