package io.vertx.ext.mongo.impl.config;

import com.mongodb.ConnectionString;
import com.mongodb.WriteConcern;
import io.vertx.core.json.JsonObject;

import java.util.concurrent.TimeUnit;

Author:Nick Scavelli
/** * @author <a href="">Nick Scavelli</a> */
class WriteConcernParser { private final WriteConcern writeConcern; WriteConcernParser(ConnectionString connectionString, JsonObject config) { WriteConcern connStringWriteConcern = null; if (connectionString != null) { // WRITE_CONCERN_KEYS("safe", "w", "wtimeoutms", "fsync", "journal"); connStringWriteConcern = connectionString.getWriteConcern(); } if (connStringWriteConcern != null) { // Prefer connection string's write concern writeConcern = connStringWriteConcern; } else { // Allow convenient string value for writeConcern e.g. ACKNOWLEDGED, SAFE, MAJORITY, etc WriteConcern wc; String wcs = config.getString("writeConcern"); if (wcs != null) { wc = WriteConcern.valueOf(wcs); if (wc == null) throw new IllegalArgumentException("Invalid WriteConcern " + wcs); } else { // Support advanced write concern options. There's some inconsistencies between driver options // and mongo docs [] but we'll be consistent with the driver for this. Boolean safe = config.getBoolean("safe"); Object w = config.getValue("w"); Integer wtimeout = config.getInteger("wtimeoutMS", null); Boolean fsync = config.getBoolean("fsync", null); // This doesn't exist in mongo docs, but you can specify it for driver... Boolean j = config.getBoolean("j", null); if (j == null) { j = config.getBoolean("journal", null); //TODO: Inconsistency with driver and mongo docs, support both ? } if (w != null || wtimeout != null || (fsync != null && fsync) || (j != null && j)) { if (w == null) { wc = new WriteConcern(1); } else { wc = getWriteConcern(w); } if (wtimeout != null) { wc = wc.withWTimeout(wtimeout, TimeUnit.MILLISECONDS); } if (j != null) { wc = wc.withJournal(j); } if (fsync != null) { wc = wc.withFsync(fsync); } } else if (safe != null) { wc = safe ? WriteConcern.ACKNOWLEDGED : WriteConcern.UNACKNOWLEDGED; } else { wc = null; // no write concern } } writeConcern = wc; } } private WriteConcern getWriteConcern(Object w) { WriteConcern wc; if (w instanceof String) { wc = new WriteConcern((String) w); } else if (w instanceof Integer) { wc = new WriteConcern((int) w); } else { throw new IllegalArgumentException("Invalid type " + w.getClass() + " for w of WriteConcern"); } return wc; } WriteConcern writeConcern() { return writeConcern; } }