package com.fasterxml.jackson.datatype.joda.cfg;

import java.util.Locale;
import java.util.TimeZone;

import org.joda.time.DateTimeZone;
import org.joda.time.format.DateTimeFormat;
import org.joda.time.format.DateTimeFormatter;

import com.fasterxml.jackson.annotation.JsonFormat;
import com.fasterxml.jackson.databind.DeserializationContext;
import com.fasterxml.jackson.databind.DeserializationFeature;
import com.fasterxml.jackson.databind.SerializationFeature;
import com.fasterxml.jackson.databind.SerializerProvider;

Simple container used to encapsulate (some of) gory details of customizations related to date/time formatting.
/** * Simple container used to encapsulate (some of) gory details of * customizations related to date/time formatting. */
public class JacksonJodaDateFormat extends JacksonJodaFormatBase { private final static String JODA_STYLE_CHARS = "SMLF-"; protected final DateTimeFormatter _formatter; protected final DateTimeFormatter _formatterWithOffsetParsed; protected final TimeZone _jdkTimezone; protected transient DateTimeZone _jodaTimezone; protected final boolean _explicitTimezone;
/** * Flag for <code>JsonFormat.Feature.ADJUST_DATES_TO_CONTEXT_TIME_ZONE</code> * * @since 2.8 */
protected final Boolean _adjustToContextTZOverride;
Flag for JsonFormat.Feature.WRITE_DATES_WITH_ZONE_ID
/** * Flag for <code>JsonFormat.Feature.WRITE_DATES_WITH_ZONE_ID</code> * * @since 2.8 */
protected final Boolean _writeZoneId; public JacksonJodaDateFormat(DateTimeFormatter defaultFormatter) { super(); _formatter = defaultFormatter; _formatterWithOffsetParsed = _formatter.withOffsetParsed(); DateTimeZone tz = defaultFormatter.getZone(); _jdkTimezone = (tz == null) ? null : tz.toTimeZone(); _explicitTimezone = false; _adjustToContextTZOverride = null; _writeZoneId = null; } public JacksonJodaDateFormat(JacksonJodaDateFormat base, Boolean useTimestamp) { super(base, useTimestamp); _formatter = base._formatter; _formatterWithOffsetParsed = _formatter.withOffsetParsed(); _jdkTimezone = base._jdkTimezone; _explicitTimezone = base._explicitTimezone; _adjustToContextTZOverride = base._adjustToContextTZOverride; _writeZoneId = base._writeZoneId; } public JacksonJodaDateFormat(JacksonJodaDateFormat base, DateTimeFormatter formatter) { super(base); _formatter = formatter; _formatterWithOffsetParsed = _formatter.withOffsetParsed(); _jdkTimezone = base._jdkTimezone; _explicitTimezone = base._explicitTimezone; _adjustToContextTZOverride = base._adjustToContextTZOverride; _writeZoneId = base._writeZoneId; } public JacksonJodaDateFormat(JacksonJodaDateFormat base, TimeZone jdkTimezone) { super(base, jdkTimezone); _formatter = base._formatter.withZone(DateTimeZone.forTimeZone(jdkTimezone)); _formatterWithOffsetParsed = _formatter.withOffsetParsed(); _jdkTimezone = jdkTimezone; _explicitTimezone = true; _adjustToContextTZOverride = base._adjustToContextTZOverride; _writeZoneId = base._writeZoneId; } public JacksonJodaDateFormat(JacksonJodaDateFormat base, Locale locale) { super(base, locale); _formatter = base._formatter.withLocale(locale); _formatterWithOffsetParsed = _formatter.withOffsetParsed(); _jdkTimezone = base._jdkTimezone; _explicitTimezone = base._explicitTimezone; _adjustToContextTZOverride = base._adjustToContextTZOverride; _writeZoneId = base._writeZoneId; }
/** * @since 2.8 */
protected JacksonJodaDateFormat(JacksonJodaDateFormat base, Boolean adjustToContextTZOverride, Boolean writeZoneId) { super(base); _formatter = base._formatter; _formatterWithOffsetParsed = _formatter.withOffsetParsed(); _jdkTimezone = base._jdkTimezone; _explicitTimezone = base._explicitTimezone; _adjustToContextTZOverride = adjustToContextTZOverride; _writeZoneId = writeZoneId; } /* /********************************************************** /* Factory methods /********************************************************** */ public JacksonJodaDateFormat with(JsonFormat.Value ann) { JacksonJodaDateFormat format = this; format = format.withLocale(ann.getLocale()); format = format.withTimeZone(ann.getTimeZone()); format = format.withFormat(ann.getPattern()); Boolean adjustTZ = ann.getFeature(JsonFormat.Feature.ADJUST_DATES_TO_CONTEXT_TIME_ZONE); Boolean writeZoneId = ann.getFeature(JsonFormat.Feature.WRITE_DATES_WITH_ZONE_ID); if ((adjustTZ != _adjustToContextTZOverride) || (writeZoneId != _writeZoneId)) { format = new JacksonJodaDateFormat(format, adjustTZ, writeZoneId); } return format; } public JacksonJodaDateFormat withUseTimestamp(Boolean useTimestamp) { if ((_useTimestamp != null) && _useTimestamp.equals(useTimestamp)) { return this; } return new JacksonJodaDateFormat(this, useTimestamp); } public JacksonJodaDateFormat withFormat(String format) { if (format == null || format.isEmpty()) { return this; } DateTimeFormatter formatter; if (_isStyle(format)) { formatter = DateTimeFormat.forStyle(format); } else { formatter = DateTimeFormat.forPattern(format); } if (_locale != null) { formatter = formatter.withLocale(_locale); } return new JacksonJodaDateFormat(this, formatter); } public JacksonJodaDateFormat withTimeZone(TimeZone tz) { if ((tz == null) || (_jdkTimezone != null && _jdkTimezone.equals(tz))) { return this; } return new JacksonJodaDateFormat(this, tz); } public JacksonJodaDateFormat withLocale(Locale locale) { if ((locale == null) || (_locale != null && _locale.equals(locale))) { return this; } return new JacksonJodaDateFormat(this, locale); }
/** * @since 2.8 */
public JacksonJodaDateFormat withAdjustToContextTZOverride(Boolean adjustToContextTZOverride) { // minor efficiency check to avoid recreation if no change: if (adjustToContextTZOverride == _adjustToContextTZOverride) { return this; } return new JacksonJodaDateFormat(this, adjustToContextTZOverride, _writeZoneId); }
/** * @since 2.8 */
public JacksonJodaDateFormat withWriteZoneId(Boolean writeZoneId) { // minor efficiency check to avoid recreation if no change: if (writeZoneId == _writeZoneId) { return this; } return new JacksonJodaDateFormat(this, _adjustToContextTZOverride, writeZoneId); } /* /********************************************************** /* Accessors /********************************************************** */
/** * @since 2.6 */
public DateTimeZone getTimeZone() { if (_jodaTimezone != null) { return _jodaTimezone; } if (_jdkTimezone == null) { return null; } DateTimeZone tz = DateTimeZone.forTimeZone(_jdkTimezone); _jodaTimezone = tz; return tz; } public Locale getLocale() { return _locale; } /* /********************************************************** /* Factory methods for other types /********************************************************** */ public DateTimeFormatter rawFormatter() { return _formatter; } public DateTimeFormatter createFormatter(SerializerProvider ctxt) { DateTimeFormatter formatter = createFormatterWithLocale(ctxt); if (!_explicitTimezone) { TimeZone tz = ctxt.getTimeZone(); if ((tz != null) && !tz.equals(_jdkTimezone)) { formatter = formatter.withZone(DateTimeZone.forTimeZone(tz)); } } return formatter; } public DateTimeFormatter createFormatterWithLocale(SerializerProvider ctxt) { DateTimeFormatter formatter = _formatter; if (!_explicitLocale) { Locale loc = ctxt.getLocale(); if (loc != null && !loc.equals(_locale)) { formatter = formatter.withLocale(loc); } } return formatter; }
Accessor used during deserialization.
/** * Accessor used during deserialization. */
public DateTimeFormatter createParser(DeserializationContext ctxt) { DateTimeFormatter formatter = _formatter; if (!_explicitTimezone) { if (shouldAdjustToContextTimeZone(ctxt)) { TimeZone tz = ctxt.getTimeZone(); if (tz != null && !tz.equals(_jdkTimezone)) { formatter = formatter.withZone(DateTimeZone.forTimeZone(tz)); } } else { formatter = _formatterWithOffsetParsed; } } if (!_explicitLocale) { Locale loc = ctxt.getLocale(); if (loc != null && !loc.equals(_locale)) { formatter = formatter.withLocale(loc); } } return formatter; }
/** * @since 2.8 */
public boolean shouldAdjustToContextTimeZone(DeserializationContext ctxt) { return (_adjustToContextTZOverride != null) ? _adjustToContextTZOverride : ctxt.isEnabled(DeserializationFeature.ADJUST_DATES_TO_CONTEXT_TIME_ZONE); }
/** * @since 2.8 */
public boolean shouldWriteWithZoneId(SerializerProvider ctxt) { return (_writeZoneId != null) ? _writeZoneId : ctxt.isEnabled(SerializationFeature.WRITE_DATES_WITH_ZONE_ID); }
Differentiate if TimeZone is specified by caller
Returns:true if TimeZone is specified by caller; false otherwise.
/** * Differentiate if TimeZone is specified by caller * @return true if TimeZone is specified by caller; false otherwise. */
public boolean isTimezoneExplicit() { return _explicitTimezone; } /* /********************************************************** /* Helper methods /********************************************************** */ protected static boolean _isStyle(String formatStr) { if (formatStr.length() != 2) { return false; } return (JODA_STYLE_CHARS.indexOf(formatStr.charAt(0)) >= 0) && (JODA_STYLE_CHARS.indexOf(formatStr.charAt(0)) >= 0); } @Override public String toString() { return String.format("[JacksonJodaFormat, explicitTZ? %s, JDK tz = %s, formatter = %s]", _explicitTimezone, _jdkTimezone.getID(), _formatter); } }