 * Copyright 2004-2019 H2 Group. Multiple-Licensed under the MPL 2.0,
 * and the EPL 1.0 (http://h2database.com/html/license.html).
 * Initial Developer: H2 Group
package org.h2.bnf;

import java.io.ByteArrayInputStream;
import java.io.IOException;
import java.io.InputStreamReader;
import java.io.Reader;
import java.sql.ResultSet;
import java.sql.SQLException;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.HashMap;
import java.util.StringTokenizer;

import org.h2.bnf.context.DbContextRule;
import org.h2.tools.Csv;
import org.h2.util.StringUtils;
import org.h2.util.Utils;

This class can read a file that is similar to BNF (Backus-Naur form). It is made specially to support SQL grammar.
/** * This class can read a file that is similar to BNF (Backus-Naur form). * It is made specially to support SQL grammar. */
public class Bnf {
The rule map. The key is lowercase, and all spaces are replaces with underscore.
/** * The rule map. The key is lowercase, and all spaces * are replaces with underscore. */
private final HashMap<String, RuleHead> ruleMap = new HashMap<>(); private String syntax; private String currentToken; private String[] tokens; private char firstChar; private int index; private Rule lastRepeat; private ArrayList<RuleHead> statements; private String currentTopic;
Create an instance using the grammar specified in the CSV file.
  • csv – if not specified, the help.csv is used
Returns:a new instance
/** * Create an instance using the grammar specified in the CSV file. * * @param csv if not specified, the help.csv is used * @return a new instance */
public static Bnf getInstance(Reader csv) throws SQLException, IOException { Bnf bnf = new Bnf(); if (csv == null) { byte[] data = Utils.getResource("/org/h2/res/help.csv"); csv = new InputStreamReader(new ByteArrayInputStream(data)); } bnf.parse(csv); return bnf; }
Add an alias for a rule.
  • name – for example "procedure"
  • replacement – for example "@func@"
/** * Add an alias for a rule. * * @param name for example "procedure" * @param replacement for example "@func@" */
public void addAlias(String name, String replacement) { RuleHead head = ruleMap.get(replacement); ruleMap.put(name, head); } private void addFixedRule(String name, int fixedType) { Rule rule = new RuleFixed(fixedType); addRule(name, "Fixed", rule); } private RuleHead addRule(String topic, String section, Rule rule) { RuleHead head = new RuleHead(section, topic, rule); String key = StringUtils.toLowerEnglish(topic.trim().replace(' ', '_')); if (ruleMap.get(key) != null) { throw new AssertionError("already exists: " + topic); } ruleMap.put(key, head); return head; } private void parse(Reader reader) throws SQLException, IOException { Rule functions = null; statements = new ArrayList<>(); Csv csv = new Csv(); csv.setLineCommentCharacter('#'); ResultSet rs = csv.read(reader, null); while (rs.next()) { String section = rs.getString("SECTION").trim(); if (section.startsWith("System")) { continue; } String topic = rs.getString("TOPIC"); syntax = rs.getString("SYNTAX").trim(); currentTopic = section; tokens = tokenize(); index = 0; Rule rule = parseRule(); if (section.startsWith("Command")) { rule = new RuleList(rule, new RuleElement(";\n\n", currentTopic), false); } RuleHead head = addRule(topic, section, rule); if (section.startsWith("Function")) { if (functions == null) { functions = rule; } else { functions = new RuleList(rule, functions, true); } } else if (section.startsWith("Commands")) { statements.add(head); } } addRule("@func@", "Function", functions); addFixedRule("@ymd@", RuleFixed.YMD); addFixedRule("@hms@", RuleFixed.HMS); addFixedRule("@nanos@", RuleFixed.NANOS); addFixedRule("anything_except_single_quote", RuleFixed.ANY_EXCEPT_SINGLE_QUOTE); addFixedRule("anything_except_double_quote", RuleFixed.ANY_EXCEPT_DOUBLE_QUOTE); addFixedRule("anything_until_end_of_line", RuleFixed.ANY_UNTIL_EOL); addFixedRule("anything_until_end_comment", RuleFixed.ANY_UNTIL_END); addFixedRule("anything_except_two_dollar_signs", RuleFixed.ANY_EXCEPT_2_DOLLAR); addFixedRule("anything", RuleFixed.ANY_WORD); addFixedRule("@hex_start@", RuleFixed.HEX_START); addFixedRule("@concat@", RuleFixed.CONCAT); addFixedRule("@az_@", RuleFixed.AZ_UNDERSCORE); addFixedRule("@af@", RuleFixed.AF); addFixedRule("@digit@", RuleFixed.DIGIT); addFixedRule("@open_bracket@", RuleFixed.OPEN_BRACKET); addFixedRule("@close_bracket@", RuleFixed.CLOSE_BRACKET); }
Parse the syntax and let the rule call the visitor.
  • visitor – the visitor
  • s – the syntax to parse
/** * Parse the syntax and let the rule call the visitor. * * @param visitor the visitor * @param s the syntax to parse */
public void visit(BnfVisitor visitor, String s) { this.syntax = s; tokens = tokenize(); index = 0; Rule rule = parseRule(); rule.setLinks(ruleMap); rule.accept(visitor); }
Check whether the statement starts with a whitespace.
  • s – the statement
Returns:if the statement is not empty and starts with a whitespace
/** * Check whether the statement starts with a whitespace. * * @param s the statement * @return if the statement is not empty and starts with a whitespace */
public static boolean startWithSpace(String s) { return s.length() > 0 && Character.isWhitespace(s.charAt(0)); }
Convert convert ruleLink to rule_link.
  • token – the token
Returns:the rule map key
/** * Convert convert ruleLink to rule_link. * * @param token the token * @return the rule map key */
public static String getRuleMapKey(String token) { StringBuilder buff = new StringBuilder(); for (char ch : token.toCharArray()) { if (Character.isUpperCase(ch)) { buff.append('_').append(Character.toLowerCase(ch)); } else { buff.append(ch); } } return buff.toString(); }
Get the rule head for the given title.
  • title – the title
Returns:the rule head, or null
/** * Get the rule head for the given title. * * @param title the title * @return the rule head, or null */
public RuleHead getRuleHead(String title) { return ruleMap.get(title); } private Rule parseRule() { read(); return parseOr(); } private Rule parseOr() { Rule r = parseList(); if (firstChar == '|') { read(); r = new RuleList(r, parseOr(), true); } lastRepeat = r; return r; } private Rule parseList() { Rule r = parseToken(); if (firstChar != '|' && firstChar != ']' && firstChar != '}' && firstChar != 0) { r = new RuleList(r, parseList(), false); } lastRepeat = r; return r; } private Rule parseToken() { Rule r; if ((firstChar >= 'A' && firstChar <= 'Z') || (firstChar >= 'a' && firstChar <= 'z')) { // r = new RuleElement(currentToken+ " syntax:" + syntax); r = new RuleElement(currentToken, currentTopic); } else if (firstChar == '[') { read(); Rule r2 = parseOr(); r = new RuleOptional(r2); if (firstChar != ']') { throw new AssertionError("expected ], got " + currentToken + " syntax:" + syntax); } } else if (firstChar == '{') { read(); r = parseOr(); if (firstChar != '}') { throw new AssertionError("expected }, got " + currentToken + " syntax:" + syntax); } } else if ("@commaDots@".equals(currentToken)) { r = new RuleList(new RuleElement(",", currentTopic), lastRepeat, false); r = new RuleRepeat(r, true); } else if ("@dots@".equals(currentToken)) { r = new RuleRepeat(lastRepeat, false); } else { r = new RuleElement(currentToken, currentTopic); } lastRepeat = r; read(); return r; } private void read() { if (index < tokens.length) { currentToken = tokens[index++]; firstChar = currentToken.charAt(0); } else { currentToken = ""; firstChar = 0; } } private String[] tokenize() { ArrayList<String> list = new ArrayList<>(); syntax = StringUtils.replaceAll(syntax, "yyyy-MM-dd", "@ymd@"); syntax = StringUtils.replaceAll(syntax, "hh:mm:ss", "@hms@"); syntax = StringUtils.replaceAll(syntax, "hh:mm", "@hms@"); syntax = StringUtils.replaceAll(syntax, "mm:ss", "@hms@"); syntax = StringUtils.replaceAll(syntax, "nnnnnnnnn", "@nanos@"); syntax = StringUtils.replaceAll(syntax, "function", "@func@"); syntax = StringUtils.replaceAll(syntax, "0x", "@hexStart@"); syntax = StringUtils.replaceAll(syntax, ",...", "@commaDots@"); syntax = StringUtils.replaceAll(syntax, "...", "@dots@"); syntax = StringUtils.replaceAll(syntax, "||", "@concat@"); syntax = StringUtils.replaceAll(syntax, "a-z|_", "@az_@"); syntax = StringUtils.replaceAll(syntax, "A-Z|_", "@az_@"); syntax = StringUtils.replaceAll(syntax, "A-F", "@af@"); syntax = StringUtils.replaceAll(syntax, "0-9", "@digit@"); syntax = StringUtils.replaceAll(syntax, "'['", "@openBracket@"); syntax = StringUtils.replaceAll(syntax, "']'", "@closeBracket@"); StringTokenizer tokenizer = getTokenizer(syntax); while (tokenizer.hasMoreTokens()) { String s = tokenizer.nextToken(); // avoid duplicate strings s = StringUtils.cache(s); if (s.length() == 1) { if (" \r\n".indexOf(s.charAt(0)) >= 0) { continue; } } list.add(s); } return list.toArray(new String[0]); }
Get the list of tokens that can follow. This is the main autocomplete method. The returned map for the query 'S' may look like this:
key: 1#SELECT, value: ELECT
key: 1#SET, value: ET
  • query – the start of the statement
Returns:the map of possible token types / tokens
/** * Get the list of tokens that can follow. * This is the main autocomplete method. * The returned map for the query 'S' may look like this: * <pre> * key: 1#SELECT, value: ELECT * key: 1#SET, value: ET * </pre> * * @param query the start of the statement * @return the map of possible token types / tokens */
public HashMap<String, String> getNextTokenList(String query) { Sentence sentence = new Sentence(); sentence.setQuery(query); try { for (RuleHead head : statements) { if (!head.getSection().startsWith("Commands")) { continue; } sentence.start(); if (head.getRule().autoComplete(sentence)) { break; } } } catch (IllegalStateException e) { // ignore } return sentence.getNext(); }
Cross-link all statements with each other. This method is called after updating the topics.
/** * Cross-link all statements with each other. * This method is called after updating the topics. */
public void linkStatements() { for (RuleHead r : ruleMap.values()) { r.getRule().setLinks(ruleMap); } }
Update a topic with a context specific rule. This is used for autocomplete support.
  • topic – the topic
  • rule – the database context rule
/** * Update a topic with a context specific rule. * This is used for autocomplete support. * * @param topic the topic * @param rule the database context rule */
public void updateTopic(String topic, DbContextRule rule) { topic = StringUtils.toLowerEnglish(topic); RuleHead head = ruleMap.get(topic); if (head == null) { head = new RuleHead("db", topic, rule); ruleMap.put(topic, head); statements.add(head); } else { head.setRule(rule); } }
Get the list of possible statements.
Returns:the list of statements
/** * Get the list of possible statements. * * @return the list of statements */
public ArrayList<RuleHead> getStatements() { return statements; }
Get the tokenizer for the given syntax.
  • s – the syntax
Returns:the tokenizer
/** * Get the tokenizer for the given syntax. * * @param s the syntax * @return the tokenizer */
public static StringTokenizer getTokenizer(String s) { return new StringTokenizer(s, " [](){}|.,\r\n<>:-+*/=\"!'$", true); } }