 * Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
 * or more contributor license agreements.  See the NOTICE file
 * distributed with this work for additional information
 * regarding copyright ownership.  The ASF licenses this file
 * to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
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package org.apache.cassandra.db;

import java.io.*;
import java.nio.ByteBuffer;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.Map;
import java.util.concurrent.ConcurrentHashMap;

import org.apache.cassandra.config.CFMetaData;
import org.apache.cassandra.db.marshal.AbstractType;
import org.apache.cassandra.db.marshal.CompositeType;
import org.apache.cassandra.io.ISerializer;
import org.apache.cassandra.io.sstable.IndexInfo;
import org.apache.cassandra.io.sstable.format.big.BigFormat;
import org.apache.cassandra.io.util.DataInputPlus;
import org.apache.cassandra.io.util.DataOutputPlus;
import org.apache.cassandra.io.sstable.format.Version;
import org.apache.cassandra.utils.ByteBufferUtil;

Holds references on serializers that depend on the table definition.
/** * Holds references on serializers that depend on the table definition. */
public class Serializers { private final CFMetaData metadata; private Map<Version, IndexInfo.Serializer> otherVersionClusteringSerializers; private final IndexInfo.Serializer latestVersionIndexSerializer; public Serializers(CFMetaData metadata) { this.metadata = metadata; this.latestVersionIndexSerializer = new IndexInfo.Serializer(BigFormat.latestVersion, indexEntryClusteringPrefixSerializer(BigFormat.latestVersion, SerializationHeader.makeWithoutStats(metadata))); } IndexInfo.Serializer indexInfoSerializer(Version version, SerializationHeader header) { // null header indicates streaming from pre-3.0 sstables if (version.equals(BigFormat.latestVersion) && header != null) return latestVersionIndexSerializer; if (otherVersionClusteringSerializers == null) otherVersionClusteringSerializers = new ConcurrentHashMap<>(); IndexInfo.Serializer serializer = otherVersionClusteringSerializers.get(version); if (serializer == null) { serializer = new IndexInfo.Serializer(version, indexEntryClusteringPrefixSerializer(version, header)); otherVersionClusteringSerializers.put(version, serializer); } return serializer; } // TODO: Once we drop support for old (pre-3.0) sstables, we can drop this method and inline the calls to // ClusteringPrefix.serializer directly. At which point this whole class probably becomes // unecessary (since IndexInfo.Serializer won't depend on the metadata either). private ISerializer<ClusteringPrefix> indexEntryClusteringPrefixSerializer(Version version, SerializationHeader header) { if (!version.storeRows() || header == null) //null header indicates streaming from pre-3.0 sstables { return oldFormatSerializer(version); } return new NewFormatSerializer(version, header.clusteringTypes()); } private ISerializer<ClusteringPrefix> oldFormatSerializer(Version version) { return new ISerializer<ClusteringPrefix>() { List<AbstractType<?>> clusteringTypes = SerializationHeader.makeWithoutStats(metadata).clusteringTypes(); public void serialize(ClusteringPrefix clustering, DataOutputPlus out) throws IOException { //we deserialize in the old format and serialize in the new format ClusteringPrefix.serializer.serialize(clustering, out, version.correspondingMessagingVersion(), clusteringTypes); } @Override public void skip(DataInputPlus in) throws IOException { ByteBufferUtil.skipShortLength(in); } public ClusteringPrefix deserialize(DataInputPlus in) throws IOException { // We're reading the old cellname/composite ByteBuffer bb = ByteBufferUtil.readWithShortLength(in); assert bb.hasRemaining(); // empty cellnames were invalid int clusteringSize = metadata.clusteringColumns().size(); // If the table has no clustering column, then the cellname will just be the "column" name, which we ignore here. if (clusteringSize == 0) return Clustering.EMPTY; if (metadata.isCompound() && CompositeType.isStaticName(bb)) return Clustering.STATIC_CLUSTERING; if (!metadata.isCompound()) return Clustering.make(bb); List<ByteBuffer> components = CompositeType.splitName(bb); byte eoc = CompositeType.lastEOC(bb); if (eoc == 0 || components.size() >= clusteringSize) { // That's a clustering. if (components.size() > clusteringSize) components = components.subList(0, clusteringSize); return Clustering.make(components.toArray(new ByteBuffer[clusteringSize])); } else { // It's a range tombstone bound. It is a start since that's the only part we've ever included // in the index entries. ClusteringPrefix.Kind boundKind = eoc > 0 ? ClusteringPrefix.Kind.EXCL_START_BOUND : ClusteringPrefix.Kind.INCL_START_BOUND; return ClusteringBound.create(boundKind, components.toArray(new ByteBuffer[components.size()])); } } public long serializedSize(ClusteringPrefix clustering) { return ClusteringPrefix.serializer.serializedSize(clustering, version.correspondingMessagingVersion(), clusteringTypes); } }; } private static class NewFormatSerializer implements ISerializer<ClusteringPrefix> { private final Version version; private final List<AbstractType<?>> clusteringTypes; NewFormatSerializer(Version version, List<AbstractType<?>> clusteringTypes) { this.version = version; this.clusteringTypes = clusteringTypes; } public void serialize(ClusteringPrefix clustering, DataOutputPlus out) throws IOException { ClusteringPrefix.serializer.serialize(clustering, out, version.correspondingMessagingVersion(), clusteringTypes); } @Override public void skip(DataInputPlus in) throws IOException { ClusteringPrefix.serializer.skip(in, version.correspondingMessagingVersion(), clusteringTypes); } public ClusteringPrefix deserialize(DataInputPlus in) throws IOException { return ClusteringPrefix.serializer.deserialize(in, version.correspondingMessagingVersion(), clusteringTypes); } public long serializedSize(ClusteringPrefix clustering) { return ClusteringPrefix.serializer.serializedSize(clustering, version.correspondingMessagingVersion(), clusteringTypes); } } }