 *  Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one or more
 *  contributor license agreements.  See the NOTICE file distributed with
 *  this work for additional information regarding copyright ownership.
 *  The ASF licenses this file to You under the Apache License, Version 2.0
 *  (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with
 *  the License.  You may obtain a copy of the License at
 *      https://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
 *  Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
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 *  limitations under the License.

package org.apache.tools.ant.taskdefs;

import java.io.BufferedReader;
import java.io.BufferedWriter;
import java.io.File;
import java.io.IOException;
import java.io.InputStream;
import java.io.InputStreamReader;
import java.io.OutputStream;
import java.io.OutputStreamWriter;
import java.io.Reader;
import java.io.Writer;
import java.nio.file.Files;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.Comparator;
import java.util.Iterator;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.Properties;

import org.apache.tools.ant.BuildException;
import org.apache.tools.ant.DirectoryScanner;
import org.apache.tools.ant.Project;
import org.apache.tools.ant.types.Resource;
import org.apache.tools.ant.types.ResourceCollection;
import org.apache.tools.ant.types.resources.FileProvider;
import org.apache.tools.ant.types.resources.FileResource;
import org.apache.tools.ant.types.resources.Union;
import org.apache.tools.ant.util.FileUtils;
import org.apache.tools.ant.util.StreamUtils;

Replaces all occurrences of one or more string tokens with given values in the indicated files. Each value can be either a string or the value of a property available in a designated property file. If you want to replace a text that crosses line boundaries, you must use a nested <replacetoken> element.
Since:Ant 1.1
/** * Replaces all occurrences of one or more string tokens with given * values in the indicated files. Each value can be either a string * or the value of a property available in a designated property file. * If you want to replace a text that crosses line boundaries, you * must use a nested <code>&lt;replacetoken&gt;</code> element. * * @since Ant 1.1 * * @ant.task category="filesystem" */
public class Replace extends MatchingTask { private static final FileUtils FILE_UTILS = FileUtils.getFileUtils(); private File sourceFile = null; private NestedString token = null; private NestedString value = new NestedString(); private Resource propertyResource = null; private Resource replaceFilterResource = null; private Properties properties = null; private List<Replacefilter> replacefilters = new ArrayList<>(); private File dir = null; private int fileCount; private int replaceCount; private boolean summary = false;
The encoding used to read and write files - if null, uses default
/** The encoding used to read and write files - if null, uses default */
private String encoding = null; private Union resources; private boolean preserveLastModified = false; private boolean failOnNoReplacements = false;
An inline string to use as the replacement text.
/** * An inline string to use as the replacement text. */
public class NestedString { private boolean expandProperties = false; private StringBuffer buf = new StringBuffer();
Whether properties should be expanded in nested test.

If you use this class via its Java interface the text you add via addText has most likely been expanded already so you do not want to set this to true.

  • b – boolean
Since:Ant 1.8.0
/** * Whether properties should be expanded in nested test. * * <p>If you use this class via its Java interface the text * you add via {@link #addText addText} has most likely been * expanded already so you do <b>not</b> want to set this to * true.</p> * * @param b boolean * @since Ant 1.8.0 */
public void setExpandProperties(boolean b) { expandProperties = b; }
The text of the element.
  • val – the string to add
/** * The text of the element. * * @param val the string to add */
public void addText(String val) { buf.append(val); }
Returns:the text
/** * @return the text */
public String getText() { String s = buf.toString(); return expandProperties ? getProject().replaceProperties(s) : s; } }
A filter to apply.
/** * A filter to apply. */
public class Replacefilter { private NestedString token; private NestedString value; private String replaceValue; private String property; private StringBuffer inputBuffer; private StringBuffer outputBuffer = new StringBuffer();
Validate the filter's configuration.
  • BuildException – if any part is invalid.
/** * Validate the filter's configuration. * @throws BuildException if any part is invalid. */
public void validate() throws BuildException { //Validate mandatory attributes if (token == null) { throw new BuildException( "token is a mandatory for replacefilter."); } if (token.getText().isEmpty()) { throw new BuildException( "The token must not be an empty string."); } //value and property are mutually exclusive attributes if (value != null && property != null) { throw new BuildException( "Either value or property can be specified, but a replacefilter element cannot have both."); } if (property != null) { //the property attribute must have access to a property file if (propertyResource == null) { throw new BuildException( "The replacefilter's property attribute can only be used with the replacetask's propertyFile/Resource attribute."); } //Make sure property exists in property file if (properties == null || properties.getProperty(property) == null) { throw new BuildException( "property \"%s\" was not found in %s", property, propertyResource.getName()); } } replaceValue = getReplaceValue(); }
Get the replacement value for this filter token.
Returns:the replacement value
/** * Get the replacement value for this filter token. * @return the replacement value */
public String getReplaceValue() { if (property != null) { return properties.getProperty(property); } if (value != null) { return value.getText(); } if (Replace.this.value != null) { return Replace.this.value.getText(); } //Default is empty string return ""; }
Set the token to replace.
  • t – String token.
/** * Set the token to replace. * @param t <code>String</code> token. */
public void setToken(String t) { createReplaceToken().addText(t); }
Get the string to search for.
Returns:current String token.
/** * Get the string to search for. * @return current <code>String</code> token. */
public String getToken() { return token.getText(); }
The replacement string; required if property is not set.
  • value – String value to replace.
/** * The replacement string; required if <code>property</code> * is not set. * @param value <code>String</code> value to replace. */
public void setValue(String value) { createReplaceValue().addText(value); }
Get replacement String.
Returns:replacement or null.
/** * Get replacement <code>String</code>. * @return replacement or null. */
public String getValue() { return value.getText(); }
Set the name of the property whose value is to serve as the replacement value; required if value is not set.
  • property – property name.
/** * Set the name of the property whose value is to serve as * the replacement value; required if <code>value</code> is not set. * @param property property name. */
public void setProperty(String property) { this.property = property; }
Get the name of the property whose value is to serve as the replacement value.
Returns:property or null.
/** * Get the name of the property whose value is to serve as * the replacement value. * @return property or null. */
public String getProperty() { return property; }
Create a token to filter as the text of a nested element.
Returns:nested token NestedString to configure.
Since:Ant 1.8.0
/** * Create a token to filter as the text of a nested element. * @return nested token <code>NestedString</code> to configure. * @since Ant 1.8.0 */
public NestedString createReplaceToken() { if (token == null) { token = new NestedString(); } return token; }
Create a string to replace the token as the text of a nested element.
Returns:replacement value NestedString to configure.
Since:Ant 1.8.0
/** * Create a string to replace the token as the text of a nested element. * @return replacement value <code>NestedString</code> to configure. * @since Ant 1.8.0 */
public NestedString createReplaceValue() { if (value == null) { value = new NestedString(); } return value; }
Retrieves the output buffer of this filter. The filter guarantees that data is only appended to the end of this StringBuffer.
Returns:The StringBuffer containing the output of this filter.
/** * Retrieves the output buffer of this filter. The filter guarantees * that data is only appended to the end of this StringBuffer. * @return The StringBuffer containing the output of this filter. */
StringBuffer getOutputBuffer() { return outputBuffer; }
Sets the input buffer for this filter. The filter expects from the component providing the input that data is only added by that component to the end of this StringBuffer. This StringBuffer will be modified by this filter, and expects that another component will only append to this StringBuffer.
  • input – The input for this filter.
/** * Sets the input buffer for this filter. * The filter expects from the component providing the input that data * is only added by that component to the end of this StringBuffer. * This StringBuffer will be modified by this filter, and expects that * another component will only append to this StringBuffer. * @param input The input for this filter. */
void setInputBuffer(StringBuffer input) { inputBuffer = input; }
Processes the buffer as far as possible. Takes into account that appended data may make it possible to replace the end of the already received data, when the token is split over the "old" and the "new" part.
Returns:true if some data has been made available in the output buffer.
/** * Processes the buffer as far as possible. Takes into account that * appended data may make it possible to replace the end of the already * received data, when the token is split over the "old" and the "new" * part. * @return true if some data has been made available in the * output buffer. */
boolean process() { String t = getToken(); if (inputBuffer.length() > t.length()) { int pos = replace(); pos = Math.max(inputBuffer.length() - t.length(), pos); outputBuffer.append(inputBuffer.substring(0, pos)); inputBuffer.delete(0, pos); return true; } return false; }
Processes the buffer to the end. Does not take into account that appended data may make it possible to replace the end of the already received data.
/** * Processes the buffer to the end. Does not take into account that * appended data may make it possible to replace the end of the already * received data. */
void flush() { replace(); outputBuffer.append(inputBuffer); inputBuffer.delete(0, inputBuffer.length()); }
Performs the replace operation.
Returns:The position of the last character that was inserted as replacement.
/** * Performs the replace operation. * @return The position of the last character that was inserted as * replacement. */
private int replace() { String t = getToken(); int found = inputBuffer.indexOf(t); int pos = -1; final int tokenLength = t.length(); final int replaceValueLength = replaceValue.length(); while (found >= 0) { inputBuffer.replace(found, found + tokenLength, replaceValue); pos = found + replaceValueLength; found = inputBuffer.indexOf(t, pos); ++replaceCount; } return pos; } }
Class reading a file in small chunks, and presenting these chunks in a StringBuffer. Compatible with the Replacefilter.
/** * Class reading a file in small chunks, and presenting these chunks in * a StringBuffer. Compatible with the Replacefilter. * @since 1.7 */
private class FileInput implements AutoCloseable { private static final int BUFF_SIZE = 4096; private StringBuffer outputBuffer; private final InputStream is; private Reader reader; private char[] buffer;
Constructs the input component. Opens the file for reading.
  • source – The file to read from.
/** * Constructs the input component. Opens the file for reading. * @param source The file to read from. * @throws IOException When the file cannot be read from. */
FileInput(File source) throws IOException { outputBuffer = new StringBuffer(); buffer = new char[BUFF_SIZE]; is = Files.newInputStream(source.toPath()); try { reader = new BufferedReader( encoding != null ? new InputStreamReader(is, encoding) : new InputStreamReader(is)); } finally { if (reader == null) { is.close(); } } }
Retrieves the output buffer of this filter. The component guarantees that data is only appended to the end of this StringBuffer.
Returns:The StringBuffer containing the output of this filter.
/** * Retrieves the output buffer of this filter. The component guarantees * that data is only appended to the end of this StringBuffer. * @return The StringBuffer containing the output of this filter. */
StringBuffer getOutputBuffer() { return outputBuffer; }
Reads some data from the file.
Returns:true when the end of the file has not been reached.
/** * Reads some data from the file. * @return true when the end of the file has not been reached. * @throws IOException When the file cannot be read from. */
boolean readChunk() throws IOException { int bufferLength = reader.read(buffer); if (bufferLength < 0) { return false; } outputBuffer.append(new String(buffer, 0, bufferLength)); return true; }
Closes the file.
  • IOException – When the file cannot be closed.
/** * Closes the file. * @throws IOException When the file cannot be closed. */
@Override public void close() throws IOException { is.close(); } }
Component writing a file in chunks, taking the chunks from the Replacefilter.
/** * Component writing a file in chunks, taking the chunks from the * Replacefilter. * @since 1.7 */
private class FileOutput implements AutoCloseable { private StringBuffer inputBuffer; private final OutputStream os; private Writer writer;
Constructs the output component. Opens the file for writing.
  • out – The file to read to.
/** * Constructs the output component. Opens the file for writing. * @param out The file to read to. * @throws IOException When the file cannot be read from. */
FileOutput(File out) throws IOException { os = Files.newOutputStream(out.toPath()); try { writer = new BufferedWriter( encoding != null ? new OutputStreamWriter(os, encoding) : new OutputStreamWriter(os)); } finally { if (writer == null) { os.close(); } } }
Sets the input buffer for this component. The filter expects from the component providing the input that data is only added by that component to the end of this StringBuffer. This StringBuffer will be modified by this filter, and expects that another component will only append to this StringBuffer.
  • input – The input for this filter.
/** * Sets the input buffer for this component. * The filter expects from the component providing the input that data * is only added by that component to the end of this StringBuffer. * This StringBuffer will be modified by this filter, and expects that * another component will only append to this StringBuffer. * @param input The input for this filter. */
void setInputBuffer(StringBuffer input) { inputBuffer = input; }
Writes the buffer as far as possible.
Returns:false to be inline with the Replacefilter. (Yes defining an interface crossed my mind, but would publish the internal behavior.)
/** * Writes the buffer as far as possible. * @return false to be inline with the Replacefilter. * (Yes defining an interface crossed my mind, but would publish the * internal behavior.) * @throws IOException when the output cannot be written. */
boolean process() throws IOException { writer.write(inputBuffer.toString()); inputBuffer.delete(0, inputBuffer.length()); return false; }
Processes the buffer to the end.
  • IOException – when the output cannot be flushed.
/** * Processes the buffer to the end. * @throws IOException when the output cannot be flushed. */
void flush() throws IOException { process(); writer.flush(); }
Closes the file.
  • IOException – When the file cannot be closed.
/** * Closes the file. * @throws IOException When the file cannot be closed. */
@Override public void close() throws IOException { os.close(); } }
Do the execution.
  • BuildException – if we can't build
/** * Do the execution. * @throws BuildException if we can't build */
@Override public void execute() throws BuildException { List<Replacefilter> savedFilters = new ArrayList<>(replacefilters); Properties savedProperties = properties == null ? null : (Properties) properties.clone(); if (token != null) { // line separators in values and tokens are "\n" // in order to compare with the file contents, replace them // as needed StringBuilder val = new StringBuilder(value.getText()); stringReplace(val, "\r\n", "\n"); stringReplace(val, "\n", System.lineSeparator()); StringBuilder tok = new StringBuilder(token.getText()); stringReplace(tok, "\r\n", "\n"); stringReplace(tok, "\n", System.lineSeparator()); Replacefilter firstFilter = createPrimaryfilter(); firstFilter.setToken(tok.toString()); firstFilter.setValue(val.toString()); } try { if (replaceFilterResource != null) { final Properties properties = getProperties(replaceFilterResource); StreamUtils.iteratorAsStream(getOrderedIterator(properties)).forEach(tok -> { Replacefilter replaceFilter = createReplacefilter(); replaceFilter.setToken(tok); replaceFilter.setValue(properties.getProperty(tok)); }); } validateAttributes(); if (propertyResource != null) { properties = getProperties(propertyResource); } validateReplacefilters(); fileCount = 0; replaceCount = 0; if (sourceFile != null) { processFile(sourceFile); } if (dir != null) { DirectoryScanner ds = super.getDirectoryScanner(dir); for (String src : ds.getIncludedFiles()) { File file = new File(dir, src); processFile(file); } } if (resources != null) { for (Resource r : resources) { processFile(r.as(FileProvider.class).getFile()); } } if (summary) { log("Replaced " + replaceCount + " occurrences in " + fileCount + " files.", Project.MSG_INFO); } if (failOnNoReplacements && replaceCount == 0) { throw new BuildException("didn't replace anything"); } } finally { replacefilters = savedFilters; properties = savedProperties; } // end of finally }
Validate attributes provided for this task in .xml build file.
  • BuildException – if any supplied attribute is invalid or any mandatory attribute is missing.
/** * Validate attributes provided for this task in .xml build file. * * @exception BuildException if any supplied attribute is invalid or any * mandatory attribute is missing. */
public void validateAttributes() throws BuildException { if (sourceFile == null && dir == null && resources == null) { throw new BuildException( "Either the file or the dir attribute or nested resources must be specified", getLocation()); } if (propertyResource != null && !propertyResource.isExists()) { throw new BuildException("Property file " + propertyResource.getName() + " does not exist.", getLocation()); } if (token == null && replacefilters.isEmpty()) { throw new BuildException( "Either token or a nested replacefilter must be specified", getLocation()); } if (token != null && token.getText().isEmpty()) { throw new BuildException( "The token attribute must not be an empty string.", getLocation()); } }
Validate nested elements.
  • BuildException – if any supplied attribute is invalid or any mandatory attribute is missing.
/** * Validate nested elements. * * @exception BuildException if any supplied attribute is invalid or any * mandatory attribute is missing. */
public void validateReplacefilters() throws BuildException { replacefilters.forEach(Replacefilter::validate); }
Load a properties file.
  • propertyFile – the file to load the properties from.
Returns:loaded Properties object.
/** * Load a properties file. * @param propertyFile the file to load the properties from. * @return loaded <code>Properties</code> object. * @throws BuildException if the file could not be found or read. */
public Properties getProperties(File propertyFile) throws BuildException { return getProperties(new FileResource(getProject(), propertyFile)); }
Load a properties resource.
  • propertyResource – the resource to load the properties from.
Returns:loaded Properties object.
Since:Ant 1.8.0
/** * Load a properties resource. * @param propertyResource the resource to load the properties from. * @return loaded <code>Properties</code> object. * @throws BuildException if the resource could not be found or read. * @since Ant 1.8.0 */
public Properties getProperties(Resource propertyResource) throws BuildException { Properties props = new Properties(); try (InputStream in = propertyResource.getInputStream()) { props.load(in); } catch (IOException e) { throw new BuildException("Property resource (%s) cannot be loaded.", propertyResource.getName()); } return props; }
Perform the replacement on the given file. The replacement is performed on a temporary file which then replaces the original file.
  • src – the source File.
/** * Perform the replacement on the given file. * * The replacement is performed on a temporary file which then * replaces the original file. * * @param src the source <code>File</code>. */
private void processFile(File src) throws BuildException { if (!src.exists()) { throw new BuildException("Replace: source file " + src.getPath() + " doesn't exist", getLocation()); } int repCountStart = replaceCount; logFilterChain(src.getPath()); try { File temp = FILE_UTILS.createTempFile("rep", ".tmp", src.getParentFile(), false, true); try { try (FileInput in = new FileInput(src); FileOutput out = new FileOutput(temp)) { out.setInputBuffer(buildFilterChain(in.getOutputBuffer())); while (in.readChunk()) { if (processFilterChain()) { out.process(); } } flushFilterChain(); out.flush(); } boolean changes = (replaceCount != repCountStart); if (changes) { fileCount++; long origLastModified = src.lastModified(); FILE_UTILS.rename(temp, src); if (preserveLastModified) { FILE_UTILS.setFileLastModified(src, origLastModified); } } } finally { if (temp.isFile() && !temp.delete()) { temp.deleteOnExit(); } } } catch (IOException ioe) { throw new BuildException("IOException in " + src + " - " + ioe.getClass().getName() + ":" + ioe.getMessage(), ioe, getLocation()); } }
Flushes all filters.
/** * Flushes all filters. */
private void flushFilterChain() { replacefilters.forEach(Replacefilter::flush); }
Performs the normal processing of the filters.
Returns:true if the filter chain produced new output.
/** * Performs the normal processing of the filters. * @return true if the filter chain produced new output. */
private boolean processFilterChain() { return replacefilters.stream().allMatch(Replacefilter::process); }
Creates the chain of filters to operate.
  • inputBuffer – StringBuffer containing the input for the first filter.
Returns:StringBuffer containing the output of the last filter.
/** * Creates the chain of filters to operate. * @param inputBuffer <code>StringBuffer</code> containing the input for the * first filter. * @return <code>StringBuffer</code> containing the output of the last filter. */
private StringBuffer buildFilterChain(StringBuffer inputBuffer) { StringBuffer buf = inputBuffer; for (Replacefilter filter : replacefilters) { filter.setInputBuffer(buf); buf = filter.getOutputBuffer(); } return buf; }
Logs the chain of filters to operate on the file.
  • filename – String.
/** * Logs the chain of filters to operate on the file. * @param filename <code>String</code>. */
private void logFilterChain(String filename) { replacefilters .forEach( filter -> log( "Replacing in " + filename + ": " + filter.getToken() + " --> " + filter.getReplaceValue(), Project.MSG_VERBOSE)); }
Set the source file; required unless dir is set.
  • file – source File.
/** * Set the source file; required unless <code>dir</code> is set. * @param file source <code>File</code>. */
public void setFile(File file) { this.sourceFile = file; }
Indicates whether a summary of the replace operation should be produced, detailing how many token occurrences and files were processed; optional, default=false.
  • summary – boolean whether a summary of the replace operation should be logged.
/** * Indicates whether a summary of the replace operation should be * produced, detailing how many token occurrences and files were * processed; optional, default=<code>false</code>. * * @param summary <code>boolean</code> whether a summary of the * replace operation should be logged. */
public void setSummary(boolean summary) { this.summary = summary; }
Sets the name of a property file containing filters; optional. Each property will be treated as a replacefilter where token is the name of the property and value is the value of the property.
  • replaceFilterFile – File to load.
/** * Sets the name of a property file containing filters; optional. * Each property will be treated as a replacefilter where token is the name * of the property and value is the value of the property. * @param replaceFilterFile <code>File</code> to load. */
public void setReplaceFilterFile(File replaceFilterFile) { setReplaceFilterResource(new FileResource(getProject(), replaceFilterFile)); }
Sets the name of a resource containing filters; optional. Each property will be treated as a replacefilter where token is the name of the property and value is the value of the property.
  • replaceFilter – Resource to load.
Since:Ant 1.8.0
/** * Sets the name of a resource containing filters; optional. * Each property will be treated as a replacefilter where token is the name * of the property and value is the value of the property. * @param replaceFilter <code>Resource</code> to load. * @since Ant 1.8.0 */
public void setReplaceFilterResource(Resource replaceFilter) { this.replaceFilterResource = replaceFilter; }
The base directory to use when replacing a token in multiple files; required if file is not defined.
  • dir – File representing the base directory.
/** * The base directory to use when replacing a token in multiple files; * required if <code>file</code> is not defined. * @param dir <code>File</code> representing the base directory. */
public void setDir(File dir) { this.dir = dir; }
Set the string token to replace; required unless a nested replacetoken element or the replacefilterresource attribute is used.
  • token – token String.
/** * Set the string token to replace; required unless a nested * <code>replacetoken</code> element or the * <code>replacefilterresource</code> attribute is used. * @param token token <code>String</code>. */
public void setToken(String token) { createReplaceToken().addText(token); }
Set the string value to use as token replacement; optional, default is the empty string "".
  • value – replacement value.
/** * Set the string value to use as token replacement; * optional, default is the empty string "". * @param value replacement value. */
public void setValue(String value) { createReplaceValue().addText(value); }
Set the file encoding to use on the files read and written by the task; optional, defaults to default JVM encoding.
  • encoding – the encoding to use on the files.
/** * Set the file encoding to use on the files read and written by the task; * optional, defaults to default JVM encoding. * * @param encoding the encoding to use on the files. */
public void setEncoding(String encoding) { this.encoding = encoding; }
Create a token to filter as the text of a nested element.
Returns:nested token NestedString to configure.
/** * Create a token to filter as the text of a nested element. * @return nested token <code>NestedString</code> to configure. */
public NestedString createReplaceToken() { if (token == null) { token = new NestedString(); } return token; }
Create a string to replace the token as the text of a nested element.
Returns:replacement value NestedString to configure.
/** * Create a string to replace the token as the text of a nested element. * @return replacement value <code>NestedString</code> to configure. */
public NestedString createReplaceValue() { return value; }
The name of a property file from which properties specified using nested <replacefilter> elements are drawn; required only if the property attribute of <replacefilter> is used.
  • propertyFile – File to load.
/** * The name of a property file from which properties specified using nested * <code>&lt;replacefilter&gt;</code> elements are drawn; required only if * the <i>property</i> attribute of <code>&lt;replacefilter&gt;</code> is used. * @param propertyFile <code>File</code> to load. */
public void setPropertyFile(File propertyFile) { setPropertyResource(new FileResource(propertyFile)); }
A resource from which properties specified using nested <replacefilter> elements are drawn; required only if the property attribute of <replacefilter> is used.
  • propertyResource – Resource to load.
Since:Ant 1.8.0
/** * A resource from which properties specified using nested * <code>&lt;replacefilter&gt;</code> elements are drawn; required * only if the <i>property</i> attribute of * <code>&lt;replacefilter&gt;</code> is used. * @param propertyResource <code>Resource</code> to load. * * @since Ant 1.8.0 */
public void setPropertyResource(Resource propertyResource) { this.propertyResource = propertyResource; }
Add a nested <replacefilter> element.
Returns:a nested Replacefilter object to be configured.
/** * Add a nested &lt;replacefilter&gt; element. * @return a nested <code>Replacefilter</code> object to be configured. */
public Replacefilter createReplacefilter() { Replacefilter filter = new Replacefilter(); replacefilters.add(filter); return filter; }
Support arbitrary file system based resource collections.
  • rc – ResourceCollection
Since:Ant 1.8.0
/** * Support arbitrary file system based resource collections. * * @param rc ResourceCollection * @since Ant 1.8.0 */
public void addConfigured(ResourceCollection rc) { if (!rc.isFilesystemOnly()) { throw new BuildException("only filesystem resources are supported"); } if (resources == null) { resources = new Union(); } resources.add(rc); }
Whether the file timestamp shall be preserved even if the file is modified.
  • b – boolean
Since:Ant 1.8.0
/** * Whether the file timestamp shall be preserved even if the file * is modified. * * @param b boolean * @since Ant 1.8.0 */
public void setPreserveLastModified(boolean b) { preserveLastModified = b; }
Whether the build should fail if nothing has been replaced.
  • b – boolean
Since:Ant 1.8.0
/** * Whether the build should fail if nothing has been replaced. * * @param b boolean * @since Ant 1.8.0 */
public void setFailOnNoReplacements(boolean b) { failOnNoReplacements = b; }
Adds the token and value as first <replacefilter> element. The token and value are always processed first.
Returns:a nested Replacefilter object to be configured.
/** * Adds the token and value as first &lt;replacefilter&gt; element. * The token and value are always processed first. * @return a nested <code>Replacefilter</code> object to be configured. */
private Replacefilter createPrimaryfilter() { Replacefilter filter = new Replacefilter(); replacefilters.add(0, filter); return filter; }
Replace occurrences of str1 in StringBuffer str with str2.
  • str – StringBuilder
  • str1 – String
  • str2 – String
/** * Replace occurrences of str1 in StringBuffer str with str2. * * @param str StringBuilder * @param str1 String * @param str2 String */
private void stringReplace(StringBuilder str, String str1, String str2) { int found = str.indexOf(str1); final int str1Length = str1.length(); final int str2Length = str2.length(); while (found >= 0) { str.replace(found, found + str1Length, str2); found = str.indexOf(str1, found + str2Length); } }
Sort keys by size so that tokens that are substrings of other strings are tried later.
  • props – Properties
/** * Sort keys by size so that tokens that are substrings of other * strings are tried later. * * @param props Properties */
private Iterator<String> getOrderedIterator(Properties props) { List<String> keys = new ArrayList<>(props.stringPropertyNames()); keys.sort(Comparator.comparingInt(String::length).reversed()); return keys.iterator(); } }