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package io.vertx.ext.stomp.impl;

import io.vertx.core.Handler;
import io.vertx.core.buffer.Buffer;
import io.vertx.core.parsetools.RecordParser;
import io.vertx.ext.stomp.Frame;
import io.vertx.ext.stomp.Frames;
import io.vertx.ext.stomp.StompOptions;
import io.vertx.ext.stomp.StompServerOptions;

import java.util.HashMap;
import java.util.Objects;

A STOMP frame parser compliant with the specification (including header decoding).
Author:Clement Escoffier
/** * A STOMP frame parser compliant with the specification (including header decoding). * * @author <a href="http://escoffier.me">Clement Escoffier</a> */
public class FrameParser implements Handler<Buffer> { public static final String NULL = "\u0000"; public static final String EOL = "\n"; public static final String CARRIAGE_RETURN = "\r"; public static final char LINE_FEED = '\n'; public static final String COLON = ":"; public static final char ESCAPE = '\\'; public static final String COMMA = ","; private final StompServerOptions options; private Frame.Command command; private HashMap<String, String> headers = new HashMap<>(); private Handler<Frame> handler; private int bodyLength = 0; private Handler<FrameException> errorHandler; enum State { COMMAND, HEADERS, BODY } private final RecordParser frameParser = RecordParser.newDelimited(EOL, this::handleLine); private State current = State.COMMAND; public FrameParser(StompServerOptions options) { this.options = options; } public FrameParser() { this(new StompServerOptions()); } public synchronized FrameParser handler(Handler<Frame> handler) { Objects.requireNonNull(handler); this.handler = handler; return this; } public synchronized FrameParser errorHandler(Handler<FrameException> handler) { this.errorHandler = handler; return this; } private void handleLine(Buffer buffer) { switch (current) { case COMMAND: if (isEmpty(buffer)) { // ping frame. reset(); handler.handle(Frames.ping()); break; } // It's the verb line. // We try to find the right verb, here we can trim the line (would remove the optional \r). // Commands and Header are encoded in UTF-8 (spec) String commandLine = buffer.toString(StompOptions.UTF_8).trim(); try { command = Frame.Command.valueOf(commandLine); } catch (IllegalArgumentException e) { // Not a valid command, use UNKNOWN, and write the given command as header. command = Frame.Command.UNKNOWN; headers.put(Frame.STOMP_FRAME_COMMAND, commandLine); } // Only one verb line, so next state current = State.HEADERS; break; case HEADERS: if (isEmpty(buffer)) { // End of headers. current = State.BODY; String length = headers.get(Frame.CONTENT_LENGTH); if (length != null) { int contentLength = Integer.parseInt(length); frameParser.fixedSizeMode(contentLength); } else { frameParser.delimitedMode(NULL); } break; } else { // Commands and Header are encoded in UTF-8 (spec) // Split should work here, if all server would have implemented the header encoding correctly. It's not // the case (ActiveMQ, looking at you right now), so, using subString instead. String line = buffer.toString(StompOptions.UTF_8); int index = line.indexOf(COLON); if (index == -1) { reportOrThrow("Invalid header line : '" + buffer.toString() + "'"); return; } String header = line.substring(0, index); String value = line.substring(index + 1); if (hasExceededNumberOfHeaders()) { reportOrThrow("Number of headers exceeded"); return; } if (hasExceededHeaderLength(header, value)) { reportOrThrow("Header length exceeded"); return; } // By spec (repeated headers) - Put the header only if not already set. headers.putIfAbsent(header, decode(strip(value))); break; } case BODY: if (bodyLength == 0) { // Must accumulate and check before creating the frame bodyLength = buffer.length(); if (hasExceededBodySize()) { reportOrThrow("Body size exceeded"); return; } } try { Frame frame = new Frame(command, headers, buffer); reset(); handler.handle(frame); } catch (FrameException e) { reportOrThrow("Malformed frame received"); } } } private void reset() { command = null; bodyLength = 0; headers = new HashMap<>(); current = State.COMMAND; frameParser.delimitedMode(EOL); } private boolean hasExceededHeaderLength(String header, String value) { return value.length() > options.getMaxHeaderLength() || header.length() > options.getMaxHeaderLength(); } private boolean hasExceededNumberOfHeaders() { return headers.size() + 1 > options.getMaxHeaders(); } private String decode(String value) { // By spec all frames except CONNECT and CONNECTED escape any carriage return, line feed or colon // found in the resulting UTF-8 encoded headers // Escape must be always escaped, STOMP frames are not part of the exception return HeaderCodec.decode(value, command == Frame.Command.CONNECT || command == Frame.Command.CONNECTED); } private String strip(String s) { if (s.endsWith(CARRIAGE_RETURN)) { return s.substring(0, s.length() - 1); } return s; } private boolean isEmpty(Buffer buffer) { return buffer.toString().length() == 0 || buffer.toString().equals(CARRIAGE_RETURN) || buffer.length() == 1 && buffer.getByte(0) == 0; }
Something has happened, so handle it.
  • event – the event to handle
/** * Something has happened, so handle it. * * @param event the event to handle */
@Override public synchronized void handle(Buffer event) { if (current == State.BODY) { bodyLength += event.length(); if (hasExceededBodySize()) { reportOrThrow("Body size exceeded"); return; } } frameParser.handle(event); } private boolean hasExceededBodySize() { return bodyLength >= options.getMaxBodyLength(); }
Invokes the error handler or throw an exception if no error handler. Must be called when holding the monitor lock.
  • error – the error
/** * Invokes the error handler or throw an exception if no error handler. * Must be called when holding the monitor lock. * * @param error the error */
private void reportOrThrow(String error) { FrameException exception = new FrameException(error); reset(); if (errorHandler != null) { errorHandler.handle(exception); } else { throw exception; } } }