package com.fasterxml.jackson.dataformat.protobuf.schema;

import java.util.EnumMap;
import java.util.Map;

import com.squareup.protoparser.DataType;
import com.squareup.protoparser.EnumConstantElement;
import com.squareup.protoparser.EnumElement;
import com.squareup.protoparser.FieldElement;
import com.squareup.protoparser.MessageElement;
import com.squareup.protoparser.OptionElement;
import com.squareup.protoparser.ProtoFile;

/** * @since 2.9 */
public class FileDescriptorSet { protected FileDescriptorProto[] file; // for deserializer protected FileDescriptorSet() { } public FileDescriptorSet(FileDescriptorProto[] f) { file = f; } // needed to "expose" non-public setter without annotations public FileDescriptorProto[] getFile() { return file; }
Accessor for finding low-level definition with given name, if one contained.
Returns:Descriptor matching the name, if any; `null` if none
/** * Accessor for finding low-level definition with given name, * if one contained. * * @return Descriptor matching the name, if any; `null` if none */
public FileDescriptorProto findDescriptor(String fileName) { for (FileDescriptorProto fdp : file) { if ( { return fdp; } } return null; }
Accessor for getting low-level definition with given name, contained in this descriptor set.
Returns:Descriptor matching the name, if any; `null` if none
/** * Accessor for getting low-level definition with given name, contained * in this descriptor set. * * @return Descriptor matching the name, if any; `null` if none * * @throws IllegalArgumentException if no descriptor with given name found */
public FileDescriptorProto getDescriptor(String fileName) { FileDescriptorProto p = findDescriptor(fileName); if (p == null) { throw new IllegalArgumentException(fileName + " not found"); } return p; } public ProtobufSchema schemaForFirstType() { ProtoFile protoFile = buildProtoFile(file[0].name); return NativeProtobufSchema.construct(protoFile).forFirstType(); } public ProtobufSchema schemaFor(String rootTypeName) { for (FileDescriptorProto fdp : file) { for (DescriptorProto dp : fdp.message_type) { if ( { ProtoFile protoFile = buildProtoFile(; NativeProtobufSchema nps = NativeProtobufSchema.construct(protoFile); return nps.forType(rootTypeName); } } } throw new IllegalArgumentException(rootTypeName + " not found"); } private ProtoFile buildProtoFile(String fileName) { FileDescriptorProto fdp = getDescriptor(fileName); ProtoFile.Builder builder = ProtoFile.builder(; builder.syntax(fdp.getSyntax()); builder.packageName(fdp.getPackage()); // dependency file names. if (fdp.dependency != null) { for (String dependency : fdp.dependency) { FileDescriptorProto dep = getDescriptor(dependency); for (DescriptorProto dp : dep.message_type) { MessageElement me = dp.buildMessageElement(); builder.addType(me); } } } // FIXME: public dependency file names. // if (fdp.public_dependency) { // for (DescriptorProto dp : fdp.public_dependency) { // String dep = fdp.getDependency(); // builder.addPublicDependency(dep); // } // } // types for (DescriptorProto dp : fdp.message_type) { MessageElement me = dp.buildMessageElement(); builder.addType(me); } // FIXME: implement following features // services // extendDeclarations // options return; } // POJOs for the .desc file Protobuf public static class FileDescriptorProto { public String name; // Need to use different name as `package` is reserved name in Java protected String _package; // 'packageName' public String[] dependency; public int[] public_dependency; public int[] weak_dependency; public DescriptorProto[] message_type; public EnumDescriptorProto[] enum_type; public ServiceDescriptorProto[] service; public FieldDescriptorProto[] extension; public FileOptions options; public SourceCodeInfo source_code_info; public String syntax; public ProtoFile.Syntax getSyntax() { if (syntax == null) { return ProtoFile.Syntax.PROTO_2; } return ProtoFile.Syntax.valueOf(syntax); } public void setPackage(String p) { _package = p; } public String getPackage() { return _package; } } public static class DescriptorProto { public String name; public FieldDescriptorProto[] field; public FieldDescriptorProto[] extension; public DescriptorProto[] nested_type; public EnumDescriptorProto[] enum_type; static class ExtensionRange { public int start; public int end; } public ExtensionRange[] extension_range; public OneofDescriptorProto[] oneof_decl; public MessageOptions options; static class ReservedRange { public int start; // Inclusive. public int end; // Exclusive. } public ReservedRange[] reserved_range; public String[] reserved_name; public MessageElement buildMessageElement() { MessageElement.Builder messageElementBuilder = MessageElement.builder();; // fields if (field != null) { for (FieldDescriptorProto f : field) { DataType dataType; String fieldName =; FieldDescriptorProto.Type type = f.type; FieldElement.Label label = f.getLabel(); // message and enum fields are named fields if (type.equals(FieldDescriptorProto.Type.TYPE_MESSAGE) || type.equals(FieldDescriptorProto.Type.TYPE_ENUM)) { String fullyQualifiedtypeName = f.type_name; // fully qualified name including package name. String typeName = fullyQualifiedtypeName.substring(fullyQualifiedtypeName.indexOf(".", 2) + 1); dataType = DataType.NamedType.create(typeName); } else { dataType = f.getDataType(); } // build field FieldElement.Builder fieldBuilder = FieldElement .builder() .name(fieldName) .type(dataType) .label(label) .tag(f.number); // add field options to the field if (f.json_name != null) { OptionElement.Kind kind = OptionElement.Kind.STRING; OptionElement option = OptionElement.create("json_name", kind, f.json_name); fieldBuilder.addOption(option); } if (f.options != null) { if (f.options.packed) { OptionElement.Kind kind = OptionElement.Kind.STRING; OptionElement option = OptionElement.create("packed", kind, "true"); fieldBuilder.addOption(option); } } // add the field to the message messageElementBuilder.addField(; } } // message type declarations if (nested_type != null) { for (DescriptorProto n : nested_type) { messageElementBuilder.addType(n.buildMessageElement()); } } // enum declarations if (enum_type != null) { for (EnumDescriptorProto e : enum_type) { EnumElement.Builder nestedEnumElement = EnumElement .builder() .name(; for (EnumValueDescriptorProto v : e.value) { EnumConstantElement.Builder c = EnumConstantElement.builder() .name( .tag(v.number); nestedEnumElement.addConstant(; } messageElementBuilder.addType(; } } return; } } public static class FieldDescriptorProto { public enum Type { TYPE_DOUBLE, TYPE_FLOAT, TYPE_INT64, TYPE_UINT64, TYPE_INT32, TYPE_FIXED64, TYPE_FIXED32, TYPE_BOOL, TYPE_STRING, TYPE_GROUP, TYPE_MESSAGE, TYPE_BYTES, TYPE_UINT32, TYPE_ENUM, TYPE_SFIXED32, TYPE_SFIXED64, TYPE_SINT32, TYPE_SINT64 } public enum Label { LABEL_OPTIONAL, LABEL_REQUIRED, LABEL_REPEATED } public String name; public int number; public Label label; public Type type; public String type_name; public String extendee; public String default_value; public int oneof_index; public String json_name; public FieldOptions options; static private Map<Type, DataType> scalarTypeMap = new EnumMap<>(Type.class); static private Map<Label, FieldElement.Label> labelMap = new EnumMap<>(Label.class); static { scalarTypeMap.put(Type.TYPE_DOUBLE, DataType.ScalarType.DOUBLE); scalarTypeMap.put(Type.TYPE_FLOAT, DataType.ScalarType.FLOAT); scalarTypeMap.put(Type.TYPE_INT64, DataType.ScalarType.INT64); scalarTypeMap.put(Type.TYPE_UINT64, DataType.ScalarType.UINT64); scalarTypeMap.put(Type.TYPE_INT32, DataType.ScalarType.INT32); scalarTypeMap.put(Type.TYPE_FIXED64, DataType.ScalarType.FIXED64); scalarTypeMap.put(Type.TYPE_FIXED32, DataType.ScalarType.FIXED32); scalarTypeMap.put(Type.TYPE_BOOL, DataType.ScalarType.BOOL); scalarTypeMap.put(Type.TYPE_STRING, DataType.ScalarType.STRING); scalarTypeMap.put(Type.TYPE_BYTES, DataType.ScalarType.BYTES); scalarTypeMap.put(Type.TYPE_UINT32, DataType.ScalarType.UINT32); scalarTypeMap.put(Type.TYPE_SFIXED32, DataType.ScalarType.SFIXED32); scalarTypeMap.put(Type.TYPE_SFIXED64, DataType.ScalarType.SFIXED64); scalarTypeMap.put(Type.TYPE_SINT32, DataType.ScalarType.SINT32); scalarTypeMap.put(Type.TYPE_SINT64, DataType.ScalarType.SINT64); labelMap.put(Label.LABEL_OPTIONAL, FieldElement.Label.OPTIONAL); labelMap.put(Label.LABEL_REQUIRED, FieldElement.Label.REQUIRED); labelMap.put(Label.LABEL_REPEATED, FieldElement.Label.REPEATED); } public DataType getDataType() { return scalarTypeMap.get(type); } public FieldElement.Label getLabel() { return labelMap.get(label); } } public static class OneofDescriptorProto { public String name; public OneofOptions options; } public static class EnumDescriptorProto { public String name; public EnumValueDescriptorProto[] value; public EnumOptions options; } public static class EnumValueDescriptorProto { public String name; public int number; public EnumValueOptions options; } public static class ServiceDescriptorProto { public String name; public MethodDescriptorProto[] method; public ServiceOptions options; } public static class MethodDescriptorProto { public String name; public String input_type; public String output_type; public MethodOptions options; public boolean client_streaming; // [default=false]; public boolean server_streaming; // [default=false]; } public static class FileOptions { public String java_package; public String java_outer_classname; public boolean java_multiple_files; // [default=false]; public boolean java_generate_equals_and_hash; // [deprecated=true]; public boolean java_String_check_utf8; // [default=false]; enum OptimizeMode { SPEED, CODE_SIZE, LITE_RUNTIME } public OptimizeMode optimize_for; // [default=SPEED]; public String go_package; public boolean cc_generic_services; // [default=false]; public boolean java_generic_services; // [default=false]; public boolean py_generic_services; // [default=false]; public boolean deprecated; // [default=false]; public boolean cc_enable_arenas; // [default=false]; public String objc_class_prefix; public String csharp_namespace; public String swift_prefix; public String php_class_prefix; public UninterpretedOption[] uninterpreted_option; // extensions 1000 to max; } public static class MessageOptions { public boolean message_set_wire_format; // [default=false]; public boolean no_standard_descriptor_accessor; // [default=false]; public boolean deprecated; // [default=false]; public boolean map_entry; public UninterpretedOption[] uninterpreted_option; // extensions 1000 to max; } public static class FieldOptions { public CType ctype; // [default = STRING]; enum CType { STRING, CORD, STRING_PIECE } public boolean packed; public JSType jstype; // [default = JS_NORMAL]; enum JSType { JS_NORMAL, JS_STRING, JS_NUMBER } public boolean lazy; // [default=false]; public boolean deprecated; // [default=false]; public boolean weak; // [default=false]; public UninterpretedOption[] uninterpreted_option; // extensions 1000 to max; } public static class OneofOptions { public UninterpretedOption[] uninterpreted_option; // extensions 1000 to max; } public static class EnumOptions { public boolean allow_alias; public boolean deprecated; // [default=false]; public UninterpretedOption[] uninterpreted_option; // extensions 1000 to max; } public static class EnumValueOptions { public boolean deprecated; // [default=false]; public UninterpretedOption[] uninterpreted_option; // extensions 1000 to max; } public static class ServiceOptions { public boolean deprecated; // [default=false]; public UninterpretedOption[] uninterpreted_option; // extensions 1000 to max; } public static class MethodOptions { public boolean deprecated; // [default=false]; enum IdempotencyLevel { IDEMPOTENCY_UNKNOWN, NO_SIDE_EFFECTS, IDEMPOTENT } public IdempotencyLevel idempotency_level; // [default=IDEMPOTENCY_UNKNOWN]; public UninterpretedOption[] uninterpreted_option; // extensions 1000 to max; } public static class UninterpretedOption { static class NamePart { public String name_part; public boolean is_extension; } public NamePart[] name; public String identifier_value; public long positive_int_value; public long negative_int_value; public double double_value; public byte[] string_value; public String aggregate_value; } public static class SourceCodeInfo { public Location[] location; public static class Location { public int[] path; // [packed=true]; public int[] span; // [packed=true]; public String leading_comments; public String trailing_comments; public String[] leading_detached_comments; } } /* private static class GeneratedCodeInfo { public CodeAnnotation[] annotation; public static class CodeAnnotation { public long[] path; // [packed=true]; public String source_file; public int begin; public int end; } } */ }