package jflex.core;

import java.util.ArrayDeque;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.Deque;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.Set;
import java_cup.runtime.Symbol;
import jflex.core.unicode.CharClasses;
import jflex.core.unicode.ILexScan;
import jflex.core.unicode.UnicodeProperties;
import jflex.l10n.ErrorMessages;
import jflex.logging.Out;
import jflex.scanner.LexicalStates;
import jflex.scanner.ScannerException;

public abstract class AbstractLexScan implements ILexScan {

  int bufferSize = 16384;

  File file;

  private final Deque<File> files = new ArrayDeque<>();

  StringBuilder userCode = new StringBuilder();

  String classCode;
  String initCode;
  String initThrow;
  String eofCode;
  String eofThrow;
  String lexThrow;
  String eofVal;
  public String scanErrorException;
  String cupSymbol = "sym";

  StringBuilder string = new StringBuilder();

  @SuppressWarnings("WeakerAccess") // used in generated LexScan
  UnicodeProperties unicodeProperties;

  boolean charCount;
  boolean lineCount;
  boolean columnCount;
  boolean cupCompatible;
  boolean cup2Compatible;
  boolean cupDebug;
  boolean isInteger;
  boolean isIntWrap;
  boolean isPublic;
  boolean isFinal;
  boolean isAbstract;
  boolean bolUsed;
  boolean standalone;
  boolean debugOption;
  boolean eofclose;

  String isImplementing;
  String isExtending;
  String className = "Yylex";
  String functionName;
  String tokenType;
  String visibility = "public";

  List<String> ctorArgs = new ArrayList<>();
  List<String> ctorTypes = new ArrayList<>();

  LexicalStates states = new LexicalStates();

  List<Action> actions = new ArrayList<>();

  // CharClasses.init() is delayed until UnicodeProperties.init() has been called,
  // since the max char code won't be known until then.
  final CharClasses charClasses = new CharClasses();

  public UnicodeProperties getUnicodeProperties() {
    return unicodeProperties;

  // TODO(regisd) Return an immutable representation of char classes
  @SuppressWarnings("unused") // Used in generated LexParse
  public CharClasses getCharClasses() {
    return charClasses;

  public void setFile(File file) {
    this.file = file;

  @SuppressWarnings("unused") // Used in generated LexScan
  Symbol symbol(int type, Object value) {
    return new Symbol(type, lexLine(), lexColumn(), value);

  @SuppressWarnings("unused") // Used in generated LexScan
  Symbol symbol(int type) {
    return new Symbol(type, lexLine(), lexColumn());

Updates line and column count to the beginning of the first non whitespace character in yytext, but leaves yyline()+lexColumn() untouched.
/** * Updates line and column count to the beginning of the first non whitespace character in yytext, * but leaves yyline()+lexColumn() untouched. */
@SuppressWarnings("unused") // Used in generated LexScan Symbol symbol_countUpdate(int type, Object value) { int lc = lexLine(); int cc = lexColumn(); String text = lexText(); for (int i = 0; i < text.length(); i++) { char c = text.charAt(i); if (c != '\n' && c != '\r' && c != ' ' && c != '\t') { return new Symbol(type, lc, cc, value); } if (c == '\n') { lc++; cc = 0; } else { cc++; } } return new Symbol(type, lexLine(), lexColumn(), value); } @SuppressWarnings("unused") // Used in generated LexScan String makeMacroIdent() { String matched = lexText().trim(); return matched.substring(1, matched.length() - 1).trim(); } @SuppressWarnings("SameParameterValue") // Generated LexScan uses different parameters public static String conc(Object a, Object b) { if (a == null && b == null) { return null; } if (a == null) { return b.toString(); } if (b == null) { return a.toString(); } return a.toString() + b.toString(); } public static String concExc(Object a, Object b) { if (a == null && b == null) { return null; } if (a == null) { return b.toString(); } if (b == null) { return a.toString(); } return a.toString() + ", " + b.toString(); } @SuppressWarnings({"unused", "UnusedException"}) // Used in generated LexScan void populateDefaultVersionUnicodeProperties() { try { unicodeProperties = new UnicodeProperties(); } catch (UnicodeProperties.UnsupportedUnicodeVersionException e) { throw new ScannerException(file, ErrorMessages.UNSUPPORTED_UNICODE_VERSION, lexLine()); } } @SuppressWarnings("WeakerAccess") // Used in generated LexScan void initUnicodeCharClasses() { charClasses.init(unicodeProperties.getMaximumCodePoint(), this); } // Used in generated LexScan // ScannerException is descriptive enough @SuppressWarnings({"unused", "UnusedException"}) void includeFile(String filePath) { File f = new File(file.getParentFile(), filePath); if (!f.canRead()) { throw new ScannerException(file, ErrorMessages.NOT_READABLE, lexLine()); } // check for cycle if (files.contains(f)) { throw new ScannerException(file, ErrorMessages.FILE_CYCLE, lexLine()); } try { lexPushStream(f); files.push(file); file = f; Out.println("Including \"" + file + "\""); } catch (IOException e) { throw new ScannerException(file, ErrorMessages.NOT_READABLE, lexLine()); } } @SuppressWarnings("unused") // Used in generated LexScan File popFile() { return files.pop(); } public Iterable<Action> actions() { return actions; } public File file() { return file; } public String classCode() { return classCode; } public String initCode() { return initCode; }; public String initThrow() { return initThrow; }; public String eofCode() { return eofCode; }; public String eofThrow() { return eofThrow; }; public String lexThrow() { return lexThrow; }; public String eofVal() { return eofVal; }; public String scanErrorException() { return scanErrorException; }; public String userCode() { return userCode.toString(); } public String cupSymbol() { return cupSymbol; }; public boolean charCount() { return charCount; }; public boolean lineCount() { return lineCount; }; public boolean columnCount() { return columnCount; }; public boolean cupCompatible() { return cupCompatible; }; public boolean cup2Compatible() { return cup2Compatible; }; public boolean cupDebug() { return cupDebug; }; public boolean isInteger() { return isInteger; }; public boolean isIntWrap() { return isIntWrap; }; public boolean isPublic() { return isPublic; }; public boolean isFinal() { return isFinal; }; public boolean isAbstract() { return isAbstract; }; public boolean bolUsed() { return bolUsed; }; public boolean standalone() { return standalone; }; public boolean debugOption() { return debugOption; }; public boolean eofclose() { return eofclose; }; public String isImplementing() { return isImplementing; }; public String isExtending() { return isExtending; }; public String className() { return className; }; public String functionName() { return functionName; }; public String tokenType() { return tokenType; }; public String visibility() { return visibility; }; public Set<String> stateNames() { return states.names(); } public int getStateNumber(String name) { return states.getNumber(name); } public int ctorArgsCount() { return ctorArgs.size(); } public String ctorType(int i) { return ctorTypes.get(i); } public String ctorArg(int i) { return ctorArgs.get(i); } public int bufferSize() { return bufferSize; }
Returns the current line number.
Deprecated:Use lexLine directly.
/** * Returns the current line number. * * @deprecated Use {@link #lexLine} directly. */
@Deprecated public int currentLine() { return lexLine(); } @SuppressWarnings("unused") // Used by generated LexScan /** @deprecated Use {@link #columnCoount} */ @Deprecated public boolean isColumnCount() { return columnCount; } @SuppressWarnings("WeakerAccess") // Implemented by generated LexScan protected abstract int lexLine(); @SuppressWarnings("WeakerAccess") // Implemented by generated LexScan protected abstract int lexColumn(); @SuppressWarnings("WeakerAccess") // Implemented by generated LexScan protected abstract String lexText(); @SuppressWarnings("WeakerAccess") // Implemented by generated LexScan protected abstract void lexPushStream(File f) throws IOException; }