package io.ebean;

Adapter that can be extended for easier implementation of TransactionCallback.

Provides 'no operation' implementation for each of the TransactionCallback methods. It is expected that this class is extended and override the methods you need to.
/** * Adapter that can be extended for easier implementation of TransactionCallback. * <p/> * Provides 'no operation' implementation for each of the TransactionCallback methods. It is expected that this * class is extended and override the methods you need to. */
public abstract class TransactionCallbackAdapter implements TransactionCallback {
Perform processing just prior to the transaction commit.
/** * Perform processing just prior to the transaction commit. */
@Override public void preCommit() { // do nothing - override as necessary }
Perform processing just after the transaction commit.
/** * Perform processing just after the transaction commit. */
@Override public void postCommit() { // do nothing - override as necessary }
Perform processing just prior to the transaction rollback.
/** * Perform processing just prior to the transaction rollback. */
@Override public void preRollback() { // do nothing - override as necessary }
Perform processing just after the transaction rollback.
/** * Perform processing just after the transaction rollback. */
@Override public void postRollback() { // do nothing - override as necessary } }