package io.ebean;

import io.ebean.service.SpiFetchGroupService;
import io.ebean.service.SpiProfileLocationFactory;
import io.ebean.service.SpiRawSqlService;

import java.util.Iterator;
import java.util.ServiceLoader;

Lookup internal services.
/** * Lookup internal services. */
class XServiceProvider { private static SpiRawSqlService rawSqlService = initRawSql(); private static SpiProfileLocationFactory profileLocationFactory = initProfileLocation(); private static SpiFetchGroupService fetchGroupService = initSpiFetchGroupService(); private static SpiFetchGroupService initSpiFetchGroupService() { Iterator<SpiFetchGroupService> loader = ServiceLoader.load(SpiFetchGroupService.class).iterator(); if (loader.hasNext()) { return; } throw new IllegalStateException("No service implementation found for SpiFetchGroupService?"); } private static SpiRawSqlService initRawSql() { Iterator<SpiRawSqlService> loader = ServiceLoader.load(SpiRawSqlService.class).iterator(); if (loader.hasNext()) { return; } throw new IllegalStateException("No service implementation found for SpiRawSqlService?"); } private static SpiProfileLocationFactory initProfileLocation() { Iterator<SpiProfileLocationFactory> loader = ServiceLoader.load(SpiProfileLocationFactory.class).iterator(); if (loader.hasNext()) { return; } throw new IllegalStateException("No service implementation found for SpiProfileLocationFactory?"); }
Return the RawSqlService implementation.
/** * Return the RawSqlService implementation. */
static SpiRawSqlService rawSql() { return rawSqlService; }
Return the RawSqlService implementation.
/** * Return the RawSqlService implementation. */
static SpiProfileLocationFactory profileLocationFactory() { return profileLocationFactory; }
Return the FetchGroup with the given select clause.
/** * Return the FetchGroup with the given select clause. */
static <T> FetchGroup<T> fetchGroupOf(Class<T> cls, String select) { return fetchGroupService.of(cls, select); }
Return the FetchGroupBuilder with the given select clause.
/** * Return the FetchGroupBuilder with the given select clause. */
static <T> FetchGroupBuilder<T> fetchGroupOf(Class<T> cls) { return fetchGroupService.of(cls); } }