 * Copyright 2004-2019 H2 Group. Multiple-Licensed under the MPL 2.0,
 * and the EPL 1.0 (http://h2database.com/html/license.html).
 * Initial Developer: H2 Group
package org.h2.mvstore;

import java.util.BitSet;

import org.h2.util.MathUtils;

A free space bit set.
/** * A free space bit set. */
public class FreeSpaceBitSet { private static final boolean DETAILED_INFO = false;
The first usable block.
/** * The first usable block. */
private final int firstFreeBlock;
The block size in bytes.
/** * The block size in bytes. */
private final int blockSize;
The bit set.
/** * The bit set. */
private final BitSet set = new BitSet();
Create a new free space map.
  • firstFreeBlock – the first free block
  • blockSize – the block size
/** * Create a new free space map. * * @param firstFreeBlock the first free block * @param blockSize the block size */
public FreeSpaceBitSet(int firstFreeBlock, int blockSize) { this.firstFreeBlock = firstFreeBlock; this.blockSize = blockSize; clear(); }
Reset the list.
/** * Reset the list. */
public void clear() { set.clear(); set.set(0, firstFreeBlock); }
Check whether one of the blocks is in use.
  • pos – the position in bytes
  • length – the number of bytes
Returns:true if a block is in use
/** * Check whether one of the blocks is in use. * * @param pos the position in bytes * @param length the number of bytes * @return true if a block is in use */
public boolean isUsed(long pos, int length) { int start = getBlock(pos); int blocks = getBlockCount(length); for (int i = start; i < start + blocks; i++) { if (!set.get(i)) { return false; } } return true; }
Check whether one of the blocks is free.
  • pos – the position in bytes
  • length – the number of bytes
Returns:true if a block is free
/** * Check whether one of the blocks is free. * * @param pos the position in bytes * @param length the number of bytes * @return true if a block is free */
public boolean isFree(long pos, int length) { int start = getBlock(pos); int blocks = getBlockCount(length); for (int i = start; i < start + blocks; i++) { if (set.get(i)) { return false; } } return true; }
Allocate a number of blocks and mark them as used.
  • length – the number of bytes to allocate
Returns:the start position in bytes
/** * Allocate a number of blocks and mark them as used. * * @param length the number of bytes to allocate * @return the start position in bytes */
public long allocate(int length) { return allocate(length, true); }
Calculate starting position of the prospective allocation.
  • length – the number of bytes to allocate
Returns:the start position in bytes
/** * Calculate starting position of the prospective allocation. * * @param length the number of bytes to allocate * @return the start position in bytes */
public long predictAllocation(int length) { return allocate(length, false); } private long allocate(int length, boolean allocate) { int blocks = getBlockCount(length); for (int i = 0;;) { int start = set.nextClearBit(i); int end = set.nextSetBit(start + 1); if (end < 0 || end - start >= blocks) { assert set.nextSetBit(start) == -1 || set.nextSetBit(start) >= start + blocks : "Double alloc: " + Integer.toHexString(start) + "/" + Integer.toHexString(blocks) + " " + this; if (allocate) { set.set(start, start + blocks); } return getPos(start); } i = end; } }
Mark the space as in use.
  • pos – the position in bytes
  • length – the number of bytes
/** * Mark the space as in use. * * @param pos the position in bytes * @param length the number of bytes */
public void markUsed(long pos, int length) { int start = getBlock(pos); int blocks = getBlockCount(length); assert set.nextSetBit(start) == -1 || set.nextSetBit(start) >= start + blocks : "Double mark: " + Integer.toHexString(start) + "/" + Integer.toHexString(blocks) + " " + this; set.set(start, start + blocks); }
Mark the space as free.
  • pos – the position in bytes
  • length – the number of bytes
/** * Mark the space as free. * * @param pos the position in bytes * @param length the number of bytes */
public void free(long pos, int length) { int start = getBlock(pos); int blocks = getBlockCount(length); assert set.nextClearBit(start) >= start + blocks : "Double free: " + Integer.toHexString(start) + "/" + Integer.toHexString(blocks) + " " + this; set.clear(start, start + blocks); } private long getPos(int block) { return (long) block * (long) blockSize; } private int getBlock(long pos) { return (int) (pos / blockSize); } private int getBlockCount(int length) { return MathUtils.roundUpInt(length, blockSize) / blockSize; }
Get the fill rate of the space in percent. The value 0 means the space is completely free, and 100 means it is completely full.
Returns:the fill rate (0 - 100)
/** * Get the fill rate of the space in percent. The value 0 means the space is * completely free, and 100 means it is completely full. * * @return the fill rate (0 - 100) */
public int getFillRate() { int cardinality = set.cardinality(); if (cardinality == 0) { return 0; } return Math.max(1, (int)(100L * cardinality / set.length())); }
Get the position of the first free space.
Returns:the position.
/** * Get the position of the first free space. * * @return the position. */
public long getFirstFree() { return getPos(set.nextClearBit(0)); }
Get the position of the last (infinite) free space.
Returns:the position.
/** * Get the position of the last (infinite) free space. * * @return the position. */
public long getLastFree() { return getPos(set.previousSetBit(set.size()-1) + 1); } @Override public String toString() { StringBuilder buff = new StringBuilder(); if (DETAILED_INFO) { int onCount = 0, offCount = 0; int on = 0; for (int i = 0; i < set.length(); i++) { if (set.get(i)) { onCount++; on++; } else { offCount++; } if ((i & 1023) == 1023) { buff.append(String.format("%3x", on)).append(' '); on = 0; } } buff.append('\n') .append(" on ").append(onCount).append(" off ").append(offCount) .append(' ').append(100 * onCount / (onCount+offCount)).append("% used "); } buff.append('['); for (int i = 0;;) { if (i > 0) { buff.append(", "); } int start = set.nextClearBit(i); buff.append(Integer.toHexString(start)).append('-'); int end = set.nextSetBit(start + 1); if (end < 0) { break; } buff.append(Integer.toHexString(end - 1)); i = end + 1; } buff.append(']'); return buff.toString(); } }