package com.fasterxml.jackson.jr.ob.impl;

import java.math.BigDecimal;
import java.math.BigInteger;
import java.util.*;

import com.fasterxml.jackson.core.*;
import com.fasterxml.jackson.jr.ob.JSON;
import com.fasterxml.jackson.jr.ob.JSONObjectException;
import com.fasterxml.jackson.jr.ob.api.ValueWriter;

import static com.fasterxml.jackson.jr.ob.impl.ValueWriterLocator.*;

Object that handles serialization of simple Objects into underlying data format (usually JSON). Unlike JSONReader, writer does actually implement write methods itself and uses delegation for only some special cases.

Life-cycle is such that initial instance (called blueprint) is constructed first (including possible configuration using mutant factory methods). This blueprint object acts as a factory, and is never used for direct writing; instead, per-call instance is created by calling perOperationInstance.

/** * Object that handles serialization of simple Objects into underlying * data format (usually JSON). * Unlike {@link JSONReader}, writer does actually implement write methods itself * and uses delegation for only some special cases. *<p> * Life-cycle is such that initial instance (called blueprint) * is constructed first (including possible configuration * using mutant factory methods). This blueprint object * acts as a factory, and is never used for direct writing; * instead, per-call instance is created by calling * {@link #perOperationInstance}. */
public class JSONWriter { private final static TimeZone DEFAULT_TIMEZONE = TimeZone.getTimeZone("UTC"); /* /********************************************************************** /* Blueprint config /********************************************************************** */ /* /********************************************************************** /* Instance config /********************************************************************** */ protected final TreeCodec _treeCodec;
Object that is used to dynamically find Bean (and custom type) value writers
/** * Object that is used to dynamically find Bean (and custom type) value writers */
protected final ValueWriterLocator _writerLocator; protected final JsonGenerator _generator; protected final TimeZone _timezone; protected final int _features; protected final boolean _writeNullValues; /* /********************************************************************** /* Blueprint construction /********************************************************************** */
Constructor used for creating differently configured blueprint instances
/** * Constructor used for creating differently configured blueprint * instances */
public JSONWriter() { _features = 0; _writeNullValues = false; _writerLocator = null; _treeCodec = null; _generator = null; _timezone = DEFAULT_TIMEZONE; }
Constructor for non-blueprint instances.
  • base – Blueprint instance to base settings of the new instance on
  • features – Active features for the write operation
  • loc – Helper object to use for dynamically located value writers
  • tc – TreeCodec to use for writing tree values, if any
  • g – Underlying streaming encoder to use
/** * Constructor for non-blueprint instances. * * @param base Blueprint instance to base settings of the new instance on * @param features Active features for the write operation * @param loc Helper object to use for dynamically located value writers * @param tc TreeCodec to use for writing tree values, if any * @param g Underlying streaming encoder to use */
protected JSONWriter(JSONWriter base, int features, ValueWriterLocator loc, TreeCodec tc, JsonGenerator g) { _features = features; _writeNullValues = JSON.Feature.WRITE_NULL_PROPERTIES.isEnabled(features); _treeCodec = tc; _writerLocator = loc.perOperationInstance(this, features); _generator = g; _timezone = DEFAULT_TIMEZONE; } /* /********************************************************************** /* Mutant factories for blueprint /********************************************************************** */ public JSONWriter withCacheCheck(int features) { // int diff = (features ^ _features); return this; } /* /********************************************************************** /* New instance creation /********************************************************************** */ public JSONWriter perOperationInstance(int features, ValueWriterLocator loc, TreeCodec tc, JsonGenerator g) { if (getClass() != JSONWriter.class) { // sanity check throw new IllegalStateException("Sub-classes MUST override perOperationInstance(...)"); } return new JSONWriter(this, features, loc, tc, g); } /* /********************************************************************** /* Simple accessors /********************************************************************** */
/** * @since 2.11 */
public boolean isEnabled(JSON.Feature f) { return f.isEnabled(_features); }
/** * @since 2.13 */
public int features() { return _features; } /* /********************************************************************** /* Public write methods /********************************************************************** */
Main entry point for non-blueprint instances: called for the root value to write it out.
/** * Main entry point for non-blueprint instances: called for the root value to * write it out. */
public void writeValue(Object value) throws IOException { if (value == null) { writeNullValue(); return; } _writeValue(value, _writerLocator.findSerializationType(value.getClass())); } public void writeField(String fieldName, Object value, int type) throws IOException { switch (type) { // Structured types: case SER_MAP: writeMapField(fieldName, (Map<?,?>) value); return; case SER_LIST: writeListField(fieldName, (List<?>) value); return; case SER_COLLECTION: writeCollectionField(fieldName, (Collection<?>) value); return; case SER_OBJECT_ARRAY: writeObjectArrayField(fieldName, (Object[]) value); return; case SER_INT_ARRAY: writeIntArrayField(fieldName, (int[]) value); return; case SER_LONG_ARRAY: writeLongArrayField(fieldName, (long[]) value); return; case SER_BOOLEAN_ARRAY: writeBooleanArrayField(fieldName, (boolean[]) value); return; case SER_TREE_NODE: writeTreeNodeField(fieldName, (TreeNode) value); return; // Textual types, similar: case SER_STRING: writeStringField(fieldName, (String) value); return; case SER_CHAR_ARRAY: writeStringField(fieldName, new String((char[]) value)); return; case SER_CHARACTER_SEQUENCE: writeStringField(fieldName, ((CharSequence) value).toString()); return; case SER_BYTE_ARRAY: writeBinaryField(fieldName, (byte[]) value); return; // Number types: case SER_NUMBER_BIG_DECIMAL: writeBigDecimalField(fieldName, (BigDecimal) value); return; case SER_NUMBER_BIG_INTEGER: writeBigIntegerField(fieldName, (BigInteger) value); return; case SER_NUMBER_FLOAT: // fall through case SER_NUMBER_DOUBLE: writeDoubleField(fieldName, ((Number) value).doubleValue()); return; case SER_NUMBER_BYTE: // fall through case SER_NUMBER_SHORT: // fall through case SER_NUMBER_INTEGER: writeIntField(fieldName, ((Number) value).intValue()); return; case SER_NUMBER_LONG: writeLongField(fieldName, ((Number) value).longValue()); return; // Scalar types: case SER_BOOLEAN: writeBooleanField(fieldName, ((Boolean) value).booleanValue()); return; case SER_CHAR: writeStringField(fieldName, String.valueOf(value)); return; case SER_CALENDAR: writeDateField(fieldName, ((Calendar) value).getTime()); return; case SER_DATE: writeDateField(fieldName, (Date) value); return; case SER_ENUM: writeEnumField(fieldName, (Enum<?>) value); return; case SER_CLASS: writeStringLikeField(fieldName, ((Class<?>) value).getName(), type); return; case SER_FILE: writeStringLikeField(fieldName, ((File) value).getAbsolutePath(), type); return; case SER_UUID: case SER_URL: case SER_URI: writeStringLikeField(fieldName, value.toString(), type); return; // Others case SER_ITERABLE: writeIterableField(fieldName, (Iterable<?>) value); return; case SER_UNKNOWN: writeUnknownField(fieldName, value); return; } if (type < 0) { // Bean type! ValueWriter writer = _writerLocator.getValueWriter(type); if (writer != null) { // sanity check _generator.writeFieldName(fieldName); writer.writeValue(this, _generator, value); return; } } _badType(type, value); } protected void _writeValue(Object value, int type) throws IOException { switch (type) { // Structured types: case SER_MAP: writeMapValue((Map<?,?>) value); return; case SER_LIST: writeListValue((List<?>) value); return; case SER_COLLECTION: writeCollectionValue((Collection<?>) value); return; case SER_OBJECT_ARRAY: writeObjectArrayValue((Object[]) value); return; case SER_INT_ARRAY: writeIntArrayValue((int[]) value); return; case SER_LONG_ARRAY: writeLongArrayValue((long[]) value); return; case SER_BOOLEAN_ARRAY: writeBooleanArrayValue((boolean[]) value); return; case SER_TREE_NODE: writeTreeNodeValue((TreeNode) value); return; // Textual types, related: case SER_STRING: writeStringValue((String) value); return; case SER_CHAR_ARRAY: writeStringValue(new String((char[]) value)); return; case SER_CHARACTER_SEQUENCE: writeStringValue(((CharSequence) value).toString()); return; case SER_BYTE_ARRAY: writeBinaryValue((byte[]) value); return; // Number types: case SER_NUMBER_FLOAT: // fall through case SER_NUMBER_DOUBLE: writeDoubleValue(((Number) value).doubleValue()); return; case SER_NUMBER_BYTE: // fall through case SER_NUMBER_SHORT: // fall through case SER_NUMBER_INTEGER: writeIntValue(((Number) value).intValue()); return; case SER_NUMBER_LONG: writeLongValue(((Number) value).longValue()); return; case SER_NUMBER_BIG_DECIMAL: writeBigDecimalValue((BigDecimal) value); return; case SER_NUMBER_BIG_INTEGER: writeBigIntegerValue((BigInteger) value); return; // Other scalar types: case SER_BOOLEAN: writeBooleanValue(((Boolean) value).booleanValue()); return; case SER_CHAR: writeStringValue(String.valueOf(value)); return; case SER_CALENDAR: writeDateValue(((Calendar) value).getTime()); return; case SER_DATE: writeDateValue((Date) value); return; case SER_ENUM: writeEnumValue((Enum<?>) value); return; case SER_CLASS: writeStringLikeValue(((Class<?>) value).getName(), type); return; case SER_FILE: writeStringLikeValue(((File) value).getAbsolutePath(), type); return; // these type should be fine using toString() case SER_UUID: case SER_URL: case SER_URI: writeStringLikeValue(value.toString(), type); return; case SER_ITERABLE: writeIterableValue((Iterable<?>) value); return; case SER_UNKNOWN: writeUnknownValue(value); return; } if (type < 0) { // explicit ValueWriter ValueWriter writer = _writerLocator.getValueWriter(type); if (writer != null) { // sanity check writer.writeValue(this, _generator, value); return; } } _badType(type, value); } /* /********************************************************************** /* Overridable concrete typed write methods, structured types /********************************************************************** */ protected void writeCollectionValue(Collection<?> v) throws IOException { _generator.writeStartArray(); for (Object ob : v) { writeValue(ob); } _generator.writeEndArray(); } protected void writeCollectionField(String fieldName, Collection<?> v) throws IOException { _generator.writeFieldName(fieldName); writeCollectionValue(v); } protected void writeIterableValue(Iterable<?> v) throws IOException { _generator.writeStartArray(); for (Object ob : v) { writeValue(ob); } _generator.writeEndArray(); } protected void writeIterableField(String fieldName, Iterable<?> v) throws IOException { _generator.writeFieldName(fieldName); writeIterableValue(v); } protected void writeListValue(List<?> list) throws IOException { _generator.writeStartArray(); for (int i = 0, len = list.size(); i < len; ++i) { Object value = list.get(i); if (value == null) { _generator.writeNull(); continue; } _writeValue(value, _writerLocator.findSerializationType(value.getClass())); } _generator.writeEndArray(); } protected void writeListField(String fieldName, List<?> v) throws IOException { _generator.writeFieldName(fieldName); writeListValue(v); } protected void writeMapValue(Map<?,?> v) throws IOException { _generator.writeStartObject(); if (!v.isEmpty()) { for (Map.Entry<?,?> entry : v.entrySet()) { String key = keyToString(entry.getKey()); Object value = entry.getValue(); if (value == null) { if (_writeNullValues) { writeNullField(key); } continue; } Class<?> cls = value.getClass(); int type = _writerLocator.findSerializationType(cls); writeField(key, value, type); } } _generator.writeEndObject(); } protected void writeMapField(String fieldName, Map<?,?> v) throws IOException { _generator.writeFieldName(fieldName); writeMapValue(v); } protected void writeObjectArrayValue(Object[] v) throws IOException { _generator.writeStartArray(); for (int i = 0, len = v.length; i < len; ++i) { writeValue(v[i]); } _generator.writeEndArray(); } protected void writeObjectArrayField(String fieldName, Object[] v) throws IOException { _generator.writeFieldName(fieldName); writeObjectArrayValue(v); } protected void writeIntArrayValue(int[] v) throws IOException { _generator.writeStartArray(); for (int i = 0, len = v.length; i < len; ++i) { _generator.writeNumber(v[i]); } _generator.writeEndArray(); } protected void writeIntArrayField(String fieldName, int[] v) throws IOException { _generator.writeFieldName(fieldName); writeIntArrayValue(v); } protected void writeLongArrayValue(long[] v) throws IOException { _generator.writeStartArray(); for (int i = 0, len = v.length; i < len; ++i) { _generator.writeNumber(v[i]); } _generator.writeEndArray(); } protected void writeLongArrayField(String fieldName, long[] v) throws IOException { _generator.writeFieldName(fieldName); writeLongArrayValue(v); } protected void writeBooleanArrayValue(boolean[] v) throws IOException { _generator.writeStartArray(); for (int i = 0, len = v.length; i < len; ++i) { _generator.writeBoolean(v[i]); } _generator.writeEndArray(); } protected void writeBooleanArrayField(String fieldName, boolean[] v) throws IOException { _generator.writeFieldName(fieldName); writeBooleanArrayValue(v); } protected void writeTreeNodeValue(TreeNode v) throws IOException { if (_treeCodec == null) { throw new JSONObjectException("No `TreeCodec` configured: can not serialize `TreeNode` values"); } _treeCodec.writeTree(_generator, v); } protected void writeTreeNodeField(String fieldName, TreeNode v) throws IOException { _generator.writeFieldName(fieldName); writeTreeNodeValue(v); } /* /********************************************************************** /* Overridable concrete typed write methods, primitives /********************************************************************** */ protected void writeBooleanValue(boolean v) throws IOException { _generator.writeBoolean(v); } protected void writeBooleanField(String fieldName, boolean v) throws IOException { _generator.writeBooleanField(fieldName, v); } protected void writeIntValue(int v) throws IOException { _generator.writeNumber(v); } protected void writeIntField(String fieldName, int v) throws IOException { _generator.writeNumberField(fieldName, v); } protected void writeLongValue(long v) throws IOException { _generator.writeNumber(v); } protected void writeBigIntegerValue(BigInteger v) throws IOException { _generator.writeNumber(v); } protected void writeBigIntegerField(String fieldName, BigInteger v) throws IOException { _generator.writeFieldName(fieldName); writeBigIntegerValue(v); } protected void writeLongField(String fieldName, long v) throws IOException { _generator.writeNumberField(fieldName, v); } protected void writeDoubleValue(double v) throws IOException { _generator.writeNumber(v); } protected void writeDoubleField(String fieldName, double v) throws IOException { _generator.writeNumberField(fieldName, v); } protected void writeBigDecimalValue(BigDecimal v) throws IOException { _generator.writeNumber(v); } protected void writeBigDecimalField(String fieldName, BigDecimal v) throws IOException { _generator.writeNumberField(fieldName, v); } /* /********************************************************************** /* Overridable concrete typed write methods, textual /********************************************************************** */ protected void writeStringValue(String v) throws IOException { _generator.writeString(v); } protected void writeStringField(String fieldName, String v) throws IOException { _generator.writeStringField(fieldName, v); } protected void writeStringLikeValue(String v, int actualType) throws IOException { _generator.writeString(v); } protected void writeStringLikeField(String fieldName, String v, int actualType) throws IOException { _generator.writeStringField(fieldName, v); } protected void writeBinaryValue(byte[] data) throws IOException { _generator.writeBinary(data); } protected void writeBinaryField(String fieldName, byte[] data) throws IOException { _generator.writeBinaryField(fieldName, data); } /* /********************************************************************** /* Overridable concrete typed write methods, other /********************************************************************** */ protected void writeNullValue() throws IOException { _generator.writeNull(); } protected void writeNullField(String fieldName) throws IOException { if (_writeNullValues) { _generator.writeNullField(fieldName); } } protected void writeNullField(SerializedString fieldName) throws IOException { if (_writeNullValues) { _generator.writeFieldName(fieldName); _generator.writeNull(); } } protected void writeDateValue(Date v) throws IOException { if (JSON.Feature.WRITE_DATES_AS_TIMESTAMP.isEnabled(_features)) { writeLongValue(v.getTime()); } else { writeStringValue(dateToString(v)); } } protected void writeDateField(String fieldName, Date v) throws IOException { if (JSON.Feature.WRITE_DATES_AS_TIMESTAMP.isEnabled(_features)) { writeLongField(fieldName, v.getTime()); } else { writeStringField(fieldName, dateToString(v)); } } protected void writeEnumValue(Enum<?> v) throws IOException { if (JSON.Feature.WRITE_ENUMS_USING_INDEX.isEnabled(_features)) { writeIntValue(v.ordinal()); } else { writeStringValue(v.toString()); } } protected void writeEnumField(String fieldName, Enum<?> v) throws IOException { if (JSON.Feature.WRITE_ENUMS_USING_INDEX.isEnabled(_features)) { writeIntField(fieldName, v.ordinal()); } else { writeStringField(fieldName, v.toString()); } } public void writeBeanValue(BeanPropertyWriter[] props, Object bean) throws IOException { _generator.writeStartObject(); for (int i = 0, end = props.length; i < end; ++i) { BeanPropertyWriter property = props[i]; SerializedString name =; Object value = property.getValueFor(bean); if (value == null) { if (_writeNullValues) { writeNullField(name); } continue; } int typeId = property.typeId; if (typeId == 0) { typeId = _writerLocator.findSerializationType(value.getClass()); } _generator.writeFieldName(name); _writeValue(value, typeId); } _generator.writeEndObject(); } protected void writeUnknownValue(Object data) throws IOException { _checkUnknown(data); writeStringValue(data.toString()); } protected void writeUnknownField(String fieldName, Object data) throws IOException { _checkUnknown(data); writeStringField(fieldName, data.toString()); } protected void _checkUnknown(Object value) throws IOException { if (JSON.Feature.FAIL_ON_UNKNOWN_TYPE_WRITE.isEnabled(_features)) { throw new JSONObjectException("Unrecognized type ("+value.getClass().getName() +"), don't know how to write (disable "+JSON.Feature.FAIL_ON_UNKNOWN_TYPE_WRITE +" to avoid exception)"); } } /* /********************************************************************** /* Overridable concrete typed write methods; key conversions: /********************************************************************** */ protected String keyToString(Object rawKey) { if (rawKey instanceof String) { return (String) rawKey; } return String.valueOf(rawKey); }
/** * @since 2.7 */
protected String dateToString(Date v) { if (v == null) { return ""; } // !!! 01-Dec-2015, tatu: Should really use proper DateFormat or something // since this relies on system-wide defaults, and hard/impossible to // change easily return v.toString(); } /* /********************************************************************** /* Other internal methods /********************************************************************** */ private void _badType(int type, Object value) { if (type < 0) { throw new IllegalStateException(String.format( "Internal error: missing BeanDefinition for id %d (class %s)", type, value.getClass().getName())); } throw new IllegalStateException(String.format( "Unsupported type: %s (%s)", type, value.getClass().getName())); } }