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package io.vertx.ext.stomp.impl;

import io.vertx.core.AsyncResult;
import io.vertx.core.Context;
import io.vertx.core.Future;
import io.vertx.core.Handler;
import io.vertx.core.Vertx;
import io.vertx.core.impl.ContextInternal;
import io.vertx.core.impl.future.PromiseInternal;
import io.vertx.core.json.JsonObject;
import io.vertx.core.impl.logging.Logger;
import io.vertx.core.impl.logging.LoggerFactory;
import io.vertx.core.shareddata.LocalMap;
import io.vertx.ext.auth.User;
import io.vertx.ext.auth.authentication.AuthenticationProvider;
import io.vertx.ext.stomp.Acknowledgement;
import io.vertx.ext.stomp.BridgeOptions;
import io.vertx.ext.stomp.DefaultAbortHandler;
import io.vertx.ext.stomp.DefaultAckHandler;
import io.vertx.ext.stomp.DefaultBeginHandler;
import io.vertx.ext.stomp.DefaultCommitHandler;
import io.vertx.ext.stomp.DefaultConnectHandler;
import io.vertx.ext.stomp.DefaultNackHandler;
import io.vertx.ext.stomp.DefaultSendHandler;
import io.vertx.ext.stomp.DefaultSubscribeHandler;
import io.vertx.ext.stomp.DefaultUnsubscribeHandler;
import io.vertx.ext.stomp.Destination;
import io.vertx.ext.stomp.DestinationFactory;
import io.vertx.ext.stomp.Frame;
import io.vertx.ext.stomp.Frames;
import io.vertx.ext.stomp.ServerFrame;
import io.vertx.ext.stomp.StompServer;
import io.vertx.ext.stomp.StompServerConnection;
import io.vertx.ext.stomp.StompServerHandler;

import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.concurrent.ConcurrentHashMap;

A plug-able implementation of StompServerHandler. The default behavior is compliant with the STOMP specification.

By default ACK/NACK are managed as a dead messages. Not acknowledges messages are dropped from the list and a warning is printed in the log.

This class is thread safe.
Author:Clement Escoffier
/** * A plug-able implementation of {@link StompServerHandler}. The default behavior is compliant with the STOMP * specification. * <p/> * By default {@code ACK/NACK} are managed as a dead messages. Not acknowledges messages are dropped from the list * and a warning is printed in the log. * <p/> * This class is thread safe. * * @author <a href="http://escoffier.me">Clement Escoffier</a> */
public class DefaultStompHandler implements StompServerHandler { private static final Logger LOGGER = LoggerFactory.getLogger(DefaultStompHandler.class); private final Vertx vertx; private final Context context; private Handler<ServerFrame> connectHandler = new DefaultConnectHandler(); private Handler<ServerFrame> stompHandler; private Handler<ServerFrame> sendHandler = new DefaultSendHandler(); private Handler<ServerFrame> subscribeHandler = new DefaultSubscribeHandler(); private Handler<ServerFrame> unsubscribeHandler = new DefaultUnsubscribeHandler(); private Handler<StompServerConnection> closeHandler; private Handler<ServerFrame> commitHandler = new DefaultCommitHandler(); private Handler<ServerFrame> abortHandler = new DefaultAbortHandler(); private Handler<ServerFrame> beginHandler = new DefaultBeginHandler(); private Handler<ServerFrame> ackHandler = new DefaultAckHandler(); private Handler<ServerFrame> nackHandler = new DefaultNackHandler(); private Handler<ServerFrame> disconnectHandler = (sf -> { StompServerConnection connection = sf.connection(); Frames.handleReceipt(sf.frame(), connection); connection.close(); }); private AuthenticationProvider authProvider; private Handler<StompServerConnection> pingHandler = StompServerConnection::ping; private Handler<Acknowledgement> onAckHandler = (acknowledgement) -> LOGGER.info("Acknowledge messages - " + acknowledgement.frames()); private Handler<Acknowledgement> onNackHandler = (acknowledgement) -> LOGGER.warn("Messages not acknowledge - " + acknowledgement.frames()); private final LocalMap<Destination, String> destinations; // user is mutable and built from other modules so there's no guarantees // about thread safety so use w/ care.. private final ConcurrentHashMap<String, User> users; private DestinationFactory factory = Destination::topic; private Handler<ServerFrame> receivedFrameHandler;
Creates a new instance of DefaultStompHandler.
  • vertx – the vert.x instance
/** * Creates a new instance of {@link DefaultStompHandler}. * * @param vertx the vert.x instance */
public DefaultStompHandler(Vertx vertx) { this.vertx = vertx; this.context = Vertx.currentContext(); this.destinations = vertx.sharedData().getLocalMap("stomp.destinations"); this.users = new ConcurrentHashMap<>(); } @Override public synchronized void onClose(StompServerConnection connection) { // Default behavior. getDestinations().stream().forEach((d) -> d.unsubscribeConnection(connection)); Transactions.instance().unregisterTransactionsFromConnection(connection); // Remove user, if exists this.users.remove(connection.session()); if (closeHandler != null) { closeHandler.handle(connection); } } @Override public synchronized StompServerHandler receivedFrameHandler(Handler<ServerFrame> handler) { this.receivedFrameHandler = handler; return this; } @Override public synchronized StompServerHandler connectHandler(Handler<ServerFrame> handler) { this.connectHandler = handler; return this; } @Override public synchronized StompServerHandler stompHandler(Handler<ServerFrame> handler) { this.stompHandler = handler; return this; } @Override public synchronized StompServerHandler subscribeHandler(Handler<ServerFrame> handler) { this.subscribeHandler = handler; return this; } @Override public synchronized StompServerHandler unsubscribeHandler(Handler<ServerFrame> handler) { this.unsubscribeHandler = handler; return this; } @Override public synchronized StompServerHandler sendHandler(Handler<ServerFrame> handler) { this.sendHandler = handler; return this; } @Override public synchronized StompServerHandler closeHandler(Handler<StompServerConnection> handler) { this.closeHandler = handler; return this; } @Override public synchronized StompServerHandler commitHandler(Handler<ServerFrame> handler) { this.commitHandler = handler; return this; } @Override public synchronized StompServerHandler abortHandler(Handler<ServerFrame> handler) { this.abortHandler = handler; return this; } @Override public synchronized StompServerHandler beginHandler(Handler<ServerFrame> handler) { this.beginHandler = handler; return this; } @Override public synchronized StompServerHandler disconnectHandler(Handler<ServerFrame> handler) { this.disconnectHandler = handler; return this; } @Override public synchronized StompServerHandler ackHandler(Handler<ServerFrame> handler) { this.ackHandler = handler; return this; } @Override public synchronized StompServerHandler nackHandler(Handler<ServerFrame> handler) { this.nackHandler = handler; return this; } @Override public void handle(ServerFrame serverFrame) { Frame frame = serverFrame.frame(); StompServerConnection connection = serverFrame.connection(); connection.onServerActivity(); synchronized (this) { if (receivedFrameHandler != null) { receivedFrameHandler.handle(serverFrame); } } switch (frame.getCommand()) { case CONNECT: handleConnect(frame, connection); break; case STOMP: handleStomp(frame, connection); break; case SEND: handleSend(frame, connection); break; case SUBSCRIBE: handleSubscribe(frame, connection); break; case UNSUBSCRIBE: handleUnsubscribe(frame, connection); break; case BEGIN: handleBegin(frame, connection); break; case ABORT: handleAbort(frame, connection); break; case COMMIT: handleCommit(frame, connection); break; case ACK: handleAck(frame, connection); break; case NACK: handleNack(frame, connection); break; case DISCONNECT: handleDisconnect(frame, connection); break; case PING: // We received a ping frame, we do nothing. break; default: // Unknown frames break; } } private void handleAck(Frame frame, StompServerConnection connection) { Handler<ServerFrame> handler; synchronized (this) { handler = ackHandler; } if (handler != null) { handler.handle(new ServerFrameImpl(frame, connection)); } } private void handleNack(Frame frame, StompServerConnection connection) { Handler<ServerFrame> handler; synchronized (this) { handler = nackHandler; } if (handler != null) { handler.handle(new ServerFrameImpl(frame, connection)); } } private void handleBegin(Frame frame, StompServerConnection connection) { Handler<ServerFrame> handler; synchronized (this) { handler = beginHandler; } if (handler != null) { handler.handle(new ServerFrameImpl(frame, connection)); } } private void handleAbort(Frame frame, StompServerConnection connection) { Handler<ServerFrame> handler; synchronized (this) { handler = abortHandler; } if (handler != null) { handler.handle(new ServerFrameImpl(frame, connection)); } } private void handleCommit(Frame frame, StompServerConnection connection) { Handler<ServerFrame> handler; synchronized (this) { handler = commitHandler; } if (handler != null) { handler.handle(new ServerFrameImpl(frame, connection)); } } private void handleSubscribe(Frame frame, StompServerConnection connection) { Handler<ServerFrame> handler; synchronized (this) { handler = subscribeHandler; } if (handler != null) { handler.handle(new ServerFrameImpl(frame, connection)); } } private void handleUnsubscribe(Frame frame, StompServerConnection connection) { Handler<ServerFrame> handler; synchronized (this) { handler = unsubscribeHandler; } if (handler != null) { handler.handle(new ServerFrameImpl(frame, connection)); } } private void handleSend(Frame frame, StompServerConnection connection) { Handler<ServerFrame> handler; synchronized (this) { handler = sendHandler; } if (handler != null) { handler.handle(new ServerFrameImpl(frame, connection)); } } private void handleConnect(Frame frame, StompServerConnection connection) { Handler<ServerFrame> handler; Handler<StompServerConnection> pingH; synchronized (this) { handler = connectHandler; pingH = pingHandler; } // Compute heartbeat, and register pinger and ponger // Stomp server acts as a client to call the computePingPeriod & computePongPeriod method long ping = Frame.Heartbeat.computePingPeriod( Frame.Heartbeat.create(connection.server().options().getHeartbeat()), Frame.Heartbeat.parse(frame.getHeader(Frame.HEARTBEAT))); long pong = Frame.Heartbeat.computePongPeriod( Frame.Heartbeat.create(connection.server().options().getHeartbeat()), Frame.Heartbeat.parse(frame.getHeader(Frame.HEARTBEAT))); connection.configureHeartbeat(ping, pong, pingH); // Then, handle the frame. if (handler != null) { handler.handle(new ServerFrameImpl(frame, connection)); } } private void handleDisconnect(Frame frame, StompServerConnection connection) { Handler<ServerFrame> handler; synchronized (this) { handler = disconnectHandler; } if (handler != null) { handler.handle(new ServerFrameImpl(frame, connection)); } } private void handleStomp(Frame frame, StompServerConnection connection) { Handler<ServerFrame> handler; synchronized (this) { handler = stompHandler; } if (handler == null) { // Per spec, STOMP frame must be handled as CONNECT handleConnect(frame, connection); return; } handler.handle(new ServerFrameImpl(frame, connection)); } @Override public synchronized StompServerHandler authProvider(AuthenticationProvider handler) { this.authProvider = handler; return this; } @Override public Future<Boolean> onAuthenticationRequest(StompServerConnection connection, String login, String passcode) { PromiseInternal<Boolean> promise = ((ContextInternal) context).promise(); onAuthenticationRequest(connection, login, passcode, promise); return promise.future(); } @Override public StompServerHandler onAuthenticationRequest(StompServerConnection connection, String login, String passcode, Handler<AsyncResult<Boolean>> handler) { final AuthenticationProvider auth; synchronized (this) { // Stack contention. auth = authProvider; } final StompServer server = connection.server(); if (!server.options().isSecured()) { if (auth != null) { LOGGER.warn("Authentication handler set while the server is not secured"); } context.runOnContext(v -> handler.handle(Future.succeededFuture(true))); return this; } if (server.options().isSecured() && auth == null) { LOGGER.error("Cannot authenticate connection - no authentication provider"); context.runOnContext(v -> handler.handle(Future.succeededFuture(false))); return this; } context.runOnContext(v -> auth.authenticate(new JsonObject().put("username", login).put("password", passcode), ar -> { if (ar.succeeded()) { // make the user available users.put(connection.session(), ar.result()); context.runOnContext(v2 -> handler.handle(Future.succeededFuture(true))); } else { context.runOnContext(v2 -> handler.handle(Future.succeededFuture(false))); } })); return this; }
Return the authenticated user for this session.
  • session – session ID for the server connection.
Returns:the user provided by the AuthenticationProvider or null if not found.
/** * Return the authenticated user for this session. * * @param session session ID for the server connection. * @return the user provided by the {@link AuthenticationProvider} or null if not found. */
@Override public User getUserBySession(String session) { return this.users.get(session); } @Override public List<Destination> getDestinations() { return new ArrayList<>(destinations.keySet()); }
Gets the destination with the given name..
  • destination – the destination
Returns:the Destination, null if not found.
/** * Gets the destination with the given name.. * * @param destination the destination * @return the {@link Destination}, {@code null} if not found. */
public Destination getDestination(String destination) { for (Destination d : destinations.keySet()) { if (d.matches(destination)) { return d; } } return null; } public Destination getOrCreateDestination(String destination) { DestinationFactory destinationFactory; synchronized (this) { destinationFactory = this.factory; } synchronized (vertx) { Destination d = getDestination(destination); if (d == null) { d = destinationFactory.create(vertx, destination); if (d != null) { // We use the local map as a set, the value is irrelevant. destinations.put(d, ""); } } return d; } } @Override public synchronized StompServerHandler destinationFactory(DestinationFactory factory) { this.factory = factory; return this; }
Configures the STOMP server to act as a bridge with the Vert.x event bus.
  • options – the configuration options
See Also:
Returns:the current StompServerHandler.
/** * Configures the STOMP server to act as a bridge with the Vert.x event bus. * * @param options the configuration options * @return the current {@link StompServerHandler}. * @see Vertx#eventBus() */
@Override public synchronized StompServerHandler bridge(BridgeOptions options) { destinations.put(Destination.bridge(vertx, options), ""); return this; } @Override public StompServerHandler onAck(StompServerConnection connection, Frame subscription, List<Frame> messages) { Handler<Acknowledgement> handler; synchronized (this) { handler = onAckHandler; } if (handler != null) { handler.handle(new AcknowledgementImpl(subscription, messages)); } return this; } @Override public StompServerHandler onNack(StompServerConnection connection, Frame subscribe, List<Frame> messages) { Handler<Acknowledgement> handler; synchronized (this) { handler = onNackHandler; } if (handler != null) { handler.handle(new AcknowledgementImpl(subscribe, messages)); } return this; } @Override public synchronized StompServerHandler onAckHandler(Handler<Acknowledgement> handler) { this.onAckHandler = handler; return this; } @Override public synchronized StompServerHandler onNackHandler(Handler<Acknowledgement> handler) { this.onNackHandler = handler; return this; }
Allows customizing the action to do when the server needs to send a `PING` to the client. By default it send a frame containing EOL (specification). However, you can customize this and send another frame. However, be aware that this may requires a custom client.

The handler will only be called if the connection supports heartbeats.
  • handler – the action to execute when a `PING` needs to be sent.
Returns:the current StompServerHandler
/** * Allows customizing the action to do when the server needs to send a `PING` to the client. By default it send a * frame containing {@code EOL} (specification). However, you can customize this and send another frame. However, * be aware that this may requires a custom client. * <p/> * The handler will only be called if the connection supports heartbeats. * * @param handler the action to execute when a `PING` needs to be sent. * @return the current {@link StompServerHandler} */
@Override public synchronized StompServerHandler pingHandler(Handler<StompServerConnection> handler) { this.pingHandler = handler; return this; } }