 * Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
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 * distributed with this work for additional information
 * regarding copyright ownership.  The ASF licenses this file
 * to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
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package org.apache.cassandra.dht.tokenallocator;

import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.Collection;
import java.util.HashSet;
import java.util.Iterator;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.Map;
import java.util.NavigableMap;
import java.util.PriorityQueue;
import java.util.Queue;
import java.util.Set;

import com.google.common.collect.Lists;
import com.google.common.collect.Maps;
import com.google.common.collect.Queues;

import org.apache.cassandra.dht.IPartitioner;
import org.apache.cassandra.dht.Token;

public class NoReplicationTokenAllocator<Unit> extends TokenAllocatorBase<Unit>
    PriorityQueue<Weighted<UnitInfo>> sortedUnits = Queues.newPriorityQueue();
    Map<Unit, PriorityQueue<Weighted<TokenInfo>>> tokensInUnits = Maps.newHashMap();

    private static final double MAX_TAKEOVER_RATIO = 0.90;
    private static final double MIN_TAKEOVER_RATIO = 1.0 - MAX_TAKEOVER_RATIO;

    public NoReplicationTokenAllocator(NavigableMap<Token, Unit> sortedTokens,
                                       ReplicationStrategy<Unit> strategy,
                                       IPartitioner partitioner)
        super(sortedTokens, strategy, partitioner);

Construct the token ring as a CircularList of TokenInfo, and populate the ownership of the UnitInfo's provided
/** * Construct the token ring as a CircularList of TokenInfo, * and populate the ownership of the UnitInfo's provided */
private TokenInfo<Unit> createTokenInfos(Map<Unit, UnitInfo<Unit>> units) { if (units.isEmpty()) return null; // build the circular list TokenInfo<Unit> prev = null; TokenInfo<Unit> first = null; for (Map.Entry<Token, Unit> en : sortedTokens.entrySet()) { Token t = en.getKey(); UnitInfo<Unit> ni = units.get(en.getValue()); TokenInfo<Unit> ti = new TokenInfo<>(t, ni); first = ti.insertAfter(first, prev); prev = ti; } TokenInfo<Unit> curr = first; tokensInUnits.clear(); sortedUnits.clear(); do { populateTokenInfoAndAdjustUnit(curr); curr = curr.next; } while (curr != first); for (UnitInfo<Unit> unitInfo : units.values()) { sortedUnits.add(new Weighted<UnitInfo>(unitInfo.ownership, unitInfo)); } return first; }
Used in tests.
/** * Used in tests. */
protected void createTokenInfos() { createTokenInfos(createUnitInfos(Maps.newHashMap())); } private void populateTokenInfoAndAdjustUnit(TokenInfo<Unit> token) { token.replicationStart = token.prevInRing().token; token.replicationThreshold = token.token; token.replicatedOwnership = token.replicationStart.size(token.token); token.owningUnit.ownership += token.replicatedOwnership; PriorityQueue<Weighted<TokenInfo>> unitTokens = tokensInUnits.get(token.owningUnit.unit); if (unitTokens == null) { unitTokens = Queues.newPriorityQueue(); tokensInUnits.put(token.owningUnit.unit, unitTokens); } unitTokens.add(new Weighted<TokenInfo>(token.replicatedOwnership, token)); } private Collection<Token> generateRandomTokens(UnitInfo<Unit> newUnit, int numTokens, Map<Unit, UnitInfo<Unit>> unitInfos) { Set<Token> tokens = new HashSet<>(numTokens); while (tokens.size() < numTokens) { Token token = partitioner.getRandomToken(); if (!sortedTokens.containsKey(token)) { tokens.add(token); sortedTokens.put(token, newUnit.unit); } } unitInfos.put(newUnit.unit, newUnit); createTokenInfos(unitInfos); return tokens; } public Collection<Token> addUnit(Unit newUnit, int numTokens) { assert !tokensInUnits.containsKey(newUnit); Map<Object, GroupInfo> groups = Maps.newHashMap(); UnitInfo<Unit> newUnitInfo = new UnitInfo<>(newUnit, 0, groups, strategy); Map<Unit, UnitInfo<Unit>> unitInfos = createUnitInfos(groups); if (unitInfos.isEmpty()) return generateRandomTokens(newUnitInfo, numTokens, unitInfos); if (numTokens > sortedTokens.size()) return generateRandomTokens(newUnitInfo, numTokens, unitInfos); TokenInfo<Unit> head = createTokenInfos(unitInfos); // Select the nodes we will work with, extract them from sortedUnits and calculate targetAverage double targetAverage = 0.0; double sum = 0.0; List<Weighted<UnitInfo>> unitsToChange = new ArrayList<>(); for (int i = 0; i < numTokens; i++) { Weighted<UnitInfo> unit = sortedUnits.peek(); if (unit == null) break; sum += unit.weight; double average = sum / (unitsToChange.size() + 2); // unit and newUnit must be counted if (unit.weight <= average) // No point to include later nodes, target can only decrease from here. break; sortedUnits.remove(); unitsToChange.add(unit); targetAverage = average; } List<Token> newTokens = Lists.newArrayListWithCapacity(numTokens); int nr = 0; // calculate the tokens for (Weighted<UnitInfo> unit : unitsToChange) { // TODO: Any better ways to assign how many tokens to change in each node? int tokensToChange = numTokens / unitsToChange.size() + (nr < numTokens % unitsToChange.size() ? 1 : 0); Queue<Weighted<TokenInfo>> unitTokens = tokensInUnits.get(unit.value.unit); List<Weighted<TokenInfo>> tokens = Lists.newArrayListWithCapacity(tokensToChange); double workWeight = 0; // Extract biggest vnodes and calculate how much weight we can work with. for (int i = 0; i < tokensToChange; i++) { Weighted<TokenInfo> wt = unitTokens.remove(); tokens.add(wt); workWeight += wt.weight; unit.value.ownership -= wt.weight; } double toTakeOver = unit.weight - targetAverage; // Split toTakeOver proportionally between the vnodes. for (Weighted<TokenInfo> wt : tokens) { double slice; Token token; if (toTakeOver < workWeight) { // Spread decrease. slice = toTakeOver / workWeight; if (slice < MIN_TAKEOVER_RATIO) slice = MIN_TAKEOVER_RATIO; if (slice > MAX_TAKEOVER_RATIO) slice = MAX_TAKEOVER_RATIO; } else { slice = MAX_TAKEOVER_RATIO; } token = partitioner.split(wt.value.prevInRing().token, wt.value.token, slice); //Token selected, now change all data sortedTokens.put(token, newUnit); TokenInfo<Unit> ti = new TokenInfo<>(token, newUnitInfo); ti.insertAfter(head, wt.value.prevInRing()); populateTokenInfoAndAdjustUnit(ti); populateTokenInfoAndAdjustUnit(wt.value); newTokens.add(token); } // adjust the weight for current unit sortedUnits.add(new Weighted<>(unit.value.ownership, unit.value)); ++nr; } sortedUnits.add(new Weighted<>(newUnitInfo.ownership, newUnitInfo)); return newTokens; }
For testing, remove the given unit preserving correct state of the allocator.
/** * For testing, remove the given unit preserving correct state of the allocator. */
void removeUnit(Unit n) { Iterator<Weighted<UnitInfo>> it = sortedUnits.iterator(); while (it.hasNext()) { if (it.next().value.unit.equals(n)) { it.remove(); break; } } PriorityQueue<Weighted<TokenInfo>> tokenInfos = tokensInUnits.remove(n); Collection<Token> tokens = Lists.newArrayListWithCapacity(tokenInfos.size()); for (Weighted<TokenInfo> tokenInfo : tokenInfos) { tokens.add(tokenInfo.value.token); } sortedTokens.keySet().removeAll(tokens); } public int getReplicas() { return 1; } }