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package javax.swing.text;

import java.util.*;
import java.awt.*;
import java.text.AttributedCharacterIterator;
import java.text.BreakIterator;
import java.awt.font.*;
import java.awt.geom.AffineTransform;
import javax.swing.JComponent;
import javax.swing.event.DocumentEvent;
import sun.font.BidiUtils;

A flow strategy that uses java.awt.font.LineBreakMeasureer to produce java.awt.font.TextLayout for i18n capable rendering. If the child view being placed into the flow is of type GlyphView and can be rendered by TextLayout, a GlyphPainter that uses TextLayout is plugged into the GlyphView.
Author: Timothy Prinzing
/** * A flow strategy that uses java.awt.font.LineBreakMeasureer to * produce java.awt.font.TextLayout for i18n capable rendering. * If the child view being placed into the flow is of type * GlyphView and can be rendered by TextLayout, a GlyphPainter * that uses TextLayout is plugged into the GlyphView. * * @author Timothy Prinzing */
class TextLayoutStrategy extends FlowView.FlowStrategy {
Constructs a layout strategy for paragraphs based upon java.awt.font.LineBreakMeasurer.
/** * Constructs a layout strategy for paragraphs based * upon java.awt.font.LineBreakMeasurer. */
public TextLayoutStrategy() { text = new AttributedSegment(); } // --- FlowStrategy methods --------------------------------------------
Gives notification that something was inserted into the document in a location that the given flow view is responsible for. The strategy should update the appropriate changed region (which depends upon the strategy used for repair).
  • e – the change information from the associated document
  • alloc – the current allocation of the view inside of the insets. This value will be null if the view has not yet been displayed.
See Also:
/** * Gives notification that something was inserted into the document * in a location that the given flow view is responsible for. The * strategy should update the appropriate changed region (which * depends upon the strategy used for repair). * * @param e the change information from the associated document * @param alloc the current allocation of the view inside of the insets. * This value will be null if the view has not yet been displayed. * @see View#insertUpdate */
public void insertUpdate(FlowView fv, DocumentEvent e, Rectangle alloc) { sync(fv); super.insertUpdate(fv, e, alloc); }
Gives notification that something was removed from the document in a location that the given flow view is responsible for.
  • e – the change information from the associated document
  • alloc – the current allocation of the view inside of the insets.
See Also:
/** * Gives notification that something was removed from the document * in a location that the given flow view is responsible for. * * @param e the change information from the associated document * @param alloc the current allocation of the view inside of the insets. * @see View#removeUpdate */
public void removeUpdate(FlowView fv, DocumentEvent e, Rectangle alloc) { sync(fv); super.removeUpdate(fv, e, alloc); }
Gives notification from the document that attributes were changed in a location that this view is responsible for.
  • e – the change information from the associated document
  • alloc – the current allocation of the view inside of the insets.
See Also:
/** * Gives notification from the document that attributes were changed * in a location that this view is responsible for. * * @param e the change information from the associated document * @param alloc the current allocation of the view inside of the insets. * @see View#changedUpdate */
public void changedUpdate(FlowView fv, DocumentEvent e, Rectangle alloc) { sync(fv); super.changedUpdate(fv, e, alloc); }
Does a a full layout on the given View. This causes all of the rows (child views) to be rebuilt to match the given constraints for each row. This is called by a FlowView.layout to update the child views in the flow.
  • fv – the view to reflow
/** * Does a a full layout on the given View. This causes all of * the rows (child views) to be rebuilt to match the given * constraints for each row. This is called by a FlowView.layout * to update the child views in the flow. * * @param fv the view to reflow */
public void layout(FlowView fv) { super.layout(fv); }
Creates a row of views that will fit within the layout span of the row. This is implemented to execute the superclass functionality (which fills the row with child views or view fragments) and follow that with bidi reordering of the unidirectional view fragments.
  • rowIndex – the row to fill in with views. This is assumed to be empty on entry.
  • p0 – The current position in the children of this views element from which to start.
Returns:the position to start the next row
/** * Creates a row of views that will fit within the * layout span of the row. This is implemented to execute the * superclass functionality (which fills the row with child * views or view fragments) and follow that with bidi reordering * of the unidirectional view fragments. * * @param rowIndex the row to fill in with views. This is assumed * to be empty on entry. * @param p0 The current position in the children of * this views element from which to start. * @return the position to start the next row */
protected int layoutRow(FlowView fv, int rowIndex, int p0) { int p1 = super.layoutRow(fv, rowIndex, p0); View row = fv.getView(rowIndex); Document doc = fv.getDocument(); Object i18nFlag = doc.getProperty(AbstractDocument.I18NProperty); if ((i18nFlag != null) && i18nFlag.equals(Boolean.TRUE)) { int n = row.getViewCount(); if (n > 1) { AbstractDocument d = (AbstractDocument)fv.getDocument(); Element bidiRoot = d.getBidiRootElement(); byte[] levels = new byte[n]; View[] reorder = new View[n]; for( int i=0; i<n; i++ ) { View v = row.getView(i); int bidiIndex =bidiRoot.getElementIndex(v.getStartOffset()); Element bidiElem = bidiRoot.getElement( bidiIndex ); levels[i] = (byte)StyleConstants.getBidiLevel(bidiElem.getAttributes()); reorder[i] = v; } BidiUtils.reorderVisually( levels, reorder ); row.replace(0, n, reorder); } } return p1; }
Adjusts the given row if possible to fit within the layout span. Since all adjustments were already calculated by the LineBreakMeasurer, this is implemented to do nothing.
  • rowIndex – the row to adjust to the current layout span.
  • desiredSpan – the current layout span >= 0
  • x – the location r starts at.
/** * Adjusts the given row if possible to fit within the * layout span. Since all adjustments were already * calculated by the LineBreakMeasurer, this is implemented * to do nothing. * * @param rowIndex the row to adjust to the current layout * span. * @param desiredSpan the current layout span >= 0 * @param x the location r starts at. */
protected void adjustRow(FlowView fv, int rowIndex, int desiredSpan, int x) { }
Creates a unidirectional view that can be used to represent the current chunk. This can be either an entire view from the logical view, or a fragment of the view.
  • fv – the view holding the flow
  • startOffset – the start location for the view being created
  • spanLeft – the about of span left to fill in the row
  • rowIndex – the row the view will be placed into
/** * Creates a unidirectional view that can be used to represent the * current chunk. This can be either an entire view from the * logical view, or a fragment of the view. * * @param fv the view holding the flow * @param startOffset the start location for the view being created * @param spanLeft the about of span left to fill in the row * @param rowIndex the row the view will be placed into */
protected View createView(FlowView fv, int startOffset, int spanLeft, int rowIndex) { // Get the child view that contains the given starting position View lv = getLogicalView(fv); View row = fv.getView(rowIndex); boolean requireNextWord = (viewBuffer.size() == 0) ? false : true; int childIndex = lv.getViewIndex(startOffset, Position.Bias.Forward); View v = lv.getView(childIndex); int endOffset = getLimitingOffset(v, startOffset, spanLeft, requireNextWord); if (endOffset == startOffset) { return null; } View frag; if ((startOffset==v.getStartOffset()) && (endOffset == v.getEndOffset())) { // return the entire view frag = v; } else { // return a unidirectional fragment. frag = v.createFragment(startOffset, endOffset); } if ((frag instanceof GlyphView) && (measurer != null)) { // install a TextLayout based renderer if the view is responsible // for glyphs. If the view represents a tab, the default // glyph painter is used (may want to handle tabs differently). boolean isTab = false; int p0 = frag.getStartOffset(); int p1 = frag.getEndOffset(); if ((p1 - p0) == 1) { // check for tab Segment s = ((GlyphView)frag).getText(p0, p1); char ch = s.first(); if (ch == '\t') { isTab = true; } } TextLayout tl = (isTab) ? null : measurer.nextLayout(spanLeft, text.toIteratorIndex(endOffset), requireNextWord); if (tl != null) { ((GlyphView)frag).setGlyphPainter(new GlyphPainter2(tl)); } } return frag; }
Calculate the limiting offset for the next view fragment. At most this would be the entire view (i.e. the limiting offset would be the end offset in that case). If the range contains a tab or a direction change, that will limit the offset to something less. This value is then fed to the LineBreakMeasurer as a limit to consider in addition to the remaining span.
  • v – the logical view representing the starting offset.
  • startOffset – the model location to start at.
/** * Calculate the limiting offset for the next view fragment. * At most this would be the entire view (i.e. the limiting * offset would be the end offset in that case). If the range * contains a tab or a direction change, that will limit the * offset to something less. This value is then fed to the * LineBreakMeasurer as a limit to consider in addition to the * remaining span. * * @param v the logical view representing the starting offset. * @param startOffset the model location to start at. */
int getLimitingOffset(View v, int startOffset, int spanLeft, boolean requireNextWord) { int endOffset = v.getEndOffset(); // check for direction change Document doc = v.getDocument(); if (doc instanceof AbstractDocument) { AbstractDocument d = (AbstractDocument) doc; Element bidiRoot = d.getBidiRootElement(); if( bidiRoot.getElementCount() > 1 ) { int bidiIndex = bidiRoot.getElementIndex( startOffset ); Element bidiElem = bidiRoot.getElement( bidiIndex ); endOffset = Math.min( bidiElem.getEndOffset(), endOffset ); } } // check for tab if (v instanceof GlyphView) { Segment s = ((GlyphView)v).getText(startOffset, endOffset); char ch = s.first(); if (ch == '\t') { // if the first character is a tab, create a dedicated // view for just the tab endOffset = startOffset + 1; } else { for (ch = s.next(); ch != Segment.DONE; ch = s.next()) { if (ch == '\t') { // found a tab, don't include it in the text endOffset = startOffset + s.getIndex() - s.getBeginIndex(); break; } } } } // determine limit from LineBreakMeasurer int limitIndex = text.toIteratorIndex(endOffset); if (measurer != null) { int index = text.toIteratorIndex(startOffset); if (measurer.getPosition() != index) { measurer.setPosition(index); } limitIndex = measurer.nextOffset(spanLeft, limitIndex, requireNextWord); } int pos = text.toModelPosition(limitIndex); return pos; }
Synchronize the strategy with its FlowView. Allows the strategy to update its state to account for changes in that portion of the model represented by the FlowView. Also allows the strategy to update the FlowView in response to these changes.
/** * Synchronize the strategy with its FlowView. Allows the strategy * to update its state to account for changes in that portion of the * model represented by the FlowView. Also allows the strategy * to update the FlowView in response to these changes. */
void sync(FlowView fv) { View lv = getLogicalView(fv); text.setView(lv); Container container = fv.getContainer(); FontRenderContext frc = sun.swing.SwingUtilities2. getFontRenderContext(container); BreakIterator iter; Container c = fv.getContainer(); if (c != null) { iter = BreakIterator.getLineInstance(c.getLocale()); } else { iter = BreakIterator.getLineInstance(); } Object shaper = null; if (c instanceof JComponent) { shaper = ((JComponent) c).getClientProperty( TextAttribute.NUMERIC_SHAPING); } text.setShaper(shaper); measurer = new LineBreakMeasurer(text, iter, frc); // If the children of the FlowView's logical view are GlyphViews, they // need to have their painters updated. int n = lv.getViewCount(); for( int i=0; i<n; i++ ) { View child = lv.getView(i); if( child instanceof GlyphView ) { int p0 = child.getStartOffset(); int p1 = child.getEndOffset(); measurer.setPosition(text.toIteratorIndex(p0)); TextLayout layout = measurer.nextLayout( Float.MAX_VALUE, text.toIteratorIndex(p1), false ); ((GlyphView)child).setGlyphPainter(new GlyphPainter2(layout)); } } // Reset measurer. measurer.setPosition(text.getBeginIndex()); } // --- variables ------------------------------------------------------- private LineBreakMeasurer measurer; private AttributedSegment text;
Implementation of AttributedCharacterIterator that supports the GlyphView attributes for rendering the glyphs through a TextLayout.
/** * Implementation of AttributedCharacterIterator that supports * the GlyphView attributes for rendering the glyphs through a * TextLayout. */
static class AttributedSegment extends Segment implements AttributedCharacterIterator { AttributedSegment() { } View getView() { return v; } void setView(View v) { this.v = v; Document doc = v.getDocument(); int p0 = v.getStartOffset(); int p1 = v.getEndOffset(); try { doc.getText(p0, p1 - p0, this); } catch (BadLocationException bl) { throw new IllegalArgumentException("Invalid view"); } first(); }
Get a boundary position for the font. This is implemented to assume that two fonts are equal if their references are equal (i.e. that the font came from a cache).
Returns:the location in model coordinates. This is not the same as the Segment coordinates.
/** * Get a boundary position for the font. * This is implemented to assume that two fonts are * equal if their references are equal (i.e. that the * font came from a cache). * * @return the location in model coordinates. This is * not the same as the Segment coordinates. */
int getFontBoundary(int childIndex, int dir) { View child = v.getView(childIndex); Font f = getFont(childIndex); for (childIndex += dir; (childIndex >= 0) && (childIndex < v.getViewCount()); childIndex += dir) { Font next = getFont(childIndex); if (next != f) { // this run is different break; } child = v.getView(childIndex); } return (dir < 0) ? child.getStartOffset() : child.getEndOffset(); }
Get the font at the given child index.
/** * Get the font at the given child index. */
Font getFont(int childIndex) { View child = v.getView(childIndex); if (child instanceof GlyphView) { return ((GlyphView)child).getFont(); } return null; } int toModelPosition(int index) { return v.getStartOffset() + (index - getBeginIndex()); } int toIteratorIndex(int pos) { return pos - v.getStartOffset() + getBeginIndex(); } private void setShaper(Object shaper) { this.shaper = shaper; } // --- AttributedCharacterIterator methods -------------------------
Returns the index of the first character of the run with respect to all attributes containing the current character.
/** * Returns the index of the first character of the run * with respect to all attributes containing the current character. */
public int getRunStart() { int pos = toModelPosition(getIndex()); int i = v.getViewIndex(pos, Position.Bias.Forward); View child = v.getView(i); return toIteratorIndex(child.getStartOffset()); }
Returns the index of the first character of the run with respect to the given attribute containing the current character.
/** * Returns the index of the first character of the run * with respect to the given attribute containing the current character. */
public int getRunStart(AttributedCharacterIterator.Attribute attribute) { if (attribute instanceof TextAttribute) { int pos = toModelPosition(getIndex()); int i = v.getViewIndex(pos, Position.Bias.Forward); if (attribute == TextAttribute.FONT) { return toIteratorIndex(getFontBoundary(i, -1)); } } return getBeginIndex(); }
Returns the index of the first character of the run with respect to the given attributes containing the current character.
/** * Returns the index of the first character of the run * with respect to the given attributes containing the current character. */
public int getRunStart(Set<? extends Attribute> attributes) { int index = getBeginIndex(); Object[] a = attributes.toArray(); for (int i = 0; i < a.length; i++) { TextAttribute attr = (TextAttribute) a[i]; index = Math.max(getRunStart(attr), index); } return Math.min(getIndex(), index); }
Returns the index of the first character following the run with respect to all attributes containing the current character.
/** * Returns the index of the first character following the run * with respect to all attributes containing the current character. */
public int getRunLimit() { int pos = toModelPosition(getIndex()); int i = v.getViewIndex(pos, Position.Bias.Forward); View child = v.getView(i); return toIteratorIndex(child.getEndOffset()); }
Returns the index of the first character following the run with respect to the given attribute containing the current character.
/** * Returns the index of the first character following the run * with respect to the given attribute containing the current character. */
public int getRunLimit(AttributedCharacterIterator.Attribute attribute) { if (attribute instanceof TextAttribute) { int pos = toModelPosition(getIndex()); int i = v.getViewIndex(pos, Position.Bias.Forward); if (attribute == TextAttribute.FONT) { return toIteratorIndex(getFontBoundary(i, 1)); } } return getEndIndex(); }
Returns the index of the first character following the run with respect to the given attributes containing the current character.
/** * Returns the index of the first character following the run * with respect to the given attributes containing the current character. */
public int getRunLimit(Set<? extends Attribute> attributes) { int index = getEndIndex(); Object[] a = attributes.toArray(); for (int i = 0; i < a.length; i++) { TextAttribute attr = (TextAttribute) a[i]; index = Math.min(getRunLimit(attr), index); } return Math.max(getIndex(), index); }
Returns a map with the attributes defined on the current character.
/** * Returns a map with the attributes defined on the current * character. */
public Map<Attribute, Object> getAttributes() { Object[] ka = keys.toArray(); Hashtable<Attribute, Object> h = new Hashtable<Attribute, Object>(); for (int i = 0; i < ka.length; i++) { TextAttribute a = (TextAttribute) ka[i]; Object value = getAttribute(a); if (value != null) { h.put(a, value); } } return h; }
Returns the value of the named attribute for the current character. Returns null if the attribute is not defined.
  • attribute – the key of the attribute whose value is requested.
/** * Returns the value of the named attribute for the current character. * Returns null if the attribute is not defined. * @param attribute the key of the attribute whose value is requested. */
public Object getAttribute(AttributedCharacterIterator.Attribute attribute) { int pos = toModelPosition(getIndex()); int childIndex = v.getViewIndex(pos, Position.Bias.Forward); if (attribute == TextAttribute.FONT) { return getFont(childIndex); } else if( attribute == TextAttribute.RUN_DIRECTION ) { return v.getDocument().getProperty(TextAttribute.RUN_DIRECTION); } else if (attribute == TextAttribute.NUMERIC_SHAPING) { return shaper; } return null; }
Returns the keys of all attributes defined on the iterator's text range. The set is empty if no attributes are defined.
/** * Returns the keys of all attributes defined on the * iterator's text range. The set is empty if no * attributes are defined. */
public Set<Attribute> getAllAttributeKeys() { return keys; } View v; static Set<Attribute> keys; static { keys = new HashSet<Attribute>(); keys.add(TextAttribute.FONT); keys.add(TextAttribute.RUN_DIRECTION); keys.add(TextAttribute.NUMERIC_SHAPING); } private Object shaper = null; } }