 * Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
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 * to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
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package org.apache.cassandra.dht;

import java.math.BigDecimal;
import java.math.BigInteger;
import java.nio.ByteBuffer;
import java.security.MessageDigest;
import java.util.*;

import com.google.common.annotations.VisibleForTesting;

import org.apache.cassandra.db.CachedHashDecoratedKey;
import org.apache.cassandra.exceptions.ConfigurationException;
import org.apache.cassandra.db.DecoratedKey;
import org.apache.cassandra.db.marshal.AbstractType;
import org.apache.cassandra.db.marshal.IntegerType;
import org.apache.cassandra.db.marshal.PartitionerDefinedOrder;
import org.apache.cassandra.utils.ByteBufferUtil;
import org.apache.cassandra.utils.FBUtilities;
import org.apache.cassandra.utils.GuidGenerator;
import org.apache.cassandra.utils.ObjectSizes;
import org.apache.cassandra.utils.Pair;

This class generates a BigIntegerToken using MD5 hash.
/** * This class generates a BigIntegerToken using MD5 hash. */
public class RandomPartitioner implements IPartitioner { public static final BigInteger ZERO = new BigInteger("0"); public static final BigIntegerToken MINIMUM = new BigIntegerToken("-1"); public static final BigInteger MAXIMUM = new BigInteger("2").pow(127);
Maintain a separate threadlocal message digest, exclusively for token hashing. This is necessary because when Tracing is enabled and using the default tracing implementation, creating the mutations for the trace events involves tokenizing the partition keys. This happens multiple times whilst servicing a ReadCommand, and so can interfere with the stateful digest calculation if the node is a replica producing a digest response.
/** * Maintain a separate threadlocal message digest, exclusively for token hashing. This is necessary because * when Tracing is enabled and using the default tracing implementation, creating the mutations for the trace * events involves tokenizing the partition keys. This happens multiple times whilst servicing a ReadCommand, * and so can interfere with the stateful digest calculation if the node is a replica producing a digest response. */
private static final ThreadLocal<MessageDigest> localMD5Digest = new ThreadLocal<MessageDigest>() { @Override protected MessageDigest initialValue() { return FBUtilities.newMessageDigest("MD5"); } @Override public MessageDigest get() { MessageDigest digest = super.get(); digest.reset(); return digest; } }; private static final int HEAP_SIZE = (int) ObjectSizes.measureDeep(new BigIntegerToken(hashToBigInteger(ByteBuffer.allocate(1)))); public static final RandomPartitioner instance = new RandomPartitioner(); public static final AbstractType<?> partitionOrdering = new PartitionerDefinedOrder(instance); private final Splitter splitter = new Splitter(this) { public Token tokenForValue(BigInteger value) { return new BigIntegerToken(value); } public BigInteger valueForToken(Token token) { return ((BigIntegerToken)token).getTokenValue(); } }; public DecoratedKey decorateKey(ByteBuffer key) { return new CachedHashDecoratedKey(getToken(key), key); } public Token midpoint(Token ltoken, Token rtoken) { // the symbolic MINIMUM token should act as ZERO: the empty bit array BigInteger left = ltoken.equals(MINIMUM) ? ZERO : ((BigIntegerToken)ltoken).token; BigInteger right = rtoken.equals(MINIMUM) ? ZERO : ((BigIntegerToken)rtoken).token; Pair<BigInteger,Boolean> midpair = FBUtilities.midpoint(left, right, 127); // discard the remainder return new BigIntegerToken(midpair.left); } public Token split(Token ltoken, Token rtoken, double ratioToLeft) { BigDecimal left = ltoken.equals(MINIMUM) ? BigDecimal.ZERO : new BigDecimal(((BigIntegerToken)ltoken).token), right = rtoken.equals(MINIMUM) ? BigDecimal.ZERO : new BigDecimal(((BigIntegerToken)rtoken).token), ratio = BigDecimal.valueOf(ratioToLeft); BigInteger newToken; if (left.compareTo(right) < 0) { newToken = right.subtract(left).multiply(ratio).add(left).toBigInteger(); } else { // wrapping case // L + ((R - min) + (max - L)) * ratio BigDecimal max = new BigDecimal(MAXIMUM); newToken = max.add(right).subtract(left).multiply(ratio).add(left).toBigInteger().mod(MAXIMUM); } assert isValidToken(newToken) : "Invalid tokens from split"; return new BigIntegerToken(newToken); } public BigIntegerToken getMinimumToken() { return MINIMUM; } public BigIntegerToken getRandomToken() { BigInteger token = hashToBigInteger(GuidGenerator.guidAsBytes()); if ( token.signum() == -1 ) token = token.multiply(BigInteger.valueOf(-1L)); return new BigIntegerToken(token); } public BigIntegerToken getRandomToken(Random random) { BigInteger token = hashToBigInteger(GuidGenerator.guidAsBytes(random, "host/", 0)); if ( token.signum() == -1 ) token = token.multiply(BigInteger.valueOf(-1L)); return new BigIntegerToken(token); } private boolean isValidToken(BigInteger token) { return token.compareTo(ZERO) >= 0 && token.compareTo(MAXIMUM) <= 0; } private final Token.TokenFactory tokenFactory = new Token.TokenFactory() { public ByteBuffer toByteArray(Token token) { BigIntegerToken bigIntegerToken = (BigIntegerToken) token; return ByteBuffer.wrap(bigIntegerToken.token.toByteArray()); } public Token fromByteArray(ByteBuffer bytes) { return new BigIntegerToken(new BigInteger(ByteBufferUtil.getArray(bytes))); } public String toString(Token token) { BigIntegerToken bigIntegerToken = (BigIntegerToken) token; return bigIntegerToken.token.toString(); } public void validate(String token) throws ConfigurationException { try { if(!isValidToken(new BigInteger(token))) throw new ConfigurationException("Token must be >= 0 and <= 2**127"); } catch (NumberFormatException e) { throw new ConfigurationException(e.getMessage()); } } public Token fromString(String string) { return new BigIntegerToken(new BigInteger(string)); } }; public Token.TokenFactory getTokenFactory() { return tokenFactory; } public boolean preservesOrder() { return false; } public static class BigIntegerToken extends ComparableObjectToken<BigInteger> { static final long serialVersionUID = -5833589141319293006L; public BigIntegerToken(BigInteger token) { super(token); } // convenience method for testing @VisibleForTesting public BigIntegerToken(String token) { this(new BigInteger(token)); } @Override public IPartitioner getPartitioner() { return instance; } @Override public long getHeapSize() { return HEAP_SIZE; } public Token increaseSlightly() { return new BigIntegerToken(token.add(BigInteger.ONE)); } public double size(Token next) { BigIntegerToken n = (BigIntegerToken) next; BigInteger v = n.token.subtract(token); // Overflow acceptable and desired. double d = Math.scalb(v.doubleValue(), -127); // Scale so that the full range is 1. return d > 0.0 ? d : (d + 1.0); // Adjust for signed long, also making sure t.size(t) == 1. } } public BigIntegerToken getToken(ByteBuffer key) { if (key.remaining() == 0) return MINIMUM; return new BigIntegerToken(hashToBigInteger(key)); } public Map<Token, Float> describeOwnership(List<Token> sortedTokens) { Map<Token, Float> ownerships = new HashMap<Token, Float>(); Iterator<Token> i = sortedTokens.iterator(); // 0-case if (!i.hasNext()) { throw new RuntimeException("No nodes present in the cluster. Has this node finished starting up?"); } // 1-case if (sortedTokens.size() == 1) { ownerships.put(i.next(), new Float(1.0)); } // n-case else { // NOTE: All divisions must take place in BigDecimals, and all modulo operators must take place in BigIntegers. final BigInteger ri = MAXIMUM; // (used for addition later) final BigDecimal r = new BigDecimal(ri); // The entire range, 2**127 Token start = i.next(); BigInteger ti = ((BigIntegerToken)start).token; // The first token and its value Token t; BigInteger tim1 = ti; // The last token and its value (after loop) while (i.hasNext()) { t = i.next(); ti = ((BigIntegerToken)t).token; // The next token and its value float x = new BigDecimal(ti.subtract(tim1).add(ri).mod(ri)).divide(r).floatValue(); // %age = ((T(i) - T(i-1) + R) % R) / R ownerships.put(t, x); // save (T(i) -> %age) tim1 = ti; // -> advance loop } // The start token's range extends backward to the last token, which is why both were saved above. float x = new BigDecimal(((BigIntegerToken)start).token.subtract(ti).add(ri).mod(ri)).divide(r).floatValue(); ownerships.put(start, x); } return ownerships; } public Token getMaximumToken() { return new BigIntegerToken(MAXIMUM); } public AbstractType<?> getTokenValidator() { return IntegerType.instance; } public AbstractType<?> partitionOrdering() { return partitionOrdering; } public Optional<Splitter> splitter() { return Optional.of(splitter); } private static BigInteger hashToBigInteger(ByteBuffer data) { MessageDigest messageDigest = localMD5Digest.get(); if (data.hasArray()) messageDigest.update(data.array(), data.arrayOffset() + data.position(), data.remaining()); else messageDigest.update(data.duplicate()); return new BigInteger(messageDigest.digest()).abs(); } }