// Generated by the protocol buffer compiler.  DO NOT EDIT!
// source: proto/kms_aead.proto

package com.google.crypto.tink.proto;

public interface KmsAeadKeyFormatOrBuilder extends
    // @@protoc_insertion_point(interface_extends:google.crypto.tink.KmsAeadKeyFormat)
    com.google.protobuf.MessageOrBuilder {

The location of a KMS key.
With Google Cloud KMS, valid values have this format:
With AWS KMS, valid values have this format:
string key_uri = 1;
Returns:The keyUri.
/** * <pre> * Required. * The location of a KMS key. * With Google Cloud KMS, valid values have this format: * gcp-kms://projects/&#42;&#47;locations/&#42;&#47;keyRings/&#42;&#47;cryptoKeys/&#42;. * With AWS KMS, valid values have this format: * aws-kms://arn:aws:kms:&lt;region&gt;:&lt;account-id&gt;:key/&lt;key-id&gt; * </pre> * * <code>string key_uri = 1;</code> * @return The keyUri. */
java.lang.String getKeyUri();
The location of a KMS key.
With Google Cloud KMS, valid values have this format:
With AWS KMS, valid values have this format:
string key_uri = 1;
Returns:The bytes for keyUri.
/** * <pre> * Required. * The location of a KMS key. * With Google Cloud KMS, valid values have this format: * gcp-kms://projects/&#42;&#47;locations/&#42;&#47;keyRings/&#42;&#47;cryptoKeys/&#42;. * With AWS KMS, valid values have this format: * aws-kms://arn:aws:kms:&lt;region&gt;:&lt;account-id&gt;:key/&lt;key-id&gt; * </pre> * * <code>string key_uri = 1;</code> * @return The bytes for keyUri. */
com.google.protobuf.ByteString getKeyUriBytes(); }