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package org.apache.tools.ant.taskdefs;

import java.io.File;
import java.net.MalformedURLException;
import java.net.URL;
import java.util.Vector;

import org.apache.tools.ant.BuildException;
import org.apache.tools.ant.Project;
import org.apache.tools.ant.ProjectHelper;
import org.apache.tools.ant.ProjectHelperRepository;
import org.apache.tools.ant.Task;
import org.apache.tools.ant.types.Resource;
import org.apache.tools.ant.types.ResourceCollection;
import org.apache.tools.ant.types.resources.FileProvider;
import org.apache.tools.ant.types.resources.FileResource;
import org.apache.tools.ant.types.resources.URLProvider;
import org.apache.tools.ant.types.resources.URLResource;
import org.apache.tools.ant.types.resources.Union;
import org.apache.tools.ant.util.FileUtils;

Task to import another build file into the current project.

It must be 'top level'. On execution it will read another Ant file into the same Project.

Important: Trying to understand how relative file references resolved in deep/complex build hierarchies - such as what happens when an imported file imports another file can be difficult. Use absolute references for enhanced build file stability, especially in the imported files.


<import file="../common-targets.xml"/>

Import targets from a file in a parent directory.

<import file="${deploy-platform}.xml"/>

Import the project defined by the property deploy-platform.

/** * Task to import another build file into the current project. * <p> * It must be 'top level'. On execution it will read another Ant file * into the same Project. * </p> * <p> * <b>Important</b>: Trying to understand how relative file references * resolved in deep/complex build hierarchies - such as what happens * when an imported file imports another file can be difficult. Use absolute references for * enhanced build file stability, especially in the imported files. * </p> * <p>Examples:</p> * <pre> * &lt;import file="../common-targets.xml"/&gt; * </pre> * <p>Import targets from a file in a parent directory.</p> * <pre> * &lt;import file="${deploy-platform}.xml"/&gt; * </pre> * <p>Import the project defined by the property <code>deploy-platform</code>.</p> * * @since Ant1.6 * @ant.task category="control" */
public class ImportTask extends Task { private static final FileUtils FILE_UTILS = FileUtils.getFileUtils(); private String file; private boolean optional; private String targetPrefix = ProjectHelper.USE_PROJECT_NAME_AS_TARGET_PREFIX; private String prefixSeparator = "."; private final Union resources = new Union(); public ImportTask() { resources.setCache(true); }
sets the optional attribute
  • optional – if true ignore files that are not present, default is false
/** * sets the optional attribute * * @param optional if true ignore files that are not present, * default is false */
public void setOptional(boolean optional) { this.optional = optional; }
the name of the file to import. How relative paths are resolved is still in flux: use absolute paths for safety.
  • file – the name of the file
/** * the name of the file to import. How relative paths are resolved is still * in flux: use absolute paths for safety. * @param file the name of the file */
public void setFile(String file) { // I don't think we can use File - different rules // for relative paths. this.file = file; }
The prefix to use when prefixing the imported target names.
  • prefix – String
Since:Ant 1.8.0
/** * The prefix to use when prefixing the imported target names. * * @param prefix String * @since Ant 1.8.0 */
public void setAs(String prefix) { targetPrefix = prefix; }
The separator to use between prefix and target name, default is ".".
  • s – String
Since:Ant 1.8.0
/** * The separator to use between prefix and target name, default is * ".". * * @param s String * @since Ant 1.8.0 */
public void setPrefixSeparator(String s) { prefixSeparator = s; }
The resource to import.
  • r – ResourceCollection
Since:Ant 1.8.0
/** * The resource to import. * * @param r ResourceCollection * @since Ant 1.8.0 */
public void add(ResourceCollection r) { resources.add(r); } @Override public void execute() { if (file == null && resources.isEmpty()) { throw new BuildException( "import requires file attribute or at least one nested resource"); } if (getOwningTarget() == null || !getOwningTarget().getName().isEmpty()) { throw new BuildException("import only allowed as a top-level task"); } ProjectHelper helper = getProject(). getReference(ProjectHelper.PROJECTHELPER_REFERENCE); if (helper == null) { // this happens if the projecthelper was not registered with the project. throw new BuildException("import requires support in ProjectHelper"); } if (helper.getImportStack().isEmpty()) { // this happens if ant is used with a project // helper that doesn't set the import. throw new BuildException("import requires support in ProjectHelper"); } if (getLocation() == null || getLocation().getFileName() == null) { throw new BuildException("Unable to get location of import task"); } Union resourcesToImport = new Union(getProject(), resources); Resource fromFileAttribute = getFileAttributeResource(); if (fromFileAttribute != null) { resources.add(fromFileAttribute); } for (Resource r : resourcesToImport) { importResource(helper, r); } } private void importResource(ProjectHelper helper, Resource importedResource) { getProject().log("Importing file " + importedResource + " from " + getLocation().getFileName(), Project.MSG_VERBOSE); if (!importedResource.isExists()) { String message = "Cannot find " + importedResource + " imported from " + getLocation().getFileName(); if (optional) { getProject().log(message, Project.MSG_VERBOSE); return; } throw new BuildException(message); } if (!isInIncludeMode() && hasAlreadyBeenImported(importedResource, helper.getImportStack())) { getProject().log( "Skipped already imported file:\n " + importedResource + "\n", Project.MSG_VERBOSE); return; } // nested invocations are possible like an imported file // importing another one String oldPrefix = ProjectHelper.getCurrentTargetPrefix(); boolean oldIncludeMode = ProjectHelper.isInIncludeMode(); String oldSep = ProjectHelper.getCurrentPrefixSeparator(); try { String prefix; if (isInIncludeMode() && oldPrefix != null && targetPrefix != null) { prefix = oldPrefix + oldSep + targetPrefix; } else if (isInIncludeMode()) { prefix = targetPrefix; } else if (ProjectHelper.USE_PROJECT_NAME_AS_TARGET_PREFIX.equals(targetPrefix)) { prefix = oldPrefix; } else { prefix = targetPrefix; } setProjectHelperProps(prefix, prefixSeparator, isInIncludeMode()); ProjectHelper subHelper = ProjectHelperRepository.getInstance().getProjectHelperForBuildFile( importedResource); // push current stacks into the sub helper subHelper.getImportStack().addAll(helper.getImportStack()); subHelper.getExtensionStack().addAll(helper.getExtensionStack()); getProject().addReference(ProjectHelper.PROJECTHELPER_REFERENCE, subHelper); subHelper.parse(getProject(), importedResource); // push back the stack from the sub helper to the main one getProject().addReference(ProjectHelper.PROJECTHELPER_REFERENCE, helper); helper.getImportStack().clear(); helper.getImportStack().addAll(subHelper.getImportStack()); helper.getExtensionStack().clear(); helper.getExtensionStack().addAll(subHelper.getExtensionStack()); } catch (BuildException ex) { throw ProjectHelper.addLocationToBuildException( ex, getLocation()); } finally { setProjectHelperProps(oldPrefix, oldSep, oldIncludeMode); } } private Resource getFileAttributeResource() { // Paths are relative to the build file they're imported from, // *not* the current directory (same as entity includes). if (file != null) { if (isExistingAbsoluteFile(file)) { return new FileResource(FILE_UTILS.normalize(file)); } File buildFile = new File(getLocation().getFileName()).getAbsoluteFile(); if (buildFile.exists()) { File buildFileParent = new File(buildFile.getParent()); File importedFile = FILE_UTILS.resolveFile(buildFileParent, file); return new FileResource(importedFile); } // maybe this import tasks is inside an imported URL? try { URL buildFileURL = new URL(getLocation().getFileName()); URL importedFile = new URL(buildFileURL, file); return new URLResource(importedFile); } catch (MalformedURLException ex) { log(ex.toString(), Project.MSG_VERBOSE); } throw new BuildException("failed to resolve %s relative to %s", file, getLocation().getFileName()); } return null; } private boolean isExistingAbsoluteFile(String name) { File f = new File(name); return f.isAbsolute() && f.exists(); } private boolean hasAlreadyBeenImported(Resource importedResource, Vector<Object> importStack) { File importedFile = importedResource.asOptional(FileProvider.class) .map(FileProvider::getFile).orElse(null); URL importedURL = importedResource.asOptional(URLProvider.class) .map(URLProvider::getURL).orElse(null); return importStack.stream().anyMatch( o -> isOneOf(o, importedResource, importedFile, importedURL)); } private boolean isOneOf(Object o, Resource importedResource, File importedFile, URL importedURL) { if (o.equals(importedResource) || o.equals(importedFile) || o.equals(importedURL)) { return true; } if (o instanceof Resource) { if (importedFile != null) { FileProvider fp = ((Resource) o).as(FileProvider.class); if (fp != null && fp.getFile().equals(importedFile)) { return true; } } if (importedURL != null) { URLProvider up = ((Resource) o).as(URLProvider.class); return up != null && up.getURL().equals(importedURL); } } return false; }
Whether the task is in include (as opposed to import) mode.

In include mode included targets are only known by their prefixed names and their depends lists get rewritten so that all dependencies get the prefix as well.

In import mode imported targets are known by an adorned as well as a prefixed name and the unadorned target may be overwritten in the importing build file. The depends list of the imported targets is not modified at all.

Since:Ant 1.8.0
/** * Whether the task is in include (as opposed to import) mode. * * <p>In include mode included targets are only known by their * prefixed names and their depends lists get rewritten so that * all dependencies get the prefix as well.</p> * * <p>In import mode imported targets are known by an adorned as * well as a prefixed name and the unadorned target may be * overwritten in the importing build file. The depends list of * the imported targets is not modified at all.</p> * * @return boolean * @since Ant 1.8.0 */
protected final boolean isInIncludeMode() { return "include".equals(getTaskType()); }
Sets a bunch of Thread-local ProjectHelper properties.
  • prefix – String
  • prefixSep – String
  • inIncludeMode – boolean
Since:Ant 1.8.0
/** * Sets a bunch of Thread-local ProjectHelper properties. * * @param prefix String * @param prefixSep String * @param inIncludeMode boolean * @since Ant 1.8.0 */
private static void setProjectHelperProps(String prefix, String prefixSep, boolean inIncludeMode) { ProjectHelper.setCurrentTargetPrefix(prefix); ProjectHelper.setCurrentPrefixSeparator(prefixSep); ProjectHelper.setInIncludeMode(inIncludeMode); } }