	* Copyright (C) 2002-2019 Sebastiano Vigna
	* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
	* you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
	* You may obtain a copy of the License at
	*     http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
	* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
	* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
	* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
	* limitations under the License.
package it.unimi.dsi.fastutil.doubles;
import it.unimi.dsi.fastutil.objects.ReferenceCollection;
import it.unimi.dsi.fastutil.objects.AbstractReferenceCollection;
import it.unimi.dsi.fastutil.objects.ObjectIterator;
import it.unimi.dsi.fastutil.objects.ObjectBidirectionalIterator;
An abstract class providing basic methods for sorted maps implementing a type-specific interface.
/** * An abstract class providing basic methods for sorted maps implementing a * type-specific interface. */
public abstract class AbstractDouble2ReferenceSortedMap<V> extends AbstractDouble2ReferenceMap<V> implements Double2ReferenceSortedMap<V> { private static final long serialVersionUID = -1773560792952436569L; protected AbstractDouble2ReferenceSortedMap() { }

The view is backed by the sorted set returned by Map.entrySet(). Note that no attempt is made at caching the result of this method, as this would require adding some attributes that lightweight implementations would not need. Subclasses may easily override this policy by calling this method and caching the result, but implementors are encouraged to write more efficient ad-hoc implementations.

Returns:a sorted set view of the keys of this map; it may be safely cast to a type-specific interface.
/** * {@inheritDoc} * * <p> * The view is backed by the sorted set returned by * {@link java.util.Map#entrySet()}. Note that <em>no attempt is made at caching * the result of this method</em>, as this would require adding some attributes * that lightweight implementations would not need. Subclasses may easily * override this policy by calling this method and caching the result, but * implementors are encouraged to write more efficient ad-hoc implementations. * * @return a sorted set view of the keys of this map; it may be safely cast to a * type-specific interface. */
@Override public DoubleSortedSet keySet() { return new KeySet(); }
A wrapper exhibiting the keys of a map.
/** A wrapper exhibiting the keys of a map. */
protected class KeySet extends AbstractDoubleSortedSet { @Override public boolean contains(final double k) { return containsKey(k); } @Override public int size() { return AbstractDouble2ReferenceSortedMap.this.size(); } @Override public void clear() { AbstractDouble2ReferenceSortedMap.this.clear(); } @Override public DoubleComparator comparator() { return AbstractDouble2ReferenceSortedMap.this.comparator(); } @Override public double firstDouble() { return firstDoubleKey(); } @Override public double lastDouble() { return lastDoubleKey(); } @Override public DoubleSortedSet headSet(final double to) { return headMap(to).keySet(); } @Override public DoubleSortedSet tailSet(final double from) { return tailMap(from).keySet(); } @Override public DoubleSortedSet subSet(final double from, final double to) { return subMap(from, to).keySet(); } @Override public DoubleBidirectionalIterator iterator(final double from) { return new KeySetIterator<>(double2ReferenceEntrySet().iterator(new BasicEntry<>(from, (null)))); } @Override public DoubleBidirectionalIterator iterator() { return new KeySetIterator<>( Double2ReferenceSortedMaps.fastIterator(AbstractDouble2ReferenceSortedMap.this)); } }
A wrapper exhibiting a map iterator as an iterator on keys.

To provide an iterator on keys, just create an instance of this class using the corresponding iterator on entries.

/** * A wrapper exhibiting a map iterator as an iterator on keys. * * <p> * To provide an iterator on keys, just create an instance of this class using * the corresponding iterator on entries. */
protected static class KeySetIterator<V> implements DoubleBidirectionalIterator { protected final ObjectBidirectionalIterator<Double2ReferenceMap.Entry<V>> i; public KeySetIterator(ObjectBidirectionalIterator<Double2ReferenceMap.Entry<V>> i) { this.i = i; } @Override public double nextDouble() { return i.next().getDoubleKey(); }; @Override public double previousDouble() { return i.previous().getDoubleKey(); }; @Override public boolean hasNext() { return i.hasNext(); } @Override public boolean hasPrevious() { return i.hasPrevious(); } }

The view is backed by the sorted set returned by Map.entrySet(). Note that no attempt is made at caching the result of this method, as this would require adding some attributes that lightweight implementations would not need. Subclasses may easily override this policy by calling this method and caching the result, but implementors are encouraged to write more efficient ad-hoc implementations.

Returns:a type-specific collection view of the values contained in this map.
/** * {@inheritDoc} * * <p> * The view is backed by the sorted set returned by * {@link java.util.Map#entrySet()}. Note that <em>no attempt is made at caching * the result of this method</em>, as this would require adding some attributes * that lightweight implementations would not need. Subclasses may easily * override this policy by calling this method and caching the result, but * implementors are encouraged to write more efficient ad-hoc implementations. * * @return a type-specific collection view of the values contained in this map. */
@Override public ReferenceCollection<V> values() { return new ValuesCollection(); }
A wrapper exhibiting the values of a map.
/** A wrapper exhibiting the values of a map. */
protected class ValuesCollection extends AbstractReferenceCollection<V> { @Override public ObjectIterator<V> iterator() { return new ValuesIterator<>( Double2ReferenceSortedMaps.fastIterator(AbstractDouble2ReferenceSortedMap.this)); } @Override public boolean contains(final Object k) { return containsValue(k); } @Override public int size() { return AbstractDouble2ReferenceSortedMap.this.size(); } @Override public void clear() { AbstractDouble2ReferenceSortedMap.this.clear(); } }
A wrapper exhibiting a map iterator as an iterator on values.

To provide an iterator on values, just create an instance of this class using the corresponding iterator on entries.

/** * A wrapper exhibiting a map iterator as an iterator on values. * * <p> * To provide an iterator on values, just create an instance of this class using * the corresponding iterator on entries. */
protected static class ValuesIterator<V> implements ObjectIterator<V> { protected final ObjectBidirectionalIterator<Double2ReferenceMap.Entry<V>> i; public ValuesIterator(ObjectBidirectionalIterator<Double2ReferenceMap.Entry<V>> i) { this.i = i; } @Override public V next() { return i.next().getValue(); }; @Override public boolean hasNext() { return i.hasNext(); } } }