package io.ebean;

Bean holding the details to update the document store.
/** * Bean holding the details to update the document store. */
public final class DocStoreQueueEntry {
Action to either update or delete a document from the index.
/** * Action to either update or delete a document from the index. */
public enum Action {
Action is to update a document in the doc store.
/** * Action is to update a document in the doc store. */
Action is to delete a document from the doc store..
/** * Action is to delete a document from the doc store.. */
An update is required based on a change to a nested/embedded object at a given path.
/** * An update is required based on a change to a nested/embedded object at a given path. */
NESTED(3); int value; Action(int value) { this.value = value; }
Return the value associated with this action type.
/** * Return the value associated with this action type. */
public int getValue() { return value; } } private final Action type; private final String queueId; private final String path; private final Object beanId;
Construct for an INDEX or DELETE action.
/** * Construct for an INDEX or DELETE action. */
public DocStoreQueueEntry(Action type, String queueId, Object beanId) { this(type, queueId, null, beanId); }
Construct for an NESTED/embedded path invalidation action.
/** * Construct for an NESTED/embedded path invalidation action. */
public DocStoreQueueEntry(Action type, String queueId, String path, Object beanId) { this.type = type; this.queueId = queueId; this.path = path; this.beanId = beanId; }
Return the event type.
/** * Return the event type. */
public Action getType() { return type; }
Return the associate queueId.
/** * Return the associate queueId. */
public String getQueueId() { return queueId; }
Return the path if this is a nested update.
/** * Return the path if this is a nested update. */
public String getPath() { return path; }
Return the bean id (which matches the document id).
/** * Return the bean id (which matches the document id). */
public Object getBeanId() { return beanId; } }