 * Copyright 2004-2019 H2 Group. Multiple-Licensed under the MPL 2.0,
 * and the EPL 1.0 (http://h2database.com/html/license.html).
 * Initial Developer: H2 Group
package org.h2.result;

import java.io.IOException;

import org.h2.value.Transfer;
import org.h2.value.TypeInfo;

A result set column of a remote result.
/** * A result set column of a remote result. */
public class ResultColumn {
The column alias.
/** * The column alias. */
final String alias;
The schema name or null.
/** * The schema name or null. */
final String schemaName;
The table name or null.
/** * The table name or null. */
final String tableName;
The column name or null.
/** * The column name or null. */
final String columnName;
The column type.
/** * The column type. */
final TypeInfo columnType;
True if this is an autoincrement column.
/** * True if this is an autoincrement column. */
final boolean autoIncrement;
True if this column is nullable.
/** * True if this column is nullable. */
final int nullable;
Read an object from the given transfer object.
  • in – the object from where to read the data
/** * Read an object from the given transfer object. * * @param in the object from where to read the data */
ResultColumn(Transfer in) throws IOException { alias = in.readString(); schemaName = in.readString(); tableName = in.readString(); columnName = in.readString(); int valueType = in.readInt(); long precision = in.readLong(); int scale = in.readInt(); int displaySize = in.readInt(); columnType = new TypeInfo(valueType, precision, scale, displaySize, null); autoIncrement = in.readBoolean(); nullable = in.readInt(); }
Write a result column to the given output.
  • out – the object to where to write the data
  • result – the result
  • i – the column index
/** * Write a result column to the given output. * * @param out the object to where to write the data * @param result the result * @param i the column index */
public static void writeColumn(Transfer out, ResultInterface result, int i) throws IOException { out.writeString(result.getAlias(i)); out.writeString(result.getSchemaName(i)); out.writeString(result.getTableName(i)); out.writeString(result.getColumnName(i)); TypeInfo type = result.getColumnType(i); out.writeInt(type.getValueType()); out.writeLong(type.getPrecision()); out.writeInt(type.getScale()); out.writeInt(type.getDisplaySize()); out.writeBoolean(result.isAutoIncrement(i)); out.writeInt(result.getNullable(i)); } }