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package org.apache.tools.ant.taskdefs.cvslib;

import java.io.ByteArrayOutputStream;
import java.util.StringTokenizer;

import org.apache.tools.ant.Project;
import org.apache.tools.ant.taskdefs.AbstractCvsTask;

this task allows to find out the client and the server version of a CVS installation example usage : <cvsversion cvsRoot=":pserver:anoncvs@cvs.apache.org:/home/cvspublic" passfile="c:/programme/cygwin/home/antoine/.cvspass" clientversionproperty="apacheclient" serverversionproperty="apacheserver" /> the task can be used also in the API by calling its execute method, then calling getServerVersion and/or getClientVersion
Since:ant 1.6.1
/** * this task allows to find out the client and the server version of a * CVS installation * * example usage : * &lt;cvsversion * cvsRoot=&quot;:pserver:anoncvs@cvs.apache.org:/home/cvspublic&quot; * passfile=&quot;c:/programme/cygwin/home/antoine/.cvspass&quot; * clientversionproperty=&quot;apacheclient&quot; * serverversionproperty=&quot;apacheserver&quot; /&gt; * * the task can be used also in the API by calling its execute method, * then calling getServerVersion and/or getClientVersion * * @ant.task category="scm" * @since ant 1.6.1 */
public class CvsVersion extends AbstractCvsTask { static final long VERSION_1_11_2 = 11102; static final long MULTIPLY = 100; private String clientVersion; private String serverVersion; private String clientVersionProperty; private String serverVersionProperty;
Get the CVS client version
Returns:CVS client version
/** * Get the CVS client version * @return CVS client version */
public String getClientVersion() { return clientVersion; }
Get the CVS server version
Returns:CVS server version
/** * Get the CVS server version * @return CVS server version */
public String getServerVersion() { return serverVersion; }
Set a property where to store the CVS client version
  • clientVersionProperty – property for CVS client version
/** * Set a property where to store the CVS client version * @param clientVersionProperty property for CVS client version */
public void setClientVersionProperty(String clientVersionProperty) { this.clientVersionProperty = clientVersionProperty; }
Set a property where to store the CVS server version
  • serverVersionProperty – property for CVS server version
/** * Set a property where to store the CVS server version * @param serverVersionProperty property for CVS server version */
public void setServerVersionProperty(String serverVersionProperty) { this.serverVersionProperty = serverVersionProperty; }
Find out if the server version supports log with S option
Returns: boolean indicating if the server version supports log with S option
/** * Find out if the server version supports log with S option * @return boolean indicating if the server version supports log with S option */
public boolean supportsCvsLogWithSOption() { if (serverVersion == null) { return false; } StringTokenizer tokenizer = new StringTokenizer(serverVersion, "."); long counter = MULTIPLY * MULTIPLY; long version = 0; while (tokenizer.hasMoreTokens()) { String s = tokenizer.nextToken(); int i; for (i = 0; i < s.length(); i++) { if (!Character.isDigit(s.charAt(i))) { break; } } String s2 = s.substring(0, i); version += counter * Long.parseLong(s2); if (counter == 1) { break; } counter /= MULTIPLY; } return version >= VERSION_1_11_2; }
the execute method running CvsVersion
/** * the execute method running CvsVersion */
@Override public void execute() { ByteArrayOutputStream bos = new ByteArrayOutputStream(); this.setOutputStream(bos); ByteArrayOutputStream berr = new ByteArrayOutputStream(); this.setErrorStream(berr); setCommand("version"); super.execute(); String output = bos.toString(); log("Received version response \"" + output + "\"", Project.MSG_DEBUG); StringTokenizer st = new StringTokenizer(output); boolean client = false; boolean server = false; String cvs = null; String cachedVersion = null; boolean haveReadAhead = false; while (haveReadAhead || st.hasMoreTokens()) { String currentToken = haveReadAhead ? cachedVersion : st.nextToken(); haveReadAhead = false; if ("Client:".equals(currentToken)) { client = true; } else if ("Server:".equals(currentToken)) { server = true; } else if (currentToken.startsWith("(CVS") && currentToken.endsWith(")")) { cvs = currentToken.length() == 5 ? "" : " " + currentToken; } if (!client && !server && cvs != null && cachedVersion == null && st.hasMoreTokens()) { cachedVersion = st.nextToken(); haveReadAhead = true; } else if (client && cvs != null) { if (st.hasMoreTokens()) { clientVersion = st.nextToken() + cvs; } client = false; cvs = null; } else if (server && cvs != null) { if (st.hasMoreTokens()) { serverVersion = st.nextToken() + cvs; } server = false; cvs = null; } else if ("(client/server)".equals(currentToken) && cvs != null && cachedVersion != null && !client && !server) { client = server = true; clientVersion = serverVersion = cachedVersion + cvs; cachedVersion = cvs = null; } } if (clientVersionProperty != null) { getProject().setNewProperty(clientVersionProperty, clientVersion); } if (serverVersionProperty != null) { getProject().setNewProperty(serverVersionProperty, serverVersion); } } }