// Generated by the protocol buffer compiler.  DO NOT EDIT!
// source: proto/tink.proto

package com.google.crypto.tink.proto;

public interface KeyTemplateOrBuilder extends
    // @@protoc_insertion_point(interface_extends:google.crypto.tink.KeyTemplate)
    com.google.protobuf.MessageOrBuilder {

string type_url = 1;
Returns:The typeUrl.
/** * <pre> * Required. * </pre> * * <code>string type_url = 1;</code> * @return The typeUrl. */
java.lang.String getTypeUrl();
string type_url = 1;
Returns:The bytes for typeUrl.
/** * <pre> * Required. * </pre> * * <code>string type_url = 1;</code> * @return The bytes for typeUrl. */
com.google.protobuf.ByteString getTypeUrlBytes();
If missing, it means the key type doesn't require a *KeyFormat proto.
bytes value = 2;
Returns:The value.
/** * <pre> * Optional. * If missing, it means the key type doesn't require a *KeyFormat proto. * </pre> * * <code>bytes value = 2;</code> * @return The value. */
com.google.protobuf.ByteString getValue();
If missing, uses OutputPrefixType.TINK.
.google.crypto.tink.OutputPrefixType output_prefix_type = 3;
Returns:The enum numeric value on the wire for outputPrefixType.
/** * <pre> * Optional. * If missing, uses OutputPrefixType.TINK. * </pre> * * <code>.google.crypto.tink.OutputPrefixType output_prefix_type = 3;</code> * @return The enum numeric value on the wire for outputPrefixType. */
int getOutputPrefixTypeValue();
If missing, uses OutputPrefixType.TINK.
.google.crypto.tink.OutputPrefixType output_prefix_type = 3;
Returns:The outputPrefixType.
/** * <pre> * Optional. * If missing, uses OutputPrefixType.TINK. * </pre> * * <code>.google.crypto.tink.OutputPrefixType output_prefix_type = 3;</code> * @return The outputPrefixType. */
com.google.crypto.tink.proto.OutputPrefixType getOutputPrefixType(); }