 * Copyright (c) 2012-2017 The ANTLR Project. All rights reserved.
 * Use of this file is governed by the BSD 3-clause license that
 * can be found in the LICENSE.txt file in the project root.

package org.antlr.v4.runtime.atn;

import org.antlr.v4.runtime.misc.MurmurHash;
import org.antlr.v4.runtime.misc.ObjectEqualityComparator;

public class LexerATNConfig extends ATNConfig {
This is the backing field for getLexerActionExecutor.
/** * This is the backing field for {@link #getLexerActionExecutor}. */
private final LexerActionExecutor lexerActionExecutor; private final boolean passedThroughNonGreedyDecision; public LexerATNConfig(ATNState state, int alt, PredictionContext context) { super(state, alt, context, SemanticContext.NONE); this.passedThroughNonGreedyDecision = false; this.lexerActionExecutor = null; } public LexerATNConfig(ATNState state, int alt, PredictionContext context, LexerActionExecutor lexerActionExecutor) { super(state, alt, context, SemanticContext.NONE); this.lexerActionExecutor = lexerActionExecutor; this.passedThroughNonGreedyDecision = false; } public LexerATNConfig(LexerATNConfig c, ATNState state) { super(c, state, c.context, c.semanticContext); this.lexerActionExecutor = c.lexerActionExecutor; this.passedThroughNonGreedyDecision = checkNonGreedyDecision(c, state); } public LexerATNConfig(LexerATNConfig c, ATNState state, LexerActionExecutor lexerActionExecutor) { super(c, state, c.context, c.semanticContext); this.lexerActionExecutor = lexerActionExecutor; this.passedThroughNonGreedyDecision = checkNonGreedyDecision(c, state); } public LexerATNConfig(LexerATNConfig c, ATNState state, PredictionContext context) { super(c, state, context, c.semanticContext); this.lexerActionExecutor = c.lexerActionExecutor; this.passedThroughNonGreedyDecision = checkNonGreedyDecision(c, state); }
Gets the LexerActionExecutor capable of executing the embedded action(s) for the current configuration.
/** * Gets the {@link LexerActionExecutor} capable of executing the embedded * action(s) for the current configuration. */
public final LexerActionExecutor getLexerActionExecutor() { return lexerActionExecutor; } public final boolean hasPassedThroughNonGreedyDecision() { return passedThroughNonGreedyDecision; } @Override public int hashCode() { int hashCode = MurmurHash.initialize(7); hashCode = MurmurHash.update(hashCode, state.stateNumber); hashCode = MurmurHash.update(hashCode, alt); hashCode = MurmurHash.update(hashCode, context); hashCode = MurmurHash.update(hashCode, semanticContext); hashCode = MurmurHash.update(hashCode, passedThroughNonGreedyDecision ? 1 : 0); hashCode = MurmurHash.update(hashCode, lexerActionExecutor); hashCode = MurmurHash.finish(hashCode, 6); return hashCode; } @Override public boolean equals(ATNConfig other) { if (this == other) { return true; } else if (!(other instanceof LexerATNConfig)) { return false; } LexerATNConfig lexerOther = (LexerATNConfig)other; if (passedThroughNonGreedyDecision != lexerOther.passedThroughNonGreedyDecision) { return false; } if (!ObjectEqualityComparator.INSTANCE.equals(lexerActionExecutor, lexerOther.lexerActionExecutor)) { return false; } return super.equals(other); } private static boolean checkNonGreedyDecision(LexerATNConfig source, ATNState target) { return source.passedThroughNonGreedyDecision || target instanceof DecisionState && ((DecisionState)target).nonGreedy; } }