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package org.apache.cassandra.service.pager;

import org.apache.cassandra.transport.ProtocolVersion;
import org.apache.cassandra.utils.AbstractIterator;

import java.util.Arrays;

import org.apache.cassandra.db.*;
import org.apache.cassandra.db.rows.*;
import org.apache.cassandra.db.filter.DataLimits;
import org.apache.cassandra.db.partitions.*;
import org.apache.cassandra.exceptions.RequestValidationException;
import org.apache.cassandra.exceptions.RequestExecutionException;
import org.apache.cassandra.service.ClientState;

Pager over a list of ReadCommand. Note that this is not easy to make efficient. Indeed, we need to page the first command fully before returning results from the next one, but if the result returned by each command is small (compared to pageSize), paging the commands one at a time under-performs compared to parallelizing. On the other, if we parallelize and each command raised pageSize results, we'll end up with commands.size() * pageSize results in memory, which defeats the purpose of paging. For now, we keep it simple (somewhat) and just do one command at a time. Provided that we make sure to not create a pager unless we need to, this is probably fine. Though if we later want to get fancy, we could use the cfs meanPartitionSize to decide if parallelizing some of the command might be worth it while being confident we don't blow out memory.
/** * Pager over a list of ReadCommand. * * Note that this is not easy to make efficient. Indeed, we need to page the first command fully before * returning results from the next one, but if the result returned by each command is small (compared to pageSize), * paging the commands one at a time under-performs compared to parallelizing. On the other, if we parallelize * and each command raised pageSize results, we'll end up with commands.size() * pageSize results in memory, which * defeats the purpose of paging. * * For now, we keep it simple (somewhat) and just do one command at a time. Provided that we make sure to not * create a pager unless we need to, this is probably fine. Though if we later want to get fancy, we could use the * cfs meanPartitionSize to decide if parallelizing some of the command might be worth it while being confident we don't * blow out memory. */
public class MultiPartitionPager implements QueryPager { private final SinglePartitionPager[] pagers; private final DataLimits limit; private final int nowInSec; private int remaining; private int current; public MultiPartitionPager(SinglePartitionReadCommand.Group group, PagingState state, ProtocolVersion protocolVersion) { this.limit = group.limits(); this.nowInSec = group.nowInSec(); int i = 0; // If it's not the beginning (state != null), we need to find where we were and skip previous commands // since they are done. if (state != null) for (; i < group.commands.size(); i++) if (group.commands.get(i).partitionKey().getKey().equals(state.partitionKey)) break; if (i >= group.commands.size()) { pagers = null; return; } pagers = new SinglePartitionPager[group.commands.size() - i]; // 'i' is on the first non exhausted pager for the previous page (or the first one) SinglePartitionReadCommand command = group.commands.get(i); pagers[0] = command.getPager(state, protocolVersion); // Following ones haven't been started yet for (int j = i + 1; j < group.commands.size(); j++) pagers[j - i] = group.commands.get(j).getPager(null, protocolVersion); remaining = state == null ? limit.count() : state.remaining; } private MultiPartitionPager(SinglePartitionPager[] pagers, DataLimits limit, int nowInSec, int remaining, int current) { this.pagers = pagers; this.limit = limit; this.nowInSec = nowInSec; this.remaining = remaining; this.current = current; } public QueryPager withUpdatedLimit(DataLimits newLimits) { SinglePartitionPager[] newPagers = Arrays.copyOf(pagers, pagers.length); newPagers[current] = newPagers[current].withUpdatedLimit(newLimits); return new MultiPartitionPager(newPagers, newLimits, nowInSec, remaining, current); } public PagingState state() { // Sets current to the first non-exhausted pager if (isExhausted()) return null; PagingState state = pagers[current].state(); return new PagingState(pagers[current].key(), state == null ? null : state.rowMark, remaining, pagers[current].remainingInPartition()); } public boolean isExhausted() { if (remaining <= 0 || pagers == null) return true; while (current < pagers.length) { if (!pagers[current].isExhausted()) return false; current++; } return true; } public ReadExecutionController executionController() { // Note that for all pagers, the only difference is the partition key to which it applies, so in practice we // can use any of the sub-pager ReadOrderGroup group to protect the whole pager for (int i = current; i < pagers.length; i++) { if (pagers[i] != null) return pagers[i].executionController(); } throw new AssertionError("Shouldn't be called on an exhausted pager"); } @SuppressWarnings("resource") // iter closed via countingIter public PartitionIterator fetchPage(int pageSize, ConsistencyLevel consistency, ClientState clientState, long queryStartNanoTime) throws RequestValidationException, RequestExecutionException { int toQuery = Math.min(remaining, pageSize); return new PagersIterator(toQuery, consistency, clientState, null, queryStartNanoTime); } @SuppressWarnings("resource") // iter closed via countingIter public PartitionIterator fetchPageInternal(int pageSize, ReadExecutionController executionController) throws RequestValidationException, RequestExecutionException { int toQuery = Math.min(remaining, pageSize); return new PagersIterator(toQuery, null, null, executionController, System.nanoTime()); } private class PagersIterator extends AbstractIterator<RowIterator> implements PartitionIterator { private final int pageSize; private PartitionIterator result; private boolean closed; private final long queryStartNanoTime; // For "normal" queries private final ConsistencyLevel consistency; private final ClientState clientState; // For internal queries private final ReadExecutionController executionController; private int pagerMaxRemaining; private int counted; public PagersIterator(int pageSize, ConsistencyLevel consistency, ClientState clientState, ReadExecutionController executionController, long queryStartNanoTime) { this.pageSize = pageSize; this.consistency = consistency; this.clientState = clientState; this.executionController = executionController; this.queryStartNanoTime = queryStartNanoTime; } protected RowIterator computeNext() { while (result == null || !result.hasNext()) { if (result != null) { result.close(); counted += pagerMaxRemaining - pagers[current].maxRemaining(); } // We are done if we have reached the page size or in the case of GROUP BY if the current pager // is not exhausted. boolean isDone = counted >= pageSize || (result != null && limit.isGroupByLimit() && !pagers[current].isExhausted()); // isExhausted() will sets us on the first non-exhausted pager if (isDone || isExhausted()) { closed = true; return endOfData(); } pagerMaxRemaining = pagers[current].maxRemaining(); int toQuery = pageSize - counted; result = consistency == null ? pagers[current].fetchPageInternal(toQuery, executionController) : pagers[current].fetchPage(toQuery, consistency, clientState, queryStartNanoTime); } return result.next(); } public void close() { remaining -= counted; if (result != null && !closed) result.close(); } } public int maxRemaining() { return remaining; } }