package com.fasterxml.jackson.databind.type;

import java.lang.reflect.TypeVariable;
import java.util.Collection;

import com.fasterxml.jackson.databind.JavaType;

Type that represents things that act similar to Collection; but may or may not be instances of that interface. This specifically allows framework to check for configuration and annotation settings used for Map types, and pass these to custom handlers that may be more familiar with actual type.
/** * Type that represents things that act similar to {@link java.util.Collection}; * but may or may not be instances of that interface. * This specifically allows framework to check for configuration and annotation * settings used for Map types, and pass these to custom handlers that may be more * familiar with actual type. */
public class CollectionLikeType extends TypeBase { private static final long serialVersionUID = 1L;
Type of elements in collection
/** * Type of elements in collection */
protected final JavaType _elementType; /* /********************************************************** /* Life-cycle /********************************************************** */ protected CollectionLikeType(Class<?> collT, TypeBindings bindings, JavaType superClass, JavaType[] superInts, JavaType elemT, Object valueHandler, Object typeHandler, boolean asStatic) { super(collT, bindings, superClass, superInts, elemT.hashCode(), valueHandler, typeHandler, asStatic); _elementType = elemT; }
/** * @since 2.7 */
protected CollectionLikeType(TypeBase base, JavaType elemT) { super(base); _elementType = elemT; }
/** * @since 2.7 */
public static CollectionLikeType construct(Class<?> rawType, TypeBindings bindings, JavaType superClass, JavaType[] superInts, JavaType elemT) { return new CollectionLikeType(rawType, bindings, superClass, superInts, elemT, null, null, false); }
Deprecated:Since 2.7, use upgradeFrom for constructing instances, given pre-resolved SimpleType.
/** * @deprecated Since 2.7, use {@link #upgradeFrom} for constructing instances, given * pre-resolved {@link SimpleType}. */
@Deprecated // since 2.7 public static CollectionLikeType construct(Class<?> rawType, JavaType elemT) { // First: may need to fabricate TypeBindings (needed for refining into // concrete collection types, as per [databind#1102]) TypeVariable<?>[] vars = rawType.getTypeParameters(); TypeBindings bindings; if ((vars == null) || (vars.length != 1)) { bindings = TypeBindings.emptyBindings(); } else { bindings = TypeBindings.create(rawType, elemT); } return new CollectionLikeType(rawType, bindings, _bogusSuperClass(rawType), null, elemT, null, null, false); }
Factory method that can be used to "upgrade" a basic type into collection-like one; usually done via TypeModifier
/** * Factory method that can be used to "upgrade" a basic type into collection-like * one; usually done via {@link TypeModifier} * * @since 2.7 */
public static CollectionLikeType upgradeFrom(JavaType baseType, JavaType elementType) { // 19-Oct-2015, tatu: Not sure if and how other types could be used as base; // will cross that bridge if and when need be if (baseType instanceof TypeBase) { return new CollectionLikeType((TypeBase) baseType, elementType); } throw new IllegalArgumentException("Cannot upgrade from an instance of "+baseType.getClass()); } @Override @Deprecated // since 2.7 protected JavaType _narrow(Class<?> subclass) { return new CollectionLikeType(subclass, _bindings, _superClass, _superInterfaces, _elementType, _valueHandler, _typeHandler, _asStatic); } @Override public JavaType withContentType(JavaType contentType) { if (_elementType == contentType) { return this; } return new CollectionLikeType(_class, _bindings, _superClass, _superInterfaces, contentType, _valueHandler, _typeHandler, _asStatic); } @Override public CollectionLikeType withTypeHandler(Object h) { return new CollectionLikeType(_class, _bindings, _superClass, _superInterfaces, _elementType, _valueHandler, h, _asStatic); } @Override public CollectionLikeType withContentTypeHandler(Object h) { return new CollectionLikeType(_class, _bindings, _superClass, _superInterfaces, _elementType.withTypeHandler(h), _valueHandler, _typeHandler, _asStatic); } @Override public CollectionLikeType withValueHandler(Object h) { return new CollectionLikeType(_class, _bindings, _superClass, _superInterfaces, _elementType, h, _typeHandler, _asStatic); } @Override public CollectionLikeType withContentValueHandler(Object h) { return new CollectionLikeType(_class, _bindings, _superClass, _superInterfaces, _elementType.withValueHandler(h), _valueHandler, _typeHandler, _asStatic); } @Override public JavaType withHandlersFrom(JavaType src) { JavaType type = super.withHandlersFrom(src); JavaType srcCt = src.getContentType(); if (srcCt != null) { JavaType ct = _elementType.withHandlersFrom(srcCt); if (ct != _elementType) { type = type.withContentType(ct); } } return type; } @Override public CollectionLikeType withStaticTyping() { if (_asStatic) { return this; } return new CollectionLikeType(_class, _bindings, _superClass, _superInterfaces, _elementType.withStaticTyping(), _valueHandler, _typeHandler, true); } @Override public JavaType refine(Class<?> rawType, TypeBindings bindings, JavaType superClass, JavaType[] superInterfaces) { return new CollectionLikeType(rawType, bindings, superClass, superInterfaces, _elementType, _valueHandler, _typeHandler, _asStatic); } /* /********************************************************** /* Public API /********************************************************** */ @Override public boolean isContainerType() { return true; } @Override public boolean isCollectionLikeType() { return true; } @Override public JavaType getContentType() { return _elementType; } @Override public Object getContentValueHandler() { return _elementType.getValueHandler(); } @Override public Object getContentTypeHandler() { return _elementType.getTypeHandler(); } @Override public boolean hasHandlers() { return super.hasHandlers() || _elementType.hasHandlers(); } @Override public StringBuilder getErasedSignature(StringBuilder sb) { return _classSignature(_class, sb, true); } @Override public StringBuilder getGenericSignature(StringBuilder sb) { _classSignature(_class, sb, false); sb.append('<'); _elementType.getGenericSignature(sb); sb.append(">;"); return sb; } @Override protected String buildCanonicalName() { StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder(); sb.append(_class.getName()); if (_elementType != null) { sb.append('<'); sb.append(_elementType.toCanonical()); sb.append('>'); } return sb.toString(); } /* /********************************************************** /* Extended API /********************************************************** */
Method that can be used for checking whether this type is a "real" Collection type; meaning whether it represents a parameterized subtype of Collection or just something that acts like one.
/** * Method that can be used for checking whether this type is a * "real" Collection type; meaning whether it represents a parameterized * subtype of {@link java.util.Collection} or just something that acts * like one. */
public boolean isTrueCollectionType() { return Collection.class.isAssignableFrom(_class); } /* /********************************************************** /* Standard methods /********************************************************** */ @Override public boolean equals(Object o) { if (o == this) return true; if (o == null) return false; if (o.getClass() != getClass()) return false; CollectionLikeType other = (CollectionLikeType) o; return (_class == other._class) && _elementType.equals(other._elementType); } @Override public String toString() { return "[collection-like type; class "+_class.getName()+", contains "+_elementType+"]"; } }