 * Copyright 2014 - 2020 Rafael Winterhalter
 * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
 * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
 * You may obtain a copy of the License at
 *     http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
 * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
 * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
 * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
 * limitations under the License.
package net.bytebuddy;

import net.bytebuddy.build.HashCodeAndEqualsPlugin;
import net.bytebuddy.description.annotation.AnnotationDescription;
import net.bytebuddy.description.annotation.AnnotationValue;
import net.bytebuddy.description.field.FieldDescription;
import net.bytebuddy.description.method.MethodDescription;
import net.bytebuddy.description.method.ParameterDescription;
import net.bytebuddy.description.modifier.*;
import net.bytebuddy.description.type.*;
import net.bytebuddy.dynamic.*;
import net.bytebuddy.dynamic.scaffold.*;
import net.bytebuddy.dynamic.scaffold.inline.DecoratingDynamicTypeBuilder;
import net.bytebuddy.dynamic.scaffold.inline.MethodNameTransformer;
import net.bytebuddy.dynamic.scaffold.inline.RebaseDynamicTypeBuilder;
import net.bytebuddy.dynamic.scaffold.inline.RedefinitionDynamicTypeBuilder;
import net.bytebuddy.dynamic.scaffold.subclass.ConstructorStrategy;
import net.bytebuddy.dynamic.scaffold.subclass.SubclassDynamicTypeBuilder;
import net.bytebuddy.implementation.Implementation;
import net.bytebuddy.implementation.MethodCall;
import net.bytebuddy.implementation.SuperMethodCall;
import net.bytebuddy.implementation.attribute.AnnotationRetention;
import net.bytebuddy.implementation.attribute.AnnotationValueFilter;
import net.bytebuddy.implementation.attribute.MethodAttributeAppender;
import net.bytebuddy.implementation.auxiliary.AuxiliaryType;
import net.bytebuddy.implementation.bytecode.ByteCodeAppender;
import net.bytebuddy.implementation.bytecode.Duplication;
import net.bytebuddy.implementation.bytecode.StackManipulation;
import net.bytebuddy.implementation.bytecode.TypeCreation;
import net.bytebuddy.implementation.bytecode.assign.Assigner;
import net.bytebuddy.implementation.bytecode.assign.TypeCasting;
import net.bytebuddy.implementation.bytecode.collection.ArrayFactory;
import net.bytebuddy.implementation.bytecode.constant.IntegerConstant;
import net.bytebuddy.implementation.bytecode.constant.TextConstant;
import net.bytebuddy.implementation.bytecode.member.FieldAccess;
import net.bytebuddy.implementation.bytecode.member.MethodInvocation;
import net.bytebuddy.implementation.bytecode.member.MethodReturn;
import net.bytebuddy.implementation.bytecode.member.MethodVariableAccess;
import net.bytebuddy.matcher.ElementMatcher;
import net.bytebuddy.matcher.LatentMatcher;
import net.bytebuddy.utility.CompoundList;
import net.bytebuddy.utility.JavaConstant;
import net.bytebuddy.utility.JavaType;
import org.objectweb.asm.MethodVisitor;
import org.objectweb.asm.Opcodes;

import java.lang.annotation.Annotation;
import java.lang.annotation.ElementType;
import java.lang.reflect.Type;
import java.util.*;

import static net.bytebuddy.matcher.ElementMatchers.*;

Instances of this class serve as a focus point for configuration of the library's behavior and as an entry point to any form of code generation using the library. For this purpose, Byte Buddy offers a fluent API which allows for the step-wise generation of a new Java type. A type is generated either by:
  • Subclassing some type: A subclass - as the name suggests - extends another, existing Java type. Virtual members of the generated type's super types can be overridden. Subclasses can also be interface extensions of one or several interfaces.
  • Redefining a type: By redefining a type, it is not only possible to override virtual methods of the redefined type but also to redefine existing methods. This way, it is also possible to change the behavior of non-virtual methods and constructors of the redefined type.
  • Rebasing a type: Rebasing a type works similar to creating a subclass, i.e. any method being overridden is still capable of invoking any original code of the rebased type. Any rebased method is however inlined into the rebased type and any original code is preserved automatically. This way, the type's identity does not change.
Byte Buddy's API does not change when a type is rebased, redefined or subclassed. All types are created via the Builder interface. Byte Buddy's API is expressed by fully immutable components and is therefore thread-safe. As a consequence, method calls must be chained for all of Byte Buddy's component, e.g. a method call like the following has no effect:
ByteBuddy byteBuddy = new ByteBuddy();
Instead, the following method chain is correct use of the API:
ByteBuddy byteBuddy = new ByteBuddy().foo();

For the creation of Java agents, Byte Buddy offers a convenience API implemented by the AgentBuilder. The API wraps a ByteBuddy instance and offers agent-specific configuration opportunities by integrating against the Instrumentation API.

See Also:
/** * Instances of this class serve as a focus point for configuration of the library's behavior and as an entry point * to any form of code generation using the library. For this purpose, Byte Buddy offers a fluent API which allows * for the step-wise generation of a new Java type. A type is generated either by: * <ul> * <li><b>Subclassing</b> some type: A subclass - as the name suggests - extends another, existing Java type. Virtual * members of the generated type's super types can be overridden. Subclasses can also be interface extensions of one * or several interfaces.</li> * <li><b>Redefining</b> a type: By redefining a type, it is not only possible to override virtual methods of the * redefined type but also to redefine existing methods. This way, it is also possible to change the behavior of * non-virtual methods and constructors of the redefined type.</li> * <li><b>Rebasing</b> a type: Rebasing a type works similar to creating a subclass, i.e. any method being overridden * is still capable of invoking any original code of the rebased type. Any rebased method is however inlined into the * rebased type and any original code is preserved automatically. This way, the type's identity does not change.</li> * </ul> * Byte Buddy's API does not change when a type is rebased, redefined or subclassed. All types are created via the * {@link net.bytebuddy.dynamic.DynamicType.Builder} interface. Byte Buddy's API is expressed by fully immutable * components and is therefore thread-safe. As a consequence, method calls must be chained for all of Byte Buddy's * component, e.g. a method call like the following has no effect: * <pre> * ByteBuddy byteBuddy = new ByteBuddy(); * byteBuddy.foo()</pre> * Instead, the following method chain is correct use of the API: * <pre> * ByteBuddy byteBuddy = new ByteBuddy().foo();</pre> * <p> * For the creation of Java agents, Byte Buddy offers a convenience API implemented by the * {@link net.bytebuddy.agent.builder.AgentBuilder}. The API wraps a {@link ByteBuddy} instance and offers agent-specific * configuration opportunities by integrating against the {@link java.lang.instrument.Instrumentation} API. * </p> * * @see net.bytebuddy.agent.builder.AgentBuilder */
@HashCodeAndEqualsPlugin.Enhance public class ByteBuddy {
The default prefix for the default NamingStrategy.
/** * The default prefix for the default {@link net.bytebuddy.NamingStrategy}. */
private static final String BYTE_BUDDY_DEFAULT_PREFIX = "ByteBuddy";
The default suffix when defining a NamingStrategy.
/** * The default suffix when defining a {@link AuxiliaryType.NamingStrategy}. */
private static final String BYTE_BUDDY_DEFAULT_SUFFIX = "auxiliary";
The class file version to use for types that are not based on an existing class file.
/** * The class file version to use for types that are not based on an existing class file. */
protected final ClassFileVersion classFileVersion;
The naming strategy to use.
/** * The naming strategy to use. */
protected final NamingStrategy namingStrategy;
The naming strategy to use for naming auxiliary types.
/** * The naming strategy to use for naming auxiliary types. */
protected final AuxiliaryType.NamingStrategy auxiliaryTypeNamingStrategy;
The annotation value filter factory to use.
/** * The annotation value filter factory to use. */
protected final AnnotationValueFilter.Factory annotationValueFilterFactory;
The annotation retention strategy to use.
/** * The annotation retention strategy to use. */
protected final AnnotationRetention annotationRetention;
The implementation context factory to use.
/** * The implementation context factory to use. */
protected final Implementation.Context.Factory implementationContextFactory;
The method graph compiler to use.
/** * The method graph compiler to use. */
protected final MethodGraph.Compiler methodGraphCompiler;
The instrumented type factory to use.
/** * The instrumented type factory to use. */
protected final InstrumentedType.Factory instrumentedTypeFactory;
A matcher for identifying methods that should be excluded from instrumentation.
/** * A matcher for identifying methods that should be excluded from instrumentation. */
protected final LatentMatcher<? super MethodDescription> ignoredMethods;
Determines if a type should be explicitly validated.
/** * Determines if a type should be explicitly validated. */
protected final TypeValidation typeValidation;
The visibility bridge strategy to apply.
/** * The visibility bridge strategy to apply. */
protected final VisibilityBridgeStrategy visibilityBridgeStrategy;
The class writer strategy to use.
/** * The class writer strategy to use. */
protected final ClassWriterStrategy classWriterStrategy;

Creates a new Byte Buddy instance with a default configuration that is suitable for most use cases.

When creating this configuration, Byte Buddy attempts to discover the current JVM's version. If this is not possible, class files are created Java 6-compatible.

See Also:
  • ofThisVm.ofThisVm(ClassFileVersion)
/** * <p> * Creates a new Byte Buddy instance with a default configuration that is suitable for most use cases. * </p> * <p> * When creating this configuration, Byte Buddy attempts to discover the current JVM's version. If this * is not possible, class files are created Java 6-compatible. * </p> * * @see ClassFileVersion#ofThisVm(ClassFileVersion) */
public ByteBuddy() { this(ClassFileVersion.ofThisVm(ClassFileVersion.JAVA_V6)); }
Creates a new Byte Buddy instance with a default configuration that is suitable for most use cases.
  • classFileVersion – The class file version to use for types that are not based on an existing class file.
/** * Creates a new Byte Buddy instance with a default configuration that is suitable for most use cases. * * @param classFileVersion The class file version to use for types that are not based on an existing class file. */
public ByteBuddy(ClassFileVersion classFileVersion) { this(classFileVersion, new NamingStrategy.SuffixingRandom(BYTE_BUDDY_DEFAULT_PREFIX), new AuxiliaryType.NamingStrategy.SuffixingRandom(BYTE_BUDDY_DEFAULT_SUFFIX), AnnotationValueFilter.Default.APPEND_DEFAULTS, AnnotationRetention.ENABLED, Implementation.Context.Default.Factory.INSTANCE, MethodGraph.Compiler.DEFAULT, InstrumentedType.Factory.Default.MODIFIABLE, TypeValidation.ENABLED, VisibilityBridgeStrategy.Default.ALWAYS, ClassWriterStrategy.Default.CONSTANT_POOL_RETAINING, new LatentMatcher.Resolved<MethodDescription>(isSynthetic().or(isDefaultFinalizer()))); }
Creates a new Byte Buddy instance.
  • classFileVersion – The class file version to use for types that are not based on an existing class file.
  • namingStrategy – The naming strategy to use.
  • auxiliaryTypeNamingStrategy – The naming strategy to use for naming auxiliary types.
  • annotationValueFilterFactory – The annotation value filter factory to use.
  • annotationRetention – The annotation retention strategy to use.
  • implementationContextFactory – The implementation context factory to use.
  • methodGraphCompiler – The method graph compiler to use.
  • instrumentedTypeFactory – The instrumented type factory to use.
  • typeValidation – Determines if a type should be explicitly validated.
  • visibilityBridgeStrategy – The visibility bridge strategy to apply.
  • classWriterStrategy – The class writer strategy to use.
  • ignoredMethods – A matcher for identifying methods that should be excluded from instrumentation.
/** * Creates a new Byte Buddy instance. * * @param classFileVersion The class file version to use for types that are not based on an existing class file. * @param namingStrategy The naming strategy to use. * @param auxiliaryTypeNamingStrategy The naming strategy to use for naming auxiliary types. * @param annotationValueFilterFactory The annotation value filter factory to use. * @param annotationRetention The annotation retention strategy to use. * @param implementationContextFactory The implementation context factory to use. * @param methodGraphCompiler The method graph compiler to use. * @param instrumentedTypeFactory The instrumented type factory to use. * @param typeValidation Determines if a type should be explicitly validated. * @param visibilityBridgeStrategy The visibility bridge strategy to apply. * @param classWriterStrategy The class writer strategy to use. * @param ignoredMethods A matcher for identifying methods that should be excluded from instrumentation. */
protected ByteBuddy(ClassFileVersion classFileVersion, NamingStrategy namingStrategy, AuxiliaryType.NamingStrategy auxiliaryTypeNamingStrategy, AnnotationValueFilter.Factory annotationValueFilterFactory, AnnotationRetention annotationRetention, Implementation.Context.Factory implementationContextFactory, MethodGraph.Compiler methodGraphCompiler, InstrumentedType.Factory instrumentedTypeFactory, TypeValidation typeValidation, VisibilityBridgeStrategy visibilityBridgeStrategy, ClassWriterStrategy classWriterStrategy, LatentMatcher<? super MethodDescription> ignoredMethods) { this.classFileVersion = classFileVersion; this.namingStrategy = namingStrategy; this.auxiliaryTypeNamingStrategy = auxiliaryTypeNamingStrategy; this.annotationValueFilterFactory = annotationValueFilterFactory; this.annotationRetention = annotationRetention; this.implementationContextFactory = implementationContextFactory; this.methodGraphCompiler = methodGraphCompiler; this.instrumentedTypeFactory = instrumentedTypeFactory; this.typeValidation = typeValidation; this.visibilityBridgeStrategy = visibilityBridgeStrategy; this.classWriterStrategy = classWriterStrategy; this.ignoredMethods = ignoredMethods; }

Creates a new builder for subclassing the provided type. If the provided type is an interface, a new class implementing this interface type is created.

When extending a class, Byte Buddy imitates all visible constructors of the subclassed type. Any constructor is implemented to only invoke its super type constructor of equal signature. Another behavior can be specified by supplying an explicit ConstructorStrategy by subclass(Class<Object>, ConstructorStrategy).

Note: This methods implements the supplied types in a generified state if they declare type variables or an owner type.

Note: Byte Buddy does not cache previous subclasses but will attempt the generation of a new subclass. For caching types, a external cache or TypeCache should be used.

  • superType – The super class or interface type to extend.
Type parameters:
  • <T> – A loaded type that the generated class is guaranteed to inherit.
Returns:A type builder for creating a new class extending the provided class or interface.
/** * <p> * Creates a new builder for subclassing the provided type. If the provided type is an interface, a new class implementing * this interface type is created. * </p> * <p> * When extending a class, Byte Buddy imitates all visible constructors of the subclassed type. Any constructor is implemented * to only invoke its super type constructor of equal signature. Another behavior can be specified by supplying an explicit * {@link ConstructorStrategy} by {@link ByteBuddy#subclass(Class, ConstructorStrategy)}. * </p> * <p> * <b>Note</b>: This methods implements the supplied types in a generified state if they declare type variables or an owner type. * </p> * <p> * <b>Note</b>: Byte Buddy does not cache previous subclasses but will attempt the generation of a new subclass. For caching * types, a external cache or {@link TypeCache} should be used. * </p> * * @param superType The super class or interface type to extend. * @param <T> A loaded type that the generated class is guaranteed to inherit. * @return A type builder for creating a new class extending the provided class or interface. */
@SuppressWarnings("unchecked") public <T> DynamicType.Builder<T> subclass(Class<T> superType) { return (DynamicType.Builder<T>) subclass(TypeDescription.ForLoadedType.of(superType)); }

Creates a new builder for subclassing the provided type. If the provided type is an interface, a new class implementing this interface type is created.

Note: This methods implements the supplied types in a generified state if they declare type variables or an owner type.

Note: Byte Buddy does not cache previous subclasses but will attempt the generation of a new subclass. For caching types, a external cache or TypeCache should be used.

  • superType – The super class or interface type to extend.
  • constructorStrategy – A constructor strategy that determines the
Type parameters:
  • <T> – A loaded type that the generated class is guaranteed to inherit.
Returns:A type builder for creating a new class extending the provided class or interface.
/** * <p> * Creates a new builder for subclassing the provided type. If the provided type is an interface, a new class implementing * this interface type is created. * </p> * <p> * <b>Note</b>: This methods implements the supplied types in a generified state if they declare type variables or an owner type. * </p> * <p> * <b>Note</b>: Byte Buddy does not cache previous subclasses but will attempt the generation of a new subclass. For caching * types, a external cache or {@link TypeCache} should be used. * </p> * * @param superType The super class or interface type to extend. * @param constructorStrategy A constructor strategy that determines the * @param <T> A loaded type that the generated class is guaranteed to inherit. * @return A type builder for creating a new class extending the provided class or interface. */
@SuppressWarnings("unchecked") public <T> DynamicType.Builder<T> subclass(Class<T> superType, ConstructorStrategy constructorStrategy) { return (DynamicType.Builder<T>) subclass(TypeDescription.ForLoadedType.of(superType), constructorStrategy); }

Creates a new builder for subclassing the provided type. If the provided type is an interface, a new class implementing this interface type is created.

When extending a class, Byte Buddy imitates all visible constructors of the subclassed type. Any constructor is implemented to only invoke its super type constructor of equal signature. Another behavior can be specified by supplying an explicit ConstructorStrategy by subclass(Type, ConstructorStrategy).

Note: This methods implements the supplied types as is, i.e. any Class values are implemented as raw types if they declare type variables.

Note: Byte Buddy does not cache previous subclasses but will attempt the generation of a new subclass. For caching types, a external cache or TypeCache should be used.

  • superType – The super class or interface type to extend. The type must be a raw type or parameterized type. All type variables that are referenced by the generic type must be declared by the generated subclass before creating the type.
Returns:A type builder for creating a new class extending the provided class or interface.
/** * <p> * Creates a new builder for subclassing the provided type. If the provided type is an interface, a new class implementing * this interface type is created. * </p> * <p> * When extending a class, Byte Buddy imitates all visible constructors of the subclassed type. Any constructor is implemented * to only invoke its super type constructor of equal signature. Another behavior can be specified by supplying an explicit * {@link ConstructorStrategy} by {@link ByteBuddy#subclass(Type, ConstructorStrategy)}. * </p> * <p> * <b>Note</b>: This methods implements the supplied types <i>as is</i>, i.e. any {@link Class} values are implemented * as raw types if they declare type variables. * </p> * <p> * <b>Note</b>: Byte Buddy does not cache previous subclasses but will attempt the generation of a new subclass. For caching * types, a external cache or {@link TypeCache} should be used. * </p> * * @param superType The super class or interface type to extend. The type must be a raw type or parameterized type. All type * variables that are referenced by the generic type must be declared by the generated subclass before creating * the type. * @return A type builder for creating a new class extending the provided class or interface. */
public DynamicType.Builder<?> subclass(Type superType) { return subclass(TypeDefinition.Sort.describe(superType)); }

Creates a new builder for subclassing the provided type. If the provided type is an interface, a new class implementing this interface type is created.

Note: This methods implements the supplied types as is, i.e. any Class values are implemented as raw types if they declare type variables.

Note: Byte Buddy does not cache previous subclasses but will attempt the generation of a new subclass. For caching types, a external cache or TypeCache should be used.

  • superType – The super class or interface type to extend. The type must be a raw type or parameterized type. All type variables that are referenced by the generic type must be declared by the generated subclass before creating the type.
  • constructorStrategy – A constructor strategy that determines the
Returns:A type builder for creating a new class extending the provided class or interface.
/** * <p> * Creates a new builder for subclassing the provided type. If the provided type is an interface, a new class implementing * this interface type is created. * </p> * <p> * <b>Note</b>: This methods implements the supplied types <i>as is</i>, i.e. any {@link Class} values are implemented * as raw types if they declare type variables. * </p> * <p> * <b>Note</b>: Byte Buddy does not cache previous subclasses but will attempt the generation of a new subclass. For caching * types, a external cache or {@link TypeCache} should be used. * </p> * * @param superType The super class or interface type to extend. The type must be a raw type or parameterized * type. All type variables that are referenced by the generic type must be declared by the * generated subclass before creating the type. * @param constructorStrategy A constructor strategy that determines the * @return A type builder for creating a new class extending the provided class or interface. */
public DynamicType.Builder<?> subclass(Type superType, ConstructorStrategy constructorStrategy) { return subclass(TypeDefinition.Sort.describe(superType), constructorStrategy); }

Creates a new builder for subclassing the provided type. If the provided type is an interface, a new class implementing this interface type is created.

When extending a class, Byte Buddy imitates all visible constructors of the subclassed type and sets them to be public. Any constructor is implemented to only invoke its super type constructor of equal signature. Another behavior can be specified by supplying an explicit ConstructorStrategy by subclass(TypeDefinition, ConstructorStrategy).

Note: This methods implements the supplied types as is, i.e. any TypeDescription values are implemented as raw types if they declare type variables.

Note: Byte Buddy does not cache previous subclasses but will attempt the generation of a new subclass. For caching types, a external cache or TypeCache should be used.

  • superType – The super class or interface type to extend. The type must be a raw type or parameterized type. All type variables that are referenced by the generic type must be declared by the generated subclass before creating the type.
Returns:A type builder for creating a new class extending the provided class or interface.
/** * <p> * Creates a new builder for subclassing the provided type. If the provided type is an interface, a new class implementing * this interface type is created. * </p> * <p> * When extending a class, Byte Buddy imitates all visible constructors of the subclassed type and sets them to be {@code public}. * Any constructor is implemented to only invoke its super type constructor of equal signature. Another behavior can be specified by * supplying an explicit {@link ConstructorStrategy} by {@link ByteBuddy#subclass(TypeDefinition, ConstructorStrategy)}. * </p> * <p> * <b>Note</b>: This methods implements the supplied types <i>as is</i>, i.e. any {@link TypeDescription} values are implemented * as raw types if they declare type variables. * </p> * <p> * <b>Note</b>: Byte Buddy does not cache previous subclasses but will attempt the generation of a new subclass. For caching * types, a external cache or {@link TypeCache} should be used. * </p> * * @param superType The super class or interface type to extend. The type must be a raw type or parameterized type. All type * variables that are referenced by the generic type must be declared by the generated subclass before creating * the type. * @return A type builder for creating a new class extending the provided class or interface. */
public DynamicType.Builder<?> subclass(TypeDefinition superType) { return subclass(superType, ConstructorStrategy.Default.IMITATE_SUPER_CLASS_OPENING); }

Creates a new builder for subclassing the provided type. If the provided type is an interface, a new class implementing this interface type is created.

Note: This methods implements the supplied types as is, i.e. any TypeDescription values are implemented as raw types if they declare type variables.

Note: Byte Buddy does not cache previous subclasses but will attempt the generation of a new subclass. For caching types, a external cache or TypeCache should be used.

  • superType – The super class or interface type to extend. The type must be a raw type or parameterized type. All type variables that are referenced by the generic type must be declared by the generated subclass before creating the type.
  • constructorStrategy – A constructor strategy that determines the
Returns:A type builder for creating a new class extending the provided class or interface.
/** * <p> * Creates a new builder for subclassing the provided type. If the provided type is an interface, a new class implementing * this interface type is created. * </p> * <p> * <b>Note</b>: This methods implements the supplied types <i>as is</i>, i.e. any {@link TypeDescription} values are implemented * as raw types if they declare type variables. * </p> * <p> * <b>Note</b>: Byte Buddy does not cache previous subclasses but will attempt the generation of a new subclass. For caching * types, a external cache or {@link TypeCache} should be used. * </p> * * @param superType The super class or interface type to extend. The type must be a raw type or parameterized * type. All type variables that are referenced by the generic type must be declared by the * generated subclass before creating the type. * @param constructorStrategy A constructor strategy that determines the * @return A type builder for creating a new class extending the provided class or interface. */
public DynamicType.Builder<?> subclass(TypeDefinition superType, ConstructorStrategy constructorStrategy) { TypeDescription.Generic actualSuperType; TypeList.Generic interfaceTypes; if (superType.isPrimitive() || superType.isArray() || superType.isFinal()) { throw new IllegalArgumentException("Cannot subclass primitive, array or final types: " + superType); } else if (superType.isInterface()) { actualSuperType = TypeDescription.Generic.OBJECT; interfaceTypes = new TypeList.Generic.Explicit(superType); } else { actualSuperType = superType.asGenericType(); interfaceTypes = new TypeList.Generic.Empty(); } return new SubclassDynamicTypeBuilder<Object>(instrumentedTypeFactory.subclass(namingStrategy.subclass(superType.asGenericType()), ModifierContributor.Resolver.of(Visibility.PUBLIC, TypeManifestation.PLAIN).resolve(superType.getModifiers()), actualSuperType).withInterfaces(interfaceTypes), classFileVersion, auxiliaryTypeNamingStrategy, annotationValueFilterFactory, annotationRetention, implementationContextFactory, methodGraphCompiler, typeValidation, visibilityBridgeStrategy, classWriterStrategy, ignoredMethods, constructorStrategy); }

Creates a new, plain interface type.

Note: Byte Buddy does not cache previous subclasses but will attempt the generation of a new subclass. For caching types, a external cache or TypeCache should be used.

Returns:A type builder that creates a new interface type.
/** * <p> * Creates a new, plain interface type. * </p> * <p> * <b>Note</b>: Byte Buddy does not cache previous subclasses but will attempt the generation of a new subclass. For caching * types, a external cache or {@link TypeCache} should be used. * </p> * * @return A type builder that creates a new interface type. */
public DynamicType.Builder<?> makeInterface() { return makeInterface(Collections.<TypeDescription>emptyList()); }

Creates a new interface type that extends the provided interface.

Note: This methods implements the supplied types in a generified state if they declare type variables or an owner type.

Note: Byte Buddy does not cache previous subclasses but will attempt the generation of a new subclass. For caching types, a external cache or TypeCache should be used.

  • interfaceType – An interface type that the generated interface implements.
Type parameters:
  • <T> – A loaded type that the generated interface is guaranteed to inherit.
Returns:A type builder that creates a new interface type.
/** * <p> * Creates a new interface type that extends the provided interface. * </p> * <p> * <b>Note</b>: This methods implements the supplied types in a generified state if they declare type variables or an owner type. * </p> * <p> * <b>Note</b>: Byte Buddy does not cache previous subclasses but will attempt the generation of a new subclass. For caching * types, a external cache or {@link TypeCache} should be used. * </p> * * @param interfaceType An interface type that the generated interface implements. * @param <T> A loaded type that the generated interface is guaranteed to inherit. * @return A type builder that creates a new interface type. */
@SuppressWarnings("unchecked") public <T> DynamicType.Builder<T> makeInterface(Class<T> interfaceType) { return (DynamicType.Builder<T>) makeInterface(Collections.<Type>singletonList(interfaceType)); }

Creates a new interface type that extends the provided interface.

Note: This methods implements the supplied types as is, i.e. any Class values are implemented as raw types if they declare type variables or an owner type.

Note: Byte Buddy does not cache previous subclasses but will attempt the generation of a new subclass. For caching types, a external cache or TypeCache should be used.

  • interfaceType – The interface types to implement. The types must be raw or parameterized types. All type variables that are referenced by a parameterized type must be declared by the generated subclass before creating the type.
Returns:A type builder that creates a new interface type.
/** * <p> * Creates a new interface type that extends the provided interface. * </p> * <p> * <b>Note</b>: This methods implements the supplied types <i>as is</i>, i.e. any {@link Class} values are implemented * as raw types if they declare type variables or an owner type. * </p> * <p> * <b>Note</b>: Byte Buddy does not cache previous subclasses but will attempt the generation of a new subclass. For caching * types, a external cache or {@link TypeCache} should be used. * </p> * * @param interfaceType The interface types to implement. The types must be raw or parameterized types. All type * variables that are referenced by a parameterized type must be declared by the generated * subclass before creating the type. * @return A type builder that creates a new interface type. */
public DynamicType.Builder<?> makeInterface(Type... interfaceType) { return makeInterface(Arrays.asList(interfaceType)); }

Creates a new interface type that extends the provided interface.

Note: This methods implements the supplied types as is, i.e. any Class values are implemented as raw types if they declare type variables or an owner type.

Note: Byte Buddy does not cache previous subclasses but will attempt the generation of a new subclass. For caching types, a external cache or TypeCache should be used.

  • interfaceTypes – The interface types to implement. The types must be raw or parameterized types. All type variables that are referenced by a parameterized type must be declared by the generated subclass before creating the type.
Returns:A type builder that creates a new interface type.
/** * <p> * Creates a new interface type that extends the provided interface. * </p> * <p> * <b>Note</b>: This methods implements the supplied types <i>as is</i>, i.e. any {@link Class} values are implemented * as raw types if they declare type variables or an owner type. * </p> * <p> * <b>Note</b>: Byte Buddy does not cache previous subclasses but will attempt the generation of a new subclass. For caching * types, a external cache or {@link TypeCache} should be used. * </p> * * @param interfaceTypes The interface types to implement. The types must be raw or parameterized types. All * type variables that are referenced by a parameterized type must be declared by the * generated subclass before creating the type. * @return A type builder that creates a new interface type. */
public DynamicType.Builder<?> makeInterface(List<? extends Type> interfaceTypes) { return makeInterface(new TypeList.Generic.ForLoadedTypes(interfaceTypes)); }

Creates a new interface type that extends the provided interface.

Note: This methods implements the supplied types as is, i.e. any TypeDescription values are implemented as raw types if they declare type variables or an owner type.

Note: Byte Buddy does not cache previous subclasses but will attempt the generation of a new subclass. For caching types, a external cache or TypeCache should be used.

  • interfaceType – The interface types to implement. The types must be raw or parameterized types. All type variables that are referenced by a parameterized type must be declared by the generated subclass before creating the type.
Returns:A type builder that creates a new interface type.
/** * <p> * Creates a new interface type that extends the provided interface. * </p> * <p> * <b>Note</b>: This methods implements the supplied types <i>as is</i>, i.e. any {@link TypeDescription} values are implemented * as raw types if they declare type variables or an owner type. * </p> * <p> * <b>Note</b>: Byte Buddy does not cache previous subclasses but will attempt the generation of a new subclass. For caching * types, a external cache or {@link TypeCache} should be used. * </p> * * @param interfaceType The interface types to implement. The types must be raw or parameterized types. All * type variables that are referenced by a parameterized type must be declared by the * generated subclass before creating the type. * @return A type builder that creates a new interface type. */
public DynamicType.Builder<?> makeInterface(TypeDefinition... interfaceType) { return makeInterface(Arrays.asList(interfaceType)); }

Creates a new interface type that extends the provided interface.

Note: This methods implements the supplied types as is, i.e. any TypeDescription values are implemented as raw types if they declare type variables or an owner type.

Note: Byte Buddy does not cache previous subclasses but will attempt the generation of a new subclass. For caching types, a external cache or TypeCache should be used.

  • interfaceTypes – The interface types to implement. The types must be raw or parameterized types. All type variables that are referenced by a parameterized type must be declared by the generated subclass before creating the type.
Returns:A type builder that creates a new interface type.
/** * <p> * Creates a new interface type that extends the provided interface. * </p> * <p> * <b>Note</b>: This methods implements the supplied types <i>as is</i>, i.e. any {@link TypeDescription} values are implemented * as raw types if they declare type variables or an owner type. * </p> * <p> * <b>Note</b>: Byte Buddy does not cache previous subclasses but will attempt the generation of a new subclass. For caching * types, a external cache or {@link TypeCache} should be used. * </p> * * @param interfaceTypes The interface types to implement. The types must be raw or parameterized types. All * type variables that are referenced by a parameterized type must be declared by the * generated subclass before creating the type. * @return A type builder that creates a new interface type. */
public DynamicType.Builder<?> makeInterface(Collection<? extends TypeDefinition> interfaceTypes) { return subclass(Object.class, ConstructorStrategy.Default.NO_CONSTRUCTORS).implement(interfaceTypes).modifiers(TypeManifestation.INTERFACE, Visibility.PUBLIC); }

Creates a new package definition. Package definitions are defined by classes named package-info without any methods or fields but permit annotations. Any field or method definition will cause an IllegalStateException to be thrown when the type is created.

Note: Byte Buddy does not cache previous subclasses but will attempt the generation of a new subclass. For caching types, a external cache or TypeCache should be used.

  • name – The fully qualified name of the package.
Returns:A type builder that creates a package-info class file.
/** * <p> * Creates a new package definition. Package definitions are defined by classes named {@code package-info} * without any methods or fields but permit annotations. Any field or method definition will cause an * {@link IllegalStateException} to be thrown when the type is created. * </p> * <p> * <b>Note</b>: Byte Buddy does not cache previous subclasses but will attempt the generation of a new subclass. For caching * types, a external cache or {@link TypeCache} should be used. * </p> * * @param name The fully qualified name of the package. * @return A type builder that creates a {@code package-info} class file. */
public DynamicType.Builder<?> makePackage(String name) { return new SubclassDynamicTypeBuilder<Object>(instrumentedTypeFactory.subclass(name + "." + PackageDescription.PACKAGE_CLASS_NAME, PackageDescription.PACKAGE_MODIFIERS, TypeDescription.Generic.OBJECT), classFileVersion, auxiliaryTypeNamingStrategy, annotationValueFilterFactory, annotationRetention, implementationContextFactory, methodGraphCompiler, typeValidation, visibilityBridgeStrategy, classWriterStrategy, ignoredMethods, ConstructorStrategy.Default.NO_CONSTRUCTORS); }
Creates a new Java record. This builder automatically defines fields for record members, standard accessors and a record constructor for any defined record component.
Returns:A dynamic type builder that creates a record.
/** * Creates a new Java record. This builder automatically defines fields for record members, standard accessors and a record constructor for any * defined record component. * * @return A dynamic type builder that creates a record. */
public DynamicType.Builder<?> makeRecord() { TypeDescription.Generic record = InstrumentedType.Default.of(JavaType.RECORD.getTypeStub().getName(), TypeDescription.Generic.OBJECT, Visibility.PUBLIC) .withMethod(new MethodDescription.Token(Opcodes.ACC_PROTECTED)) .withMethod(new MethodDescription.Token("hashCode", Opcodes.ACC_PUBLIC | Opcodes.ACC_ABSTRACT, TypeDescription.ForLoadedType.of(int.class).asGenericType())) .withMethod(new MethodDescription.Token("equals", Opcodes.ACC_PUBLIC | Opcodes.ACC_ABSTRACT, TypeDescription.ForLoadedType.of(boolean.class).asGenericType(), Collections.singletonList(TypeDescription.Generic.OBJECT))) .withMethod(new MethodDescription.Token("toString", Opcodes.ACC_PUBLIC | Opcodes.ACC_ABSTRACT, TypeDescription.ForLoadedType.of(String.class).asGenericType())) .asGenericType(); return new SubclassDynamicTypeBuilder<Object>(instrumentedTypeFactory.subclass(namingStrategy.subclass(record), Opcodes.ACC_PUBLIC | Opcodes.ACC_FINAL, record).withRecord(true), classFileVersion, auxiliaryTypeNamingStrategy, annotationValueFilterFactory, annotationRetention, implementationContextFactory, methodGraphCompiler, typeValidation, visibilityBridgeStrategy, classWriterStrategy, ignoredMethods, RecordConstructorStrategy.INSTANCE) .method(isHashCode()).intercept(RecordObjectMethod.HASH_CODE) .method(isEquals()).intercept(RecordObjectMethod.EQUALS) .method(isToString()).intercept(RecordObjectMethod.TO_STRING); }

Creates a new Annotation type. Annotation properties are implemented as non-static, public methods with the property type being defined as the return type.

Note: Byte Buddy does not cache previous subclasses but will attempt the generation of a new subclass. For caching types, a external cache or TypeCache should be used.

Returns:A type builder that creates a new Annotation type.
/** * <p> * Creates a new {@link Annotation} type. Annotation properties are implemented as non-static, public methods with the * property type being defined as the return type. * </p> * <p> * <b>Note</b>: Byte Buddy does not cache previous subclasses but will attempt the generation of a new subclass. For caching * types, a external cache or {@link TypeCache} should be used. * </p> * * @return A type builder that creates a new {@link Annotation} type. */
public DynamicType.Builder<? extends Annotation> makeAnnotation() { return new SubclassDynamicTypeBuilder<Annotation>(instrumentedTypeFactory.subclass(namingStrategy.subclass(TypeDescription.Generic.ANNOTATION), ModifierContributor.Resolver.of(Visibility.PUBLIC, TypeManifestation.ANNOTATION).resolve(), TypeDescription.Generic.OBJECT).withInterfaces(new TypeList.Generic.Explicit(TypeDescription.Generic.ANNOTATION)), classFileVersion, auxiliaryTypeNamingStrategy, annotationValueFilterFactory, annotationRetention, implementationContextFactory, methodGraphCompiler, typeValidation, visibilityBridgeStrategy, classWriterStrategy, ignoredMethods, ConstructorStrategy.Default.NO_CONSTRUCTORS); }

Creates a new Enum type.

Note: Byte Buddy does not cache previous subclasses but will attempt the generation of a new subclass. For caching types, a external cache or TypeCache should be used.

  • value – The names of the type's enumeration constants
Returns:A type builder for creating an enumeration type.
/** * <p> * Creates a new {@link Enum} type. * </p> * <p> * <b>Note</b>: Byte Buddy does not cache previous subclasses but will attempt the generation of a new subclass. For caching * types, a external cache or {@link TypeCache} should be used. * </p> * * @param value The names of the type's enumeration constants * @return A type builder for creating an enumeration type. */
public DynamicType.Builder<? extends Enum<?>> makeEnumeration(String... value) { return makeEnumeration(Arrays.asList(value)); }

Creates a new Enum type.

Note: Byte Buddy does not cache previous subclasses but will attempt the generation of a new subclass. For caching types, a external cache or TypeCache should be used.

  • values – The names of the type's enumeration constants
Returns:A type builder for creating an enumeration type.
/** * <p> * Creates a new {@link Enum} type. * </p> * <p> * <b>Note</b>: Byte Buddy does not cache previous subclasses but will attempt the generation of a new subclass. For caching * types, a external cache or {@link TypeCache} should be used. * </p> * * @param values The names of the type's enumeration constants * @return A type builder for creating an enumeration type. */
public DynamicType.Builder<? extends Enum<?>> makeEnumeration(Collection<? extends String> values) { if (values.isEmpty()) { throw new IllegalArgumentException("Require at least one enumeration constant"); } TypeDescription.Generic enumType = TypeDescription.Generic.Builder.parameterizedType(Enum.class, TargetType.class).build(); return new SubclassDynamicTypeBuilder<Enum<?>>(instrumentedTypeFactory.subclass(namingStrategy.subclass(enumType), ModifierContributor.Resolver.of(Visibility.PUBLIC, TypeManifestation.FINAL, EnumerationState.ENUMERATION).resolve(), enumType), classFileVersion, auxiliaryTypeNamingStrategy, annotationValueFilterFactory, annotationRetention, implementationContextFactory, methodGraphCompiler, typeValidation, visibilityBridgeStrategy, classWriterStrategy, ignoredMethods, ConstructorStrategy.Default.NO_CONSTRUCTORS) .defineConstructor(Visibility.PRIVATE).withParameters(String.class, int.class) .intercept(SuperMethodCall.INSTANCE) .defineMethod(EnumerationImplementation.ENUM_VALUE_OF_METHOD_NAME, TargetType.class, Visibility.PUBLIC, Ownership.STATIC).withParameters(String.class) .intercept(MethodCall.invoke(enumType.getDeclaredMethods() .filter(named(EnumerationImplementation.ENUM_VALUE_OF_METHOD_NAME).and(takesArguments(Class.class, String.class))).getOnly()) .withOwnType().withArgument(0) .withAssigner(Assigner.DEFAULT, Assigner.Typing.DYNAMIC)) .defineMethod(EnumerationImplementation.ENUM_VALUES_METHOD_NAME, TargetType[].class, Visibility.PUBLIC, Ownership.STATIC) .intercept(new EnumerationImplementation(new ArrayList<String>(values))); }

Redefines the given type where any intercepted method that is declared by the redefined type is fully replaced by the new implementation.

The class file of the redefined type is located by querying the redefined type's class loader by name. For specifying an alternative ClassFileLocator, use redefine(Class<Object>, ClassFileLocator).

Note: When a user redefines a class with the purpose of reloading this class using a ClassReloadingStrategy, it is important that no fields or methods are added to the redefined class. Note that some Implementations implicitly add fields or methods. Finally, Byte Buddy might be forced to add a method if a redefined class already defines a class initializer. This can be disabled by setting with(Factory) to use a Factory where the class initializer is retained as is.

  • type – The type that is being redefined.
Type parameters:
  • <T> – The loaded type of the redefined type.
Returns:A type builder for redefining the provided type.
/** * <p> * Redefines the given type where any intercepted method that is declared by the redefined type is fully replaced * by the new implementation. * </p> * <p> * The class file of the redefined type is located by querying the redefined type's class loader by name. For specifying an * alternative {@link ClassFileLocator}, use {@link ByteBuddy#redefine(Class, ClassFileLocator)}. * </p> * <p> * <b>Note</b>: When a user redefines a class with the purpose of reloading this class using a {@link net.bytebuddy.dynamic.loading.ClassReloadingStrategy}, * it is important that no fields or methods are added to the redefined class. Note that some {@link Implementation}s implicitly add fields or methods. * Finally, Byte Buddy might be forced to add a method if a redefined class already defines a class initializer. This can be disabled by setting * {@link ByteBuddy#with(Implementation.Context.Factory)} to use a {@link net.bytebuddy.implementation.Implementation.Context.Disabled.Factory} * where the class initializer is retained <i>as is</i>. * </p> * * @param type The type that is being redefined. * @param <T> The loaded type of the redefined type. * @return A type builder for redefining the provided type. */
public <T> DynamicType.Builder<T> redefine(Class<T> type) { return redefine(type, ClassFileLocator.ForClassLoader.of(type.getClassLoader())); }

Redefines the given type where any intercepted method that is declared by the redefined type is fully replaced by the new implementation.

Note: When a user redefines a class with the purpose of reloading this class using a ClassReloadingStrategy, it is important that no fields or methods are added to the redefined class. Note that some Implementations implicitly add fields or methods. Finally, Byte Buddy might be forced to add a method if a redefined class already defines a class initializer. This can be disabled by setting with(Factory) to use a Factory where the class initializer is retained as is.

  • type – The type that is being redefined.
  • classFileLocator – The class file locator that is queried for the redefined type's class file.
Type parameters:
  • <T> – The loaded type of the redefined type.
Returns:A type builder for redefining the provided type.
/** * <p> * Redefines the given type where any intercepted method that is declared by the redefined type is fully replaced * by the new implementation. * </p> * <p> * <b>Note</b>: When a user redefines a class with the purpose of reloading this class using a {@link net.bytebuddy.dynamic.loading.ClassReloadingStrategy}, * it is important that no fields or methods are added to the redefined class. Note that some {@link Implementation}s implicitly add fields or methods. * Finally, Byte Buddy might be forced to add a method if a redefined class already defines a class initializer. This can be disabled by setting * {@link ByteBuddy#with(Implementation.Context.Factory)} to use a {@link net.bytebuddy.implementation.Implementation.Context.Disabled.Factory} * where the class initializer is retained <i>as is</i>. * </p> * * @param type The type that is being redefined. * @param classFileLocator The class file locator that is queried for the redefined type's class file. * @param <T> The loaded type of the redefined type. * @return A type builder for redefining the provided type. */
public <T> DynamicType.Builder<T> redefine(Class<T> type, ClassFileLocator classFileLocator) { return redefine(TypeDescription.ForLoadedType.of(type), classFileLocator); }

Redefines the given type where any intercepted method that is declared by the redefined type is fully replaced by the new implementation.

Note: When a user redefines a class with the purpose of reloading this class using a ClassReloadingStrategy, it is important that no fields or methods are added to the redefined class. Note that some Implementations implicitly add fields or methods. Finally, Byte Buddy might be forced to add a method if a redefined class already defines a class initializer. This can be disabled by setting with(Factory) to use a Factory where the class initializer is retained as is.

  • type – The type that is being redefined.
  • classFileLocator – The class file locator that is queried for the redefined type's class file.
Type parameters:
  • <T> – The loaded type of the redefined type.
Returns:A type builder for redefining the provided type.
/** * <p> * Redefines the given type where any intercepted method that is declared by the redefined type is fully replaced * by the new implementation. * </p> * <p> * <b>Note</b>: When a user redefines a class with the purpose of reloading this class using a {@link net.bytebuddy.dynamic.loading.ClassReloadingStrategy}, * it is important that no fields or methods are added to the redefined class. Note that some {@link Implementation}s implicitly add fields or methods. * Finally, Byte Buddy might be forced to add a method if a redefined class already defines a class initializer. This can be disabled by setting * {@link ByteBuddy#with(Implementation.Context.Factory)} to use a {@link net.bytebuddy.implementation.Implementation.Context.Disabled.Factory} * where the class initializer is retained <i>as is</i>. * </p> * * @param type The type that is being redefined. * @param classFileLocator The class file locator that is queried for the redefined type's class file. * @param <T> The loaded type of the redefined type. * @return A type builder for redefining the provided type. */
public <T> DynamicType.Builder<T> redefine(TypeDescription type, ClassFileLocator classFileLocator) { if (type.isArray() || type.isPrimitive()) { throw new IllegalArgumentException("Cannot redefine array or primitive type: " + type); } return new RedefinitionDynamicTypeBuilder<T>(instrumentedTypeFactory.represent(type), classFileVersion, auxiliaryTypeNamingStrategy, annotationValueFilterFactory, annotationRetention, implementationContextFactory, methodGraphCompiler, typeValidation, visibilityBridgeStrategy, classWriterStrategy, ignoredMethods, type, classFileLocator); }

Rebases the given type where any intercepted method that is declared by the redefined type is preserved within the rebased type's class such that the class's original can be invoked from the new method implementations. Rebasing a type can be seen similarly to creating a subclass where the subclass is later merged with the original class file.

The class file of the rebased type is located by querying the rebased type's class loader by name. For specifying an alternative ClassFileLocator, use redefine(Class<Object>, ClassFileLocator).

  • type – The type that is being rebased.
Type parameters:
  • <T> – The loaded type of the rebased type.
Returns:A type builder for rebasing the provided type.
/** * <p> * Rebases the given type where any intercepted method that is declared by the redefined type is preserved within the * rebased type's class such that the class's original can be invoked from the new method implementations. Rebasing a * type can be seen similarly to creating a subclass where the subclass is later merged with the original class file. * </p> * <p> * The class file of the rebased type is located by querying the rebased type's class loader by name. For specifying an * alternative {@link ClassFileLocator}, use {@link ByteBuddy#redefine(Class, ClassFileLocator)}. * </p> * * @param type The type that is being rebased. * @param <T> The loaded type of the rebased type. * @return A type builder for rebasing the provided type. */
public <T> DynamicType.Builder<T> rebase(Class<T> type) { return rebase(type, ClassFileLocator.ForClassLoader.of(type.getClassLoader())); }

Rebases the given type where any intercepted method that is declared by the redefined type is preserved within the rebased type's class such that the class's original can be invoked from the new method implementations. Rebasing a type can be seen similarly to creating a subclass where the subclass is later merged with the original class file.

When a method is rebased, the original method is copied into a new method with a different name. These names are generated automatically by Byte Buddy unless a MethodNameTransformer is specified explicitly. Use rebase(Class<Object>, ClassFileLocator, MethodNameTransformer) for doing so.

  • type – The type that is being rebased.
  • classFileLocator – The class file locator that is queried for the rebased type's class file.
Type parameters:
  • <T> – The loaded type of the rebased type.
Returns:A type builder for rebasing the provided type.
/** * <p> * Rebases the given type where any intercepted method that is declared by the redefined type is preserved within the * rebased type's class such that the class's original can be invoked from the new method implementations. Rebasing a * type can be seen similarly to creating a subclass where the subclass is later merged with the original class file. * </p> * <p> * When a method is rebased, the original method is copied into a new method with a different name. These names are * generated automatically by Byte Buddy unless a {@link MethodNameTransformer} is specified explicitly. * Use {@link ByteBuddy#rebase(Class, ClassFileLocator, MethodNameTransformer)} for doing so. * </p> * * @param type The type that is being rebased. * @param classFileLocator The class file locator that is queried for the rebased type's class file. * @param <T> The loaded type of the rebased type. * @return A type builder for rebasing the provided type. */
public <T> DynamicType.Builder<T> rebase(Class<T> type, ClassFileLocator classFileLocator) { return rebase(TypeDescription.ForLoadedType.of(type), classFileLocator); }
Rebases the given type where any intercepted method that is declared by the redefined type is preserved within the rebased type's class such that the class's original can be invoked from the new method implementations. Rebasing a type can be seen similarly to creating a subclass where the subclass is later merged with the original class file.
  • type – The type that is being rebased.
  • classFileLocator – The class file locator that is queried for the rebased type's class file.
  • methodNameTransformer – The method name transformer for renaming a method that is rebased.
Type parameters:
  • <T> – The loaded type of the rebased type.
Returns:A type builder for rebasing the provided type.
/** * Rebases the given type where any intercepted method that is declared by the redefined type is preserved within the * rebased type's class such that the class's original can be invoked from the new method implementations. Rebasing a * type can be seen similarly to creating a subclass where the subclass is later merged with the original class file. * * @param type The type that is being rebased. * @param classFileLocator The class file locator that is queried for the rebased type's class file. * @param methodNameTransformer The method name transformer for renaming a method that is rebased. * @param <T> The loaded type of the rebased type. * @return A type builder for rebasing the provided type. */
public <T> DynamicType.Builder<T> rebase(Class<T> type, ClassFileLocator classFileLocator, MethodNameTransformer methodNameTransformer) { return rebase(TypeDescription.ForLoadedType.of(type), classFileLocator, methodNameTransformer); }

Rebases the given type where any intercepted method that is declared by the redefined type is preserved within the rebased type's class such that the class's original can be invoked from the new method implementations. Rebasing a type can be seen similarly to creating a subclass where the subclass is later merged with the original class file.

When a method is rebased, the original method is copied into a new method with a different name. These names are generated automatically by Byte Buddy unless a MethodNameTransformer is specified explicitly. Use rebase(TypeDescription, ClassFileLocator, MethodNameTransformer) for doing so.

  • type – The type that is being rebased.
  • classFileLocator – The class file locator that is queried for the rebased type's class file.
Type parameters:
  • <T> – The loaded type of the rebased type.
Returns:A type builder for rebasing the provided type.
/** * <p> * Rebases the given type where any intercepted method that is declared by the redefined type is preserved within the * rebased type's class such that the class's original can be invoked from the new method implementations. Rebasing a * type can be seen similarly to creating a subclass where the subclass is later merged with the original class file. * </p> * <p> * When a method is rebased, the original method is copied into a new method with a different name. These names are * generated automatically by Byte Buddy unless a {@link MethodNameTransformer} is specified explicitly. * Use {@link ByteBuddy#rebase(TypeDescription, ClassFileLocator, MethodNameTransformer)} for doing so. * </p> * * @param type The type that is being rebased. * @param classFileLocator The class file locator that is queried for the rebased type's class file. * @param <T> The loaded type of the rebased type. * @return A type builder for rebasing the provided type. */
public <T> DynamicType.Builder<T> rebase(TypeDescription type, ClassFileLocator classFileLocator) { return rebase(type, classFileLocator, MethodNameTransformer.Suffixing.withRandomSuffix()); }
Rebases the given type where any intercepted method that is declared by the redefined type is preserved within the rebased type's class such that the class's original can be invoked from the new method implementations. Rebasing a type can be seen similarly to creating a subclass where the subclass is later merged with the original class file.
  • type – The type that is being rebased.
  • classFileLocator – The class file locator that is queried for the rebased type's class file.
  • methodNameTransformer – The method name transformer for renaming a method that is rebased.
Type parameters:
  • <T> – The loaded type of the rebased type.
Returns:A type builder for rebasing the provided type.
/** * Rebases the given type where any intercepted method that is declared by the redefined type is preserved within the * rebased type's class such that the class's original can be invoked from the new method implementations. Rebasing a * type can be seen similarly to creating a subclass where the subclass is later merged with the original class file. * * @param type The type that is being rebased. * @param classFileLocator The class file locator that is queried for the rebased type's class file. * @param methodNameTransformer The method name transformer for renaming a method that is rebased. * @param <T> The loaded type of the rebased type. * @return A type builder for rebasing the provided type. */
public <T> DynamicType.Builder<T> rebase(TypeDescription type, ClassFileLocator classFileLocator, MethodNameTransformer methodNameTransformer) { if (type.isArray() || type.isPrimitive()) { throw new IllegalArgumentException("Cannot rebase array or primitive type: " + type); } return new RebaseDynamicTypeBuilder<T>(instrumentedTypeFactory.represent(type), classFileVersion, auxiliaryTypeNamingStrategy, annotationValueFilterFactory, annotationRetention, implementationContextFactory, methodGraphCompiler, typeValidation, visibilityBridgeStrategy, classWriterStrategy, ignoredMethods, type, classFileLocator, methodNameTransformer); }
Rebases a package. This offers an opportunity to add annotations to the package definition. Packages are defined by classes named package-info without any methods or fields but permit annotations. Any field or method definition will cause an IllegalStateException to be thrown when the type is created.
  • aPackage – The package that is being rebased.
  • classFileLocator – The class file locator to use for locating the package's class file.
Returns:A type builder for rebasing the given package.
/** * Rebases a package. This offers an opportunity to add annotations to the package definition. Packages are defined * by classes named {@code package-info} without any methods or fields but permit annotations. Any field or method * definition will cause an {@link IllegalStateException} to be thrown when the type is created. * * @param aPackage The package that is being rebased. * @param classFileLocator The class file locator to use for locating the package's class file. * @return A type builder for rebasing the given package. */
public DynamicType.Builder<?> rebase(Package aPackage, ClassFileLocator classFileLocator) { return rebase(new PackageDescription.ForLoadedPackage(aPackage), classFileLocator); }
Rebases a package. This offers an opportunity to add annotations to the package definition. Packages are defined by classes named package-info without any methods or fields but permit annotations. Any field or method definition will cause an IllegalStateException to be thrown when the type is created.
  • aPackage – The package that is being rebased.
  • classFileLocator – The class file locator to use for locating the package's class file.
Returns:A type builder for rebasing the given package.
/** * Rebases a package. This offers an opportunity to add annotations to the package definition. Packages are defined * by classes named {@code package-info} without any methods or fields but permit annotations. Any field or method * definition will cause an {@link IllegalStateException} to be thrown when the type is created. * * @param aPackage The package that is being rebased. * @param classFileLocator The class file locator to use for locating the package's class file. * @return A type builder for rebasing the given package. */
public DynamicType.Builder<?> rebase(PackageDescription aPackage, ClassFileLocator classFileLocator) { return rebase(new TypeDescription.ForPackageDescription(aPackage), classFileLocator); }

Decorates a type with AsmVisitorWrapper and allows adding attributes and annotations. A decoration does not allow for any standard transformations but can be used as a performance optimization compared to a redefinition, especially when implementing a Java agent that only applies ASM-based code changes.

Important: Only use this mode to improve performance in a narrowly defined transformation. Using other features as those mentioned might result in an unexpected outcome of the transformation or error. Using decoration also requires the configuration of an Factory that does not attempt any type transformation.

  • type – The type to decorate.
Type parameters:
  • <T> – The loaded type of the decorated type.
Returns:A type builder for decorating the provided type.
/** * <p> * Decorates a type with {@link net.bytebuddy.asm.AsmVisitorWrapper} and allows adding attributes and annotations. A decoration does * not allow for any standard transformations but can be used as a performance optimization compared to a redefinition, especially * when implementing a Java agent that only applies ASM-based code changes. * </p> * <p> * <b>Important</b>: Only use this mode to improve performance in a narrowly defined transformation. Using other features as those mentioned * might result in an unexpected outcome of the transformation or error. Using decoration also requires the configuration of an * {@link Implementation.Context.Factory} that does not attempt any type transformation. * </p> * * @param type The type to decorate. * @param <T> The loaded type of the decorated type. * @return A type builder for decorating the provided type. */
public <T> DynamicType.Builder<T> decorate(Class<T> type) { return decorate(type, ClassFileLocator.ForClassLoader.of(type.getClassLoader())); }

Decorates a type with AsmVisitorWrapper and allows adding attributes and annotations. A decoration does not allow for any standard transformations but can be used as a performance optimization compared to a redefinition, especially when implementing a Java agent that only applies ASM-based code changes.

Important: Only use this mode to improve performance in a narrowly defined transformation. Using other features as those mentioned might result in an unexpected outcome of the transformation or error. Using decoration also requires the configuration of an Factory that does not attempt any type transformation.

  • type – The type to decorate.
  • classFileLocator – The class file locator to use.
Type parameters:
  • <T> – The loaded type of the decorated type.
Returns:A type builder for decorating the provided type.
/** * <p> * Decorates a type with {@link net.bytebuddy.asm.AsmVisitorWrapper} and allows adding attributes and annotations. A decoration does * not allow for any standard transformations but can be used as a performance optimization compared to a redefinition, especially * when implementing a Java agent that only applies ASM-based code changes. * </p> * <p> * <b>Important</b>: Only use this mode to improve performance in a narrowly defined transformation. Using other features as those mentioned * might result in an unexpected outcome of the transformation or error. Using decoration also requires the configuration of an * {@link Implementation.Context.Factory} that does not attempt any type transformation. * </p> * * @param type The type to decorate. * @param classFileLocator The class file locator to use. * @param <T> The loaded type of the decorated type. * @return A type builder for decorating the provided type. */
public <T> DynamicType.Builder<T> decorate(Class<T> type, ClassFileLocator classFileLocator) { return decorate(TypeDescription.ForLoadedType.of(type), classFileLocator); }

Decorates a type with AsmVisitorWrapper and allows adding attributes and annotations. A decoration does not allow for any standard transformations but can be used as a performance optimization compared to a redefinition, especially when implementing a Java agent that only applies ASM-based code changes.

Important: Only use this mode to improve performance in a narrowly defined transformation. Using other features as those mentioned might result in an unexpected outcome of the transformation or error. Using decoration also requires the configuration of an Factory that does not attempt any type transformation.

  • type – The type to decorate.
  • classFileLocator – The class file locator to use.
Type parameters:
  • <T> – The loaded type of the decorated type.
Returns:A type builder for decorating the provided type.
/** * <p> * Decorates a type with {@link net.bytebuddy.asm.AsmVisitorWrapper} and allows adding attributes and annotations. A decoration does * not allow for any standard transformations but can be used as a performance optimization compared to a redefinition, especially * when implementing a Java agent that only applies ASM-based code changes. * </p> * <p> * <b>Important</b>: Only use this mode to improve performance in a narrowly defined transformation. Using other features as those mentioned * might result in an unexpected outcome of the transformation or error. Using decoration also requires the configuration of an * {@link Implementation.Context.Factory} that does not attempt any type transformation. * </p> * * @param type The type to decorate. * @param classFileLocator The class file locator to use. * @param <T> The loaded type of the decorated type. * @return A type builder for decorating the provided type. */
public <T> DynamicType.Builder<T> decorate(TypeDescription type, ClassFileLocator classFileLocator) { if (type.isArray() || type.isPrimitive()) { throw new IllegalArgumentException("Cannot decorate array or primitive type: " + type); } return new DecoratingDynamicTypeBuilder<T>(type, classFileVersion, auxiliaryTypeNamingStrategy, annotationValueFilterFactory, annotationRetention, implementationContextFactory, methodGraphCompiler, typeValidation, classWriterStrategy, ignoredMethods, classFileLocator); }
Creates a new configuration where all class files that are not based on an existing class file are created using the supplied class file version. When creating a Byte Buddy instance by ByteBuddy(), the class file version is detected automatically. If the class file version is known before creating a Byte Buddy instance, the ByteBuddy(ClassFileVersion) constructor should be used.
  • classFileVersion – The class file version to use for types that are not based on an existing class file.
Returns:A new Byte Buddy instance that uses the supplied class file version.
/** * Creates a new configuration where all class files that are not based on an existing class file are created * using the supplied class file version. When creating a Byte Buddy instance by {@link ByteBuddy#ByteBuddy()}, the class * file version is detected automatically. If the class file version is known before creating a Byte Buddy instance, the * {@link ByteBuddy#ByteBuddy(ClassFileVersion)} constructor should be used. * * @param classFileVersion The class file version to use for types that are not based on an existing class file. * @return A new Byte Buddy instance that uses the supplied class file version. */
public ByteBuddy with(ClassFileVersion classFileVersion) { return new ByteBuddy(classFileVersion, namingStrategy, auxiliaryTypeNamingStrategy, annotationValueFilterFactory, annotationRetention, implementationContextFactory, methodGraphCompiler, instrumentedTypeFactory, typeValidation, visibilityBridgeStrategy, classWriterStrategy, ignoredMethods); }
Creates a new configuration where new types are named by applying the given naming strategy. By default, Byte Buddy simply retains the name of rebased and redefined types but adds a random suffix to the name of created subclasses or -interfaces. If a type is defined within the java.* namespace, Byte Buddy also adds a suffix to the generated class because this namespace is only available for the bootstrap class loader.
  • namingStrategy – The naming strategy to apply when creating a new dynamic type.
Returns:A new Byte Buddy instance that uses the supplied naming strategy.
/** * Creates a new configuration where new types are named by applying the given naming strategy. By default, Byte Buddy * simply retains the name of rebased and redefined types but adds a random suffix to the name of created subclasses or * -interfaces. If a type is defined within the {@code java.*} namespace, Byte Buddy also adds a suffix to the generated * class because this namespace is only available for the bootstrap class loader. * * @param namingStrategy The naming strategy to apply when creating a new dynamic type. * @return A new Byte Buddy instance that uses the supplied naming strategy. */
public ByteBuddy with(NamingStrategy namingStrategy) { return new ByteBuddy(classFileVersion, namingStrategy, auxiliaryTypeNamingStrategy, annotationValueFilterFactory, annotationRetention, implementationContextFactory, methodGraphCompiler, instrumentedTypeFactory, typeValidation, visibilityBridgeStrategy, classWriterStrategy, ignoredMethods); }
Creates a new configuration where auxiliary types are named by applying the given naming strategy. Auxiliary types are helper types that might be required for implementing certain Implementations. By default, Byte Buddy adds a random suffix to the instrumented type's name when naming its auxiliary types.
  • auxiliaryTypeNamingStrategy – The naming strategy to apply when creating a new auxiliary type.
Returns:A new Byte Buddy instance that uses the supplied naming strategy for auxiliary types.
/** * Creates a new configuration where auxiliary types are named by applying the given naming strategy. Auxiliary types * are helper types that might be required for implementing certain {@link Implementation}s. By default, Byte Buddy * adds a random suffix to the instrumented type's name when naming its auxiliary types. * * @param auxiliaryTypeNamingStrategy The naming strategy to apply when creating a new auxiliary type. * @return A new Byte Buddy instance that uses the supplied naming strategy for auxiliary types. */
public ByteBuddy with(AuxiliaryType.NamingStrategy auxiliaryTypeNamingStrategy) { return new ByteBuddy(classFileVersion, namingStrategy, auxiliaryTypeNamingStrategy, annotationValueFilterFactory, annotationRetention, implementationContextFactory, methodGraphCompiler, instrumentedTypeFactory, typeValidation, visibilityBridgeStrategy, classWriterStrategy, ignoredMethods); }
Creates a new configuration where annotation values are written according to the given filter factory. Using a filter factory, it is for example possible not to include certain values into a class file such that the runtime returns an annotation type's default value. By default, Byte Buddy includes all values into a class file, also such values for which a default value exists.
  • annotationValueFilterFactory – The annotation value filter factory to use.
Returns:A new Byte Buddy instance that uses the supplied annotation value filter factory.
/** * Creates a new configuration where annotation values are written according to the given filter factory. Using * a filter factory, it is for example possible not to include certain values into a class file such that the * runtime returns an annotation type's default value. By default, Byte Buddy includes all values into a class file, * also such values for which a default value exists. * * @param annotationValueFilterFactory The annotation value filter factory to use. * @return A new Byte Buddy instance that uses the supplied annotation value filter factory. */
public ByteBuddy with(AnnotationValueFilter.Factory annotationValueFilterFactory) { return new ByteBuddy(classFileVersion, namingStrategy, auxiliaryTypeNamingStrategy, annotationValueFilterFactory, annotationRetention, implementationContextFactory, methodGraphCompiler, instrumentedTypeFactory, typeValidation, visibilityBridgeStrategy, classWriterStrategy, ignoredMethods); }

Creates a new configuration where annotations that are found in an existing class file are or are not preserved in the format they are discovered, i.e. rewritten in the format they were already present in the class file. By default, Byte Buddy retains annotations when a class is rebased or redefined.

Warning: Retaining annotations can cause problems when annotations of a field or method are added based on the annotations of a matched method. Doing so, Byte Buddy might write the annotations of the field or method explicitly to a class file while simultaneously retaining the existing annotation what results in duplicates. When matching fields or methods while adding annotations, disabling annotation retention might be required.

  • annotationRetention – The annotation retention strategy to use.
Returns:A new Byte Buddy instance that uses the supplied annotation retention strategy.
/** * <p> * Creates a new configuration where annotations that are found in an existing class file are or are not preserved * in the format they are discovered, i.e. rewritten in the format they were already present in the class file. * By default, Byte Buddy retains annotations when a class is rebased or redefined. * </p> * <p> * <b>Warning</b>: Retaining annotations can cause problems when annotations of a field or method are added based * on the annotations of a matched method. Doing so, Byte Buddy might write the annotations of the field or method * explicitly to a class file while simultaneously retaining the existing annotation what results in duplicates. * When matching fields or methods while adding annotations, disabling annotation retention might be required. * </p> * * @param annotationRetention The annotation retention strategy to use. * @return A new Byte Buddy instance that uses the supplied annotation retention strategy. */
public ByteBuddy with(AnnotationRetention annotationRetention) { return new ByteBuddy(classFileVersion, namingStrategy, auxiliaryTypeNamingStrategy, annotationValueFilterFactory, annotationRetention, implementationContextFactory, methodGraphCompiler, instrumentedTypeFactory, typeValidation, visibilityBridgeStrategy, classWriterStrategy, ignoredMethods); }
Creates a new configuration where the Context of any created type is a product of the given implementation context factory. An implementation context might imply unwanted side-effects, for example, the creation of an additional synthetic methods in order to support specific features for realizing an Implementation. By default, Byte Buddy supplies a factory that enables all features. When redefining a loaded class, it is however required by the JVM that no additional members are added such that a Disabled factory might be more appropriate.
  • implementationContextFactory – The implementation context factory to use for defining an instrumented type.
Returns:A new Byte Buddy instance that uses the supplied implementation context factory.
/** * Creates a new configuration where the {@link net.bytebuddy.implementation.Implementation.Context} of any created * type is a product of the given implementation context factory. An implementation context might imply unwanted * side-effects, for example, the creation of an additional synthetic methods in order to support specific features * for realizing an {@link Implementation}. By default, Byte Buddy supplies a factory that enables all features. When * redefining a loaded class, it is however required by the JVM that no additional members are added such that a * {@link net.bytebuddy.implementation.Implementation.Context.Disabled} factory might be more appropriate. * * @param implementationContextFactory The implementation context factory to use for defining an instrumented type. * @return A new Byte Buddy instance that uses the supplied implementation context factory. */
public ByteBuddy with(Implementation.Context.Factory implementationContextFactory) { return new ByteBuddy(classFileVersion, namingStrategy, auxiliaryTypeNamingStrategy, annotationValueFilterFactory, annotationRetention, implementationContextFactory, methodGraphCompiler, instrumentedTypeFactory, typeValidation, visibilityBridgeStrategy, classWriterStrategy, ignoredMethods); }
Creates a new configuration where the Compiler is used for creating a MethodGraph of the instrumented type. A method graph is a representation of a type's virtual methods, including all information on bridge methods that are inserted by the Java compiler. Creating a method graph is a rather expensive operation and more efficient strategies might exist for certain types or ava types that are created by alternative JVM languages. By default, a general purpose method graph compiler is used that uses the information that is exposed by the generic type information that is embedded in any class file.
  • methodGraphCompiler – The method graph compiler to use for analyzing the instrumented type.
Returns:A new Byte Buddy instance that uses the supplied method graph compiler.
/** * Creates a new configuration where the {@link MethodGraph.Compiler} is used for creating a {@link MethodGraph} * of the instrumented type. A method graph is a representation of a type's virtual methods, including all information * on bridge methods that are inserted by the Java compiler. Creating a method graph is a rather expensive operation * and more efficient strategies might exist for certain types or ava types that are created by alternative JVM * languages. By default, a general purpose method graph compiler is used that uses the information that is exposed * by the generic type information that is embedded in any class file. * * @param methodGraphCompiler The method graph compiler to use for analyzing the instrumented type. * @return A new Byte Buddy instance that uses the supplied method graph compiler. */
public ByteBuddy with(MethodGraph.Compiler methodGraphCompiler) { return new ByteBuddy(classFileVersion, namingStrategy, auxiliaryTypeNamingStrategy, annotationValueFilterFactory, annotationRetention, implementationContextFactory, methodGraphCompiler, instrumentedTypeFactory, typeValidation, visibilityBridgeStrategy, classWriterStrategy, ignoredMethods); }
Configures Byte Buddy to use the specified factory for creating InstrumentedTypes. Doing so, more efficient representations can be chosen when only certain operations are required. By default, all operations are supported.
  • instrumentedTypeFactory – The factory to use when creating instrumented types.
Returns:A new Byte Buddy instance that uses the supplied factory for creating instrumented types.
/** * Configures Byte Buddy to use the specified factory for creating {@link InstrumentedType}s. Doing so, more efficient * representations can be chosen when only certain operations are required. By default, all operations are supported. * * @param instrumentedTypeFactory The factory to use when creating instrumented types. * @return A new Byte Buddy instance that uses the supplied factory for creating instrumented types. */
public ByteBuddy with(InstrumentedType.Factory instrumentedTypeFactory) { return new ByteBuddy(classFileVersion, namingStrategy, auxiliaryTypeNamingStrategy, annotationValueFilterFactory, annotationRetention, implementationContextFactory, methodGraphCompiler, instrumentedTypeFactory, typeValidation, visibilityBridgeStrategy, classWriterStrategy, ignoredMethods); }
Creates a new configuration that applies the supplied type validation. By default, explicitly type validation is applied by Byte Buddy but it might be disabled for performance reason or for voluntarily creating illegal types. The Java virtual machine applies its own type validation where some Error is thrown if a type is invalid, while Byte Buddy throws some RuntimeException.
  • typeValidation – The type validation to apply during type creation.
Returns:A new Byte Buddy instance that applies the supplied type validation.
/** * Creates a new configuration that applies the supplied type validation. By default, explicitly type validation is applied * by Byte Buddy but it might be disabled for performance reason or for voluntarily creating illegal types. The Java virtual * machine applies its own type validation where some {@link Error} is thrown if a type is invalid, while Byte Buddy throws * some {@link RuntimeException}. * * @param typeValidation The type validation to apply during type creation. * @return A new Byte Buddy instance that applies the supplied type validation. */
public ByteBuddy with(TypeValidation typeValidation) { return new ByteBuddy(classFileVersion, namingStrategy, auxiliaryTypeNamingStrategy, annotationValueFilterFactory, annotationRetention, implementationContextFactory, methodGraphCompiler, instrumentedTypeFactory, typeValidation, visibilityBridgeStrategy, classWriterStrategy, ignoredMethods); }
Creates a new configuration that applies the supplied visibility bridge strategy. By default, visibility bridges are create for all methods for which a visibility bridge is normally necessary.
  • visibilityBridgeStrategy – The visibility bridge strategy to apply.
Returns:A new Byte Buddy instance that applies the supplied visibility bridge strategy.
/** * Creates a new configuration that applies the supplied visibility bridge strategy. By default, visibility bridges * are create for all methods for which a visibility bridge is normally necessary. * * @param visibilityBridgeStrategy The visibility bridge strategy to apply. * @return A new Byte Buddy instance that applies the supplied visibility bridge strategy. */
public ByteBuddy with(VisibilityBridgeStrategy visibilityBridgeStrategy) { return new ByteBuddy(classFileVersion, namingStrategy, auxiliaryTypeNamingStrategy, annotationValueFilterFactory, annotationRetention, implementationContextFactory, methodGraphCompiler, instrumentedTypeFactory, typeValidation, visibilityBridgeStrategy, classWriterStrategy, ignoredMethods); }
Creates a new configuration that applies the supplied class writer strategy. By default, the constant pool of redefined and retransformed classes is retained as most changes are additive and this retention improves performance.
  • classWriterStrategy – The class writer strategy to apply during type creation.
Returns:A new Byte Buddy instance that applies the supplied class writer strategy.
/** * Creates a new configuration that applies the supplied class writer strategy. By default, the constant pool of redefined and retransformed * classes is retained as most changes are additive and this retention improves performance. * * @param classWriterStrategy The class writer strategy to apply during type creation. * @return A new Byte Buddy instance that applies the supplied class writer strategy. */
public ByteBuddy with(ClassWriterStrategy classWriterStrategy) { return new ByteBuddy(classFileVersion, namingStrategy, auxiliaryTypeNamingStrategy, annotationValueFilterFactory, annotationRetention, implementationContextFactory, methodGraphCompiler, instrumentedTypeFactory, typeValidation, visibilityBridgeStrategy, classWriterStrategy, ignoredMethods); }
Creates a new configuration where any MethodDescription that matches the provided method matcher is excluded from instrumentation. Any previous matcher for ignored methods is replaced. By default, Byte Buddy ignores any synthetic method (bridge methods are handled automatically) and the Object.finalize() method.
  • ignoredMethods – A matcher for identifying methods to be excluded from instrumentation.
Returns:A new Byte Buddy instance that excludes any method from instrumentation if it is matched by the supplied matcher.
/** * Creates a new configuration where any {@link MethodDescription} that matches the provided method matcher is excluded * from instrumentation. Any previous matcher for ignored methods is replaced. By default, Byte Buddy ignores any * synthetic method (bridge methods are handled automatically) and the {@link Object#finalize()} method. * * @param ignoredMethods A matcher for identifying methods to be excluded from instrumentation. * @return A new Byte Buddy instance that excludes any method from instrumentation if it is matched by the supplied matcher. */
public ByteBuddy ignore(ElementMatcher<? super MethodDescription> ignoredMethods) { return ignore(new LatentMatcher.Resolved<MethodDescription>(ignoredMethods)); }

Creates a new configuration where any MethodDescription that matches the provided method matcher is excluded from instrumentation. Any previous matcher for ignored methods is replaced. By default, Byte Buddy ignores any synthetic method (bridge methods are handled automatically) and the Object.finalize() method. Using a latent matcher gives opportunity to resolve an ElementMatcher based on the instrumented type before applying the matcher.

  • ignoredMethods – A matcher for identifying methods to be excluded from instrumentation.
Returns:A new Byte Buddy instance that excludes any method from instrumentation if it is matched by the supplied matcher.
/** * <p> * Creates a new configuration where any {@link MethodDescription} that matches the provided method matcher is excluded * from instrumentation. Any previous matcher for ignored methods is replaced. By default, Byte Buddy ignores any * synthetic method (bridge methods are handled automatically) and the {@link Object#finalize()} method. Using a latent * matcher gives opportunity to resolve an {@link ElementMatcher} based on the instrumented type before applying the matcher. * </p> * * @param ignoredMethods A matcher for identifying methods to be excluded from instrumentation. * @return A new Byte Buddy instance that excludes any method from instrumentation if it is matched by the supplied matcher. */
public ByteBuddy ignore(LatentMatcher<? super MethodDescription> ignoredMethods) { return new ByteBuddy(classFileVersion, namingStrategy, auxiliaryTypeNamingStrategy, annotationValueFilterFactory, annotationRetention, implementationContextFactory, methodGraphCompiler, instrumentedTypeFactory, typeValidation, visibilityBridgeStrategy, classWriterStrategy, ignoredMethods); }
An implementation fo the values method of an enumeration type.
/** * An implementation fo the {@code values} method of an enumeration type. */
@HashCodeAndEqualsPlugin.Enhance protected static class EnumerationImplementation implements Implementation {
The name of the Object.clone() method.
/** * The name of the {@link java.lang.Object#clone()} method. */
protected static final String CLONE_METHOD_NAME = "clone";
The name of the valueOf method that is defined for any enumeration.
/** * The name of the {@code valueOf} method that is defined for any enumeration. */
protected static final String ENUM_VALUE_OF_METHOD_NAME = "valueOf";
The name of the values method that is defined for any enumeration.
/** * The name of the {@code values} method that is defined for any enumeration. */
protected static final String ENUM_VALUES_METHOD_NAME = "values";
The field modifiers to use for any field that is added to an enumeration.
/** * The field modifiers to use for any field that is added to an enumeration. */
private static final int ENUM_FIELD_MODIFIERS = Opcodes.ACC_FINAL | Opcodes.ACC_STATIC | Opcodes.ACC_PUBLIC;
The name of the field containing an array of all enumeration values.
/** * The name of the field containing an array of all enumeration values. */
private static final String ENUM_VALUES = "$VALUES";
The names of the enumerations to define for the enumeration.
/** * The names of the enumerations to define for the enumeration. */
private final List<String> values;
Creates a new implementation of an enumeration type.
  • values – The values of the enumeration.
/** * Creates a new implementation of an enumeration type. * * @param values The values of the enumeration. */
protected EnumerationImplementation(List<String> values) { this.values = values; }
/** * {@inheritDoc} */
public InstrumentedType prepare(InstrumentedType instrumentedType) { for (String value : values) { instrumentedType = instrumentedType.withField(new FieldDescription.Token(value, ENUM_FIELD_MODIFIERS | Opcodes.ACC_ENUM, TargetType.DESCRIPTION.asGenericType())); } return instrumentedType .withField(new FieldDescription.Token(ENUM_VALUES, ENUM_FIELD_MODIFIERS | Opcodes.ACC_SYNTHETIC, TypeDescription.ArrayProjection.of(TargetType.DESCRIPTION).asGenericType())) .withInitializer(new InitializationAppender(values)); }
/** * {@inheritDoc} */
public ByteCodeAppender appender(Target implementationTarget) { return new ValuesMethodAppender(implementationTarget.getInstrumentedType()); }
A byte code appender for the values method of any enumeration type.
/** * A byte code appender for the {@code values} method of any enumeration type. */
@HashCodeAndEqualsPlugin.Enhance protected static class ValuesMethodAppender implements ByteCodeAppender {
The instrumented enumeration type.
/** * The instrumented enumeration type. */
private final TypeDescription instrumentedType;
Creates a new appender for the values method.
  • instrumentedType – The instrumented enumeration type.
/** * Creates a new appender for the {@code values} method. * * @param instrumentedType The instrumented enumeration type. */
protected ValuesMethodAppender(TypeDescription instrumentedType) { this.instrumentedType = instrumentedType; }
/** * {@inheritDoc} */
public Size apply(MethodVisitor methodVisitor, Context implementationContext, MethodDescription instrumentedMethod) { FieldDescription valuesField = instrumentedType.getDeclaredFields().filter(named(ENUM_VALUES)).getOnly(); MethodDescription cloneMethod = TypeDescription.Generic.OBJECT.getDeclaredMethods().filter(named(CLONE_METHOD_NAME)).getOnly(); return new Size(new StackManipulation.Compound( FieldAccess.forField(valuesField).read(), MethodInvocation.invoke(cloneMethod).virtual(valuesField.getType().asErasure()), TypeCasting.to(valuesField.getType().asErasure()), MethodReturn.REFERENCE ).apply(methodVisitor, implementationContext).getMaximalSize(), instrumentedMethod.getStackSize()); } }
A byte code appender for the type initializer of any enumeration type.
/** * A byte code appender for the type initializer of any enumeration type. */
@HashCodeAndEqualsPlugin.Enhance protected static class InitializationAppender implements ByteCodeAppender {
The values of the enumeration that is being created.
/** * The values of the enumeration that is being created. */
private final List<String> values;
Creates an appender for an enumerations type initializer.
  • values – The values of the enumeration that is being created.
/** * Creates an appender for an enumerations type initializer. * * @param values The values of the enumeration that is being created. */
protected InitializationAppender(List<String> values) { this.values = values; }
/** * {@inheritDoc} */
public Size apply(MethodVisitor methodVisitor, Context implementationContext, MethodDescription instrumentedMethod) { TypeDescription instrumentedType = instrumentedMethod.getDeclaringType().asErasure(); MethodDescription enumConstructor = instrumentedType.getDeclaredMethods() .filter(isConstructor().and(takesArguments(String.class, int.class))) .getOnly(); int ordinal = 0; StackManipulation stackManipulation = StackManipulation.Trivial.INSTANCE; List<FieldDescription> enumerationFields = new ArrayList<FieldDescription>(values.size()); for (String value : values) { FieldDescription fieldDescription = instrumentedType.getDeclaredFields().filter(named(value)).getOnly(); stackManipulation = new StackManipulation.Compound(stackManipulation, TypeCreation.of(instrumentedType), Duplication.SINGLE, new TextConstant(value), IntegerConstant.forValue(ordinal++), MethodInvocation.invoke(enumConstructor), FieldAccess.forField(fieldDescription).write()); enumerationFields.add(fieldDescription); } List<StackManipulation> fieldGetters = new ArrayList<StackManipulation>(values.size()); for (FieldDescription fieldDescription : enumerationFields) { fieldGetters.add(FieldAccess.forField(fieldDescription).read()); } stackManipulation = new StackManipulation.Compound( stackManipulation, ArrayFactory.forType(instrumentedType.asGenericType()).withValues(fieldGetters), FieldAccess.forField(instrumentedType.getDeclaredFields().filter(named(ENUM_VALUES)).getOnly()).write() ); return new Size(stackManipulation.apply(methodVisitor, implementationContext).getMaximalSize(), instrumentedMethod.getStackSize()); } } }
A constructor strategy for implementing a Java record.
/** * A constructor strategy for implementing a Java record. */
@HashCodeAndEqualsPlugin.Enhance protected enum RecordConstructorStrategy implements ConstructorStrategy, Implementation {
The singleton instance.
/** * The singleton instance. */
/** * {@inheritDoc} */
public List<MethodDescription.Token> extractConstructors(TypeDescription instrumentedType) { List<ParameterDescription.Token> tokens = new ArrayList<ParameterDescription.Token>(instrumentedType.getRecordComponents().size()); for (RecordComponentDescription.InDefinedShape recordComponent : instrumentedType.getRecordComponents()) { tokens.add(new ParameterDescription.Token(recordComponent.getType(), recordComponent.getDeclaredAnnotations().filter(targetsElement(ElementType.CONSTRUCTOR)))); } return Collections.singletonList(new MethodDescription.Token(MethodDescription.CONSTRUCTOR_INTERNAL_NAME, Opcodes.ACC_PUBLIC, Collections.<TypeVariableToken>emptyList(), TypeDescription.Generic.VOID, tokens, Collections.<TypeDescription.Generic>emptyList(), Collections.<AnnotationDescription>emptyList(), AnnotationValue.UNDEFINED, TypeDescription.Generic.UNDEFINED)); }
/** * {@inheritDoc} */
public MethodRegistry inject(TypeDescription instrumentedType, MethodRegistry methodRegistry) { return methodRegistry.prepend(new LatentMatcher.Resolved<MethodDescription>(isConstructor().and(takesGenericArguments(instrumentedType.getRecordComponents().asTypeList()))), new MethodRegistry.Handler.ForImplementation(this), MethodAttributeAppender.ForInstrumentedMethod.EXCLUDING_RECEIVER, Transformer.ForMethod.NoOp.<MethodDescription>make()); }
/** * {@inheritDoc} */
public ByteCodeAppender appender(Target implementationTarget) { return new Appender(implementationTarget.getInstrumentedType()); }
/** * {@inheritDoc} */
public InstrumentedType prepare(InstrumentedType instrumentedType) { for (RecordComponentDescription.InDefinedShape recordComponent : instrumentedType.getRecordComponents()) { instrumentedType = instrumentedType .withField(new FieldDescription.Token(recordComponent.getActualName(), Opcodes.ACC_PRIVATE | Opcodes.ACC_FINAL, recordComponent.getType(), recordComponent.getDeclaredAnnotations().filter(targetsElement(ElementType.FIELD)))) .withMethod(new MethodDescription.Token(recordComponent.getActualName(), Opcodes.ACC_PUBLIC, Collections.<TypeVariableToken>emptyList(), recordComponent.getType(), Collections.<ParameterDescription.Token>emptyList(), Collections.<TypeDescription.Generic>emptyList(), recordComponent.getDeclaredAnnotations().filter(targetsElement(ElementType.METHOD)), AnnotationValue.UNDEFINED, TypeDescription.Generic.UNDEFINED)); } return instrumentedType; }
A byte code appender for accessors and the record constructor.
/** * A byte code appender for accessors and the record constructor. */
@HashCodeAndEqualsPlugin.Enhance protected static class Appender implements ByteCodeAppender {
The instrumented type.
/** * The instrumented type. */
private final TypeDescription instrumentedType;
Creates a new byte code appender for accessors and the record constructor.
  • instrumentedType – The instrumented type.
/** * Creates a new byte code appender for accessors and the record constructor. * * @param instrumentedType The instrumented type. */
protected Appender(TypeDescription instrumentedType) { this.instrumentedType = instrumentedType; }
/** * {@inheritDoc} */
public Size apply(MethodVisitor methodVisitor, Context implementationContext, MethodDescription instrumentedMethod) { if (instrumentedMethod.isMethod()) { return new Simple( MethodVariableAccess.loadThis(), FieldAccess.forField(instrumentedType.getDeclaredFields().filter(named(instrumentedMethod.getName())).getOnly()).read(), MethodReturn.of(instrumentedMethod.getReturnType()) ).apply(methodVisitor, implementationContext, instrumentedMethod); } else { List<StackManipulation> stackManipulations = new ArrayList<StackManipulation>(instrumentedType.getRecordComponents().size() * 3 + 2); stackManipulations.add(MethodVariableAccess.loadThis()); stackManipulations.add(MethodInvocation.invoke(new MethodDescription.Latent(JavaType.RECORD.getTypeStub(), new MethodDescription.Token(Opcodes.ACC_PUBLIC)))); int offset = 1; for (RecordComponentDescription.InDefinedShape recordComponent : instrumentedType.getRecordComponents()) { stackManipulations.add(MethodVariableAccess.loadThis()); stackManipulations.add(MethodVariableAccess.of(recordComponent.getType()).loadFrom(offset)); stackManipulations.add(FieldAccess.forField(instrumentedType.getDeclaredFields() .filter(named(recordComponent.getActualName())) .getOnly()).write()); offset += recordComponent.getType().getStackSize().getSize(); } stackManipulations.add(MethodReturn.VOID); return new Simple(stackManipulations).apply(methodVisitor, implementationContext, instrumentedMethod); } } } }
Implements the object methods of the Java record type.
/** * Implements the object methods of the Java record type. */
@HashCodeAndEqualsPlugin.Enhance protected enum RecordObjectMethod implements Implementation {
The hashCode method.
/** * The {@code hashCode} method. */
HASH_CODE("hashCode", StackManipulation.Trivial.INSTANCE, int.class),
The equals method.
/** * The {@code equals} method. */
EQUALS("equals", MethodVariableAccess.REFERENCE.loadFrom(1), boolean.class, Object.class),
The toString method.
/** * The {@code toString} method. */
TO_STRING("toString", StackManipulation.Trivial.INSTANCE, String.class);
The method name.
/** * The method name. */
private final String name;
The stack manipulation to append to the arguments.
/** * The stack manipulation to append to the arguments. */
private final StackManipulation stackManipulation;
The return type.
/** * The return type. */
private final TypeDescription returnType;
The arguments type.
/** * The arguments type. */
private final List<? extends TypeDescription> arguments;
Creates a new object method instance for a Java record.
  • name – The method name.
  • stackManipulation – The stack manipulation to append to the arguments.
  • returnType – The return type.
  • arguments – The arguments type.
/** * Creates a new object method instance for a Java record. * * @param name The method name. * @param stackManipulation The stack manipulation to append to the arguments. * @param returnType The return type. * @param arguments The arguments type. */
RecordObjectMethod(String name, StackManipulation stackManipulation, Class<?> returnType, Class<?>... arguments) { this.name = name; this.stackManipulation = stackManipulation; this.returnType = TypeDescription.ForLoadedType.of(returnType); this.arguments = new TypeList.ForLoadedTypes(arguments); }
/** * {@inheritDoc} */
public ByteCodeAppender appender(Target implementationTarget) { StringBuilder stringBuilder = new StringBuilder(); List<Object> methodHandles = new ArrayList<Object>(implementationTarget.getInstrumentedType().getRecordComponents().size()); for (RecordComponentDescription.InDefinedShape recordComponent : implementationTarget.getInstrumentedType().getRecordComponents()) { if (stringBuilder.length() > 0) { stringBuilder.append(";"); } stringBuilder.append(recordComponent.getActualName()); methodHandles.add(JavaConstant.MethodHandle.ofGetter(implementationTarget.getInstrumentedType().getDeclaredFields() .filter(named(recordComponent.getActualName())) .getOnly()).asConstantPoolValue()); } return new ByteCodeAppender.Simple(MethodVariableAccess.loadThis(), stackManipulation, MethodInvocation.invoke(new MethodDescription.Latent(JavaType.OBJECT_METHODS.getTypeStub(), new MethodDescription.Token("bootstrap", Opcodes.ACC_PUBLIC | Opcodes.ACC_STATIC, TypeDescription.Generic.OBJECT, Arrays.asList(JavaType.METHOD_HANDLES_LOOKUP.getTypeStub().asGenericType(), TypeDescription.STRING.asGenericType(), JavaType.TYPE_DESCRIPTOR.getTypeStub().asGenericType(), TypeDescription.CLASS.asGenericType(), TypeDescription.STRING.asGenericType(), TypeDescription.ArrayProjection.of(JavaType.METHOD_HANDLE.getTypeStub()).asGenericType())))).dynamic(name, returnType, CompoundList.of(implementationTarget.getInstrumentedType(), arguments), CompoundList.of(Arrays.asList(org.objectweb.asm.Type.getType(implementationTarget.getInstrumentedType().getDescriptor()), stringBuilder.toString()), methodHandles)), MethodReturn.of(returnType)); }
/** * {@inheritDoc} */
public InstrumentedType prepare(InstrumentedType instrumentedType) { return instrumentedType; } } }