 * Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
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package org.apache.cassandra.db.lifecycle;

import java.io.File;
import java.nio.file.Path;
import java.util.*;
import java.util.regex.Matcher;
import java.util.regex.Pattern;
import java.util.stream.Collectors;

import com.google.common.annotations.VisibleForTesting;
import com.google.common.collect.Iterables;

import org.apache.commons.lang3.StringUtils;
import org.slf4j.Logger;
import org.slf4j.LoggerFactory;

import org.apache.cassandra.db.compaction.OperationType;
import org.apache.cassandra.db.lifecycle.LogRecord.Type;
import org.apache.cassandra.io.sstable.SSTable;
import org.apache.cassandra.io.sstable.format.SSTableReader;
import org.apache.cassandra.io.sstable.format.big.BigFormat;
import org.apache.cassandra.utils.Throwables;

import static org.apache.cassandra.utils.Throwables.merge;

A transaction log file. We store transaction records into a log file, which is copied into multiple identical replicas on different disks, @see LogFileReplica. This class supports the transactional logic of LogTransaction and the removing of unfinished leftovers when a transaction is completed, or aborted, or when we clean up on start-up.
See Also:
/** * A transaction log file. We store transaction records into a log file, which is * copied into multiple identical replicas on different disks, @see LogFileReplica. * * This class supports the transactional logic of LogTransaction and the removing * of unfinished leftovers when a transaction is completed, or aborted, or when * we clean up on start-up. * * @see LogTransaction */
final class LogFile implements AutoCloseable { private static final Logger logger = LoggerFactory.getLogger(LogFile.class); static String EXT = ".log"; static char SEP = '_'; // cc_txn_opname_id.log (where cc is one of the sstable versions defined in BigVersion) static Pattern FILE_REGEX = Pattern.compile(String.format("^(.{2})_txn_(.*)_(.*)%s$", EXT)); // A set of physical files on disk, each file is an identical replica private final LogReplicaSet replicas = new LogReplicaSet(); // The transaction records, this set must be ORDER PRESERVING private final LinkedHashSet<LogRecord> records = new LinkedHashSet<>(); // The type of the transaction private final OperationType type; // The unique id of the transaction private final UUID id; static LogFile make(File logReplica) { return make(logReplica.getName(), Collections.singletonList(logReplica)); } static LogFile make(String fileName, List<File> logReplicas) { Matcher matcher = LogFile.FILE_REGEX.matcher(fileName); boolean matched = matcher.matches(); assert matched && matcher.groupCount() == 3; // For now we don't need this but it is there in case we need to change // file format later on, the version is the sstable version as defined in BigFormat //String version = matcher.group(1); OperationType operationType = OperationType.fromFileName(matcher.group(2)); UUID id = UUID.fromString(matcher.group(3)); return new LogFile(operationType, id, logReplicas); } Throwable syncDirectory(Throwable accumulate) { return replicas.syncDirectory(accumulate); } OperationType type() { return type; } UUID id() { return id; } Throwable removeUnfinishedLeftovers(Throwable accumulate) { try { // we sync the parent directories before content deletion to ensure // any previously deleted files (see SSTableTider) are not // incorrectly picked up by record.getExistingFiles() in // deleteRecordFiles(), see CASSANDRA-12261 Throwables.maybeFail(syncDirectory(accumulate)); deleteFilesForRecordsOfType(committed() ? Type.REMOVE : Type.ADD); // we sync the parent directories between contents and log deletion // to ensure there is a happens before edge between them Throwables.maybeFail(syncDirectory(accumulate)); accumulate = replicas.delete(accumulate); } catch (Throwable t) { accumulate = merge(accumulate, t); } return accumulate; } static boolean isLogFile(File file) { return LogFile.FILE_REGEX.matcher(file.getName()).matches(); } LogFile(OperationType type, UUID id, List<File> replicas) { this(type, id); this.replicas.addReplicas(replicas); } LogFile(OperationType type, UUID id) { this.type = type; this.id = id; } boolean verify() { records.clear(); if (!replicas.readRecords(records)) { logger.error("Failed to read records for transaction log {}", this); return false; } records.forEach(LogFile::verifyRecord); Optional<LogRecord> firstInvalid = records.stream().filter(LogRecord::isInvalidOrPartial).findFirst(); if (!firstInvalid.isPresent()) return true; LogRecord failedOn = firstInvalid.get(); if (getLastRecord() != failedOn) { setErrorInReplicas(failedOn); return false; } records.stream().filter((r) -> r != failedOn).forEach(LogFile::verifyRecordWithCorruptedLastRecord); if (records.stream() .filter((r) -> r != failedOn) .filter(LogRecord::isInvalid) .map(this::setErrorInReplicas) .findFirst().isPresent()) { setErrorInReplicas(failedOn); return false; } // if only the last record is corrupt and all other records have matching files on disk, @see verifyRecord, // then we simply exited whilst serializing the last record and we carry on logger.warn("Last record of transaction {} is corrupt or incomplete [{}], " + "but all previous records match state on disk; continuing", id, failedOn.error()); return true; } LogRecord setErrorInReplicas(LogRecord record) { replicas.setErrorInReplicas(record); return record; } static void verifyRecord(LogRecord record) { if (record.checksum != record.computeChecksum()) { record.setError(String.format("Invalid checksum for sstable [%s]: [%d] should have been [%d]", record.fileName(), record.checksum, record.computeChecksum())); return; } if (record.type != Type.REMOVE) return; // Paranoid sanity checks: we create another record by looking at the files as they are // on disk right now and make sure the information still matches. We don't want to delete // files by mistake if the user has copied them from backup and forgot to remove a txn log // file that obsoleted the very same files. So we check the latest update time and make sure // it matches. Because we delete files from oldest to newest, the latest update time should // always match. record.status.onDiskRecord = record.withExistingFiles(); if (record.updateTime != record.status.onDiskRecord.updateTime && record.status.onDiskRecord.updateTime > 0) { record.setError(String.format("Unexpected files detected for sstable [%s]: " + "last update time [%tT] should have been [%tT]", record.fileName(), record.status.onDiskRecord.updateTime, record.updateTime)); } } static void verifyRecordWithCorruptedLastRecord(LogRecord record) { if (record.type == Type.REMOVE && record.status.onDiskRecord.numFiles < record.numFiles) { // if we found a corruption in the last record, then we continue only // if the number of files matches exactly for all previous records. record.setError(String.format("Incomplete fileset detected for sstable [%s]: " + "number of files [%d] should have been [%d].", record.fileName(), record.status.onDiskRecord.numFiles, record.numFiles)); } } void commit() { addRecord(LogRecord.makeCommit(System.currentTimeMillis())); } void abort() { addRecord(LogRecord.makeAbort(System.currentTimeMillis())); } private boolean isLastRecordValidWithType(Type type) { LogRecord lastRecord = getLastRecord(); return lastRecord != null && lastRecord.type == type && lastRecord.isValid(); } boolean committed() { return isLastRecordValidWithType(Type.COMMIT); } boolean aborted() { return isLastRecordValidWithType(Type.ABORT); } boolean completed() { return committed() || aborted(); } void add(Type type, SSTable table) { addRecord(makeRecord(type, table)); } public void addAll(Type type, Iterable<SSTableReader> toBulkAdd) { for (LogRecord record : makeRecords(type, toBulkAdd).values()) addRecord(record); } Map<SSTable, LogRecord> makeRecords(Type type, Iterable<SSTableReader> tables) { assert type == Type.ADD || type == Type.REMOVE; for (SSTableReader sstable : tables) { File directory = sstable.descriptor.directory; String fileName = StringUtils.join(directory, File.separator, getFileName()); replicas.maybeCreateReplica(directory, fileName, records); } return LogRecord.make(type, tables); } private LogRecord makeRecord(Type type, SSTable table) { assert type == Type.ADD || type == Type.REMOVE; File directory = table.descriptor.directory; String fileName = StringUtils.join(directory, File.separator, getFileName()); replicas.maybeCreateReplica(directory, fileName, records); return LogRecord.make(type, table); }
this version of makeRecord takes an existing LogRecord and converts it to a record with the given type. This avoids listing the directory and if the LogRecord already exists, we have all components for the sstable
/** * this version of makeRecord takes an existing LogRecord and converts it to a * record with the given type. This avoids listing the directory and if the * LogRecord already exists, we have all components for the sstable */
private LogRecord makeRecord(Type type, SSTable table, LogRecord record) { assert type == Type.ADD || type == Type.REMOVE; File directory = table.descriptor.directory; String fileName = StringUtils.join(directory, File.separator, getFileName()); replicas.maybeCreateReplica(directory, fileName, records); return record.asType(type); } void addRecord(LogRecord record) { if (completed()) throw new IllegalStateException("Transaction already completed"); if (records.contains(record)) throw new IllegalStateException("Record already exists"); replicas.append(record); if (!records.add(record)) throw new IllegalStateException("Failed to add record"); } void remove(Type type, SSTable table) { LogRecord record = makeRecord(type, table); assert records.contains(record) : String.format("[%s] is not tracked by %s", record, id); deleteRecordFiles(record); records.remove(record); } boolean contains(Type type, SSTable table) { return contains(makeRecord(type, table)); } boolean contains(Type type, SSTable sstable, LogRecord record) { return contains(makeRecord(type, sstable, record)); } private boolean contains(LogRecord record) { return records.contains(record); } void deleteFilesForRecordsOfType(Type type) { records.stream() .filter(type::matches) .forEach(LogFile::deleteRecordFiles); records.clear(); } private static void deleteRecordFiles(LogRecord record) { List<File> files = record.getExistingFiles(); // we sort the files in ascending update time order so that the last update time // stays the same even if we only partially delete files, see comment in isInvalid() files.sort((f1, f2) -> Long.compare(f1.lastModified(), f2.lastModified())); files.forEach(LogTransaction::delete); }
Extract from the files passed in all those that are of the given type. Scan all records and select those that are of the given type, valid, and located in the same folder. For each such record extract from the files passed in those that belong to this record.
Returns:a map linking each mapped record to its files, where the files where passed in as parameters.
/** * Extract from the files passed in all those that are of the given type. * * Scan all records and select those that are of the given type, valid, and * located in the same folder. For each such record extract from the files passed in * those that belong to this record. * * @return a map linking each mapped record to its files, where the files where passed in as parameters. */
Map<LogRecord, Set<File>> getFilesOfType(Path folder, NavigableSet<File> files, Type type) { Map<LogRecord, Set<File>> ret = new HashMap<>(); records.stream() .filter(type::matches) .filter(LogRecord::isValid) .filter(r -> r.isInFolder(folder)) .forEach((r) -> ret.put(r, getRecordFiles(files, r))); return ret; } LogRecord getLastRecord() { return Iterables.getLast(records, null); } private static Set<File> getRecordFiles(NavigableSet<File> files, LogRecord record) { String fileName = record.fileName(); return files.stream().filter(f -> f.getName().startsWith(fileName)).collect(Collectors.toSet()); } boolean exists() { return replicas.exists(); } public void close() { replicas.close(); } @Override public String toString() { return toString(false); } public String toString(boolean showContents) { StringBuilder str = new StringBuilder(); str.append('['); str.append(getFileName()); str.append(" in "); str.append(replicas.getDirectories()); str.append(']'); if (showContents) { str.append(System.lineSeparator()); str.append("Files and contents follow:"); str.append(System.lineSeparator()); replicas.printContentsWithAnyErrors(str); } return str.toString(); } @VisibleForTesting List<File> getFiles() { return replicas.getFiles(); } @VisibleForTesting List<String> getFilePaths() { return replicas.getFilePaths(); } private String getFileName() { return StringUtils.join(BigFormat.latestVersion, LogFile.SEP, "txn", LogFile.SEP, type.fileName, LogFile.SEP, id.toString(), LogFile.EXT); } public boolean isEmpty() { return records.isEmpty(); } }