 *  Copyright (c) 2011-2015 The original author or authors
 *  All rights reserved. This program and the accompanying materials
 *  are made available under the terms of the Eclipse Public License v1.0
 *  and Apache License v2.0 which accompanies this distribution.
 *       The Eclipse Public License is available at
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package io.vertx.ext.mail.impl;

import io.vertx.core.*;
import io.vertx.core.impl.NoStackTraceThrowable;
import io.vertx.core.impl.logging.Logger;
import io.vertx.core.impl.logging.LoggerFactory;
import io.vertx.core.net.NetClient;
import io.vertx.core.net.NetSocket;
import io.vertx.ext.mail.MailConfig;

import java.util.List;

SMTP connection to a server.

Encapsulate the NetSocket connection and the data writing/reading

Author:Alexander Lehmann
/** * SMTP connection to a server. * <p> * Encapsulate the NetSocket connection and the data writing/reading * * @author <a href="http://oss.lehmann.cx/">Alexander Lehmann</a> */
class SMTPConnection { private static final Logger log = LoggerFactory.getLogger(SMTPConnection.class); private NetSocket ns; private boolean socketClosed; private boolean socketShutDown; private Handler<String> commandReplyHandler; private Handler<Throwable> errorHandler; private boolean broken; private boolean idle; private boolean doShutdown; private final NetClient client; private Capabilities capa = new Capabilities(); private final ConnectionLifeCycleListener listener; private Context context; private final MultilineParser nsHandler; SMTPConnection(NetClient client, ConnectionLifeCycleListener listener) { broken = true; idle = false; doShutdown = false; socketClosed = false; socketShutDown = false; this.client = client; this.listener = listener; this.nsHandler = new MultilineParser(buffer -> { if (commandReplyHandler == null) { log.debug("dropping reply arriving after we stopped processing the buffer."); } else { // make sure we only call the handler once Handler<String> currentHandler = commandReplyHandler; commandReplyHandler = null; currentHandler.handle(buffer.toString()); } }); }
Returns:the capabilities object
/** * @return the capabilities object */
Capabilities getCapa() { return capa; }
parse capabilities from the ehlo reply string
  • message – the capabilities to set
/** * parse capabilities from the ehlo reply string * * @param message the capabilities to set */
void parseCapabilities(String message) { capa = new Capabilities(); capa.parseCapabilities(message); } void shutdown() { broken = true; commandReplyHandler = null; socketShutDown = true; if (ns != null) { ns.close(); ns = null; } } void writeCommands(List<String> commands, Handler<String> resultHandler) { String cmds = String.join("\r\n", commands); this.nsHandler.setExpected(commands.size()); this.write(cmds, r -> { try { resultHandler.handle(r); } finally { this.nsHandler.setExpected(1); } }); } /* * write command without masking anything */ void write(String str, Handler<String> commandResultHandler) { write(str, -1, commandResultHandler); } /* * write command masking everything after position blank */ void write(String str, int blank, Handler<String> commandResultHandler) { this.commandReplyHandler = commandResultHandler; if (socketClosed) { log.debug("connection was closed by server"); handleError("connection was closed by server"); } else { if (ns != null) { if (log.isDebugEnabled()) { String logStr; if (blank >= 0) { StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder(); for (int i = blank; i < str.length(); i++) { sb.append('*'); } logStr = str.substring(0, blank) + sb; } else { logStr = str; } // avoid logging large mail body if (logStr.length() < 1000) { log.debug("command: " + logStr); } else { log.debug("command: " + logStr.substring(0, 1000) + "..."); } } ns.write(str + "\r\n"); } else { log.debug("not sending command " + str + " since the netsocket is null"); } } } // write single line not expecting a reply void writeLine(String str, boolean mayLog) { if (mayLog) { log.debug(str); } ns.write(str + "\r\n"); } // write single line not expecting a reply, using drain handler void writeLineWithDrainPromise(String str, boolean mayLog, Promise<Void> promise) { if (mayLog) { log.debug(str); } if (ns.writeQueueFull()) { ns.drainHandler(v -> { // avoid getting confused by being called twice ns.drainHandler(null); ns.write(str + "\r\n").onComplete(promise); }); } else { ns.write(str + "\r\n").onComplete(promise); } } private void handleError(String message) { handleError(new NoStackTraceThrowable(message)); } private void handleError(Throwable throwable) { errorHandler.handle(throwable); } public void openConnection(MailConfig config, Handler<String> initialReplyHandler, Handler<Throwable> errorHandler) { this.errorHandler = errorHandler; broken = false; idle = false; client.connect(config.getPort(), config.getHostname(), asyncResult -> { if (asyncResult.succeeded()) { context = Vertx.currentContext(); ns = asyncResult.result(); socketClosed = false; ns.exceptionHandler(e -> { // avoid returning two exceptions log.debug("exceptionHandler called"); if (!socketClosed && !socketShutDown && !idle && !broken) { setBroken(); log.debug("got an exception on the netsocket", e); handleError(e); } else { log.debug("not returning follow-up exception", e); } }); ns.closeHandler(v -> { log.debug("socket has been closed"); listener.connectionClosed(this); socketClosed = true; // avoid exception if we regularly shut down the socket on our side if (!socketShutDown && !idle && !broken) { setBroken(); log.debug("throwing: connection has been closed by the server"); handleError("connection has been closed by the server"); } else { if (socketShutDown || broken) { log.debug("close has been expected"); } else { log.debug("closed while connection has been idle (timeout on server?)"); } if (!broken) { setBroken(); } if (!socketShutDown) { shutdown(); listener.dataEnded(this); } } }); commandReplyHandler = initialReplyHandler; ns.handler(this.nsHandler); } else { log.error("exception on connect", asyncResult.cause()); // notify the pool that the connection attempt didn't work so that the connection count is correct listener.connectionClosed(null); handleError(asyncResult.cause()); } }); } boolean isSsl() { return ns.isSsl(); } void upgradeToSsl(Handler<AsyncResult<Void>> handler) { ns.upgradeToSsl(handler); } public boolean isBroken() { return broken; } public boolean isIdle() { return idle; } public void returnToPool() { if (isIdle()) { log.info("state error: idle connection returned to pool"); handleError("state error: idle connection returned to pool"); } else { if (doShutdown) { log.debug("shutting connection down"); quitCloseConnection(); } else { log.debug("returning connection to pool"); commandReplyHandler = null; listener.dataEnded(this); log.debug("setting error handler to null"); errorHandler = null; } } }
send QUIT and close the connection, this operation waits for the success of the quit command but will close the connection on exception as well
/** * send QUIT and close the connection, this operation waits for the success of the quit command but will close the * connection on exception as well */
private void quitCloseConnection() { if (!socketShutDown) { context.runOnContext(v1 -> { log.debug("shutting down connection"); if (socketClosed) { log.debug("connection is already closed, only doing shutdown()"); shutdown(); } else { // set the connection to in use to avoid it being used by another getConnection operation useConnection(); new SMTPQuit(this, v -> { shutdown(); log.debug("connection is shut down"); }).start(); } }); } }
mark a connection as being used again
/** * mark a connection as being used again */
void useConnection() { idle = false; }
mark a connection as free
/** * mark a connection as free */
void setIdle() { idle = true; }
set error handler to a "local" handler to be reset later
/** * set error handler to a "local" handler to be reset later */
private Handler<Throwable> prevErrorHandler = null; public void setErrorHandler(Handler<Throwable> newHandler) { if (prevErrorHandler == null) { prevErrorHandler = errorHandler; } errorHandler = newHandler; }
reset error handler to previous
/** * reset error handler to previous */
public void resetErrorHandler() { errorHandler = prevErrorHandler; }
set connection to broken and shut it down
/** * set connection to broken and shut it down */
public void setBroken() { if (!broken) { log.debug("setting connection to broken"); broken = true; commandReplyHandler = null; log.debug("closing connection"); shutdown(); listener.dataEnded(this); } else { log.debug("connection is already set to broken"); } }
if connection is still active, shut it down when the current operation has finished
/** * if connection is still active, shut it down when the current * operation has finished */
public void setDoShutdown() { log.debug("will shut down connection after send operation finishes"); doShutdown = true; }
close the connection doing a QUIT command first
/** * close the connection doing a QUIT command first */
public void close() { quitCloseConnection(); }
check if a connection is already closed (this is mostly for unit tests)
/** * check if a connection is already closed (this is mostly for unit tests) */
boolean isClosed() { return socketClosed; }
get the context associated with this connection
/** * get the context associated with this connection * * @return */
Context getContext() { return context; }
Gets the underline NetSocket to the email server.
Returns:the underline NetSocket
/** * Gets the underline NetSocket to the email server. * * @return the underline NetSocket */
NetSocket getSocket() { return ns; } }