 * Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one or more
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 * The ASF licenses this file to You under the Apache License, Version 2.0
 * (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with
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package org.apache.bcel.verifier.statics;

import org.apache.bcel.Const;
import org.apache.bcel.Repository;
import org.apache.bcel.classfile.Attribute;
import org.apache.bcel.classfile.Code;
import org.apache.bcel.classfile.CodeException;
import org.apache.bcel.classfile.Constant;
import org.apache.bcel.classfile.ConstantClass;
import org.apache.bcel.classfile.ConstantDouble;
import org.apache.bcel.classfile.ConstantFieldref;
import org.apache.bcel.classfile.ConstantFloat;
import org.apache.bcel.classfile.ConstantInteger;
import org.apache.bcel.classfile.ConstantInterfaceMethodref;
import org.apache.bcel.classfile.ConstantLong;
import org.apache.bcel.classfile.ConstantMethodref;
import org.apache.bcel.classfile.ConstantNameAndType;
import org.apache.bcel.classfile.ConstantString;
import org.apache.bcel.classfile.ConstantUtf8;
import org.apache.bcel.classfile.Field;
import org.apache.bcel.classfile.JavaClass;
import org.apache.bcel.classfile.LineNumber;
import org.apache.bcel.classfile.LineNumberTable;
import org.apache.bcel.classfile.LocalVariable;
import org.apache.bcel.classfile.LocalVariableTable;
import org.apache.bcel.classfile.Method;
import org.apache.bcel.generic.ALOAD;
import org.apache.bcel.generic.ANEWARRAY;
import org.apache.bcel.generic.ASTORE;
import org.apache.bcel.generic.ATHROW;
import org.apache.bcel.generic.ArrayType;
import org.apache.bcel.generic.BREAKPOINT;
import org.apache.bcel.generic.CHECKCAST;
import org.apache.bcel.generic.ConstantPoolGen;
import org.apache.bcel.generic.DLOAD;
import org.apache.bcel.generic.DSTORE;
import org.apache.bcel.generic.FLOAD;
import org.apache.bcel.generic.FSTORE;
import org.apache.bcel.generic.FieldInstruction;
import org.apache.bcel.generic.GETSTATIC;
import org.apache.bcel.generic.GotoInstruction;
import org.apache.bcel.generic.IINC;
import org.apache.bcel.generic.ILOAD;
import org.apache.bcel.generic.IMPDEP1;
import org.apache.bcel.generic.IMPDEP2;
import org.apache.bcel.generic.INSTANCEOF;
import org.apache.bcel.generic.INVOKEDYNAMIC;
import org.apache.bcel.generic.INVOKEINTERFACE;
import org.apache.bcel.generic.INVOKESPECIAL;
import org.apache.bcel.generic.INVOKESTATIC;
import org.apache.bcel.generic.INVOKEVIRTUAL;
import org.apache.bcel.generic.ISTORE;
import org.apache.bcel.generic.Instruction;
import org.apache.bcel.generic.InstructionHandle;
import org.apache.bcel.generic.InstructionList;
import org.apache.bcel.generic.InvokeInstruction;
import org.apache.bcel.generic.JsrInstruction;
import org.apache.bcel.generic.LDC;
import org.apache.bcel.generic.LDC2_W;
import org.apache.bcel.generic.LLOAD;
import org.apache.bcel.generic.LOOKUPSWITCH;
import org.apache.bcel.generic.LSTORE;
import org.apache.bcel.generic.LoadClass;
import org.apache.bcel.generic.MULTIANEWARRAY;
import org.apache.bcel.generic.NEW;
import org.apache.bcel.generic.NEWARRAY;
import org.apache.bcel.generic.ObjectType;
import org.apache.bcel.generic.PUTSTATIC;
import org.apache.bcel.generic.RET;
import org.apache.bcel.generic.ReferenceType;
import org.apache.bcel.generic.ReturnInstruction;
import org.apache.bcel.generic.TABLESWITCH;
import org.apache.bcel.generic.Type;
import org.apache.bcel.verifier.PassVerifier;
import org.apache.bcel.verifier.VerificationResult;
import org.apache.bcel.verifier.Verifier;
import org.apache.bcel.verifier.VerifierFactory;
import org.apache.bcel.verifier.exc.AssertionViolatedException;
import org.apache.bcel.verifier.exc.ClassConstraintException;
import org.apache.bcel.verifier.exc.InvalidMethodException;
import org.apache.bcel.verifier.exc.StaticCodeConstraintException;
import org.apache.bcel.verifier.exc.StaticCodeInstructionConstraintException;
import org.apache.bcel.verifier.exc.StaticCodeInstructionOperandConstraintException;

This PassVerifier verifies a class file according to pass 3, static part as described in The Java Virtual Machine Specification, 2nd edition. More detailed information is to be found at the do_verify() method's documentation.
See Also:
  • do_verify()
/** * This PassVerifier verifies a class file according to * pass 3, static part as described in The Java Virtual * Machine Specification, 2nd edition. * More detailed information is to be found at the do_verify() * method's documentation. * * @see #do_verify() */
public final class Pass3aVerifier extends PassVerifier{
The Verifier that created this.
/** The Verifier that created this. */
private final Verifier myOwner;
The method number to verify. This is the index in the array returned by JavaClass.getMethods().
/** * The method number to verify. * This is the index in the array returned * by JavaClass.getMethods(). */
private final int method_no;
The one and only InstructionList object used by an instance of this class. It's here for performance reasons by do_verify() and its callees.
/** * The one and only InstructionList object used by an instance of this class. * It's here for performance reasons by do_verify() and its callees. */
private InstructionList instructionList;
The one and only Code object used by an instance of this class. It's here for performance reasons by do_verify() and its callees.
/** * The one and only Code object used by an instance of this class. * It's here for performance reasons by do_verify() and its callees. */
private Code code;
Should only be instantiated by a Verifier.
/** Should only be instantiated by a Verifier. */
public Pass3aVerifier(final Verifier owner, final int method_no) { myOwner = owner; this.method_no = method_no; }
Pass 3a is the verification of static constraints of JVM code (such as legal targets of branch instructions). This is the part of pass 3 where you do not need data flow analysis. JustIce also delays the checks for a correct exception table of a Code attribute and correct line number entries in a LineNumberTable attribute of a Code attribute (which conceptually belong to pass 2) to this pass. Also, most of the check for valid local variable entries in a LocalVariableTable attribute of a Code attribute is delayed until this pass. All these checks need access to the code array of the Code attribute.
  • InvalidMethodException – if the method to verify does not exist.
/** * Pass 3a is the verification of static constraints of * JVM code (such as legal targets of branch instructions). * This is the part of pass 3 where you do not need data * flow analysis. * JustIce also delays the checks for a correct exception * table of a Code attribute and correct line number entries * in a LineNumberTable attribute of a Code attribute (which * conceptually belong to pass 2) to this pass. Also, most * of the check for valid local variable entries in a * LocalVariableTable attribute of a Code attribute is * delayed until this pass. * All these checks need access to the code array of the * Code attribute. * * @throws InvalidMethodException if the method to verify does not exist. */
@Override public VerificationResult do_verify() { try { if (myOwner.doPass2().equals(VerificationResult.VR_OK)) { // Okay, class file was loaded correctly by Pass 1 // and satisfies static constraints of Pass 2. final JavaClass jc = Repository.lookupClass(myOwner.getClassName()); final Method[] methods = jc.getMethods(); if (method_no >= methods.length) { throw new InvalidMethodException("METHOD DOES NOT EXIST!"); } final Method method = methods[method_no]; code = method.getCode(); // No Code? Nothing to verify! if ( method.isAbstract() || method.isNative() ) { // IF mg HAS NO CODE (static constraint of Pass 2) return VerificationResult.VR_OK; } // TODO: // We want a very sophisticated code examination here with good explanations // on where to look for an illegal instruction or such. // Only after that we should try to build an InstructionList and throw an // AssertionViolatedException if after our examination InstructionList building // still fails. // That examination should be implemented in a byte-oriented way, i.e. look for // an instruction, make sure its validity, count its length, find the next // instruction and so on. try{ instructionList = new InstructionList(method.getCode().getCode()); } catch(final RuntimeException re) { return new VerificationResult(VerificationResult.VERIFIED_REJECTED, "Bad bytecode in the code array of the Code attribute of method '"+method+"'."); } instructionList.setPositions(true); // Start verification. VerificationResult vr = VerificationResult.VR_OK; //default try{ delayedPass2Checks(); } catch(final ClassConstraintException cce) { vr = new VerificationResult(VerificationResult.VERIFIED_REJECTED, cce.getMessage()); return vr; } try{ pass3StaticInstructionChecks(); pass3StaticInstructionOperandsChecks(); } catch(final StaticCodeConstraintException scce) { vr = new VerificationResult(VerificationResult.VERIFIED_REJECTED, scce.getMessage()); } catch(final ClassCastException cce) { vr = new VerificationResult(VerificationResult.VERIFIED_REJECTED, "Class Cast Exception: " + cce.getMessage()); } return vr; } //did not pass Pass 2. return VerificationResult.VR_NOTYET; } catch (final ClassNotFoundException e) { // FIXME: maybe not the best way to handle this throw new AssertionViolatedException("Missing class: " + e, e); } }
These are the checks that could be done in pass 2 but are delayed to pass 3 for performance reasons. Also, these checks need access to the code array of the Code attribute of a Method so it's okay to perform them here. Also see the description of the do_verify() method.
  • ClassConstraintException – if the verification fails.
See Also:
/** * These are the checks that could be done in pass 2 but are delayed to pass 3 * for performance reasons. Also, these checks need access to the code array * of the Code attribute of a Method so it's okay to perform them here. * Also see the description of the do_verify() method. * * @throws ClassConstraintException if the verification fails. * @see #do_verify() */
private void delayedPass2Checks() { final int[] instructionPositions = instructionList.getInstructionPositions(); final int codeLength = code.getCode().length; ///////////////////// // LineNumberTable // ///////////////////// final LineNumberTable lnt = code.getLineNumberTable(); if (lnt != null) { final LineNumber[] lineNumbers = lnt.getLineNumberTable(); final IntList offsets = new IntList(); lineNumber_loop: for (final LineNumber lineNumber : lineNumbers) { // may appear in any order. for (final int instructionPosition : instructionPositions) { // TODO: Make this a binary search! The instructionPositions array is naturally ordered! final int offset = lineNumber.getStartPC(); if (instructionPosition == offset) { if (offsets.contains(offset)) { addMessage("LineNumberTable attribute '" + code.getLineNumberTable() + "' refers to the same code offset ('" + offset + "') more than once" + " which is violating the semantics [but is sometimes produced by IBM's 'jikes' compiler]."); } else { offsets.add(offset); } continue lineNumber_loop; } } throw new ClassConstraintException("Code attribute '" + code + "' has a LineNumberTable attribute '" + code.getLineNumberTable() + "' referring to a code offset ('" + lineNumber.getStartPC() + "') that does not exist."); } } /////////////////////////// // LocalVariableTable(s) // /////////////////////////// /* We cannot use code.getLocalVariableTable() because there could be more than only one. This is a bug in BCEL. */ final Attribute[] atts = code.getAttributes(); for (final Attribute att : atts) { if (att instanceof LocalVariableTable) { final LocalVariableTable lvt = (LocalVariableTable) att; final LocalVariable[] localVariables = lvt.getLocalVariableTable(); for (final LocalVariable localVariable : localVariables) { final int startpc = localVariable.getStartPC(); final int length = localVariable.getLength(); if (!contains(instructionPositions, startpc)) { throw new ClassConstraintException("Code attribute '" + code + "' has a LocalVariableTable attribute '" + code.getLocalVariableTable() + "' referring to a code offset ('" + startpc + "') that does not exist."); } if ((!contains(instructionPositions, startpc + length)) && (startpc + length != codeLength)) { throw new ClassConstraintException("Code attribute '" + code + "' has a LocalVariableTable attribute '" + code.getLocalVariableTable() + "' referring to a code offset start_pc+length ('" + (startpc + length) + "') that does not exist."); } } } } //////////////////// // ExceptionTable // //////////////////// // In BCEL's "classfile" API, the startPC/endPC-notation is // inclusive/exclusive as in the Java Virtual Machine Specification. // WARNING: This is not true for BCEL's "generic" API. final CodeException[] exceptionTable = code.getExceptionTable(); for (final CodeException element : exceptionTable) { final int startpc = element.getStartPC(); final int endpc = element.getEndPC(); final int handlerpc = element.getHandlerPC(); if (startpc >= endpc) { throw new ClassConstraintException("Code attribute '"+code+"' has an exception_table entry '"+element+ "' that has its start_pc ('"+startpc+"') not smaller than its end_pc ('"+endpc+"')."); } if (!contains(instructionPositions, startpc)) { throw new ClassConstraintException("Code attribute '"+code+"' has an exception_table entry '"+element+ "' that has a non-existant bytecode offset as its start_pc ('"+startpc+"')."); } if ( (!contains(instructionPositions, endpc)) && (endpc != codeLength)) { throw new ClassConstraintException("Code attribute '"+code+"' has an exception_table entry '"+element+ "' that has a non-existant bytecode offset as its end_pc ('"+startpc+ "') [that is also not equal to code_length ('"+codeLength+"')]."); } if (!contains(instructionPositions, handlerpc)) { throw new ClassConstraintException("Code attribute '"+code+"' has an exception_table entry '"+element+ "' that has a non-existant bytecode offset as its handler_pc ('"+handlerpc+"')."); } } }
These are the checks if constraints are satisfied which are described in the Java Virtual Machine Specification, Second Edition as Static Constraints on the instructions of Java Virtual Machine Code (chapter 4.8.1).
  • StaticCodeConstraintException – if the verification fails.
/** * These are the checks if constraints are satisfied which are described in the * Java Virtual Machine Specification, Second Edition as Static Constraints on * the instructions of Java Virtual Machine Code (chapter 4.8.1). * * @throws StaticCodeConstraintException if the verification fails. */
private void pass3StaticInstructionChecks() { // Code array must not be empty: // Enforced in pass 2 (also stated in the static constraints of the Code // array in vmspec2), together with pass 1 (reading code_length bytes and // interpreting them as code[]). So this must not be checked again here. if (code.getCode().length >= Const.MAX_CODE_SIZE) {// length must be LESS than the max throw new StaticCodeInstructionConstraintException( "Code array in code attribute '"+code+"' too big: must be smaller than "+Const.MAX_CODE_SIZE+"65536 bytes."); } // First opcode at offset 0: okay, that's clear. Nothing to do. // Only instances of the instructions documented in Section 6.4 may appear in // the code array. // For BCEL's sake, we cannot handle WIDE stuff, but hopefully BCEL does its job right :) // The last byte of the last instruction in the code array must be the byte at index // code_length-1 : See the do_verify() comments. We actually don't iterate through the // byte array, but use an InstructionList so we cannot check for this. But BCEL does // things right, so it's implicitly okay. // TODO: Check how BCEL handles (and will handle) instructions like IMPDEP1, IMPDEP2, // BREAKPOINT... that BCEL knows about but which are illegal anyway. // We currently go the safe way here. InstructionHandle ih = instructionList.getStart(); while (ih != null) { final Instruction i = ih.getInstruction(); if (i instanceof IMPDEP1) { throw new StaticCodeInstructionConstraintException( "IMPDEP1 must not be in the code, it is an illegal instruction for _internal_ JVM use!"); } if (i instanceof IMPDEP2) { throw new StaticCodeInstructionConstraintException( "IMPDEP2 must not be in the code, it is an illegal instruction for _internal_ JVM use!"); } if (i instanceof BREAKPOINT) { throw new StaticCodeInstructionConstraintException( "BREAKPOINT must not be in the code, it is an illegal instruction for _internal_ JVM use!"); } ih = ih.getNext(); } // The original verifier seems to do this check here, too. // An unreachable last instruction may also not fall through the // end of the code, which is stupid -- but with the original // verifier's subroutine semantics one cannot predict reachability. final Instruction last = instructionList.getEnd().getInstruction(); if (! ((last instanceof ReturnInstruction) || (last instanceof RET) || (last instanceof GotoInstruction) || (last instanceof ATHROW) )) { throw new StaticCodeInstructionConstraintException( "Execution must not fall off the bottom of the code array."+ " This constraint is enforced statically as some existing verifiers do"+ " - so it may be a false alarm if the last instruction is not reachable."); } }
These are the checks for the satisfaction of constraints which are described in the Java Virtual Machine Specification, Second Edition as Static Constraints on the operands of instructions of Java Virtual Machine Code (chapter 4.8.1). BCEL parses the code array to create an InstructionList and therefore has to check some of these constraints. Additional checks are also implemented here.
  • StaticCodeConstraintException – if the verification fails.
/** * These are the checks for the satisfaction of constraints which are described in the * Java Virtual Machine Specification, Second Edition as Static Constraints on * the operands of instructions of Java Virtual Machine Code (chapter 4.8.1). * BCEL parses the code array to create an InstructionList and therefore has to check * some of these constraints. Additional checks are also implemented here. * * @throws StaticCodeConstraintException if the verification fails. */
private void pass3StaticInstructionOperandsChecks() { try { // When building up the InstructionList, BCEL has already done all those checks // mentioned in The Java Virtual Machine Specification, Second Edition, as // "static constraints on the operands of instructions in the code array". // TODO: see the do_verify() comments. Maybe we should really work on the // byte array first to give more comprehensive messages. // TODO: Review Exception API, possibly build in some "offending instruction" thing // when we're ready to insulate the offending instruction by doing the // above thing. // TODO: Implement as much as possible here. BCEL does _not_ check everything. final ConstantPoolGen cpg = new ConstantPoolGen(Repository.lookupClass(myOwner.getClassName()).getConstantPool()); final InstOperandConstraintVisitor v = new InstOperandConstraintVisitor(cpg); // Checks for the things BCEL does _not_ handle itself. InstructionHandle ih = instructionList.getStart(); while (ih != null) { final Instruction i = ih.getInstruction(); // An "own" constraint, due to JustIce's new definition of what "subroutine" means. if (i instanceof JsrInstruction) { final InstructionHandle target = ((JsrInstruction) i).getTarget(); if (target == instructionList.getStart()) { throw new StaticCodeInstructionOperandConstraintException( "Due to JustIce's clear definition of subroutines, no JSR or JSR_W may have a top-level instruction"+ " (such as the very first instruction, which is targeted by instruction '"+ih+"' as its target."); } if (!(target.getInstruction() instanceof ASTORE)) { throw new StaticCodeInstructionOperandConstraintException( "Due to JustIce's clear definition of subroutines, no JSR or JSR_W may target anything else"+ " than an ASTORE instruction. Instruction '"+ih+"' targets '"+target+"'."); } } // vmspec2, page 134-137 ih.accept(v); ih = ih.getNext(); } } catch (final ClassNotFoundException e) { // FIXME: maybe not the best way to handle this throw new AssertionViolatedException("Missing class: " + e, e); } }
A small utility method returning if a given int i is in the given int[] ints.
/** A small utility method returning if a given int i is in the given int[] ints. */
private static boolean contains(final int[] ints, final int i) { for (final int k : ints) { if (k==i) { return true; } } return false; }
Returns the method number as supplied when instantiating.
/** Returns the method number as supplied when instantiating. */
public int getMethodNo() { return method_no; }
This visitor class does the actual checking for the instruction operand's constraints.
/** * This visitor class does the actual checking for the instruction * operand's constraints. */
private class InstOperandConstraintVisitor extends org.apache.bcel.generic.EmptyVisitor {
The ConstantPoolGen instance this Visitor operates on.
/** The ConstantPoolGen instance this Visitor operates on. */
private final ConstantPoolGen constantPoolGen;
The only Constructor.
/** The only Constructor. */
InstOperandConstraintVisitor(final ConstantPoolGen constantPoolGen) { this.constantPoolGen = constantPoolGen; }
Utility method to return the max_locals value of the method verified by the surrounding Pass3aVerifier instance.
/** * Utility method to return the max_locals value of the method verified * by the surrounding Pass3aVerifier instance. */
private int max_locals() { try { return Repository.lookupClass(myOwner.getClassName()).getMethods()[method_no].getCode().getMaxLocals(); } catch (final ClassNotFoundException e) { // FIXME: maybe not the best way to handle this throw new AssertionViolatedException("Missing class: " + e, e); } }
A utility method to always raise an exeption.
/** * A utility method to always raise an exeption. */
private void constraintViolated(final Instruction i, final String message) { throw new StaticCodeInstructionOperandConstraintException("Instruction "+i+" constraint violated: "+message); }
A utility method to raise an exception if the index is not a valid constant pool index.
/** * A utility method to raise an exception if the index is not * a valid constant pool index. */
private void indexValid(final Instruction i, final int idx) { if (idx < 0 || idx >= constantPoolGen.getSize()) { constraintViolated(i, "Illegal constant pool index '"+idx+"'."); } } /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // The Java Virtual Machine Specification, pages 134-137 // ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
Assures the generic preconditions of a LoadClass instance. The referenced class is loaded and pass2-verified.
/** * Assures the generic preconditions of a LoadClass instance. * The referenced class is loaded and pass2-verified. */
@Override public void visitLoadClass(final LoadClass loadClass) { final ObjectType t = loadClass.getLoadClassType(constantPoolGen); if (t != null) {// null means "no class is loaded" final Verifier v = VerifierFactory.getVerifier(t.getClassName()); final VerificationResult vr = v.doPass1(); if (vr.getStatus() != VerificationResult.VERIFIED_OK) { constraintViolated((Instruction) loadClass, "Class '"+loadClass.getLoadClassType(constantPoolGen).getClassName()+"' is referenced, but cannot be loaded: '"+vr+"'."); } } } // The target of each jump and branch instruction [...] must be the opcode [...] // BCEL _DOES_ handle this. // tableswitch: BCEL will do it, supposedly. // lookupswitch: BCEL will do it, supposedly.
Checks if the constraints of operands of the said instruction(s) are satisfied.
/** Checks if the constraints of operands of the said instruction(s) are satisfied. */
// LDC and LDC_W (LDC_W is a subclass of LDC in BCEL's model) @Override public void visitLDC(final LDC ldc) { indexValid(ldc, ldc.getIndex()); final Constant c = constantPoolGen.getConstant(ldc.getIndex()); if (c instanceof ConstantClass) { addMessage("Operand of LDC or LDC_W is CONSTANT_Class '"+c+"' - this is only supported in JDK 1.5 and higher."); } else{ if (! ( (c instanceof ConstantInteger) || (c instanceof ConstantFloat) || (c instanceof ConstantString) ) ) { constraintViolated(ldc, "Operand of LDC or LDC_W must be one of CONSTANT_Integer, CONSTANT_Float or CONSTANT_String, but is '"+c+"'."); } } }
Checks if the constraints of operands of the said instruction(s) are satisfied.
/** Checks if the constraints of operands of the said instruction(s) are satisfied. */
// LDC2_W @Override public void visitLDC2_W(final LDC2_W o) { indexValid(o, o.getIndex()); final Constant c = constantPoolGen.getConstant(o.getIndex()); if (! ( (c instanceof ConstantLong) || (c instanceof ConstantDouble) ) ) { constraintViolated(o, "Operand of LDC2_W must be CONSTANT_Long or CONSTANT_Double, but is '"+c+"'."); } try{ indexValid(o, o.getIndex()+1); } catch(final StaticCodeInstructionOperandConstraintException e) { throw new AssertionViolatedException("OOPS: Does not BCEL handle that? LDC2_W operand has a problem.", e); } } private ObjectType getObjectType(final FieldInstruction o) { final ReferenceType rt = o.getReferenceType(constantPoolGen); if(rt instanceof ObjectType) { return (ObjectType)rt; } constraintViolated(o, "expecting ObjectType but got "+rt); return null; }
Checks if the constraints of operands of the said instruction(s) are satisfied.
/** Checks if the constraints of operands of the said instruction(s) are satisfied. */
//getfield, putfield, getstatic, putstatic @Override public void visitFieldInstruction(final FieldInstruction o) { try { indexValid(o, o.getIndex()); final Constant c = constantPoolGen.getConstant(o.getIndex()); if (! (c instanceof ConstantFieldref)) { constraintViolated(o, "Indexing a constant that's not a CONSTANT_Fieldref but a '"+c+"'."); } final String field_name = o.getFieldName(constantPoolGen); final JavaClass jc = Repository.lookupClass(getObjectType(o).getClassName()); Field[] fields = jc.getFields(); Field f = null; for (final Field field : fields) { if (field.getName().equals(field_name)) { final Type f_type = Type.getType(field.getSignature()); final Type o_type = o.getType(constantPoolGen); /* TODO: Check if assignment compatibility is sufficient. * What does Sun do? */ if (f_type.equals(o_type)) { f = field; break; } } } if (f == null) { final JavaClass[] superclasses = jc.getSuperClasses(); outer: for (final JavaClass superclass : superclasses) { fields = superclass.getFields(); for (final Field field : fields) { if (field.getName().equals(field_name)) { final Type f_type = Type.getType(field.getSignature()); final Type o_type = o.getType(constantPoolGen); if (f_type.equals(o_type)) { f = field; if ((f.getAccessFlags() & (Const.ACC_PUBLIC | Const.ACC_PROTECTED)) == 0) { f = null; } break outer; } } } } if (f == null) { constraintViolated(o, "Referenced field '"+field_name+"' does not exist in class '"+jc.getClassName()+"'."); } } else{ /* TODO: Check if assignment compatibility is sufficient. What does Sun do? */ Type.getType(f.getSignature()); o.getType(constantPoolGen); // Type f_type = Type.getType(f.getSignature()); // Type o_type = o.getType(cpg); // Argh. Sun's implementation allows us to have multiple fields of // the same name but with a different signature. //if (! f_type.equals(o_type)) { // constraintViolated(o, // "Referenced field '"+field_name+"' has type '"+f_type+"' instead of '"+o_type+"' as expected."); //} /* TODO: Check for access modifiers here. */ } } catch (final ClassNotFoundException e) { // FIXME: maybe not the best way to handle this throw new AssertionViolatedException("Missing class: " + e, e); } }
Checks if the constraints of operands of the said instruction(s) are satisfied.
/** Checks if the constraints of operands of the said instruction(s) are satisfied. */
@Override public void visitInvokeInstruction(final InvokeInstruction o) { indexValid(o, o.getIndex()); if ( (o instanceof INVOKEVIRTUAL) || (o instanceof INVOKESPECIAL) || (o instanceof INVOKESTATIC) ) { final Constant c = constantPoolGen.getConstant(o.getIndex()); if (! (c instanceof ConstantMethodref)) { constraintViolated(o, "Indexing a constant that's not a CONSTANT_Methodref but a '"+c+"'."); } else{ // Constants are okay due to pass2. final ConstantNameAndType cnat = (ConstantNameAndType) (constantPoolGen.getConstant(((ConstantMethodref) c).getNameAndTypeIndex())); final ConstantUtf8 cutf8 = (ConstantUtf8) (constantPoolGen.getConstant(cnat.getNameIndex())); if (cutf8.getBytes().equals(Const.CONSTRUCTOR_NAME) && (!(o instanceof INVOKESPECIAL)) ) { constraintViolated(o, "Only INVOKESPECIAL is allowed to invoke instance initialization methods."); } if ( (! (cutf8.getBytes().equals(Const.CONSTRUCTOR_NAME)) ) && (cutf8.getBytes().startsWith("<")) ) { constraintViolated(o, "No method with a name beginning with '<' other than the instance initialization methods"+ " may be called by the method invocation instructions."); } } } else{ //if (o instanceof INVOKEINTERFACE) { final Constant c = constantPoolGen.getConstant(o.getIndex()); if (! (c instanceof ConstantInterfaceMethodref)) { constraintViolated(o, "Indexing a constant that's not a CONSTANT_InterfaceMethodref but a '"+c+"'."); } // TODO: From time to time check if BCEL allows to detect if the // 'count' operand is consistent with the information in the // CONSTANT_InterfaceMethodref and if the last operand is zero. // By now, BCEL hides those two operands because they're superfluous. // Invoked method must not be <init> or <clinit> final ConstantNameAndType cnat = (ConstantNameAndType) (constantPoolGen.getConstant(((ConstantInterfaceMethodref)c).getNameAndTypeIndex())); final String name = ((ConstantUtf8) (constantPoolGen.getConstant(cnat.getNameIndex()))).getBytes(); if (name.equals(Const.CONSTRUCTOR_NAME)) { constraintViolated(o, "Method to invoke must not be '"+Const.CONSTRUCTOR_NAME+"'."); } if (name.equals(Const.STATIC_INITIALIZER_NAME)) { constraintViolated(o, "Method to invoke must not be '"+Const.STATIC_INITIALIZER_NAME+"'."); } } // The LoadClassType is the method-declaring class, so we have to check the other types. Type t = o.getReturnType(constantPoolGen); if (t instanceof ArrayType) { t = ((ArrayType) t).getBasicType(); } if (t instanceof ObjectType) { final Verifier v = VerifierFactory.getVerifier(((ObjectType) t).getClassName()); final VerificationResult vr = v.doPass2(); if (vr.getStatus() != VerificationResult.VERIFIED_OK) { constraintViolated(o, "Return type class/interface could not be verified successfully: '"+vr.getMessage()+"'."); } } final Type[] ts = o.getArgumentTypes(constantPoolGen); for (final Type element : ts) { t = element; if (t instanceof ArrayType) { t = ((ArrayType) t).getBasicType(); } if (t instanceof ObjectType) { final Verifier v = VerifierFactory.getVerifier(((ObjectType) t).getClassName()); final VerificationResult vr = v.doPass2(); if (vr.getStatus() != VerificationResult.VERIFIED_OK) { constraintViolated(o, "Argument type class/interface could not be verified successfully: '"+vr.getMessage()+"'."); } } } }
Checks if the constraints of operands of the said instruction(s) are satisfied.
/** Checks if the constraints of operands of the said instruction(s) are satisfied. */
@Override public void visitINSTANCEOF(final INSTANCEOF o) { indexValid(o, o.getIndex()); final Constant c = constantPoolGen.getConstant(o.getIndex()); if (! (c instanceof ConstantClass)) { constraintViolated(o, "Expecting a CONSTANT_Class operand, but found a '"+c+"'."); } }
Checks if the constraints of operands of the said instruction(s) are satisfied.
/** Checks if the constraints of operands of the said instruction(s) are satisfied. */
@Override public void visitCHECKCAST(final CHECKCAST o) { indexValid(o, o.getIndex()); final Constant c = constantPoolGen.getConstant(o.getIndex()); if (! (c instanceof ConstantClass)) { constraintViolated(o, "Expecting a CONSTANT_Class operand, but found a '"+c+"'."); } }
Checks if the constraints of operands of the said instruction(s) are satisfied.
/** Checks if the constraints of operands of the said instruction(s) are satisfied. */
@Override public void visitNEW(final NEW o) { indexValid(o, o.getIndex()); final Constant c = constantPoolGen.getConstant(o.getIndex()); if (! (c instanceof ConstantClass)) { constraintViolated(o, "Expecting a CONSTANT_Class operand, but found a '"+c+"'."); } else{ final ConstantUtf8 cutf8 = (ConstantUtf8) (constantPoolGen.getConstant( ((ConstantClass) c).getNameIndex() )); final Type t = Type.getType("L"+cutf8.getBytes()+";"); if (t instanceof ArrayType) { constraintViolated(o, "NEW must not be used to create an array."); } } }
Checks if the constraints of operands of the said instruction(s) are satisfied.
/** Checks if the constraints of operands of the said instruction(s) are satisfied. */
@Override public void visitMULTIANEWARRAY(final MULTIANEWARRAY o) { indexValid(o, o.getIndex()); final Constant c = constantPoolGen.getConstant(o.getIndex()); if (! (c instanceof ConstantClass)) { constraintViolated(o, "Expecting a CONSTANT_Class operand, but found a '"+c+"'."); } final int dimensions2create = o.getDimensions(); if (dimensions2create < 1) { constraintViolated(o, "Number of dimensions to create must be greater than zero."); } final Type t = o.getType(constantPoolGen); if (t instanceof ArrayType) { final int dimensions = ((ArrayType) t).getDimensions(); if (dimensions < dimensions2create) { constraintViolated(o, "Not allowed to create array with more dimensions ('"+dimensions2create+ "') than the one referenced by the CONSTANT_Class '"+t+"'."); } } else{ constraintViolated(o, "Expecting a CONSTANT_Class referencing an array type."+ " [Constraint not found in The Java Virtual Machine Specification, Second Edition, 4.8.1]"); } }
Checks if the constraints of operands of the said instruction(s) are satisfied.
/** Checks if the constraints of operands of the said instruction(s) are satisfied. */
@Override public void visitANEWARRAY(final ANEWARRAY o) { indexValid(o, o.getIndex()); final Constant c = constantPoolGen.getConstant(o.getIndex()); if (! (c instanceof ConstantClass)) { constraintViolated(o, "Expecting a CONSTANT_Class operand, but found a '"+c+"'."); } final Type t = o.getType(constantPoolGen); if (t instanceof ArrayType) { final int dimensions = ((ArrayType) t).getDimensions(); if (dimensions > Const.MAX_ARRAY_DIMENSIONS) { constraintViolated(o, "Not allowed to create an array with more than "+ Const.MAX_ARRAY_DIMENSIONS + " dimensions;"+ " actual: " + dimensions); } } }
Checks if the constraints of operands of the said instruction(s) are satisfied.
/** Checks if the constraints of operands of the said instruction(s) are satisfied. */
@Override public void visitNEWARRAY(final NEWARRAY o) { final byte t = o.getTypecode(); if (! ( (t == Const.T_BOOLEAN) || (t == Const.T_CHAR) || (t == Const.T_FLOAT) || (t == Const.T_DOUBLE) || (t == Const.T_BYTE) || (t == Const.T_SHORT) || (t == Const.T_INT) || (t == Const.T_LONG) ) ) { constraintViolated(o, "Illegal type code '+t+' for 'atype' operand."); } }
Checks if the constraints of operands of the said instruction(s) are satisfied.
/** Checks if the constraints of operands of the said instruction(s) are satisfied. */
@Override public void visitILOAD(final ILOAD o) { final int idx = o.getIndex(); if (idx < 0) { constraintViolated(o, "Index '"+idx+"' must be non-negative."); } else{ final int maxminus1 = max_locals()-1; if (idx > maxminus1) { constraintViolated(o, "Index '"+idx+"' must not be greater than max_locals-1 '"+maxminus1+"'."); } } }
Checks if the constraints of operands of the said instruction(s) are satisfied.
/** Checks if the constraints of operands of the said instruction(s) are satisfied. */
@Override public void visitFLOAD(final FLOAD o) { final int idx = o.getIndex(); if (idx < 0) { constraintViolated(o, "Index '"+idx+"' must be non-negative."); } else{ final int maxminus1 = max_locals()-1; if (idx > maxminus1) { constraintViolated(o, "Index '"+idx+"' must not be greater than max_locals-1 '"+maxminus1+"'."); } } }
Checks if the constraints of operands of the said instruction(s) are satisfied.
/** Checks if the constraints of operands of the said instruction(s) are satisfied. */
@Override public void visitALOAD(final ALOAD o) { final int idx = o.getIndex(); if (idx < 0) { constraintViolated(o, "Index '"+idx+"' must be non-negative."); } else{ final int maxminus1 = max_locals()-1; if (idx > maxminus1) { constraintViolated(o, "Index '"+idx+"' must not be greater than max_locals-1 '"+maxminus1+"'."); } } }
Checks if the constraints of operands of the said instruction(s) are satisfied.
/** Checks if the constraints of operands of the said instruction(s) are satisfied. */
@Override public void visitISTORE(final ISTORE o) { final int idx = o.getIndex(); if (idx < 0) { constraintViolated(o, "Index '"+idx+"' must be non-negative."); } else{ final int maxminus1 = max_locals()-1; if (idx > maxminus1) { constraintViolated(o, "Index '"+idx+"' must not be greater than max_locals-1 '"+maxminus1+"'."); } } }
Checks if the constraints of operands of the said instruction(s) are satisfied.
/** Checks if the constraints of operands of the said instruction(s) are satisfied. */
@Override public void visitFSTORE(final FSTORE o) { final int idx = o.getIndex(); if (idx < 0) { constraintViolated(o, "Index '"+idx+"' must be non-negative."); } else{ final int maxminus1 = max_locals()-1; if (idx > maxminus1) { constraintViolated(o, "Index '"+idx+"' must not be greater than max_locals-1 '"+maxminus1+"'."); } } }
Checks if the constraints of operands of the said instruction(s) are satisfied.
/** Checks if the constraints of operands of the said instruction(s) are satisfied. */
@Override public void visitASTORE(final ASTORE o) { final int idx = o.getIndex(); if (idx < 0) { constraintViolated(o, "Index '"+idx+"' must be non-negative."); } else{ final int maxminus1 = max_locals()-1; if (idx > maxminus1) { constraintViolated(o, "Index '"+idx+"' must not be greater than max_locals-1 '"+maxminus1+"'."); } } }
Checks if the constraints of operands of the said instruction(s) are satisfied.
/** Checks if the constraints of operands of the said instruction(s) are satisfied. */
@Override public void visitIINC(final IINC o) { final int idx = o.getIndex(); if (idx < 0) { constraintViolated(o, "Index '"+idx+"' must be non-negative."); } else{ final int maxminus1 = max_locals()-1; if (idx > maxminus1) { constraintViolated(o, "Index '"+idx+"' must not be greater than max_locals-1 '"+maxminus1+"'."); } } }
Checks if the constraints of operands of the said instruction(s) are satisfied.
/** Checks if the constraints of operands of the said instruction(s) are satisfied. */
@Override public void visitRET(final RET o) { final int idx = o.getIndex(); if (idx < 0) { constraintViolated(o, "Index '"+idx+"' must be non-negative."); } else{ final int maxminus1 = max_locals()-1; if (idx > maxminus1) { constraintViolated(o, "Index '"+idx+"' must not be greater than max_locals-1 '"+maxminus1+"'."); } } }
Checks if the constraints of operands of the said instruction(s) are satisfied.
/** Checks if the constraints of operands of the said instruction(s) are satisfied. */
@Override public void visitLLOAD(final LLOAD o) { final int idx = o.getIndex(); if (idx < 0) { constraintViolated(o, "Index '"+idx+"' must be non-negative."+ " [Constraint by JustIce as an analogon to the single-slot xLOAD/xSTORE instructions; may not happen anyway.]"); } else{ final int maxminus2 = max_locals()-2; if (idx > maxminus2) { constraintViolated(o, "Index '"+idx+"' must not be greater than max_locals-2 '"+maxminus2+"'."); } } }
Checks if the constraints of operands of the said instruction(s) are satisfied.
/** Checks if the constraints of operands of the said instruction(s) are satisfied. */
@Override public void visitDLOAD(final DLOAD o) { final int idx = o.getIndex(); if (idx < 0) { constraintViolated(o, "Index '"+idx+"' must be non-negative."+ " [Constraint by JustIce as an analogon to the single-slot xLOAD/xSTORE instructions; may not happen anyway.]"); } else{ final int maxminus2 = max_locals()-2; if (idx > maxminus2) { constraintViolated(o, "Index '"+idx+"' must not be greater than max_locals-2 '"+maxminus2+"'."); } } }
Checks if the constraints of operands of the said instruction(s) are satisfied.
/** Checks if the constraints of operands of the said instruction(s) are satisfied. */
@Override public void visitLSTORE(final LSTORE o) { final int idx = o.getIndex(); if (idx < 0) { constraintViolated(o, "Index '"+idx+"' must be non-negative."+ " [Constraint by JustIce as an analogon to the single-slot xLOAD/xSTORE instructions; may not happen anyway.]"); } else{ final int maxminus2 = max_locals()-2; if (idx > maxminus2) { constraintViolated(o, "Index '"+idx+"' must not be greater than max_locals-2 '"+maxminus2+"'."); } } }
Checks if the constraints of operands of the said instruction(s) are satisfied.
/** Checks if the constraints of operands of the said instruction(s) are satisfied. */
@Override public void visitDSTORE(final DSTORE o) { final int idx = o.getIndex(); if (idx < 0) { constraintViolated(o, "Index '"+idx+"' must be non-negative."+ " [Constraint by JustIce as an analogon to the single-slot xLOAD/xSTORE instructions; may not happen anyway.]"); } else{ final int maxminus2 = max_locals()-2; if (idx > maxminus2) { constraintViolated(o, "Index '"+idx+"' must not be greater than max_locals-2 '"+maxminus2+"'."); } } }
Checks if the constraints of operands of the said instruction(s) are satisfied.
/** Checks if the constraints of operands of the said instruction(s) are satisfied. */
@Override public void visitLOOKUPSWITCH(final LOOKUPSWITCH o) { final int[] matchs = o.getMatchs(); int max = Integer.MIN_VALUE; for (int i=0; i<matchs.length; i++) { if (matchs[i] == max && i != 0) { constraintViolated(o, "Match '"+matchs[i]+"' occurs more than once."); } if (matchs[i] < max) { constraintViolated(o, "Lookup table must be sorted but isn't."); } else{ max = matchs[i]; } } }
Checks if the constraints of operands of the said instruction(s) are satisfied.
/** Checks if the constraints of operands of the said instruction(s) are satisfied. */
@Override public void visitTABLESWITCH(final TABLESWITCH o) { // "high" must be >= "low". We cannot check this, as BCEL hides // it from us. }
Checks if the constraints of operands of the said instruction(s) are satisfied.
/** Checks if the constraints of operands of the said instruction(s) are satisfied. */
@Override public void visitPUTSTATIC(final PUTSTATIC o) { try { final String field_name = o.getFieldName(constantPoolGen); final JavaClass jc = Repository.lookupClass(getObjectType(o).getClassName()); final Field[] fields = jc.getFields(); Field f = null; for (final Field field : fields) { if (field.getName().equals(field_name)) { f = field; break; } } if (f == null) { throw new AssertionViolatedException("Field '" + field_name + "' not found in " + jc.getClassName()); } if (f.isFinal()) { if (!(myOwner.getClassName().equals(getObjectType(o).getClassName()))) { constraintViolated(o, "Referenced field '"+f+"' is final and must therefore be declared in the current class '"+ myOwner.getClassName()+"' which is not the case: it is declared in '"+o.getReferenceType(constantPoolGen)+"'."); } } if (! (f.isStatic())) { constraintViolated(o, "Referenced field '"+f+"' is not static which it should be."); } final String meth_name = Repository.lookupClass(myOwner.getClassName()).getMethods()[method_no].getName(); // If it's an interface, it can be set only in <clinit>. if ((!(jc.isClass())) && (!(meth_name.equals(Const.STATIC_INITIALIZER_NAME)))) { constraintViolated(o, "Interface field '"+f+"' must be set in a '"+Const.STATIC_INITIALIZER_NAME+"' method."); } } catch (final ClassNotFoundException e) { // FIXME: maybe not the best way to handle this throw new AssertionViolatedException("Missing class: " + e, e); } }
Checks if the constraints of operands of the said instruction(s) are satisfied.
/** Checks if the constraints of operands of the said instruction(s) are satisfied. */
@Override public void visitGETSTATIC(final GETSTATIC o) { try { final String field_name = o.getFieldName(constantPoolGen); final JavaClass jc = Repository.lookupClass(getObjectType(o).getClassName()); final Field[] fields = jc.getFields(); Field f = null; for (final Field field : fields) { if (field.getName().equals(field_name)) { f = field; break; } } if (f == null) { throw new AssertionViolatedException("Field '" + field_name + "' not found in " + jc.getClassName()); } if (! (f.isStatic())) { constraintViolated(o, "Referenced field '"+f+"' is not static which it should be."); } } catch (final ClassNotFoundException e) { // FIXME: maybe not the best way to handle this throw new AssertionViolatedException("Missing class: " + e, e); } } /* Checks if the constraints of operands of the said instruction(s) are satisfied. */ //public void visitPUTFIELD(PUTFIELD o) { // for performance reasons done in Pass 3b //} /* Checks if the constraints of operands of the said instruction(s) are satisfied. */ //public void visitGETFIELD(GETFIELD o) { // for performance reasons done in Pass 3b //}
Checks if the constraints of operands of the said instruction(s) are satisfied.
/** Checks if the constraints of operands of the said instruction(s) are satisfied. */
@Override public void visitINVOKEDYNAMIC(final INVOKEDYNAMIC o) { throw new RuntimeException("INVOKEDYNAMIC instruction is not supported at this time"); }
Checks if the constraints of operands of the said instruction(s) are satisfied.
/** Checks if the constraints of operands of the said instruction(s) are satisfied. */
@Override public void visitINVOKEINTERFACE(final INVOKEINTERFACE o) { try { // INVOKEINTERFACE is a LoadClass; the Class where the referenced method is declared in, // is therefore resolved/verified. // INVOKEINTERFACE is an InvokeInstruction, the argument and return types are resolved/verified, // too. So are the allowed method names. final String classname = o.getClassName(constantPoolGen); final JavaClass jc = Repository.lookupClass(classname); final Method m = getMethodRecursive(jc, o); if (m == null) { constraintViolated(o, "Referenced method '"+o.getMethodName(constantPoolGen)+"' with expected signature '"+o.getSignature(constantPoolGen)+ "' not found in class '"+jc.getClassName()+"'."); } if (jc.isClass()) { constraintViolated(o, "Referenced class '"+jc.getClassName()+"' is a class, but not an interface as expected."); } } catch (final ClassNotFoundException e) { // FIXME: maybe not the best way to handle this throw new AssertionViolatedException("Missing class: " + e, e); } }
Looks for the method referenced by the given invoke instruction in the given class or its super classes and super interfaces.
  • jc – the class that defines the referenced method
  • invoke – the instruction that references the method
Returns:the referenced method or null if not found.
/** * Looks for the method referenced by the given invoke instruction in the given class * or its super classes and super interfaces. * @param jc the class that defines the referenced method * @param invoke the instruction that references the method * @return the referenced method or null if not found. */
private Method getMethodRecursive(final JavaClass jc, final InvokeInstruction invoke) throws ClassNotFoundException{ Method m; //look in the given class m = getMethod(jc, invoke); if(m != null) { //method found in given class return m; } //method not found, look in super classes for (final JavaClass superclass : jc.getSuperClasses()) { m = getMethod(superclass, invoke); if(m != null) { //method found in super class return m; } } //method not found, look in super interfaces for (final JavaClass superclass : jc.getInterfaces()) { m = getMethod(superclass, invoke); if(m != null) { //method found in super interface return m; } } //method not found in the hierarchy return null; }
Looks for the method referenced by the given invoke instruction in the given class.
  • jc – the class that defines the referenced method
  • invoke – the instruction that references the method
Returns:the referenced method or null if not found.
/** * Looks for the method referenced by the given invoke instruction in the given class. * @param jc the class that defines the referenced method * @param invoke the instruction that references the method * @return the referenced method or null if not found. */
private Method getMethod(final JavaClass jc, final InvokeInstruction invoke) { final Method[] ms = jc.getMethods(); for (final Method element : ms) { if ( (element.getName().equals(invoke.getMethodName(constantPoolGen))) && (Type.getReturnType(element.getSignature()).equals(invoke.getReturnType(constantPoolGen))) && (objarrayequals(Type.getArgumentTypes(element.getSignature()), invoke.getArgumentTypes(constantPoolGen))) ) { return element; } } return null; }
Checks if the constraints of operands of the said instruction(s) are satisfied.
/** Checks if the constraints of operands of the said instruction(s) are satisfied. */
@Override public void visitINVOKESPECIAL(final INVOKESPECIAL o) { try { // INVOKESPECIAL is a LoadClass; the Class where the referenced method is declared in, // is therefore resolved/verified. // INVOKESPECIAL is an InvokeInstruction, the argument and return types are resolved/verified, // too. So are the allowed method names. final String classname = o.getClassName(constantPoolGen); final JavaClass jc = Repository.lookupClass(classname); final Method m = getMethodRecursive(jc, o); if (m == null) { constraintViolated(o, "Referenced method '"+o.getMethodName(constantPoolGen)+"' with expected signature '"+o.getSignature(constantPoolGen) +"' not found in class '"+jc.getClassName()+"'."); } JavaClass current = Repository.lookupClass(myOwner.getClassName()); if (current.isSuper()) { if ((Repository.instanceOf( current, jc )) && (!current.equals(jc))) { if (! (o.getMethodName(constantPoolGen).equals(Const.CONSTRUCTOR_NAME) )) { // Special lookup procedure for ACC_SUPER classes. int supidx = -1; Method meth = null; while (supidx != 0) { supidx = current.getSuperclassNameIndex(); current = Repository.lookupClass(current.getSuperclassName()); final Method[] meths = current.getMethods(); for (final Method meth2 : meths) { if ( (meth2.getName().equals(o.getMethodName(constantPoolGen))) && (Type.getReturnType(meth2.getSignature()).equals(o.getReturnType(constantPoolGen))) && (objarrayequals(Type.getArgumentTypes(meth2.getSignature()), o.getArgumentTypes(constantPoolGen))) ) { meth = meth2; break; } } if (meth != null) { break; } } if (meth == null) { constraintViolated(o, "ACC_SUPER special lookup procedure not successful: method '"+ o.getMethodName(constantPoolGen)+"' with proper signature not declared in superclass hierarchy."); } } } } } catch (final ClassNotFoundException e) { // FIXME: maybe not the best way to handle this throw new AssertionViolatedException("Missing class: " + e, e); } }
Checks if the constraints of operands of the said instruction(s) are satisfied.
/** Checks if the constraints of operands of the said instruction(s) are satisfied. */
@Override public void visitINVOKESTATIC(final INVOKESTATIC o) { try { // INVOKESTATIC is a LoadClass; the Class where the referenced method is declared in, // is therefore resolved/verified. // INVOKESTATIC is an InvokeInstruction, the argument and return types are resolved/verified, // too. So are the allowed method names. final String classname = o.getClassName(constantPoolGen); final JavaClass jc = Repository.lookupClass(classname); final Method m = getMethodRecursive(jc, o); if (m == null) { constraintViolated(o, "Referenced method '"+o.getMethodName(constantPoolGen)+"' with expected signature '"+ o.getSignature(constantPoolGen) +"' not found in class '"+jc.getClassName()+"'."); } else if (! (m.isStatic())) { // implies it's not abstract, verified in pass 2. constraintViolated(o, "Referenced method '"+o.getMethodName(constantPoolGen)+"' has ACC_STATIC unset."); } } catch (final ClassNotFoundException e) { // FIXME: maybe not the best way to handle this throw new AssertionViolatedException("Missing class: " + e, e); } }
Checks if the constraints of operands of the said instruction(s) are satisfied.
/** Checks if the constraints of operands of the said instruction(s) are satisfied. */
@Override public void visitINVOKEVIRTUAL(final INVOKEVIRTUAL o) { try { // INVOKEVIRTUAL is a LoadClass; the Class where the referenced method is declared in, // is therefore resolved/verified. // INVOKEVIRTUAL is an InvokeInstruction, the argument and return types are resolved/verified, // too. So are the allowed method names. final String classname = o.getClassName(constantPoolGen); final JavaClass jc = Repository.lookupClass(classname); final Method m = getMethodRecursive(jc, o); if (m == null) { constraintViolated(o, "Referenced method '"+o.getMethodName(constantPoolGen)+"' with expected signature '"+ o.getSignature(constantPoolGen)+"' not found in class '"+jc.getClassName()+"'."); } if (! (jc.isClass())) { constraintViolated(o, "Referenced class '"+jc.getClassName()+"' is an interface, but not a class as expected."); } } catch (final ClassNotFoundException e) { // FIXME: maybe not the best way to handle this throw new AssertionViolatedException("Missing class: " + e, e); } } // WIDE stuff is BCEL-internal and cannot be checked here.
A utility method like equals(Object) for arrays. The equality of the elements is based on their equals(Object) method instead of their object identity.
/** * A utility method like equals(Object) for arrays. * The equality of the elements is based on their equals(Object) * method instead of their object identity. */
private boolean objarrayequals(final Object[] o, final Object[] p) { if (o.length != p.length) { return false; } for (int i=0; i<o.length; i++) { if (! (o[i].equals(p[i])) ) { return false; } } return true; } } }