 *  Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one or more
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 *  this work for additional information regarding copyright ownership.
 *  The ASF licenses this file to You under the Apache License, Version 2.0
 *  (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with
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package org.apache.tools.ant.filters;

import java.io.File;
import java.io.IOException;
import java.io.InputStream;
import java.io.Reader;
import java.util.Hashtable;
import java.util.Map;
import java.util.Properties;
import java.util.SortedMap;
import java.util.TreeMap;

import org.apache.tools.ant.Project;
import org.apache.tools.ant.types.Parameter;
import org.apache.tools.ant.types.Resource;
import org.apache.tools.ant.types.resources.FileResource;
import org.apache.tools.ant.util.FileUtils;

Replaces tokens in the original input with user-supplied values. Example:
<replacetokens begintoken="#" endtoken="#">
  <token key="DATE" value="${TODAY}"/>
<filterreader classname="org.apache.tools.ant.filters.ReplaceTokens">
  <param type="tokenchar" name="begintoken" value="#"/>
  <param type="tokenchar" name="endtoken" value="#"/>
  <param type="token" name="DATE" value="${TODAY}"/>
/** * Replaces tokens in the original input with user-supplied values. * * Example: * * <pre>&lt;replacetokens begintoken=&quot;#&quot; endtoken=&quot;#&quot;&gt; * &lt;token key=&quot;DATE&quot; value=&quot;${TODAY}&quot;/&gt; * &lt;/replacetokens&gt;</pre> * * Or: * * <pre>&lt;filterreader classname="org.apache.tools.ant.filters.ReplaceTokens"&gt; * &lt;param type="tokenchar" name="begintoken" value="#"/&gt; * &lt;param type="tokenchar" name="endtoken" value="#"/&gt; * &lt;param type="token" name="DATE" value="${TODAY}"/&gt; * &lt;/filterreader&gt;</pre> * */
public final class ReplaceTokens extends BaseParamFilterReader implements ChainableReader {
Default "begin token" character.
/** Default "begin token" character. */
private static final String DEFAULT_BEGIN_TOKEN = "@";
Default "end token" character.
/** Default "end token" character. */
private static final String DEFAULT_END_TOKEN = "@";
Hashtable to holds the original replacee-replacer pairs (String to String).
/** Hashtable to holds the original replacee-replacer pairs (String to String). */
private Hashtable<String, String> hash = new Hashtable<>();
This map holds the "resolved" tokens (begin- and end-tokens are added to make searching simpler)
/** This map holds the "resolved" tokens (begin- and end-tokens are added to make searching simpler) */
private final TreeMap<String, String> resolvedTokens = new TreeMap<>(); private boolean resolvedTokensBuilt = false;
Used for comparisons and lookup into the resolvedTokens map.
/** Used for comparisons and lookup into the resolvedTokens map. */
private String readBuffer = "";
replacement test from a token
/** replacement test from a token */
private String replaceData = null;
Index into replacement data
/** Index into replacement data */
private int replaceIndex = -1;
Character marking the beginning of a token.
/** Character marking the beginning of a token. */
private String beginToken = DEFAULT_BEGIN_TOKEN;
Character marking the end of a token.
/** Character marking the end of a token. */
private String endToken = DEFAULT_END_TOKEN;
Constructor for "dummy" instances.
See Also:
  • BaseFilterReader.BaseFilterReader()
/** * Constructor for "dummy" instances. * * @see BaseFilterReader#BaseFilterReader() */
public ReplaceTokens() { }
Creates a new filtered reader.
  • in – A Reader object providing the underlying stream. Must not be null.
/** * Creates a new filtered reader. * * @param in A Reader object providing the underlying stream. * Must not be <code>null</code>. */
public ReplaceTokens(final Reader in) { super(in); }
Returns the next character in the filtered stream, replacing tokens from the original stream.
  • IOException – if the underlying stream throws an IOException during reading
Returns:the next character in the resulting stream, or -1 if the end of the resulting stream has been reached
/** * Returns the next character in the filtered stream, replacing tokens * from the original stream. * * @return the next character in the resulting stream, or -1 * if the end of the resulting stream has been reached * * @exception IOException if the underlying stream throws an IOException * during reading */
public int read() throws IOException { if (!getInitialized()) { initialize(); setInitialized(true); } if (!resolvedTokensBuilt) { // build the resolved tokens tree map. for (Map.Entry<String, String> entry : hash.entrySet()) { resolvedTokens.put(beginToken + entry.getKey() + endToken, entry.getValue()); } resolvedTokensBuilt = true; } // are we currently serving replace data? if (replaceData != null) { if (replaceIndex < replaceData.length()) { return replaceData.charAt(replaceIndex++); } else { replaceData = null; } } // is the read buffer empty? if (readBuffer.isEmpty()) { int next = in.read(); if (next == -1) { return next; // end of stream. all buffers empty. } readBuffer += (char) next; } for (;;) { // get the closest tokens SortedMap<String, String> possibleTokens = resolvedTokens.tailMap(readBuffer); if (possibleTokens.isEmpty() || !possibleTokens.firstKey().startsWith(readBuffer)) { // if there is none, then deliver the first char from the buffer. return getFirstCharacterFromReadBuffer(); } else if (readBuffer.equals(possibleTokens.firstKey())) { // there exists a nearest token - is it an exact match? // we have found a token. prepare the replaceData buffer. replaceData = resolvedTokens.get(readBuffer); replaceIndex = 0; readBuffer = ""; // destroy the readBuffer - it's contents are being replaced entirely. // get the first character via recursive call. return read(); } else { // nearest token is not matching exactly - read one character more. int next = in.read(); if (next != -1) { readBuffer += (char) next; } else { return getFirstCharacterFromReadBuffer(); // end of stream. deliver remaining characters from buffer. } } } }
Returns:the first character from the read buffer or -1 if read buffer is empty.
/** * @return the first character from the read buffer or -1 if read buffer is empty. */
private int getFirstCharacterFromReadBuffer() { if (readBuffer.isEmpty()) { return -1; } int chr = readBuffer.charAt(0); readBuffer = readBuffer.substring(1); return chr; }
Sets the "begin token" character.
  • beginToken – the character used to denote the beginning of a token
/** * Sets the "begin token" character. * * @param beginToken the character used to denote the beginning of a token */
public void setBeginToken(final String beginToken) { this.beginToken = beginToken; }
Returns the "begin token" character.
Returns:the character used to denote the beginning of a token
/** * Returns the "begin token" character. * * @return the character used to denote the beginning of a token */
private String getBeginToken() { return beginToken; }
Sets the "end token" character.
  • endToken – the character used to denote the end of a token
/** * Sets the "end token" character. * * @param endToken the character used to denote the end of a token */
public void setEndToken(final String endToken) { this.endToken = endToken; }
Returns the "end token" character.
Returns:the character used to denote the end of a token
/** * Returns the "end token" character. * * @return the character used to denote the end of a token */
private String getEndToken() { return endToken; }
A resource containing properties, each of which is interpreted as a token/value pair.
  • r – Resource
Since:Ant 1.8.0
/** * A resource containing properties, each of which is interpreted * as a token/value pair. * * @param r Resource * @since Ant 1.8.0 */
public void setPropertiesResource(Resource r) { makeTokensFromProperties(r); }
Adds a token element to the map of tokens to replace.
  • token – The token to add to the map of replacements. Must not be null.
/** * Adds a token element to the map of tokens to replace. * * @param token The token to add to the map of replacements. * Must not be <code>null</code>. */
public void addConfiguredToken(final Token token) { hash.put(token.getKey(), token.getValue()); resolvedTokensBuilt = false; // invalidate to build them again if they have been built already. }
Returns properties from a specified properties file.
  • resource – The resource to load properties from.
/** * Returns properties from a specified properties file. * * @param resource The resource to load properties from. */
private Properties getProperties(Resource resource) { InputStream in = null; Properties props = new Properties(); try { in = resource.getInputStream(); props.load(in); } catch (IOException ioe) { if (getProject() != null) { getProject().log("getProperties failed, " + ioe.getMessage(), Project.MSG_ERR); } else { ioe.printStackTrace(); //NOSONAR } } finally { FileUtils.close(in); } return props; }
Sets the map of tokens to replace.
  • hash – A map (String->String) of token keys to replacement values. Must not be null.
/** * Sets the map of tokens to replace. * * @param hash A map (String->String) of token keys to replacement * values. Must not be <code>null</code>. */
private void setTokens(final Hashtable<String, String> hash) { this.hash = hash; }
Returns the map of tokens which will be replaced.
Returns:a map (String->String) of token keys to replacement values
/** * Returns the map of tokens which will be replaced. * * @return a map (String->String) of token keys to replacement * values */
private Hashtable<String, String> getTokens() { return hash; }
Creates a new ReplaceTokens using the passed in Reader for instantiation.
  • rdr – A Reader object providing the underlying stream. Must not be null.
Returns:a new filter based on this configuration, but filtering the specified reader
/** * Creates a new ReplaceTokens using the passed in * Reader for instantiation. * * @param rdr A Reader object providing the underlying stream. * Must not be <code>null</code>. * * @return a new filter based on this configuration, but filtering * the specified reader */
public Reader chain(final Reader rdr) { ReplaceTokens newFilter = new ReplaceTokens(rdr); newFilter.setBeginToken(getBeginToken()); newFilter.setEndToken(getEndToken()); newFilter.setTokens(getTokens()); newFilter.setInitialized(true); return newFilter; }
Initializes tokens and loads the replacee-replacer hashtable.
/** * Initializes tokens and loads the replacee-replacer hashtable. */
private void initialize() { Parameter[] params = getParameters(); if (params != null) { for (Parameter param : params) { if (param != null) { final String type = param.getType(); if ("tokenchar".equals(type)) { final String name = param.getName(); if ("begintoken".equals(name)) { beginToken = param.getValue(); } else if ("endtoken".equals(name)) { endToken = param.getValue(); } } else if ("token".equals(type)) { final String name = param.getName(); final String value = param.getValue(); hash.put(name, value); } else if ("propertiesfile".equals(type)) { makeTokensFromProperties( new FileResource(new File(param.getValue()))); } } } } } private void makeTokensFromProperties(Resource r) { Properties props = getProperties(r); props.stringPropertyNames().forEach(key -> hash.put(key, props.getProperty(key))); }
Holds a token
/** * Holds a token */
public static class Token {
Token key
/** Token key */
private String key;
Token value
/** Token value */
private String value;
Sets the token key
  • key – The key for this token. Must not be null.
/** * Sets the token key * * @param key The key for this token. Must not be <code>null</code>. */
public final void setKey(String key) { this.key = key; }
Sets the token value
  • value – The value for this token. Must not be null.
/** * Sets the token value * * @param value The value for this token. Must not be <code>null</code>. */
public final void setValue(String value) { this.value = value; }
Returns the key for this token.
Returns:the key for this token
/** * Returns the key for this token. * * @return the key for this token */
public final String getKey() { return key; }
Returns the value for this token.
Returns:the value for this token
/** * Returns the value for this token. * * @return the value for this token */
public final String getValue() { return value; } } }